368 research outputs found

    Revenue recycling and the welfare effects of road pricing

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    The authors explore the interaction between taxes on work-related traffic congestion and preexisting distortionary taxes in the labor market. A congestion tax raises the overall costs of commuting to work and discourages labor force participation at the margin when revenues are returned in lump-sum transfers. The resulting efficiency loss in the labor market can be larger that the Pigouvian efficiency gains from internalizing the congestion externality. By contrast, if congestion tax revenues are used to reduce labor taxes, the net impact on the labor supply is positive and the efficiency gain in the labor market can raise the overall welfare gains of the congestion tax by as much as 100 percent. Recycling congestion tax revenues in public transit subsidies produces a positive, but smaller, impact on the labor supply. In short, the authors'results indicate that the presence of preexisting tax distortions, and the form of revenue recycling, can crucially affect the size - and possibly even the sign - of the welfare effect of road pricing schemes. The efficiency gains from recycling congestion tax revenues in other tax reductions can amount to several times the Pigouvian welfare gains from congestion reduction.Public Sector Economics&Finance,Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management

    Development and study of a high performance protective solution against blast loads

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    The increasing use of improvised explosive devices in terrorist attacks against civil targets has challenged the scientific community to find new strengthening or protective solutions able to mitigate the effects of the blast loads. As a response to this demand, the main purpose of the present thesis is the development and study of a high performance protective solution based on the concept of sacrificial claddings. Due to the high flexibility, precision and relatively low costs, additive manufacturing has been increasingly used in the search of new material disposition patterns that improve the mitigation capabilities of crushable cores. The presentwork assesses the performance of a PLA crushable core manufactured through fused deposition modelling 3D printing. An experimental campaign is conducted to determine the mechanical behaviour of the PLA. These results allow the selection and calibration of an adequate numerical constitutive model, which considers the anisotropy and compressive/tensile asymmetry exhibited in additively manufactured materials. Once the constitutive material calibrated, the results of a second experimental campaign resorting to an explosive driven shock tube are used to validate a numerical model that allows the deterministic design of a sacrificial cladding which successfully improves the blast resistant capabilities of a given structural element. However, when verified taking into account the model’s uncertainties and the probabilistic distribution of the structural element’s properties, the cladding solution might, for certain blast scenarios, negatively impact the performance of the structural element it intends to protect. Therefore, one may conclude that the use of a probabilistic approach in the design of such protective solutions is recommended, as the deterministic approach might yields results against safety

    Hybrid artificial intelligence algorithms for short-term load and price forecasting in competitive electric markets

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    The liberalization and deregulation of electric markets forced the various participants to accommodate several challenges, including: a considerable accumulation of new generation capacity from renewable sources (fundamentally wind energy), the unpredictability associated with these new forms of generation and new consumption patterns, contributing to further electricity prices volatility (e.g. the Iberian market). Given the competitive framework in which market participants operate, the existence of efficient computational forecasting techniques is a distinctive factor. Based on these forecasts a suitable bidding strategy and an effective generation systems operation planning is achieved, together with an improved installed transmission capacity exploitation, results in maximized profits, all this contributing to a better energy resources utilization. This dissertation presents a new hybrid method for load and electricity prices forecasting, for one day ahead time horizon. The optimization scheme presented in this method, combines the efforts from different techniques, notably artificial neural networks, several optimization algorithms and wavelet transform. The method’s validation was made using different real case studies. The subsequent comparison (accuracy wise) with published results, in reference journals, validated the proposed hybrid method suitability.O processo de liberalização e desregulação dos mercados de energia elétrica, obrigou os diversos participantes a acomodar uma série de desafios, entre os quais: a acumulação considerável de nova capacidade de geração proveniente de origem renovável (fundamentalmente energia eólica), a imprevisibilidade associada a estas novas formas de geração e novos padrões de consumo. Resultando num aumento da volatilidade associada aos preços de energia elétrica (como é exemplo o mercado ibérico). Dado o quadro competitivo em que os agentes de mercado operam, a existência de técnicas computacionais de previsão eficientes, constituí um fator diferenciador. É com base nestas previsões que se definem estratégias de licitação e se efetua um planeamento da operação eficaz dos sistemas de geração que, em conjunto com um melhor aproveitamento da capacidade de transmissão instalada, permite maximizar os lucros, realizando ao mesmo tempo um melhor aproveitamento dos recursos energéticos. Esta dissertação apresenta um novo método híbrido para a previsão da carga e dos preços da energia elétrica, para um horizonte temporal a 24 horas. O método baseia-se num esquema de otimização que reúne os esforços de diferentes técnicas, nomeadamente redes neuronais artificiais, diversos algoritmos de otimização e da transformada de wavelet. A validação do método foi feita em diferentes casos de estudo reais. A posterior comparação com resultados já publicados em revistas de referência, revelou um excelente desempenho do método hibrido proposto

