2,128 research outputs found

    Exploring perceptions of job insecurity and safety climate among offshore maritime workers following the 2014 petroleum recession: A two-study design

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2021-05-15The purpose of the master thesis was to examine safety climate and job insecurity perceptions in the Norwegian petroleum industry in light of the 2014 oil crisis, using a twostudy design. Study 1 consisted of four interviews with health, safety, environment and quality managers from Norwegian shipping companies who had ongoing contracts with a major Norwegian hydrocarbon producing company. The results from Study 1 indicated that the safety focus had improved between 2013, 2015 and 2017. The informants experienced low job insecurity, but reported higher job insecurity for maritime workers and other employees. Study 2 included three extensive surveys that were collected in 2013, 2015 and 2017, in which the respondents were maritime workers on offshore vessels. The results indicated that the maritime workers’ perceptions of job insecurity increased from 2013 to 2017, while perceptions of overall safety climate did not differ across the three time points. A small improvement in workers’ perceptions of safety climate specific to the shipping company level was found from 2013 to 2017. Overall, the shipping companies demonstrated that their safety systems were resilient, which contributed to upholding the safety climate among offshore maritime workers following the 2014 oil recession, although the workers were more worried about losing their job after the crisis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate whether the oil crisis in 2014 was related to changes in offshore maritime workers’ perceptions of job insecurity and safety climate.FormĂ„let med denne masteroppgaven var Ă„ undersĂžke opplevelsen av sikkerhetsklima og jobbusikkerhet i den norske petroleumsindustrien i lys av oljekrisen i 2014, ved bruk av et to-studiedesign. Studie 1 bestod av fire intervjuer med helse, miljĂž, sikkerhet og kvalitetsledere fra norske rederier som hadde pĂ„gĂ„ende kontrakter med et stort norsk oljeselskap. Resultatene fra studie 1 indikerte at sikkerhetsfokuset hos rederiene hadde Ăžkt mellom 2013, 2015 og 2017. Informantene opplevde lav grad av jobbusikkerhet under nedgangstidene, men fortalte om hĂžyere grad av jobbusikkerhet blant skipsarbeiderne og andre i rederiet. I studie 2 analyserte vi tre store spĂžrreundersĂžkelser fra 2013, 2015 og 2017, hvor respondentene var skipsarbeidere fra offshore-fartĂžy. Funnene fra studie 2 indikerte at skipsarbeidernes opplevelse av jobbusikkerhet Ăžkte fra 2013 til 2017, mens arbeidernes samlede opplevelse av sikkerhetsklima holdt seg stabilt pĂ„ tvers av mĂ„letidspunktene. Det ble funnet en liten forbedring fra 2013 til 2017 i skipsarbeidernes opplevelse av sikkerhetsklima spesifikt for rederiet. Samlet tyder resultatene pĂ„ at rederiene hadde robuste sikkerhetssystemer som bidro til Ă„ opprettholde sikkerhetsklimaet blant skipsarbeiderne pĂ„ offshore-bĂ„ter under og etter oljekrisen i 2014, selv om arbeiderne var mer bekymret for Ă„ miste jobben etter krisen. Dette er, sĂ„ vidt vi vet, den fĂžrste studien som undersĂžker hvorvidt oljekrisen i 2014 var relatert til endringer i opplevelsen av jobbusikkerhet og sikkerhetsklima blant offshore skipsarbeidere.Masteroppgave i psykologiMAPSYK36

    Musikk og smÄbarns sprÄkutvikling

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan kan barnehagelÊrere bruke musikk for Ä fremme smÄbarns sprÄkutvikling?publishedVersio

    Calibration of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The construction of the Cherenkov Telescope Array is expected to start soon. We will present the baseline methods and their extensions currently foreseen to calibrate the observatory. These are bound to achieve the strong requirements on allowed systematic uncertainties for the reconstructed gamma-ray energy and flux scales, as well as on the pointing resolution, and on the overall duty cycle of the observatory. Onsite calibration activities are designed to include a robust and efficient calibration of the telescope cameras, and various methods and instruments to achieve calibration of the overall optical throughput of each telescope, leading to both inter-telescope calibration and an absolute calibration of the entire observatory. One important aspect of the onsite calibration is a correct understanding of the atmosphere above the telescopes, which constitutes the calorimeter of this detection technique. It is planned to be constantly monitored with state-of-the-art instruments to obtain a full molecular and aerosol profile up to the stratosphere. In order to guarantee the best use of the observation time, in terms of usable data, an intelligent scheduling system is required, which gives preference to those sources and observation programs that can cope with the given atmospheric conditions, especially if the sky is partially covered by clouds, or slightly contaminated by dust. Ceilometers in combination with all-sky-cameras are plannned to provide the observatory with a fast, online and full-sky knowledge of the expected conditions for each pointing direction. For a precise characterization of the adopted observing direction, wide-field optical telescopes and Raman Lidars are planned to provide information about the height-resolved and wavelength-dependent atmospheric extinction, throughout the field-of-view of the cameras

