Oblique Case and Concord in Hindi Noun Phrases


This paper argues that oblique inections on a noun in the context of an overt case marker or Layer II postposition is the outcome of a distinct phenomenon than oblique concord, which manifests on modifying constituents on a Complex Noun Phrase (CNP). The paper argues that oblique morphology on a head noun (N0) of a CNP is triggered by the presence of a postposition, whereas oblique morphology on modifying constituents are a result of concord with this N0. Empirical evidence from adult grammar shows that only after CNP internal agreement has taken place, does oblique appear on modifying constituents only if they belong to the in declension class. In addition, empirical evidence from a corpus of Hindi acquisition data suggests that children take the overt appearance of oblique on N0 as a clue for oblique concord on CNP internal constituents

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