118 research outputs found

    Emmanuel Levinas e l'orizzonte ultimo dello spazio intersoggettivo

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    Il pensiero di Emmanuel Levinas dischiude le coordinate di uno spazio relazionale in cui identità e alterità trovano il proprio «luogo». Il presente contributo tratteggia il particolare intreccio fra esperienza letteraria ed esperienza dell’alterità nell’orizzonte ultimo della trascendenza. Ogni relazione è caratterizzata da una particolare asimmetria che rivela le identità dei soggetti coinvolti ed allo stesso tempo rimanda al di là di essi, attraverso una eccedenza di senso che si rivela nella sproporzione dell’incontro. L’esperienza letteraria si caratterizza per il suo «fare segno» verso questo orizzonte ultimo, rimandando a una presenza che interpella attraverso la traccia dell’assenza. Attraverso una analisi della metafora della «curvatura dello spazio intersoggettivo» e il suo ritornare sullo sfondo delle riflessioni più recenti di Levinas si cercherà di descrivere la funzione testimoniale del linguaggio e la ritmica dialogica della persona umana. The thought of Emmanuel Levinas reveals the coordinates of a relational space where identity and otherness find their own «place». This paper outlines the remarkable connection between the literary experience and the experience of otherness in the ultimate horizon of transcendence. Every relationship is characterized by a particular asymmetry, which reveals the identities of the involved subject. At the same time, it is even able to go beyond them, thanks to an excess of sense that lies in the disproportion of the meeting. The literary experience moves itself towards this ultimate horizon, questioning and referring to a presence by the track of the absence. Through an analysis of the ‘metaphor of the curvature of intersubjective space’ and its return to the background of the most recent reflections of Levinas we are attempts to describe the testimonal function of language and the rhythmic dialogue of the human person

    O bem-estar de suínos e causas de condenação em abatedouros do Serviço de Inspeção do Paraná em 2010

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    Orientador :Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de ..., Curso de Especialização em ...Inclui referência

    Validation of serum ferritin values by magnetic susceptometry in predicting iron overload in dialysis patients

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    Validation of serum ferritin values by magnetic susceptometry in predicting iron overload in dialysis patients.BackgroundGuidelines for treating anemia in dialysis patients accept, as high-end range of serum ferritin useful to optimize erythropoietin therapy, values high as 500 to 900 μg/L, on the hypothesis that ferritin might be not representative of iron overload.MethodsA superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) was used to make direct noninvasive magnetic measurements of nonheme hepatic iron content in 40 dialysis patients treated with intravenous iron, and liver iron content was compared with biochemical markers of iron status.ResultsOnly 12/40 (30%) patients showed normal hepatic iron content (SQUID <400 μg/g), while 32.5% had mild (400 to 1000 μg/g) and 37.5% severe (>1000 μg/g) iron overload, although 28/40 patients (70%) had serum ferritin below 500 μg/L. Among many parameters, hepatic iron content was only correlated with ferritin (r = 0.324, P = 0.04). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed the best specificity/sensitivity ratio to identify iron overload for ferritin >340 μg/L (W = 0.716). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that an increase in serum ferritin of 100 μg/L and female gender were independent variables associated with moderate to severe hepatic iron overload: OR 1.71 (95% CI 1.10 to 2.67) and OR 10.68 (95% CI 1.81 to 63.15), respectively.ConclusionHepatic iron overload is frequent in dialysis patients with ferritin below currently proposed high-end ranges, and the diagnostic power of ferritin in indicating true iron stores is better than presumed. Safety concerns should prompt a reevaluation of acceptable iron parameters, focusing on potential gender-specific differences, to avoid potentially harmful iron overload in a majority of dialysis patients, mainly females

    Arranjo espacial de plantas em duas cultivares de trigo

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    A densidade de plantas e o espaçamento entre fileiras podem afetar a produtividade e a qualidade de grãos de trigo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de arranjos espaciais de plantas de trigo sobre a produtividade de grãos e peso hectolitro, em duas cultivares. Foi realizado um experimento na safra 2010 no município de Barracão, RS, em delineamento experimental de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições e esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2. Foram avaliadas as cultivares “Fundacep Campo Real” e “Quartzo”, em duas densidades de plantas (200 e 330 plantas m-2) e em dois espaçamentos entre fileiras 17/17 e 17/34 cm (fileiras pareadas). Nenhum fator experimental afetou a produtividade e o peso hectolitro do trigo, demonstrando a alta plasticidade fenotípica dessa cultura.Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum. Densidade de plantas. Espaçamento entre fileiras. Produtividade de grãos

    De prospect a aluno: fatores influenciadores da escolha de uma instituição de ensino superior

