696 research outputs found

    Imaging in Patients with Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ)

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    Background: Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ/BP-ONJ/BRONJ) is a commonly seen disease. During recent decades, major advances in diagnostics have occurred. Once the clinical picture shows typical MRONJ features, imaging is necessary to determine the size of the lesion. Exposed bone is not always painful, therefore a thorough clinical examination and radiological imaging are essential when MRONJ is suspected. Methods: In this paper we will present the latest clinical update on the imaging options in regard to MRONJ: X-ray/Panoramic Radiograph, Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Imaging, Fluorescence-Guided Bone Resection. Conclusion: Which image modality is chosen depends not only on the surgeon’s/practitioner’s preference but also on the available imaging modalities. A three-dimensional imaging modality is desirable, and in severe cases necessary, for extended resections and planning of reconstruction

    A snapshot of forest buffers near streams, ditches, and lakes on forest land in Sweden – lessons learned

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    Forest buffers beside surface water can mitigate negative effects of logging. To gain more information on buffer implementation in operational forestry, forest buffers were inventoried during 2018 on 174 harvested and site-prepared compartments traversed by or bordering streams, ditches and lakes in three regions across Sweden 2–4 years after clearcutting. Most of the inventoried stream and ditch reaches were ≤5 m wide. The water reaches were categorized as lakes (n = 16), natural streams (n = 50), modified streams (n = 21) or ditches (n = 87). Forest buffers with 100% shoreline coverage were present along all lake reaches and 55% and 10% of the natural or modified stream and ditch reaches, respectively. Buffers were absent beside 14% of the natural or modified stream reaches and 61% of the ditch reaches. Lake reaches had significantly wider buffers on average than ditch reaches and natural or modified stream reaches. The mean (SE) buffer widths beside lakes, natural or modified stream reaches and ditch reaches across all three regions and shoreline coverage classes were 12 (1.1), 6.6 (0.6) and 1.5 (0.5) m, respectively. The character of the local stream networks (natural or modified streams or ditches) containing each inventoried reach, were assessed using map information and the reaches´ field classifications. This illustrated the difficulty of judging a streams´ character based solely on field inspections of individual reaches on forest land where historic drainage activities have been performed. We recommend that also upstream and downstream conditions should be considered when planning environmental measures to protect surface water bodies

    Elevers motivasjon i matematikk. En kvantitativ studie av motivasjonsfaktorer hos grunnskoleelever

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    Studien har til hensikt å undersøke hva som kjennetegner grunnskoleelevers motivasjon i matematikk. Mer spesifikt hvilke sammenhenger det kan være mellom motivasjon og faktorer som måloppnåelse, alder og kjønn. Studiens overordnede problemstilling er: Hva kjennetegner motivasjon hos elever i grunnskolen? Og studiens tre forskningsspørsmål er: I hvilken grad påvirker måloppnåelse motivasjon? I hvilken grad påvirker alder motivasjon? I hvilken grad påvirker kjønn motivasjon? Studien benytter en kvantitativ undersøkelse med et tverrsnittdesign for å belyse disse forskningsspørsmålene. Datamaterialet ble innhentet ved hjelp av spørreskjema/survey utviklet av SUM (Sammenheng gjennom Undersøkende Matematikkundervisning) som er et utviklingsprosjekt ved UiT. For å kunne besvare problemstillingen og forskningsspørsmålene ble det utarbeidet tre samlevariabler som skulle belyse ulike aspekter ved motivasjon; Interest enjoyment, Percieved competence, og Utility, for å kunne si noe om i hvilken grad det var en sammenheng mellom faktorene (måloppnåelse, alder og kjønn) og motivasjon til grunnskoleelever. Funnene fra min studie indikerer at det er sammenhenger mellom elevers motivasjon og faktorene måloppnåelse, alder og kjønn

