2,325 research outputs found

    Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers: The View from a Northern Heartland

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    This report, based on 42 interviews with workers, trade unionists and other stakeholders, examines the phenomena of low-paid and precarious work in Sheffield. It focuses on the factors driving the prevalence of such work (including the links with welfare reform), the experiences of workers in seven distinct employment sectors, as well as trade union responses to the challenges of organising in these areas. The report also includes a major addition of a postscript focused on the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic and how this relates to the wider findings of the study

    Archaeological excavation and deep mapping in historic rural communities

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    This paper reviews the results of more than a hundred small archaeological “test pit” excavations carried out in 2013 within four rural communities in eastern England. Each excavation used standardized protocols in a different location within the host village, with the finds dated and mapped to create a series of maps spanning more than 3500 years, in order to advance understanding of the spatial development of settlements and landscapes over time. The excavations were all carried out by local volunteers working physically within their own communities, supported and advised by professional archaeologists, with most test pits sited in volunteers’ own gardens or those of their friends, family or neighbors. Site-by-site, the results provided glimpses of the use made by humans of each of the excavated sites spanning prehistory to the present day; while in aggregate the mapped data show how settlement and land-use developed and changed over time. Feedback from participants also demonstrates the diverse positive impacts the project had on individuals and communities. The results are presented and reviewed here in order to highlight the contribution archaeological test pit excavation can make to deep mapping, and the contribution that deep mapping can make to rural communities

    Pre-Hispanic anthropogenic wetlands in the upper Ica drainage, south-central Andes: dating and context

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    Humans have engineered their environmentsthroughout the Holocene, especially in the constructionof hydraulic infrastructure. In many regions,however, this infrastructure is difficult to date, includingthe vestiges of water-management systems in theAndean highlands. Focusing on silt reservoirs in theupper Ica drainage, Peru, the authors use cores andradiocarbon dates to demonstrate the pre-Hispanicconstruction of walls to enhance and expand wetlandsfor camelid pasture. Interventions dated to the Incaperiod (AD 1400?1532) indicate an intensificationof investment in hydraulic infrastructure to expandproduction capacity in support of the state. Theresults are discussed in the context of the hydraulicstrategies of other states and empires.Fil: Lane, Kevin John. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de las Culturas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de las Culturas; ArgentinaFil: Beresford Jones, David. Universitat Bonn; AlemaniaFil: Coll, Luis Vicente Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de las Culturas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de las Culturas; ArgentinaFil: Marsh, Erik Johnson. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas. - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Scaife, Rob. University of Southampton; Reino UnidoFil: Greco Mainero, Mariano Catriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Oros, Oliver Huaman. Ministerio de Cultura; PerúFil: Herrera, Alexander. Universidad de Los Andes; ColombiaFil: Grant Lett Brown, Jennifer Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; ArgentinaFil: French, Charles. University of Cambridge; Estados Unido

    Elite households in viejo sangayaico: a late horizon and early colonial settlement in huancavelica (Peru)

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    Recientes excavaciones llevadas a cabo al interior de dos estructuras domésticas (E19 y E12) en Viejo Sangayaico B (Huancavelica, Perú) revelan como los habitantes de ambas estructuras poseyeron un estatus de élite asociado a la administración inca del asentamiento durante el Horizonte Tardío. Asimismo, diferencias en la calidad y cantidad de bienes europeos consumidos durante las primeras décadas de la Colonia re!ejan dos distintas estrategias políticas asumidas por ambos grupos con el objetivo de mantener su estatus de élite en un contexto de profundos y rápidos cambios.Recent excavations carried out inside two household structures (E19 and E12) in Viejo Sangayaico B (Huancavelica, Peru) reveal how the inhabitants of both structures possessed an elite status associated with the Inca administration of the settlement during the Late Horizon. Likewise, differences in the quality and quantity of European goods consumed during the early decades of the colonial period reflect two different political strategies assumed by both groups in order to maintain their elite status in a context of deep and rapid changes.Fil: Rodriguez Morales, Jorge. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; PerúFil: Lane, Kevin John. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; ArgentinaFil: Huamán, Oliver. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; PerúFil: Chauca, George. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; PerúFil: Coll, Luis Vicente Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto de las Culturas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de las Culturas; ArgentinaFil: Beresford Jones, David. University of Cambridge; Reino UnidoFil: French, Charles Andrew Ivey. University of Cambridge; Reino Unid

    Refining the Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization: How Plant Fiber Technology Drove Social Complexity During the Preceramic Period.

