659 research outputs found


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    This article is concerned with reduplication in Uab Meto which divided into three parts. First is general characterization of reduplication in UAb Meto, second are the formal properties of reduplication in Uab Meto, third is the function of reduplication in Uab Meto. Data was elicited from observation and interviewing native speakers. Some data also taken from literatures which written in Uab Meto such as bible and articles in local news papers. Uab Meto has a unique characteristic of reduplicating a word because analyzing morphological process of reduplication is interrelated to other aspects such as clause (syntax) and sound harmony (phonology). Based on data collected, it shown that reduplication can be done to verb, noun, adjective, and adverb. For example, the noun neno ‘day’ has two forms of reduplication, they are neno-neno that is a noun and nen-neno’ is an adverb. The first reduplicated word neno-neno means every day, while the second, nenneno’ means on the day time. Another aspect to see in this article is the function of reduplication. The word muti’ ‘white’ for example, has two form of reduplication, namely muti-muti and mut-muti’. The first reduplicated word muti-muti is an intensification which mean very white/clean but the second mut-muti, there is a transfer of meaning to show similarity which mean ‘looks white’. The two examples above show that reduplication in Uab Meto is a morphological process which is driven by phonological output requirements. Phonological constraints are existed to make the output phonologically harmonic. The result of reduplicated word can be either inflectional or derivational


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    After the crises in emerging market economies beginning with that of Mexico in the mid-1990s, the adoption of internationally recognized standards and codes (S&C) of financial best practices came to be seen as a way to strengthen the international financial system. The S&C initiative was launched as such in 1999 but included within its scope work on standards for the different subjects included which had often already been under way for some time. This paper evaluates the progress made so far and considers some of the basic assumptions of the S&C initiative. In particular it examines how far S&C can be instrumental in preventing financial crises, and focuses on issues raised by the initiative from a developing-country perspective. It devotes special attention to both the process of surveillance of S&C by the Bretton Woods institutions (BWI) and to the information which this process generates. In this context it appraises the use of this information by the private sector whose increased engagement with emerging markets is a major part of the rationale of the exercise.

    Decomposing social indicators using distributional data

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    Are the poor less healthy? Does public health spending matter more to them? The authors decompose aggregate health indicators using a random coefficients model in which the aggregates are regressed on the population distribution by subgroups, taking account of the statistical properties of the error term and allowing for other determinants of health status, including public health spending. This also allows them to test possible determinants of the variation in the underlying subgroup indicators. They implement the approach with data on health outcomes and poverty measures for 35 developing countries. The authors find that poor people have appreciably worse health status on average than others - and that differences in public health spending tend to matter more to the poor. This is probably because the nonpoor are in a better position to buy private health care.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Public Health Promotion,Health Systems Development&Reform,Health Economics&Finance,Early Child and Children's Health,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance,Inequality,Health Systems Development&Reform,Poverty Assessment

    How robust is a poverty profile?

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    Comparisons of poverty - indicating where or when poverty is greatest, for example - typically matter far more to policy choices than aggregate poverty measures, such as how many people are deemed"poor."So the author's examine how measurement practices affect empirical poverty profiles. They discuss the pros and cons of alternative approaches to developing a poverty profile and use those approaches on the same data set. In Indonesia, as in many countries, past methods of building poverty profiles have used the food-energy-intake method, defining the poverty line as the normal consumption spending at which a person typically attains a predetermined food-energy-intake in each subgroup. The author's argue that his method can yield differences in poverty lines (between urban and rural areas, for example) that exceed the cost-of-living differences the poor face. So, that method can mislead policy choices aimed at reducing absolute poverty. For comparison, they explore a cost-of-basic-needs methods, whereby an explicit bundle of foods typically consumed by the poor is valued at local prices, with a minimal allowance for non-food goods consistent with spending by the poor. This approach, though not ideal, is a conceptually transparent operational alternative that can be implemented with available data. They argue that this approach is more likely to generate a consistent poverty profile in that two people with the same measured standard of living - purchasing power of basic consumption needs - will be treated the same way. This refinement of past approaches retains some seemingly desirable features (such as concern for the tastes of the poor) and avoids others (such as the implicit use of a higher real poverty line in richer regions of the same country). For Indonesia, the cost-of-basic-needs methods finds more incidence, depth, and severity of poverty in rural areas, whereas the food-energy-intake method finds all measures of poverty worse in urban areas. The ranking of regions (provinces divided into rural and urban) by two methods has virtually zero correlation. The poverty profile by principal sector of employment is less sensitive to the choice of method, particularly in urban areas. This case study supports the conclusion that policymakers should be wary of underlying differences between methods of estimating poverty measures. The cost-of-basic-needs approach is fairly robust to severaly other methodological choices, notably changes in the composition of the basic need bundle (which determines the overall level of the poverty line), differences in the functional form of the poverty measure, and adjustment for spatial differences in prices, issues that have dominated debates on how to measure poverty. Ironically, the results of this study suggest that these issues matter less to poverty rankings (and hence to policy conclusions) than do the choices made in mapping a given specification of basic needs into monetary poverty lines.Poverty Lines,Poverty Assessment,Environmental Economics&Policies,Achieving Shared Growth,Poverty Reduction Strategies