    Customer relationship management field lab at Sport Lisboa e Benfica- examining customer lifetime value

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    As part of the Customer Relationship Management Field Lab, this study aims to instruct SL Benfica on the best way to examine the customer lifetime value. Literature regarding customer centric strategies, customer relationship management, lifetime value calculation and applications in the sports industry are needed. A set of conclusions was performed based on the analysis of the current lifetime value calculations and the highest value members for the club. Recommendations were made based on the limitations of the existing model and therefore SL Benfica should incorporate churn analysis and Red Power revenues in the lifetime value model

    User behaviour identification based on location data

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    Over the years there has been an almost exponential increase in the use of new technologies in various sectors. These technologies have as their main objective, to improve or facilitate our daily life. This study will focus on one of these technologies used within a theme that has been widely talked about over the last few years, the use of personal data of various people to identify certain types of behavior. More specifically, this study aims primarily to use the GPS data stored in the respective Google accounts of nine volunteers in order to identify the places they frequent most, also known as Points of Interest. This same data will also be used to identify the trajectories covered more often by each of the same volunteers. A study was carried out with a sample of 9 participants, sending them their maps with POI and trajectories, thus obtaining their validation. It was thus possible to conclude that the best way to identify POI is to use daily clusters using DBSCAN. In the case of trajectories, the Snap-to-Road method was the one that gave the best results. It was found that it was possible to respond to the initial problem, and thus a method was found that identifies most of the POI successfully and also some trajectories.Based on this work, there is a great opportunity to improve some of the algorithms and processes that have some limitations in the future, and with this in mind it's possible to develop more effective solutions.Ao longo dos anos tem-se verificado um aumento quase exponencial no que toca à utilização de novas tecnologias em vários sectores. Estas tecnologias têm como objetivo principal, melhorar ou facilitar o quotidiano. O presente estudo vai incidir sobre uma destas tecnologias utilizada dentro de um tema que tem sido muito falado nos últimos anos, a utilização de dados pessoais de um grupo de indvíduos para identificar certos tipos de comportamentos. Mais concretamente, tem como objetivo utilizar os dados de GPS, guardados nas respectivas contas Google de nove voluntários, de modo a identificar os locais que estes mais frequentam - Pontos de Interesse. Os dados são utilizados também para identificar as trajectórias percorridas mais vezes por cada um dos voluntários. Foi realizado um estudo com uma amostra de 9 participantes, enviando-lhes os respectivos mapas com POI e trajectórias obtendo assim a validação dos mesmos. Desta forma foi possível concluir que que a melhor forma de identificar POI tem como base a utilização de clusters diários utilizando DBSCAN. Para o caso das trajectórias, o método Snap-to-Road foi o que originou melhores resultados. Verificou-se que foi possível responder ao problema inicial, desta forma, foi encontrado um método que identifica a maior parte dos POI com sucesso, bem como algumas trajetórias. Com base neste trabalho, existe uma oportunidade para futuramente melhorar alguns dos algoritmos e processos que possuem algumas limitações de modo a desenvolver soluções mais eficazes

