21 research outputs found

    Формы и системы оплаты труда работникам предприятия (на примере ОАО «Гомельхлебпром» филиал «Мозырский хлебозавод»)

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    Ligands for identifying protein aggregates are of great interest as such deposits are the pathological hallmark of a wide range of severe diseases including Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. Here we report the synthesis of an azide functionalized fluorescent pentameric oligothiophene that can be utilized as a ligand for multimodal detection of disease-associated protein aggregates. The azide functionalization allows for attachment of the ligand to a surface by conventional click chemistry without disturbing selective interaction with protein aggregates and the oligothiophene-aggregate interaction can be detected by fluorescence or surface plasmon resonance. In addition, a methodology where the oligothiophene ligand is employed as a capturing molecule selective for aggregated proteins in combination with an antibody detecting a distinct peptide/protein is also presented. We foresee that this methodology will offer the possibility to create a variety of multiplex sensing systems for sensitive and selective detection of protein aggregates, the pathological hallmarks of several neurodegenerative diseases.Funding Agencies|Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Ehrling Persson Foundation; ERC Starting Independent Researcher grant (Project: MUMID)</p

    Koronaviruksen vaikutukset pankin henkilöstöön

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    Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin koronaviruksen vaikutuksia pankin henkilöstöön. Vaikutuksia tarkasteltiin kolmesta eri näkökulmasta: viestintä, jaksaminen ja muutokset työskentelytapoihin. Työn tarkoituksena oli kertoa mahdollisista vaikutuksista kohdeyritys Pankki X:lle ja tarjota sitä kautta hyödyllistä tietoa pankin esimiehille. Työn teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin viestintää, muun muassa sitä, mitä viestintä on, miksi se on tärkeää poikkeustilanteessa ja mitä onnistuneeseen viestintään vaaditaan. Jaksamiseen liittyvässä osiossa käsiteltiin mitä työhyvinvointi on sekä esimiestyön ja etäjohtamisen onnistumisen tärkeyttä poikkeustilanteessa. Muutokset työskentelytapoihin -osiossa käytiin läpi koronaviruksen aiheuttamia muutoksia organisaatioihin sekä etätyötä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisen ja kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen yhdistelmänä. Kysely sisälsi kahdeksan monivalintakysymystä ja viisi avointa kysymystä. Aineisto kerättiin Webropol-verkkokyselylomakkeen avulla, joka lähetettiin linkkinä Pankki X:n henkilöstön sähköpostiin. Tuloksista selvisi, että isoimmat vaikutukset työntekijöihin olivat viestinnän lisääntyminen, jaksamisen heikentyminen ja etätyön lisääntyminen. Tuloksista ilmeni myös se, että koronavirus vaikutti työntekijöihin eri tavoin, koska tuloksissa oli hajontaa. Tuloksien avulla Pankki X:n esimiehet pystyvät jatkossa kehittään toimintaansa, koska he saivat tietoonsa, miten koronavirus on vaikuttanut työntekijöihin

    Mer hat – mindre prat? : En studie om hur näthat påverkar de drabbades vilja till självcensur och deltagande i det offentliga rummet.

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    The discussions about cyber hate has become a burning question, and there is an increasing debate about the conflict of interests between the freedom of speech and how to avoid online content that offends the personal integrity. It is often reported that celebrities have been targets of the harmful comments, but cyber hate is something that can affect us all.  With the development of the Internet, more people have been able to make their voice heard and to participate actively in the public debate. Scientists believe that the Internet promotes a free exchange of opinions and improves democracy. The question is though whether it actually could lead to the opposite? The climate on the Internet gets tougher, and we see that some people use the social media comment fields in order to hurt and offend others. There is a risk that the fear of becoming a victim of cyber hate becomes greater than the will to say what you want, without limitations. This leads to widespread self-censorship and that people might feel inhibited when expressing themselves on the Internet. The aim of this thesis is to investigate a possible link between cyber hate and self-censorship, in relation to the public space and free, open and respectful debates. Through this paper we have found that there is a relationship between cyber hate and the degree of self-censorship. People affected by cyber hate tend to increase their way of censoring themselves when publishing on the Internet, although in different ways and extent

