38 research outputs found

    La relaciĂłn entre ventajas competitivas y resultados empresariales en la industria agroalimentaria aragonesa

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    [EN] This paper examines relationships among competitive advantages and managerial results of the food-processing industry (IAA) in Aragon (Spain). Astructural equations model has been proposed based of an extensive literature review including both theoretical and empirical contributions. A sample of 194 food-processing industries and 19 indicators was selected to infer the competitive managerial advantages. Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique has been used to test the structural relationships. Innovation activities, introduction of new products and relationships with suppliers are the most important activities, among others, confirming four of the seven proposed hypotheses.[ES] Este trabajo investiga la relación entre las ventajas competitivas y resultados empresariales en el marco de la industria agroalimentaria (IAA) en Aragón (España). Se propone un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales cuyas relaciones se construyen teniendo en cuenta la literatura existente sobre el tema tanto en su vertiente teórica como empírica. Sobre una muestra de 194 empresas agroalimentarias aragonesas y un total de 19 indicadores, seleccionados para inferir las ventajas competitivas empresariales, se ha utilizado la técnica de Partial Least Squares (PLS) para contrastar las relaciones estructurales. La importancia de las actividades de innovación, introducción de nuevos productos y relaciones con los proveedores sobresalen sobre otros tipos de actividades y confirman cuatro de las siete hipótesis enunciadas.Mamaqi, X.; Gonzålez, MA.; Albisu, LM. (2011). The relationship between competitive advantage and firms results in the Aragon food industry. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 9(2):79-104. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2009.02.04SWORD791049

    Heavenly Day

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    A film dance is a unique cinematic and choreographic experience that combines the visual language of both film and dance. This collaborative approach allows both filmmakers and choreographers to challenge and experiment with movement in a visceral and conceptual way. Combining my major in Dance and minor capstone in Film Production, I have decided to create a film dance that explores the idea of how grief can alter your reality or your perception of what is real. Everybody has experienced some sort of grief and loss and I wanted to focus my research on mental health and the effects that grief can have on a person. This work is a love story, but with a tragic ending. My research method is taking experiences from myself, my family, my friends, and my cast that have all dealt with grief and transform those stories into movement. In addition, I was heavily inspired by couples dancing at weddings and how intimate and personal their connections appeared to me. In my research I have learned that often where there is love, there is also a possibility of loss. My cast and I have discussed that our purpose in this work is to express these emotions of losing a loved one and communicate them through the artform of dance. This will allow those feelings to move through their bodies, and onto the screen. My ultimate goal is to take the audience back to a time when they lost someone they loved

    The Mechanism of Intestinal Injury in Non-Penetrating Impact

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    Massage i skolan - lÀrares och elevers upplevelser av massage i undervisningen

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    Syftet med vÄrt examensarbete Àr att fÄ kunskap om hur beröring/massage anvÀnds i skolan och vad det har för effekter. Beröring Àr livsviktigt för alla mÀnniskor och bidrar Àven till harmoni och ökad inlÀrning. Litteraturen hÀvdar att beröring Àr viktigt för mÀnniskans utveckling. I litteraturgenomgÄngen konstateras hur viktigt det Àr med beröring för barn och vuxna. Detta behov Àr nÄgot som kan tillgodoses med massage som har visat sig ge mÄnga positiva effekter. Den empiriska delen bygger pÄ intervjuer med elever och lÀrare pÄ en skola som arbetar med massage i undervisningen. Genom vÄr undersökning kom vi fram till att massage skapar en stund av lugn och ro. Detta upplevdes av bÄde lÀrare och elever. NÄgot man bör tÀnka pÄ Àr att aldrig tvinga nÄgon till beröring, utan massage ska vara pÄ barnets villkor

    Recent browsing damage by moose on Scots pine, birch and aspen in young commercial forests – effects of forage availability, moose population density and site productivity

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    Moose browsing damage from the winter preceding the study (recent damage) on Scots pine, birch and aspen was examined in relation to forage availability, an index of moose population density and site productivity in young forests in the hemiboreal zone. Recent damage was observed for 4.1 ± 0.54% (mean ± SE; Scots pine), 16.8 ± 1.89% (birch) and 67.6 ± 13.76% (aspen) of the trees. A multiple regression with five independent variables explained 19% (Scots pine) 14% (birch) and 33% (aspen) of the variation in recent damage. Cover of Scots pine browse was the most important variable for predicting damage to Scots pine and accounted for 44% of the explained variation. When birch was overtopping pine there was a significant increase in damage to pine. Moose index was the only significant variable to explain recent damage to birch, and accounted for 64% of the explained variation. For aspen, damage was negatively correlated to coverage of Scots pine and birch browse, each variable accounting for 38% of the explained variation. For Scots pine, increasing the number of pines ha–1 and performing pre-commercial thinning in such a way that pines are not overtopped may be efficient ways of reducing damage proportions, whereas birch needs to be protected from moose (by a reduction of the moose population or otherwise) in order to escape damage. Increased amounts of Scots pine browse and birch browse may also reduce damage levels to aspen, according to this study

    Varför byggs det inte fler hyresrÀtter? : - Ett arbete om investeringsbedömningar vid nybyggnation av hyresrÀtter.

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    Bakgrund: Idag rÄder det stor brist av hyresrÀtter i samhÀllet. Detta medför att unga har svÄrt att flytta hemifrÄn och att personer med begrÀnsat kapital har svÄrt att skaffa en bostad. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet Àr att undersöka vad kommunala och privata fastighetsbolag grundar investeringsbeslut pÄ. Tillsammans med befintlig teori ska en generell kalkyl skapas som fastighetsbolag kan anvÀnda vid nybyggnation av hyresrÀtter. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom att en abduktiv metod har tillÀmpats dÀr studien börjat med insamling av teori. Vidare har fem stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts för att samla in empiriskt material och sedan utvÀrdera om ytterligare komplettering av teori behövs. Slutsats: De undersöka bolagen anvÀnder idag olika bedömningsmetoder vid nybyggnation av hyresrÀtter. Förslaget som presenteras Àr att fastighetsbolag ska anvÀnda nuvÀrdesmetoden, en kompletterande kassaflödesanalys och Pay-off metoden vid mindre investeringar