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    As a consequence of the flexibilization of rules for launching undergraduate programs and schools in Brazil, occurred in 1995, an expressive increase in the supply of courses from private institutions was observed in the last 15 years. During such period, even though the number of Brazilian freshmen has more than tripled, a gradate increase in the difference between the supply of higher education and its demand is verified. This scenario aggravates when the fact that evasion indexes are increasing is taken into account. Thus, in face of pressures caused by the decrease in the percentages of occupancy rates, it is relevant and necessary for superior education institutions to identify marketing strategies that fit their needs to maintain and expand their activities. In such a context, the objectives of this quantitative study based on a sample of 226 high school seniors from Piracicaba (SP) were to identify the socio-demographic profiles of prospects in the region and the attributes that drive their choices for a higher education institution. The profile identified as having greater intention to join higher education programs is comprised by students who attend the private high school system, have around 17 years old, are white male and do not work. Still based on the data collected, it is suggested that effective university offerings and communications are those that fulfill the prospects’ expectations regarding campus localization, financial viability of the course, social life, infra-structure, technology, campus attributes, and institutional reputation, besides quality. Key words: marketing in education, higher education, consumer behavior, evaluation of choice alternatives.Como consequência da flexibilização das regras para a abertura de cursos e instituições de ensino superior no Brasil, encetadas em 1995, observou-se, nos últimos quinze anos, um expressivo aumento no número de vagas oferecidas por instituições privadas de ensino superior. Neste período, ainda que o número de alunos ingressantes no ensino superior brasileiro tenha mais que triplicado, verifica-se o aumento gradativo no hiato existente entre a oferta de vagas no ensino superior e sua respectiva demanda. Tal cenário se agrava, ao considerar-se que os índices de evasão de alunos vêm aumentando. Assim, frente às pressões de diminuição no percentual de preenchimento de vagas, faz-se relevante e necessário às instituições privadas de ensino superior que se identifiquem estratégias mercadológicas adequadas às necessidades de manutenção ou expansão de sua atividade educacional. Nesse contexto, mediante estudo quantitativo e com base em amostra de 226 formandos do ensino médio na cidade de Piracicaba (SP), o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os perfis sociodemográficos dos potenciais estudantes universitários da região, bem como os atributos em torno dos quais a escolha por uma instituição de ensino superior se organiza. Constatou-se que o perfil de alunos com intenção de ingressar em cursos superiores é composto por alunos da rede particular do ensino médio, com idade em torno de 17 anos, do sexo masculino, brancos e que não trabalham. A partir dos dados coletados, sugere-se que as ofertas e comunicações universitárias efetivas devem ser aquelas que contemplem, além da qualidade do ensino, as expectativas de seus prospects em termos de localização, viabilidade financeira, vida social, infraestrutura, tecnologia, atributos dos campi e reputação da instituição. Palavras-chave: marketing educacional, ensino superior, comportamento do consumidor, avaliação de alternativas

    A Lealdade do estudante baseada na qualidade do relacionamento: uma análise em instituições de ensino superior

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    The purpose of this research is to verify how loyal students are to higher education institutions. According to this research, it was noticed that relationship marketing is critical to create and maintain a relationship between institutions and students, such relationship being developed towards customer retention and loyalty. The survey involved 352 students reading Business Administration at three institutions in the State of São Paulo. Data was analyzed through Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that student-customers are prone to being loyal to their higher education institutions. The constructs behind student-customer loyalty are: Perceived Quality, Satisfaction, Emotional Behavior and Trust, responsible for 46% of data variability. From these results, many academic and management implications were discussed, showing that student-customer loyalty is an important strategic goal to be pursued by such companies.A pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar a propensão à lealdade a instituições de ensino superior por parte de seus alunos. Para tanto, identificou-se que o marketing de relacionamento se mostra essencial para que a relação entre escolas e alunos seja efetuada e mantida, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de relacionamentos direcionados à retenção e à lealdade de seus clientes. A pesquisa foi realizada com 352 estudantes do curso de Administração, em três instituições do interior de São Paulo. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio da Análise de Regressão Linear Múltipla. Os resultados evidenciaram que há propensão dos clientes-alunos à lealdade para com a instituição de ensino superior. Os construtos que influenciaram a lealdade do cliente-aluno são: Qualidade Percebida, Satisfação, Comprometimento Emocional e Confiança, que foram responsáveis por 46% da variabilidade dos dados. A partir destes resultados, várias implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais foram discutidas, demonstrando que a lealdade do cliente-aluno se coloca como importante objetivo estratégico a ser buscado e alcançado por essas empresas

    Structural characterization of a novel peptide with antimicrobial activity from the venom gland of the scorpion Tityus stigmurus: Stigmurin