    Adaption in times of crisis : A study of small retail business

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    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de anpassningar som småföretag inom detaljhandeln i Visby innerstad gjort för att överleva de ekonomiska kriserna som pågått sedan 2019. Studien har för avsikt att undersöka vilka marknadsanpassningar småföretagen genomfört. För att komma närmare studiens frågeställning har vi använt oss av contingency theory, en teori som förespråkar anpassning för företag när det sker förändringar i omvärlden. Tidigare studier har visat att anpassning är en viktig strategi för ett företags framgång. Modellen vi har använt oss av för att undersöka småföretagens anpassningar är marknadsföringsmixen, produkt, påverkan, pris, plats och personal. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta småföretag i Visby innerstad. Vi har under studiens gång sett att det skett anpassningar i alla fem element. Under pandemin gjorde man anpassningar i elementen produkt, personal, påverkan och plats. Under pågående lågkonjunktur har anpassningarna skett framförallt i pris och produkt. Butikerna har fått högre omkostnader eftersom el, hyra och leveranser har blivit dyrare men många har ändå valt att inte höja sina priser även om det finns behov för det, detta val beror främst på att de känner en risk att förlora kunder. Vi ser också att marknadsföringen har blivit än viktigare för samtliga butiker. Tidigare studier har visat att företag som lägger pengar på reklam och marknadsföring under ekonomiska kriser är de företag som det gått bäst för. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of how small businesses in Visby inner city have adapted in the economic crisis that has been going on since 2019 to preserve their profitability. The study intends to investigate which adaptations the owners of companies have been considered important for their survival. To get closer to the study´s question, we have used contingency theory, a theory that advocates adaptations for companies when there are changes in the outside world. The study consists of a qualitative study where the empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight owners of small businesses, which we then analyzed using the marketing mix.   In the result, we have seen that there have been adjustments in all five elements, mainly during the pandemic where adaptations were in the elements product, people, promotion and place. During the ongoing recession, adjustments have taken place primarily in price and place. The results show that small businesses in Visby's inner city have a customer base that is loyal and cyclical strong, which contributes to the profitability of small companies during times of crisis.

    "I can tell a story that my dads friend tell me" : A corpus- and interview-based study on grammar education, with focus on verb forms.

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    This study consists of two methods: textual analysis and interviews, which are based on text from The Uppsala Learner English Corpus (ULEC), and teachers as interview objects. The textual analysis investigates errors made by students in year seven and year nine, regarding the construction of different verb forms in written English essays. A potential difference between errors made in year seven and nine is also examined. Moreover, the interview based analysis investigates professional junior high school teachers’ teaching methods and attitudes towards grammar. The errors investigated in the textual analysis are compared with the responses of the teachers’ perception of common errors in verb forms made by their students.    The textual analysis showed that the most common errors made regard spelling within the verb phrase, auxiliary verbs, subject-verb agreement, and irregular verbs, and that year seven had a higher frequency of errors than year nine in most categories, even if the results differed inconsiderably.    The analysis of the interviews of the teachers found that teachers, in general, enjoy grammar, and aim to have a student-centered approach, however, the teachers testify of characteristics of traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching. It is reasoned that traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching is fundamentally established, where teachers today appear not to acquire the tools to move away from the teacher-centered approach onwards to a student-centered grammar teaching.    We reason that the education of L2 teachers needs to be reformed and provide tools to help teachers achieve a student-centered approach, and therein enable students to become more successful in grammar

    Mer hat – mindre prat? : En studie om hur näthat påverkar de drabbades vilja till självcensur och deltagande i det offentliga rummet.

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    The discussions about cyber hate has become a burning question, and there is an increasing debate about the conflict of interests between the freedom of speech and how to avoid online content that offends the personal integrity. It is often reported that celebrities have been targets of the harmful comments, but cyber hate is something that can affect us all.  With the development of the Internet, more people have been able to make their voice heard and to participate actively in the public debate. Scientists believe that the Internet promotes a free exchange of opinions and improves democracy. The question is though whether it actually could lead to the opposite? The climate on the Internet gets tougher, and we see that some people use the social media comment fields in order to hurt and offend others. There is a risk that the fear of becoming a victim of cyber hate becomes greater than the will to say what you want, without limitations. This leads to widespread self-censorship and that people might feel inhibited when expressing themselves on the Internet. The aim of this thesis is to investigate a possible link between cyber hate and self-censorship, in relation to the public space and free, open and respectful debates. Through this paper we have found that there is a relationship between cyber hate and the degree of self-censorship. People affected by cyber hate tend to increase their way of censoring themselves when publishing on the Internet, although in different ways and extent

    "I can tell a story that my dads friend tell me" : A corpus- and interview-based study on grammar education, with focus on verb forms.