    Numerical simulation of blast effects on fibre grout RC panels

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    The main purpose of the present dissertation is the simulation of the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects using the Applied Element Method, in order to validate and verify its applicability. Therefore, four experimental models, three of which were strengthened with a cement-based grout, each reinforced by one type of steel reinforcement, were tested against blast effects. After the calibration of the experimental set-up, it was possible to obtain and compare the response to the blast effects of the model without strengthening (reference model), and a fibre grout strengthened RC panel (strengthened model). Afterwards, a numerical model of the reference model was created in the commercial software Extreme Loading for Structures, which is based on the Applied Element Method, and calibrated to the obtained experimental results, namely to the residual displacement obtained by the experimental monitoring system. With the calibration verified, it is possible to assume that the numerical model correctly predicts the response of fibre grout RC panels when subjected to blast effects. In order to verify this assumption, the strengthened model was modelled and subjected to the blast effects of the corresponding experimental set-up. The comparison between the residual and maximum displacements and the bottom surface’s cracking obtained in the experimental and the numerical tests yields a difference of 4 % for the maximum displacements of the reference model, and a difference of 4 and 10 % for the residual and maximum displacements of the strengthened model, respectively. Additionally, the cracking on the bottom surface of the models was similar in both methods. Therefore, one can conclude that the Applied ElementMethod can correctly predict and simulate the response of fibre grout strengthened RC panels when subjected to blast effects

    Implementing screening and brief Interventions for excessive alcohol consumption in primary health care

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    O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas é um dos principais fatores de risco da morbilidade e mortalidade prematura a nível mundial. As pessoas que consomem este género de bebidas têm um risco aumentado de vir a desenvolver mais de 200 problemas de saúde diferentes. A maioria do impacto do consumo de álcool na saúde humana é determinado por duas dimensões: o volume total de álcool consumido e o padrão de consumo. Existem várias medidas com comprovada eficácia que podem ser empregues para reduzir o risco associado ao consumo de álcool, entre as quais se encontra a deteção precoce e intervenção breve ao nível dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. A maioria dos profissionais de saúde neste nível de cuidados considera o consumo de álcool como um importante problema de saúde e manifesta o seu apoio a medidas que visem reduzir o seu impacto. No entanto, poucos são os profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários que de forma sistemática identificam e aconselham os seus doentes relativamente aos seus hábitos etílicos. Como tal, o objetivo geral desta tese foi investigar como implementar a deteção precoce e intervenção breve no consumo excessivo de álcool nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática das barreiras e facilitadores à implementação da deteção precoce e intervenção breve no consumo excessivo de álcool nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. As barreiras e facilitadores identificados nesta revisão foram analisados à luz da teoria de modificação comportamental para compreender a ligação destes fatores aos determinantes da mudança de comportamento, e para identificar as estratégias conceptualmente mais eficazes para abordar as barreiras e facilitadores à mudança de comportamento dos profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários no sentido de aumentar as taxas de deteção precoce e intervenção breve no consumo excessivo de álcool. Esta metodologia foi utilizada para desenhar um programa de implementação com base em pressupostos teóricos que foi testado num estudo experimental randomizado e controlado em clusters. Esta tese identificou diversas barreiras à implementação, ligadas a todos os domínios teóricos da mudança comportamental. As barreiras mais frequentemente mencionadas pelos profissionais foram: preocupação sobre as suas competências e eficácia para realizar a deteção precoce e intervenção breve; falta de conhecimento específico sobre o consumo de álcool; falta de tempo; falta de materiais; falta de apoio; e atitudes para com o doente com consumos excessivos de álcool. Esta tese mostrou também a existência de dois grupos distintos de médicos de família com base nas suas atitudes para com estes doentes, um com atitudes mais positivas, o outro com atitudes mais negativas. Esta tese mostrou ainda que um programa de implementação da deteção precoce e intervenção breve, desenhado com base em pressupostos teóricos de modificação comportamental, adaptado às barreiras e facilitadores da implementação, aumenta de forma significativa as taxas de identificação precoce dos consumos de álcool. Esta tese contribui para aumentar o conhecimento atual no sentido em que põe à disposição dos investigadores evidência prática sobre como abordar os fatores com influência na implementação da identificação precoce e intervenção breve para o consumo de álcool ao nível dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Esta tese contribui também para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos subjacentes à resistência e à mudança de comportamento dos profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários no que respeita à implementação da deteção precoce e intervenção breve do consumo de álcool. Os resultados desta tese poderão ser usados por investigadores e decisores políticos para desenhar novos programas de implementação tendo como objetivo modificar esta prática clínica ao nível dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários.Alcohol use is among the leading risk factors for the global burden of disease and premature death. People who drink alcoholic beverages are at risk of developing more than 200 diseases and injury conditions. Most of the impact of alcohol consumption on human health and well-being is determined by two dimensions of drinking: the total volume of alcohol consumed and the pattern of drinking. Several effective strategies exist to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, which includes screening and brief interventions for excessive alcohol use in primary health care. The majority of primary health care providers agree that the excessive consumption of alcohol is an important health issue and express their support to policies for reducing the impact of alcohol on the health of their patients. Notwithstanding, implementation of screening and brief interventions is low at the primary health care level. Therefore, the overall aim of this thesis is to investigate how to implement screening and brief interventions for excessive alcohol consumption in primary health care. This thesis reviewed the barriers of, and facilitators for, the implementation of alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary health care. Behaviour change theory was used to understand how these factors linked to the determinants of behaviour change and how they could be addressed in order to change primary health care providers’ behaviour, i.e. to increase the delivery of alcohol screening and brief interventions. A comprehensive theory-based implementation programme was designed and tested in a cluster randomized controlled trial. This thesis identified several barriers to implementation which were mapped to all the theoretical domains of behaviour change. Primary health care providers concerns about their ability to deliver alcohol screening and brief interventions and to help patients to cut down, lack of alcohol-related knowledge, lack of time, lack of materials and support, and providers’ attitudes towards at-risk drinkers were among the most commonly cited barriers. This thesis found evidence that the attitudes of family physicians could be used to divide practitioners into two distinct groups, one with more positive and the other with more negative attitudes towards at-risk drinkers. This thesis also found that a behaviour change theory-based programme, tailored to the barriers for, and facilitators of, the implementation of screening and brief intervention in primary health care is effective in increasing alcohol screening rates. This thesis contributed to the evidence base by providing researchers with practical evidence on how to address the factors influencing the implementation of screening and brief interventions in primary health care. This thesis also provides researchers with insight into the behavioural mechanisms mediating primary health care providers’ decision to deliver alcohol screening and brief interventions. The results of this thesis could be used by researchers and policymakers to inform the design of novel theory-oriented interventions to support the implementation of alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary health care