    Antiphon's zesde rede met inleiding vertaling en commentaar

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    In Antiphon's Zesde Rede verdedigt zich een aanzienlijk Athener, niet met name genoemd, tegen de beschuldiging, dat hij in zijn functie van choreeg de dood van een zekeren Diodotus, een van de aan zijn zorgen toevertrouwde koorknapen, veroorzaakt heeft. In de rede zelf wordt ons niet meegedeeld, wat er precies gebeurd is, maar in de Hypothesis lezen wij, dat den koorknaap een keeldrank is gegeven om zijn stemgeluid te verbeteren, een vermoeden, dat in verband met voor de hand ligt. Zie: Hoofdstuk

    Seasonal variability of meio- and macrobenthic standing stocks and diversity in an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Spitsbergen)

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    Strong environmental seasonality is a basic feature of the Arctic system, still there are few published records of the seasonal variability of the Arctic marine biota. This study examined the year-round seasonal changes of soft bottom macro- and meiobenthic standing stocks and diversity on a station located in an Arctic fjord (Adventfjorden, Spitsbergen). The seasonality observed in benthic biota was related to the pelagic processes, primarily the seasonal fluxes of organic and inorganic particles. The highest abundance, biomass and richness of benthic fauna occurred in the spring after the phytoplankton bloom. During the summer, when a high load of glacial mineral material was transported to the fiord, the number of both meio- and macrobenthic individuals decreased remarkably. The strong inorganic sedimentation in summer was accompanied by a decline in macrobenthic species richness, but had no effects on evenness. Redundancy analysis (RDA) pointed to granulometric composition of sediments (depended on mineral sedimentation) and organic fluxes as factors best related to meio- and macrobenthic taxonomic composition, but no clear seasonal trend could be observed on the nMDS plots based on meiobenthic higher taxa or macrobenthic species abundances in the samples. This study addresses the possible effects of changes in the winter ice cover on the fjordic benthic systems because it was performed in a year with no ice cover on the fjord

    Shallow-Water Scavengers of Polar Night and Day – An Arctic Time-Lapse Photography Study

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    Until recently, polar night constituted truly a “mare incognitum” of our times. Yet, the first records from this very little-explored period showcased a surprisingly rich and active ecosystem. This investigation aims to reveal the level of scavenger activity during both Arctic polar night and day. It compares the shallow-water scavenging fauna observed during two contrasting seasons (winter vs. summer) in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, 79° N, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago). In each of January and July 2015, two different bait types – Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and a bird carcass (chicken meat) were deployed at a depth of 12 m. Fauna were monitored remotely using time-lapse cameras equipped with bait traps, with photographs taken every 15 min over a period of 4 days. Thirty taxa were recorded at baits, dominated by lysianassid amphipods (Onisimus sp. 88%, Anonyx sp. 2%, but only during winter), and buccinid gastropods (B. undatum 5%, B. glaciale 1%, Buccinum sp. 3%, in both seasons). In most cases, buccinids were the first animals to appear at bait. The total number of recorded taxa, mean species richness per sampling unit, total abundance and associations among taxa were higher, on average, in winter than in summer deployments, while Pielou’s evenness index showed the opposite pattern. Scavenger assemblages differed significantly between the two seasons and also in response to the two different bait types, with seasonal effects being strongest. Contrary to expectations, bait consumption rates differed very little between the two seasons, being slow in general and only slightly faster in summer (0.05 g of cod bait consumed in 1 min) compared to winter (0.04 g min–1), yielding novel insights into ecological interactions and functions in shallow marine ecosystems during Arctic polar nights

    Millora del nivell de formaciĂł realitzan prĂ ctiques en Serveis de Suport a la Recerca. Un cas prĂ ctic real

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    La motivaciĂł del present projecte Ă©s intentar aprofitar els recursos de que disposa el SAQ per a que alumnes de diferents titulacions (QuĂ­miques, CiĂšncies Ambientals i Enginyeria QuĂ­mica) puguin fer prĂ ctiques d'anĂ lisi instrumental amb aparells de caracterĂ­stiques similars als que es trobaran quan surtin de la Universitat i tractant els problemes analĂ­tics amb una perspectiva globa