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    This study consists of two methods: textual analysis and interviews, which are based on text from The Uppsala Learner English Corpus (ULEC), and teachers as interview objects. The textual analysis investigates errors made by students in year seven and year nine, regarding the construction of different verb forms in written English essays. A potential difference between errors made in year seven and nine is also examined. Moreover, the interview based analysis investigates professional junior high school teachers’ teaching methods and attitudes towards grammar. The errors investigated in the textual analysis are compared with the responses of the teachers’ perception of common errors in verb forms made by their students.    The textual analysis showed that the most common errors made regard spelling within the verb phrase, auxiliary verbs, subject-verb agreement, and irregular verbs, and that year seven had a higher frequency of errors than year nine in most categories, even if the results differed inconsiderably.    The analysis of the interviews of the teachers found that teachers, in general, enjoy grammar, and aim to have a student-centered approach, however, the teachers testify of characteristics of traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching. It is reasoned that traditional teacher-centered grammar teaching is fundamentally established, where teachers today appear not to acquire the tools to move away from the teacher-centered approach onwards to a student-centered grammar teaching.    We reason that the education of L2 teachers needs to be reformed and provide tools to help teachers achieve a student-centered approach, and therein enable students to become more successful in grammar

    Barnets makt i bilderboken : En multimodal diskursanalys om maktrelationer i barnlitteraturen

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    Syftet med föreliggande studie är att är att analysera bokutbudet på förskolor utifrån ett maktperspektiv, för att synliggöra vem som ges makt i de bilderböcker barn ofta respektive sällan väljer att läsa på förskolorna. Studien har karnevalsteori samt multimodal diskursanalys som utgångspunkt. Diskursanalysen utgör tillsammans med analysverktygen interpersonell funktion, ideationell funktion, textuell funktion samt subjektspositioner, grunden för studiens analys. Studien utgår från följande frågeställningar: Hur framställs barnet i bilderböckerna? och Hur ser maktrelationerna mellan barn-vuxna ut i bilderböckerna? I studien har bilderböcker analyserats, vilka förskollärare tillsammans med barn valt ut i två kategorier, ofta samt sällan valda bilderböcker. Resultatet av analysen har mynnat ut i sex diskurser: det ensamma och maktlösa barnet, det olydiga och trotsiga barnet, det kompetenta barnet, styrande och beskyddande vuxna, förlöjligande av vuxenvärlden samt borta bra men hemma bäst? Resultatet visar att textens tre huvudfunktioner hade en stor betydelse för barnets maktutövande i bilderböckerna och på så vis avhängigt vilken bok barnen valde att läsa. Slutsatsen som dras är att barn oftast väljer att läsa böcker där de ges makt

    Adaption in times of crisis : A study of small retail business

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    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de anpassningar som småföretag inom detaljhandeln i Visby innerstad gjort för att överleva de ekonomiska kriserna som pågått sedan 2019. Studien har för avsikt att undersöka vilka marknadsanpassningar småföretagen genomfört. För att komma närmare studiens frågeställning har vi använt oss av contingency theory, en teori som förespråkar anpassning för företag när det sker förändringar i omvärlden. Tidigare studier har visat att anpassning är en viktig strategi för ett företags framgång. Modellen vi har använt oss av för att undersöka småföretagens anpassningar är marknadsföringsmixen, produkt, påverkan, pris, plats och personal. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta småföretag i Visby innerstad. Vi har under studiens gång sett att det skett anpassningar i alla fem element. Under pandemin gjorde man anpassningar i elementen produkt, personal, påverkan och plats. Under pågående lågkonjunktur har anpassningarna skett framförallt i pris och produkt. Butikerna har fått högre omkostnader eftersom el, hyra och leveranser har blivit dyrare men många har ändå valt att inte höja sina priser även om det finns behov för det, detta val beror främst på att de känner en risk att förlora kunder. Vi ser också att marknadsföringen har blivit än viktigare för samtliga butiker. Tidigare studier har visat att företag som lägger pengar på reklam och marknadsföring under ekonomiska kriser är de företag som det gått bäst för. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of how small businesses in Visby inner city have adapted in the economic crisis that has been going on since 2019 to preserve their profitability. The study intends to investigate which adaptations the owners of companies have been considered important for their survival. To get closer to the study´s question, we have used contingency theory, a theory that advocates adaptations for companies when there are changes in the outside world. The study consists of a qualitative study where the empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight owners of small businesses, which we then analyzed using the marketing mix.   In the result, we have seen that there have been adjustments in all five elements, mainly during the pandemic where adaptations were in the elements product, people, promotion and place. During the ongoing recession, adjustments have taken place primarily in price and place. The results show that small businesses in Visby's inner city have a customer base that is loyal and cyclical strong, which contributes to the profitability of small companies during times of crisis.