    Serviço social e municípios : os desafios da interculturalidade e da exopatia

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    Intervenção social. - ISSN 0874-1611. - N. 49/50 (2017). - p. 25-41.O presente artigo desenvolve-se em torno da Serviço Social nos municípios portugueses, procurando fazer uma análise de natureza teórico-prática da ação dos assistentes sociais (AS) neste contexto institucional. Tendo como ponto de partida a definição internacional de Serviço Social adotada em 2014, o artigo procura fazer uma reflexão de algumas particularidades da ação profissional num quadro de profundas alterações do paradigma de Estado, marcado por uma tendência de territorialização das políticas sociais, e onde fenómenos como as migrações ou a heterogeneidade populacional colocam grandes desafios ao Serviço Social

    A sustainable approach for data governance in organizations

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    Bento, P., Neto, M., & Corte-Real, N. (2022). How data governance frameworks can leverage data-driven decision making: A sustainable approach for data governance in organizations. In A. Rocha, B. Bordel, F. G. Penalvo, & R. Goncalves (Eds.), 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI): Proceedings (pp. 1-5). (Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI). IEEE Computer Society. https://doi.org/10.23919/CISTI54924.2022.9866895With the technological advances, organizations have experienced an increasing volume and variety of data, as well as the need to explore it to stay competitive. Data governance (DG) importance emerges to support the data flow, to record and manage knowledge derived from data, as well as establishing roles, accountabilities, and strategies, which further results in better decision-making. Through the definition of strategies to manage data in a consistent manner, data governance establishes the path to an enterprise-wide standardization, providing unchallenging access, management, and analysis of data to derive useful insights. Research on data governance frameworks is limited and lacks a key perspective: how can firms ensure sustainability on their programs. Data governance programs can only be continuously valuable if supported by a holistic framework focused on sustainability. To understand this gap, five frameworks are presented, analyzed and evaluated according to an assessment matrix based on eleven critical success factors (CSF) for data governance. As a result of this study, where we offer a more comprehensive assessment tool, both researchers and practitioners can understand the maturity level of each CSF in the reviewed frameworks and identify which areas need further exploration and how to accomplish higher data governance maturity levels.authorsversionpublishe