252 research outputs found

    Improvement of Fourier Polarimetry for applications in tomographic photoelasticity

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    The use of the Fourier Polarimetry method has been demonstrated to extract the three characteristic parameters in integrated photoelasticity. In contrast to the phase-stepping method, it has been shown that the Fourier method is more accurate. However, the Fourier method isn't very efficient as it requires that a minimum of nine intensity images be collected during a whole revolution of a polarizer while the phase-stepping method only needs six intensity images. In this paper the Fourier transformation is used to derive the expression for determination of the characteristic parameters. Four Fourier coefficients are clearly identified to calculate the three characteristic parameters. It is found that the angular rotation ratio could be set arbitrarily. The angular rotation ratio is optimized to satisfy the requirements of efficiency and proper data accuracy, which results in data collection about three times faster than the methods suggested by previous researchers. When comparing their performance in terms of efficiency and accuracy, the simulated and experimental results show that these angular rotation ratios have the same accuracy but the optimized angular rotation ratio is significantly faster. The sensitivity to noise is also investigated and further improvement of accuracy is suggested

    Influence of gender on the dominant strategy of behavior in conflict situation

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    Conflicts are an integral part of human life. Ancient philosophers wrote about the conflict not even using this word. Some of them judged quarrels and clashes between people and advised to avoid them. Dialectics, on the contrary, emphasized that the truth is born in disputes, that collisions and contradictions are the driving force of any change and development [2, 144]. Modern conflict theories keep dichotomy regarding the problem of human interaction conflict [5]. On the one hand, these are T. Parsons, E. Durkheim, E. Mayo, who in their theoretical works emphasize the stability of society, considering the conflict as only a certain deviation, a «disease» of human relations. On the other hand, there are theories of K. Marx, M. Weber, V. Pareto, R. Darendorf, in which the conflict is considered as a necessary factor in explaining social processes and changes. As a result of such a division of concepts of social development, there are two independent varieties of conflict theory – functionalism and conflict sociology

    Особливості перекладу термінів англійської біржової лексики (The peculiarities of english stock market lexis translation)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі специфіки перекладу англійської біржової термінології та труднощам, які з цим пов’язані. В статті охарактеризовано основні прийоми та способи перекладу англійської біржової термінології, особливу увагу приділено лексичним та граматичним трансформаціям, які використовуються для досягнення максимальної точності та адекватності перекладу. В якості фактичного матеріалу використовуються статті з біржової тематики з сучасних англомовних видань. (The article deals with the specific problems of English stock market terminology translation and complexities (difficulties) related to this. The major approaches and techniques of stock market terminology translation are characterized. The key problem with stock market terminology is that it includes mostly compound terms or terminological word-combinations. Their translation is considered to be one of the primary difficulties and consists of two phases – analytical and synthetic, of which the analytical one is considered to play the major role in the process of translation. Special attention is given to lexical and grammatical transformations used to achieve as full accuracy and adequacy of translation as possible. The articles from current English press on the stock market as a subject matter are provided as evidence.

    Проблема політичної коректності та стигматизації в сучасній англомовній суспільнополітичній літературі (The problem of political correctness and stigmatization in modern English language socio-political literaturе)

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми політичної коректності та явища стигматизації в сучасній англомовній суспільно-політичній літературі, також в статті надано дефініції понять «політична коректність» та «стигма», «стигматизація», наведено основні характеристики явища політичної коректності, описане походження цього феномена та представлені види соціальної стигматизації та умови, за яких вона виникає, досліджується взаємозв’язок між стигматизацією та дискримінацією, описується роль засобів масової інформації та індустрії розваг у формуванні громадської думки, і, відповідно, виникненні стереотипів та стигматизації. (The article is devoted to the investigation of political correctness and stigmatization’ problem in modern English language socio-political literature, the definitions of «political correctness», «stigma», «stigmatization» are provided, the basic characteristics of political correctness phenomenon are given, the origin and reasons of this phenomenon is described, the types of social stigmatization and conditions of its origin and relationships between stigmatization and discrimination are provided, the role of mass media in formation of public opinion and, correspondingly, stemming of stereotypes and stigmatization in modern society is depicted.

    Peculiarities of the public use of musical works as an object of copyright: analysis of legislation

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    У статті розглянуто природу музичного твору, як об’єкта захисту авторського права. Досліджено питання виплати винагороди за використання результату творчої діяльності автора музичного твору, виконавця та виробника фонограм з комерційною метою. Окремо висвітлене питання управління майновими правами суб’єктів авторського права і суміжних прав. На основі системного аналізу положень нормативно-правових актів та їх практичного застосування внесено пропозиції щодо вдосконалення законодавства України в цій сфері.The article deals with the nature of the musical work as an object of copyright protection. The issue of remuneration payment for the use of the result of creative activity of the author of a musical work, the performer and phonograms producer for commercial purposes has been investigated. The issue of property rights management of the copyright proprietors and related rights is covered separately. On the basis of a systematic analysis of the provisions of regulatory legal acts and their practical application, offers were submitted to improve the legislation of Ukraine in this area.В статье рассмотрена природа музыкального произведения как объекта защиты авторского права. Исследован вопрос выплаты вознаграждения за использование результата творческой деятельности автора музыкального произведения, исполнителя и производителя фонограмм в коммерческих целях. Отдельно рассмотрен вопрос управления имущественными правами субъектов авторского права и смежных прав. На основе системного анализа положений нормативно-правовых актов и их практического применения внесены предложения по совершенствованию законодательства Украины в этой сфере

    The practices of antibiotics application in neurosurgical patients in Ukraine: a cohort study

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    Introduction. The outcomes of potential complications of surgical interventions in neurosurgical patients can cause a death. Efficient antibiotic prophylaxis decreases the risks of infection and improves the quality of health care. Purpose. To estimate the appropriateness of prescribing antibiotics in a neurosurgical ward from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Material and method. A retrospective cohort study has been carried out in a neurosurgical ward of multidisciplinary healthcare setting of Ukraine. Data from 131 in-patient medical cards (MC) of neurosurgical patients has been analyzed. Descriptive statistics methods have been used for data analysis. The relative risk (RR) with the 95% confidence interval (95% CI) has been calculated. Results. We found that among the patients, females prevailed (n = 81 / 61.8%). The patients’ mean age was 49.83 ± 13.90 years. The frequency of antibiotics prescriptions was higher significant in patients, who received surgical procedures in comparison with patients, who did not receive surgical procedures (RR = 1.827; 95% CI: 1,137 – 2.935). Antibiotics were prescribed mostly during the postoperative period. The use of interchangeable antibiotics of the same group has been occurred. The use of antibiotics for prevention in the most cases was of unreasonably long duration. Conclusion. The practice of the use of antibiotics in neurosurgical ward does not correspond to scientifically founded recommendations. It is needed to clearly define the indications for prescribing antibiotics. Duration of antibiotic use should depend on specialization of wards in multidisciplinary healthcare setting. It is expedient to conduct an audit on the use of antibiotics at healthcare settings on a regular basis with involving a specialist in infection control, a clinical pharmacist, and a clinical microbiologist