    The Effect of Black Kabesak (Acacia nilotica) Pods Supplementation Levels on Nursing Behavior of Ongole Female Culled Cows Fed Banana Stem, Rice Straw and Rice Bran as a Basal Diet

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect the effect of black kabesak (Acacia nilotica) pods supplementation levels on nursing behaviors of culled female Ongole cows fed banana stem, rice straw and rice bran as a basal diet. Three 8-9-year-old culled female Ongole cows (initial live weight 194-210.5 kg) were used in this study following a 3 x 3 Latin Square Design (LSD). The treatments were a basal diet and supplementation of A. nilotica 0% (P0), 0.5% (P0.5) and 1% (P1) of body weight, respectively. The variables observed were nursing behaviors which included length of nursing in the morning, noon and afternoon; milk consumption in the morning, noon and afternoon; total nursing length; and milk production. Data obtained from this study were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) of SPSS 23. The results showed that there were no different between treatments on nursing behaviors of culled female Ongole cows. It is concluded that supplementation of A. nilotica pods up to 1% of body weight could be used to feed culled female Ongole cows during nursing

    Oblique Case and Concord in Hindi Noun Phrases

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    This paper argues that oblique inections on a noun in the context of an overt case marker or Layer II postposition is the outcome of a distinct phenomenon than oblique concord, which manifests on modifying constituents on a Complex Noun Phrase (CNP). The paper argues that oblique morphology on a head noun (N0) of a CNP is triggered by the presence of a postposition, whereas oblique morphology on modifying constituents are a result of concord with this N0. Empirical evidence from adult grammar shows that only after CNP internal agreement has taken place, does oblique appear on modifying constituents only if they belong to the in declension class. In addition, empirical evidence from a corpus of Hindi acquisition data suggests that children take the overt appearance of oblique on N0 as a clue for oblique concord on CNP internal constituents


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    This research has been conducted in Manado using primarydata, descriptive statistical analysis method. This study aims todetermine internal and  external factors in consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado. The results of this study indicate that the internal factor is the factor that comes from within the consumer  that is age, occupation,  income has a strong influence on consumer behavior of apples inthe city of Manado and external factors are factors that come fromout side the self that is consumer  reference group  and family  havean  important  influence  on consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado.  From the consumer behavior of apples in the city of Manado to be see  kind of the most  popular  apples are fuji apples because according to consumer tastes and  behavior of apples in the city of Manado

    A study on metal ion complexation with a macrocyclic ligand : a thermodynamic, kinetic, and mechanistic investigation

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    Studies the complexation of metal ions with the macrocyclic ligand, 1, 4, 8, 11-tetrakis (2-hydroxyethyl)-1, 4, 8, 11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (THEC)Thesis (M.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, 199

    Aktualisasi Media Interaktif Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada Pembelajaran IPS di SD Tatelek Desa Manusak

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    learning was carried out at Tatelek Elementary School, Manusak Village, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency. Implementation of this research aims to; 1) knowing and describing the social studies learning process at Tatelek Elementary School in Manusak Village; 2) designing interactive media based on local wisdom; and 3) actualizing interactive media based on local wisdom in social studies learning at SD Tatelek. This qualitative research is descriptive in nature involving fifth grade students as research subjects. The results of the implementation of this activity have a positive impact on each party. Teachers are more innovative and creative and more enriched in designing learning, especially social studies learning. In addition, the existence of media that is designed and provided for the school can be used as an example that adds to the teacher's insight in making and using learning media in class. Students as subjects and objects in participating in learning are also maximized. Achievement of IPS material is more effective and maximal. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that schools and local governments design various self-development activities, especially teachers in order to improve the quality of educatio

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran (Role Playing) Dengan Konsep Menyebrangi Laut Teberau Bersama Tuhan

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    Masalah dalam penelitian adalah: Apakah dengan Penerapan  Model Pembelajaran Bermain Peran ( Role Playing ) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar  siswa Kelas IV SD Inpres Tenau Kota Kupang? Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar pada siswa kelas IV SD  Inpres Tenau Kota Kupang. Penelitian dilakukan di SD Inpres Tenau,  Kecamatan Alak Kota Kupang. Adapun subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Tenau Kecamatan Alak dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 27 orang. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dilaksanakan dua siklus. Penelitian berlangsung mulai bulan Mei sampai Juni  2015. Hasil Penelitian Siklus I Rerata Nilai  65,56 dengan presentasi ketuntasan 37,64 % ( 10 siswa ), Siklus II dengan Rerata Nilai 83,70 dengan presentasi ketuntasan100 % ( 27 siswa tuntas). Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan model pembelajaran bermain peran ( Role Playing )dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar bagi siswa kelas IV SD Inpres Tenau Kota Kupang naik secara signifikan. Penggunaan model pembelajaran bermain peran ( Role Playing ) juga dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran
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