282 research outputs found

    The use of music in Mutual Recovery: a qualitative pilot study

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    Mutual Recovery involves caregivers and their clients mutually participating in artistic endeavours to foster resilience in both parties. A qualitative enquiry into the use of group music making (referred to as a ‘Music Jam’) between both the caregivers and clients at a residential treatment facility for adults with developmental disabilities and Schizophrenia was conducted. The purpose of this study was to examine whether shared musical endeavours enjoyed therapeutic and resilience building utility for both the caregivers and clients. A focus group was conducted in which comments were collected and transcribed for qualitative analysis. Themes of enhanced respect and equality among clients for the caregivers, and intrapersonal connectedness and enhanced feelings of community emerged during analysis. Both parties expressed recurrent themes of humility, mutual respect and overall enjoyment. Mutual Recovery practices where caregivers and their clients play music outside of therapeutic settings are an effective means by which resiliency and connectedness can be enhanced in all participants. To this end, other forms of Mutual Recovery deserve greater investigation in order to better examine whether these practices are worth implementing in larger and more varied formats


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    No início de 2011 o Cine Belas Artes, tradicional sala exibidora do chamado “cinema de arte” desde 1967, recebeu ameaça de fechamento. Parte da sociedade civil realizou diversas manifestações contra o fechamento do cinema, que tiveram como plano de ação o pedido de seu tombamento. O artigo propõe uma investigação tanto do valor do Cine Belas Artes como bem culturais da cidade, como da possibilidade de sua inclusão no acervo do Patrimônio Cultural de São Paulo, adentrando em debates referentes à prática patrimonial no ambiente urbano que o caso em questão suscita


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    How has the pandemic shaped play, both as a frame for interaction and as an emergent theme during play activity? Central to the book is the exploration of isolation among children, youth and adults during the phases of quarantine in 2020-2021. The authors are researchers and practitioners in Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Scotland, Serbia, Sudan, South Korea, the United States and Wales. Cultures studied include families in different social classes and different speech communities. The chapters are introduced through their sections: Landscapes, Portraits, and Shifting Frames

    Training general psychiatry residents in child and adolescent psychiatry

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    The authors describe the nature of current social and economic forces impacting on the education and future practice of general psychiatry residents in child and adolescent psychiatry. They review theoretical and practical reasons for training in child and adolescent psychiatry, analyze the form and content of what is currently taught based on a national survey of general training programs, and suggest guidelines for the training and postgraduate practice of general psychiatrists in evaluating and treating children and adolescents. The authors conclude that while social and economic changes necessitate general psychiatrists' clinical involvement with children and adolescents, insufficient general training may necessitate postgraduate education and supervision. They pose ethical and professional dilemmas for the field in meeting the national shortage of child and adolescent psychiatrists and propose strategies to enhance recruitment into child and adolescent residency training.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43989/1/11126_2005_Article_BF01955625.pd

    Causal signal transmission by quantum fields. IV: The causal Wick theorem

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    Wick's theorem in the Schwinger-Perel-Keldysh closed-time-loop formalism is written in a form where the place of contractions is taken by the linear response function of the field. This result demonstrates that the physical information supplied by Wick's theorem for operators is propagation of the free field in space and time.Comment: Final version, to appear in Phys Rev

    The senses of living in three acts: representation, comfort and privacy

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    Considering the single-family residence as a cultural artefact, a product and producer of social relations, this article intends to investigate the notions of representation, comfort and privacy in their practices and materialities, from the moment of their constitution, at the turn of the twentieth century, to their transformations, in the mid-1920s. From this panorama, we intend to problematize the professional and social habitus of architects like Lina Bo Bardi, Vilanova Artigas and Paulo Mendes da Rocha, who have questioned the “bourgeois” domesticity in the 1960s, and proposed a new lifestyle. It aims at pointing out the ambiguities of such critique, detailing it historically to present other possibilities for building dialogues between architects and society in contemporaneity.Tomando a residência unifamiliar como um artefato cultural, produto e produtor de relações sociais, este artigo pretende investigar as noções de representação, conforto e privacidade em suas práticas e materialidades, do momento de sua constituição, na virada do século XX, até suas transformações, em meados dos anos 1920. A partir desse panorama, pretende-se problematizar o habitus profissional e social de arquitetos como Lina Bo Bardi, Vilanova Artigas e Paulo Mendes da Rocha, que questionaram na década de 1960 a domesticidade “burguesa”, propondo um novo modo de vida. Trata-se de apontar as ambiguidades dessa crítica, circunstanciando-a historicamente para, então, assinalar outras possibilidades de construção de diálogos entre os arquitetos e a sociedade na contemporaneidade

    Os sentidos do morar em três atos: representação, conforto e privacidade

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    Tomando a residência unifamiliar como um artefato cultural, produto e produtor de relações sociais, este artigo pretende investigar as noções de representação, conforto e privacidade em suas práticas e materialidades, do momento de sua constituição, na virada do século XX, até suas transformações, em meados dos anos 1920. A partir desse panorama, pretende-se problematizar o habitus profissional e social de arquitetos como Lina Bo Bardi, Vilanova Artigas e Paulo Mendes da Rocha, que questionaram na década de 1960 a domesticidade “burguesa”, propondo um novo modo de vida. Trata-se de apontar as ambiguidades dessa crítica, circunstanciando-a historicamente para, então, assinalar outras possibilidades de construção de diálogos entre os arquitetos e a sociedade na contemporaneidade


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    The approaches of the resource theory of crises and contingency plan administration have been developed in respect of town-forming organizations of non-diversified centers of population. The introduced economic models let identify and substantiate the emergence of contradictions among economic and social systems, connected by joint activities, in single-industry towns. These problems are expected to be solved through the development of corporate legislation, where it is necessary to settle issues of interdependence, partnership and responsibility not only of legal entities, but also of business groups.Разработаны подходы ресурсной теории кризисов и антикризисного управления в отношении градообразующих организаций монопрофильных населенных пунктов. Введенные экономические модели позволяют выявить и обосновать возникновение противоречий между социально-экономическими системами, связанными совместной деятельностью, в моногородах. Предполагается решение указанных проблем за счет развития корпоративного законодательства, где необходимо урегулировать вопросы взаимозависимости, партнерства и ответственности не только юридических лиц, но и предпринимательских групп. Статья создана при поддержке Научного фонда Финансового университета при Правительстве Российской Федерации