2,794 research outputs found

    Formation and long-term evolution of 3D vortices in protoplanetary discs

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    In the context of planet formation, anticyclonic vortices have recently received lots of attention for the role they can play in planetesimals formation. Radial migration of intermediate size solids toward the central star may prevent their growth to larger solid grains. On the other hand, vortices can trap the dust and accelerate this growth, counteracting fast radial transport. Multiple effects have been shown to affect this scenario, such as vortex migration or decay. The aim of this paper is to study the formation of vortices by the Rossby wave instability and their long term evolution in a full three dimensional protoplanetary disc. We use a robust numerical scheme combined with adaptive mesh refinement in cylindrical coordinates, allowing to affordably compute long term 3D evolutions. We consider a full disc stratified both radially and vertically that is prone to formation of vortices by the Rossby wave instability. We show that the 3D Rossby vortices grow and survive over hundreds of years without migration. The localized overdensity which initiated the instability and vortex formation survives the growth of the Rossby wave instability for very long times. When the vortices are no longer sustained by the Rossby wave instability, their shape changes toward more elliptical vortices. This allows them to survive shear-driven destruction, but they may be prone to elliptical instability and slow decay. When the conditions for growing Rossby wave-related instabilities are maintained in the disc, large-scale vortices can survive over very long timescales and may be able to concentrate solids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    How primordial is the structure of comet 67P/C-G? Combined collisional and dynamical models suggest a late formation

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    There is an active debate about whether the properties of comets as observed today are primordial or, alternatively, if they are a result of collisional evolution or other processes. We investigate the effects of collisions on a comet with a structure like 67P/C-G. We develop scaling laws for the critical specific impact energies required for a significant shape alteration. These are then used in simulations of the combined dynamical and collisional evolution of comets in order to study the survival probability of a primordially formed object with a shape like 67P/C-G. The effects of impacts on comet 67P/C-G are studied using a SPH shock physics code. The resulting critical specific impact energy defines a minimal projectile size which is used to compute the number of shape-changing collisions in a set of dynamical simulations. These simulations follow the dispersion of the trans-Neptunian disk during the giant planet instability, the formation of a scattered disk, and produce 87 objects that penetrate into the inner solar system with orbits consistent with the observed JFC population. The collisional evolution before the giant planet instability is not considered here. Hence, our study is conservative in its estimation of the number of collisions. We find that in any scenario considered here, comet 67P/C-G would have experienced a significant number of shape-changing collisions, if it formed primordially. This is also the case for generic bi-lobe shapes. Our study also shows that impact heating is very localized and that collisionally processed bodies can still have a high porosity. Our study indicates that the observed bi-lobe structure of comet 67P/C-G may not be primordial, but might have originated in a rather recent event, possibly within the last 1 Gy. This may be the case for any kilometer-sized two-component cometary nuclei.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted pending minor revision

    Collisions of inhomogeneous pre-planetesimals

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    In the framework of the coagulation scenario, kilometre-sized planetesimals form by subsequent collisions of pre-planetesimals of sizes from centimetre to hundreds of metres. Pre-planetesimals are fluffy, porous dust aggregates, which are inhomogeneous owing to their collisional history. Planetesimal growth can be prevented by catastrophic disruption in pre-planetesimal collisions above the destruction velocity threshold. We develop an inhomogeneity model based on the density distribution of dust aggregates, which is assumed to be a Gaussian distribution with a well-defined standard deviation. As a second input parameter, we consider the typical size of an inhomogeneous clump. These input parameters are easily accessible by laboratory experiments. For the simulation of the dust aggregates, we utilise a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code with extensions for modelling porous solid bodies. The porosity model was previously calibrated for the simulation of silica dust, which commonly serves as an analogue for pre-planetesimal material. The inhomogeneity is imposed as an initial condition on the SPH particle distribution. We carry out collisions of centimetre-sized dust aggregates of intermediate porosity. We vary the standard deviation of the inhomogeneous distribution at fixed typical clump size. The collision outcome is categorised according to the four-population model. We show that inhomogeneous pre-planetesimals are more prone to destruction than homogeneous aggregates. Even slight inhomogeneities can lower the threshold for catastrophic disruption. For a fixed collision velocity, the sizes of the fragments decrease with increasing inhomogeneity. Pre-planetesimals with an active collisional history tend to be weaker. This is a possible obstacle to collisional growth and needs to be taken into account in future studies of the coagulation scenario.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Oceanographic Observations in Monterey Bay, California, January 1972 to April 1973: Annual Report, Part 3, 1973