    Allochtonen en voeding: een literatuurverkenning

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    Rapportage van een kwalitatieve literatuurverkenning over de mogelijkheden van afzet van biologische voedingsproducten onder Turken, Marokkanen en Surinamers in Nederland. Hierbij is gekeken naar literatuur over de huidige voedselconsumptie en percepties hierover. In 2009 wonen er bij elkaar opgeteld ruim een miljoen Turken, Marokkanen en Surinamers in Nederland. Deze groep bestaat uit meer eerste dan tweede generatie allochtonen maar de laatste groep groeit sterk. De verwachting is zelfs dat in 2050 2.7 mln. Inwoners in Nederland van niet-westerse origine zullen zijn. Mede door de omvang van deze groep had de Task Force Marktontwikkeling Biologische Landbouw de wens binnen deze bevolkingsgroepen de percepties ten aanzien van biologische producten te onderzoeken, middels een literatuurstudie. Deze groep mensen heeft vaak afwijkende levenstijlpatronen vergelijken met de autochtonen. Om inzicht te krijgen in hoeverre biologische landbouwproducten kunnen worden afgezet onder Turken, Marokkanen en Surinamers in Nederland is dit onderzoek uitgevoerd

    Two case reports with literature review of the EEC syndrome: Clinical presentation and management

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    We report on siblings who suffer from EEC syndrome and show our experiences of the `Basel concept` of cleft lip/palate repair based on the early, one-stage closure of all components. It is performed in the age of 3-4 months to provide early normal conditions for anatomy and muscle function

    Mapping research activity on mental health disorders in Europe: study protocol for the Mapping_NCD project

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    Background: Mental health disorders (MHDs) constitute a large and growing disease burden in Europe, although they typically receive less attention and research funding than other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This study protocol describes a methodology for the mapping of MHD research in Europe as part of Mapping_NCD, a 2-year project funded by the European Commission which seeks to map European research funding and impact for five NCDs in order to identify potential gaps, overlaps, synergies and opportunities, and to develop evidence-based policies for future research. Methods: The project aims to develop a multi-focal view of the MHD research landscape across the 28 European Union Member States, plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, through a survey of European funding entities, analysis of research initiatives undertaken in the public, voluntary/not-for-profit and commercial sectors, and expert interviews to contextualize the gathered data. The impact of MHD research will be explored using bibliometric analyses of scientific publications, clinical guidelines and newspaper stories reporting on research initiatives. Finally, these research inputs and outputs will be considered in light of various metrics that have been proposed to inform priorities for the allocation of research funds, including burden of disease, treatment gaps and cost of illness. Discussion: Given the growing burden of MHDs, a clear and broad view of the current state of MHD research is needed to ensure that limited resources are directed to evidence-based priority areas. MHDs pose a particular challenge in mapping the research landscape due to their complex nature, high co-morbidity and varying diagnostic criteria. Undertaking such an effort across 31 countries is further challenged by differences in data collection, healthcare systems, reimbursement rates and clinical practices, as well as cultural and socioeconomic diversity. Using multiple methods to explore the spectrum of MHD research funding activity across Europe, this project aims to develop a broad, high-level perspective to inform priority setting for future research

    Pretreatment with ACE inhibitors improves acute outcome of electrical cardioversion in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: Persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is difficult to treat. In the absence of class I or III antiarrhythmic drugs sinus rhythm is maintained in only 30% of patients during the first year after electrical cardioversion (ECV). One of the remodeling processes induced by AF is fibrosis, which relates to inducibility and maintenance of AF. The renin-angiotensin system may play a important role in this. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor use on efficacy of ECV, and occurrence of subacute recurrences. METHODS: One hundred-seven consecutive patients with persistent AF underwent ECV. In twenty-eight (26%) patients ACE inhibitors had been started before initiation of the present episode of AF ('pre-treated' patients). RESULTS: ECV was successful in 96% of patients who were on ACE inhibitors before start of the present episode of AF compared to 80% of the patients not pre-treated (p = 0.04). After 1 month of follow-up 49% of the pre-treated patients and 50% of those not pre-treated with ACE inhibition were still in sinus rhythm (p=ns). Multivariate analysis showed that pre-treatment with ACE inhibitors and a smaller left atrial size were independent predictors of successful ECV (OR = 5.8, C.I. 1.3–26.1, and OR = 5.6, C.I. 1.2–25.3, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Pre-treatment with ACE inhibitors may improve acute success of ECV but does not prevend AF recurrences
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