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    Moseley's (1975) Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization hypothesis challenges, in one of humanity's few pristine hearths of civilization, the axiom that agriculture is necessary for the rise of complex societies. We revisit that hypothesis by setting new findings from La Yerba II (7571-6674 Cal bp) and III (6485-5893 Cal bp), Río Ica estuary, alongside the wider archaeological record for the end of the Middle Preceramic Period on the Peruvian coast. The La Yerba record evinces increasing population, sedentism, and "Broad Spectrum Revolution" features, including early horticulture of Phaseolus and Canavalia beans. Yet unlike further north, these changes failed to presage the florescence of monumental civilization during the subsequent Late Preceramic Period. Instead, the south coast saw a profound "archaeological silence." These contrasting trajectories had little to do with any relative differences in marine resources, but rather to restrictions on the terrestrial resources that determined a society's capacity to intensify exploitation of those marine resources. We explain this apparent miscarriage of the Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization (MFAC) hypothesis on the south coast of Peru by proposing more explicit links than hitherto, between the detailed technological aspects of marine exploitation using plant fibers to make fishing nets and the emergence of social complexity on the coast of Peru. Rather than because of any significant advantages in quality, it was the potential for increased quantities of production, inherent in the shift from gathered wild Asclepias bast fibers to cultivated cotton, that inadvertently precipitated revolutionary social change. Thereby refined, the MFAC hypothesis duly emerges more persuasive than ever.We thank the members of the One River Project including Agathe Dupeyron, Vincent Haburaj, Oliver Huamán, Leidy Santana, and Fraser Sturt; the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú for granting permission for archaeological fieldwork (under Resoluciones Directorales No. 933-2012-DGPC-VMPCIC/ MC, 19 December 2012, No. 386-2014-DGPA-VMPCIC/MC, 22 August 2014, and No. 290-2015-DGPAVMPCIC/MC, 17 July 2015) and the export of samples for dating; the director of the Museo Regional de Ica Susana Arce; don Alberto Benavides Ganoza and the people of Samaca for facilitating fieldwork; the Leverhulme Trust (grant number RPG-117); the late Don Alberto Benavides de la Quintana (grant number RG69428); and the NERC Radiocarbon facility (grant number NF/2013/2/2) for funding

    Ethical and methodological issues in engaging young people living in poverty with participatory research methods

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    This paper discusses the methodological and ethical issues arising from a project that focused on conducting a qualitative study using participatory techniques with children and young people living in disadvantage. The main aim of the study was to explore the impact of poverty on children and young people's access to public and private services. The paper is based on the author's perspective of the first stage of the fieldwork from the project. It discusses the ethical implications of involving children and young people in the research process, in particular issues relating to access and recruitment, the role of young people's advisory groups, use of visual data and collection of data in young people's homes. The paper also identifies some strategies for addressing the difficulties encountered in relation to each of these aspects and it considers the benefits of adopting participatory methods when conducting research with children and young people

    Elicitation of expert prior opinion: application to the MYPAN trial in childhood polyarteritis nodosa.

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    OBJECTIVES: Definitive sample sizes for clinical trials in rare diseases are usually infeasible. Bayesian methodology can be used to maximise what is learnt from clinical trials in these circumstances. We elicited expert prior opinion for a future Bayesian randomised controlled trial for a rare inflammatory paediatric disease, polyarteritis nodosa (MYPAN, Mycophenolate mofetil for polyarteritis nodosa). METHODS: A Bayesian prior elicitation meeting was convened. Opinion was sought on the probability that a patient in the MYPAN trial treated with cyclophosphamide would achieve disease remission within 6-months, and on the relative efficacies of mycophenolate mofetil and cyclophosphamide. Expert opinion was combined with previously unseen data from a recently completed randomised controlled trial in ANCA associated vasculitis. RESULTS: A pan-European group of fifteen experts participated in the elicitation meeting. Consensus expert prior opinion was that the most likely rates of disease remission within 6 months on cyclophosphamide or mycophenolate mofetil were 74% and 71%, respectively. This prior opinion will now be taken forward and will be modified to formulate a Bayesian posterior opinion once the MYPAN trial data from 40 patients randomised 1:1 to either CYC or MMF become available. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that the methodological template we propose could be applied to trial design for other rare diseases