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    This report completes the hydrographic data series obtained during 27 monthly oceanographic cruises in Monterey Bay. This oceanographic study was initiated under a grant from the Office of Sea Grant Programs, and the data collection began in February 1971. In September 1971 additional funding was received from the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments. The data obtained during 1971 have been published previously (Broenkow 1972), and some initial interpretation of this work has been reported by Smethie (1973), Broenkow and Smethie (1973), and Oceanographic Services, Inc. (1973). (PDF contains 336 pages

    Energy Distribution of Micro-events in the Quiet Solar Corona

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    Recent imaging observations of EUV line emissions have shown evidence for frequent flare-like events in a majority of the pixels in quiet regions of the solar corona. The changes in coronal emission measure indicate impulsive heating of new material to coronal temperatures. These heating or evaporation events are candidate signatures of "nanoflares" or "microflares" proposed to interpret the high temperature and the very existence of the corona. The energy distribution of these micro-events reported in the literature differ widely, and so do the estimates of their total energy input into the corona. Here we analyze the assumptions of the different methods, compare them by using the same data set and discuss their results. We also estimate the different forms of energy input and output, keeping in mind that the observed brightenings are most likely secondary phenomena. A rough estimate of the energy input observed by EIT on the SoHO satellite is of the order of 10% of the total radiative output in the same region. It is considerably smaller for the two reported TRACE observations. The discrepancy can be explained partially by different thresholds for flare detection. There is agreement on the slope and the absolute value of the distribution if the same method were used and a numerical error corrected. The extrapolation of the power law to unobserved energies that are many orders of magnitude smaller remains questionable. Nevertheless, these micro-events and unresolved smaller events are currently the best source of information on the heating process of the corona

    A generalized bayesian inference method for constraining the interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes

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    We aim to present a generalized Bayesian inference method for constraining interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes. Our methodology succeeds in quantifying the degeneracy and correlation of structural parameters for high dimensional parameter spaces. Specifically, we identify what constraints can be placed on composition and thickness of core, mantle, ice, ocean, and atmospheric layers given observations of mass, radius, and bulk refractory abundance constraints (Fe, Mg, Si) from observations of the host star's photospheric composition. We employed a full probabilistic Bayesian inference analysis that formally accounts for observational and model uncertainties. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, we computed joint and marginal posterior probability distributions for all structural parameters of interest. We included state-of-the-art structural models based on self-consistent thermodynamics of core, mantle, high-pressure ice, and liquid water. Furthermore, we tested and compared two different atmospheric models that are tailored for modeling thick and thin atmospheres, respectively. First, we validate our method against Neptune. Second, we apply it to synthetic exoplanets of fixed mass and determine the effect on interior structure and composition when (1) radius, (2) atmospheric model, (3) data uncertainties, (4) semi-major axes, (5) atmospheric composition (i.e., a priori assumption of enriched envelopes versus pure H/He envelopes), and (6) prior distributions are varied. Our main conclusions are: [...]Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597, A37, 17 pages, 11 figure

    Temporal Correlation of Hard X-rays and Meter/Decimeter Radio Structures in Solar Flares

