14 research outputs found

    Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, Killed by Cougars, Puma concolor, and a Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, in Montana, Alberta, and Wyoming

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    Four cases where large predators caused Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) mortality are recorded. We describe two incidents of Cougars (Puma concolar) killing Wolves in Montana and one incident of a Cougar killing a Wolf in Alberta. We report the first recorded incident of a Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) killing a Wolf in the western United States

    Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, Killed by Cougars, Puma concolor, and a Grizzly Bear, Ursus arctos, in Montana, Alberta, and Wyoming

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    Four cases where large predators caused Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) mortality are recorded. We describe two incidents of Cougars (Puma concolar) killing Wolves in Montana and one incident of a Cougar killing a Wolf in Alberta. We report the first recorded incident of a Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) killing a Wolf in the western United States

    Students' experiences of multiprofessional collaboration in a mental health and substance abuse development project

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    Learning by Developing (LbD) model is based on studying in real working life projects. These projects form an integral part of the students’ competence development at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. LbD model provides renewable expertise to all actors. In the autumn of 2013, 16 students of the Bachelor Degree Programmes in Nursing and Social Services took part in a state-funded mental health and substance abuse development project called “Mental Well-being in Vantaa project “ as a part of their studies. The students’ experiences of the project work were collected using a feedback questionnaire. Thematic analysis was used as a method in interpreting the results. The chance to act as developers in this genuine development project supported the students’ professional competence development. By working in a project environment, the students improved their interaction and cooperation skills and were able to benefit from the knowledge of various professional groups. Multi-professional collaboration gave the students more knowledge and experience of mental health services in the city of Vantaa and provided a way to achieve concrete development skills. All students benefitted from the multi-professional collaboration in the project. The LbD model helped to strengthen the students’ abilities to respond to future challenges in developing customer-oriented mental health services. Integration of multi-professional project work into the study units produced new expertise, skills and innovations for all participants

    Long-term consequences of invasive deer on songbird communities: Going from bad to worse?

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    International audienceAlthough we understand many initial effects of invasive deer on songbirds, we do not yet understand how their longer-term effects unfold. We looked for such potential long-term effects on songbirds in the context of an archipelago where deer were introduced over a century ago. Initial data consist of vegetation plots and songbird point-counts on 57 islands in Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada) taken in 1989 when the impacts of introduced deer lacking predators had already developed for [50 years. Twenty years later, we surveyed these islands using the same methods. To isolate the effects of deer, we compare results to nearby islands never colonized by deer and assess how canopy birds have fared relative to understory birds. We also compare responses between islands of ‘‘moderate deer impact’’ where the understory vegetation was only moderately depleted by deer in 1989 and those with ‘‘severe deer impact’’ where understory vegetation was strongly depleted even in 1989. In 1989 all islands with deer were impoverished in songbirds that depend on understory vegetation, but the moderate impact islandsstill had richer and more abundant understory forestbird communities than found on severe impact islands.Islands with the fewest deer impacts in 1989 were small and isolated from sources of deer colonization.By 2009, severe deer impacts extended to islands that were initially less affected by deer. The severity ofimpacts also increased even on islands that had been dramatically affected by 1989. Declines in bird abundance occurred before declines in bird diversity. These results support the need for actions by wildlife managers to curtail deer impacts as soon as these become evident, especially in reserves and protected areas that lack hunters and other deer predators

    Föreningsaktörer i skÀrgÄrd

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    Föreningsaktörer i skĂ€rgĂ„rd InnehĂ„llsförteckning – Inledaren: Om att finnas eller inte av HĂ„kan Eklund – Om Pro Pörtös verksamhet av Thure Malmberg – En havsstrandĂ€ng pĂ„ MĂ€sskĂ€r i Bottenviken av Bo Isomaa – Korpo Sea Jazz av Bosse Mellberg – Hembygdsforskarna i Kimitobygden av Ulla Andersson – Kultur, ett viktigt element för trivsel i skĂ€rgĂ„rd av Mona Hemmer – Åbolands SĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelse av Katja Bonnevier – Kulturgille för konst- och kulturupplevelser i skĂ€rgĂ„rd av Merja Fredriksson – ProjektidĂ©er frĂ„n grĂ€srotsnivĂ„n av Emil Oljemark – BiosfĂ€romrĂ„dena – katalysatorer för hĂ„llbar utveckling av Katja Bonnevier – Bottnisk kontakt som kulturprojekt av Christer Westerdahl – SkĂ€rgĂ„rdspolitik i förĂ€ndring av Mikaela Nylander – Utö hembygdsförening av Mats Bergman – Magisk plats inför havets anlete av Sten Westerholm – Jungfrudansen – ett magiskt universalinstrument av Sten Westerholm – Den lĂ€kande labyrinten av Carita Nyström – Uppfattningar om labyrinter av Vesa Heinonen – Pro Nagu verkar för lokalsamhĂ€llet av Ann-Helen Saarinen och Rune FranzĂ©n – SkĂ€rgĂ„rdskvinnor i Korpo av Nina Söderlund – Ett vinterveckoslut pĂ„ MĂ€sskĂ€r av HĂ„kan Eklund – SkĂ€rgĂ„rdsstiftelsen i Stockholms lĂ€n av HĂ„kan Eklund – En förening för öbor och öliv av Pia Prost – Samarbetsorganet Pro HoutskĂ€r av Roger Broo – Pressmeddelande – kvalitetspriset till SkĂ€rgĂ„rd – Bokhörnan Nordiska skĂ€rgĂ„rdssamarbetet av Ester Miiros – Kolumnen ”FrĂ„n Ninnus horisont” av Nina Söderlund – Sista bilden av HĂ„kan Eklun