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    AbstractA new antimicrobial peptide, herein named Stigmurin, was selected based on a transcriptomic analysis of the Brazilian yellow scorpion Tityus stigmurus venom gland, an underexplored source for toxic peptides with possible biotechnological applications. Stigmurin was investigated in silico, by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and in vitro. The CD spectra suggested that this peptide interacts with membranes, changing its conformation in the presence of an amphipathic environment, with predominance of random coil and beta-sheet structures. Stigmurin exhibited antibacterial and antifungal activity, with minimal inhibitory concentrations ranging from 8.7 to 69.5μM. It was also showed that Stigmurin is toxic against SiHa and Vero E6 cell lines. The results suggest that Stigmurin can be considered a potential anti-infective drug

    Fluorouracil, Leucovorin, and Irinotecan Plus Cetuximab Versus Cetuximab as Maintenance Therapy in First-Line Therapy for RAS and BRAF Wild-Type Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Phase III ERMES Study

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    purpose: the intensity of anti-EGFR-based first-line therapy for RAS/BRAF wild-type (wt) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), once disease control is achieved, is controversial. a de-escalation strategy with anti-EGFR monotherapy represents a potential option to maintain efficacy while reducing cytotoxicity. methods: In this multicenter, open-label, phase III trial, patients with untreated RAS/BRAF wt mCRC were randomly assigned to receive either fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan/cetuximab (FOLFIRI/Cet) until disease progression (arm A) or FOLFIRI/Cet for eight cycles followed by cet alone (arm B). the coprimary end points were a noninferior progression-free survival (PFS) in the modified per-protocol (mPP) population (&gt;eight cycles) and a lower incidence of grade (G) 3-4 adverse events (AEs) for arm B compared with arm a. results: overall, 606 patients were randomly assigned, with 300 assigned to arm A and 306 to arm B. The median follow-up was 22.3 months. In the mPP population, 291 events occurred with a PFS of 10 versus 12.2 months for arms B and A, respectively (P of noninferiority = .43). In the intention-to-treatment (ITT, ≥one cycle) population, 503 events occurred with a PFS of 9 versus 10.7 months (P = .39). the overall survival was 35.7 versus 30.7 months (P = .119) and 31.0 versus 25.2 months (P = .32) in the mPP and ITT population, respectively. arm B had lower G3-4 AEs during the maintenance period than arm A (20.2% v 35.1%). conclusion: The ERMES study did not demonstrate noninferiority of maintenance with cet alone. despite a more favorable safety profile, maintenance with single-agent cet after induction with FOLFIRI/Cet cannot be recommended for all patients but could represent an option in selected cases

    Integração UNESP-Escolas Públicas de Primeiro Grau de Bauru na Elaboração de Atividades Matemáticas para a 5a Série

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    Este artigo mostra o trabalho que vem sendo desenvolvido (desde 1991) com professores da UNESP, professores da Rede Estadual de Ensino e alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da UNESP, Bauru. Durante os encontros realizados, além da busca sistemática e reflexiva de elementos que favoreçam o aprimoramento da ação educativa, optou-se por elaborar Atividades Matemáticas para o conteúdo programático da 5a serie e/ou reestruturar outras atividades já existentes. Desta idéia surgiu um projeto ligado ao Núcleo de Ensino, que foi aprovado e financiado pela FUNDUNESP. No final deste artigo, encontram-se Atividades para o ensino de Geometria, elaboradas a partir da vivência do grupo e fundamentadas na Proposta Curricular para o Ensino de Matemática - 1° grau

    Therapeutic potential of MEK inhibition in acute myelogenous leukemia: rationale for "vertical" and "lateral" combination strategies

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    : In hematological malignancies, constitutive activation of the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway is frequently observed, conveys a poor prognosis, and constitutes a promising target for therapeutic intervention. Here, we investigated the molecular and functional effects of pharmacological MEK inhibition in cell line models of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and freshly isolated primary AML samples. The small-molecule, ATP-non-competitive, MEK inhibitor PD0325901 markedly inhibited ERK phosphorylation and growth of several AML cell lines and approximately 70&nbsp;% of primary AML samples. Growth inhibition was due to G(1)-phase arrest and induction of apoptosis. Transformation by constitutively active upstream pathway elements (HRAS, RAF-1, and MEK) rendered FDC-P1 cells exquisitely prone to PD0325901-induced apoptosis. Gene and protein expression profiling revealed a selective effect of PD0325901 on ERK phosphorylation and compensatory upregulation of the RAF/MEK and AKT/p70( S6K ) kinase modules, potentially mediating resistance to drug-induced growth inhibition. Consequently, in appropriate cellular contexts, both "vertical" (i.e., inhibition of RAF and MEK along the MAPK pathway) and "lateral" (i.e., simultaneous inhibition of the MEK/ERK and mTOR pathways) combination strategies may result in synergistic anti-leukemic effects. Overall, MEK inhibition exerts potent growth inhibitory and proapoptotic activity in preclinical models of AML, particularly in combination with other pathway inhibitors. Deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of action of MEK inhibitors will likely translate into more effective targeted strategies for the treatment of AML