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    We investigate the relative timing between hard X-ray (HXR) peaks and structures in metric and decimetric radio emissions of solar flares using data from the RHESSI and Phoenix-2 instruments. The radio events under consideration are predominantly classified as type III bursts, decimetric pulsations and patches. The RHESSI data are demodulated using special techniques appropriate for a Phoenix-2 temporal resolution of 0.1s. The absolute timing accuracy of the two instruments is found to be about 170 ms, and much better on the average. It is found that type III radio groups often coincide with enhanced HXR emission, but only a relatively small fraction (\sim 20%) of the groups show close correlation on time scales << 1s. If structures correlate, the HXRs precede the type III emissions in a majority of cases, and by 0.69±\pm0.19 s on the average. Reversed drift type III bursts are also delayed, but high-frequency and harmonic emission is retarded less. The decimetric pulsations and patches (DCIM) have a larger scatter of delays, but do not have a statistically significant sign or an average different from zero. The time delay does not show a center-to-limb variation excluding simple propagation effects. The delay by scattering near the source region is suggested to be the most efficient process on the average for delaying type III radio emission

    Collisions between equal sized ice grain agglomerates

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    Following the recent insight in the material structure of comets, protoplanetesimals are assumed to have low densities and to be highly porous agglomerates. It is still unclear if planetesimals can be formed from these objects by collisional growth. Therefore, it is important to study numerically the collisional outcome from low velocity impacts of equal sized porous agglomerates which are too large to be examined in a laboratory experiment. We use the Lagrangian particle method Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics to solve the equations that describe the dynamics of elastic and plastic bodies. Additionally, to account for the influence of porosity, we follow a previous developed equation of state and certain relations between the material strength and the relative density. Collisional growth seems possible for rather low collision velocities and particular material strengths. The remnants of collisions with impact parameters that are larger than 50% of the radius of the colliding objects tend to rotate. For small impact parameters, the colliding objects are effectively slowed down without a prominent compaction of the porous structure, which probably increases the possibility for growth. The protoplanetesimals, however, do not stick together for the most part of the employed material strengths. An important issue in subsequent studies has to be the influence of rotation to collisional growth. Moreover, for realistic simulations of protoplanetesimals it is crucial to know the correct material parameters in more detail.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Pebbles versus planetesimals

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    In the core accretion scenario, a massive core forms first and then accretes an envelope. When discussing how this core forms some divergences appear. First scenarios of planet formation predict the accretion of km-sized bodies, called planetesimals, while more recent works suggest growth by accretion of pebbles, which are cm-sized objects. These two accretion models are often discussed separately and we aim here at comparing the outcomes of the two models with identical initial conditions. We use two distinct codes: one computing planetesimal accretion, the other pebble accretion. Using a population synthesis approach, we compare planet simulations and study the impact of the two solid accretion models, focussing on the formation of single planets. We find that the planetesimal model predicts the formation of more giant planets, while the pebble accretion model forms more super-Earth mass planets. This is due to the pebble isolation mass concept, which prevents planets formed by pebble accretion to accrete gas efficiently before reaching Miso. This translates into a population of planets that are not heavy enough to accrete a consequent envelope but that are in a mass range where type I migration is very efficient. We also find higher gas mass fractions for a given core mass for the pebble model compared to the planetesimal one caused by luminosity differences. This also implies planets with lower densities which could be confirmed observationally. Focusing on giant planets, we conclude that the sensitivity of their formation differs: for the pebble accretion model, the time at which the embryos are formed, as well as the period over which solids are accreted strongly impact the results, while for the planetesimal model it depends on the planetesimal size and on the splitting in the amount of solids available to form planetesimals

    Periodic Bursts of Coherent Radio Emission from an Ultracool Dwarf

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    We report the detection of periodic (p = 1.96 hours) bursts of extremely bright, 100% circularly polarized, coherent radio emission from the M9 dwarf TVLM 513-46546. Simultaneous photometric monitoring observations have established this periodicity to be the rotation period of the dwarf. These bursts, which were not present in previous observations of this target, confirm that ultracool dwarfs can generate persistent levels of broadband, coherent radio emission, associated with the presence of kG magnetic fields in a large-scale, stable configuration. Compact sources located at the magnetic polar regions produce highly beamed emission generated by the electron cyclotron maser instability, the same mechanism known to generate planetary coherent radio emission in our solar system. The narrow beams of radiation pass our line of sight as the dwarf rotates, producing the associated periodic bursts. The resulting radio light curves are analogous to the periodic light curves associated with pulsar radio emission highlighting TVLM 513-46546 as the prototype of a new class of transient radio source.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter