563 research outputs found

    Ligestilling, ægteskab og religion

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    In the 1880’s the Danish Women’s Movement put the majority rights of married women on the agenda. The female position  according to the Bible as well as the equality of the spouses became important issues in the debate. This article analyses the institution of marriage from 1912, when the marriage ritual was  reformed, until the new marriage laws in 1922 and 1925.  Interestingly enough there was no conflict between religion and equality, although religion in general was considered to  legitimate female subordination in society. These two reforms - the marriage ritual and the marriage laws - modernised the institution of marriage and contributed to women’s political subjectivity and prepared women for the welfare system based on universal and individual rights

    Gode møter. Hvordan møte og ivareta familier, som har barn med alvorlige fremadskridende sykdommer, på en god måte i hjelpeapparatet?

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    Innenfor helse og omsorgstjenesten er det et satsningsområde å styrke lindrende behandling, og gi bedre omsorg til barn med fremadskridende sykdommer, og deres familier. Masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ intervjustudie av fem fagpersoners erfaring med, og opplevelser av; Hvordan møte og ivareta familier, som har barn med alvorlig fremadskridende sykdommer, på en god måte i hjelpeapparatet? Ved hjelp av analysemetoden Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) er disse spørsmålene belyst i undersøkelsen: Hvilken erfaring har fagpersoner i forhold til å møte og ivareta barnet på en god måte? - Hvilken erfaring har fagpersoner i forhold til å møte og ivareta familien på en god måte? Tanker om mestring, og hvordan en som fagperson kan hjelpe familien til å mestre sin situasjon. Tanker om hvordan en opplever å møte og ivareta familiene i den siste tiden av sykdomsforløpet. Hvordan opplever fagpersoner at tilbudet til disse familiene er i dag? - tanker om hvordan bedre tilbudet. Hvordan ivareta seg selv som fagperson i møte med barns sykdom og død

    Public communication campaigns as mundane category

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    This article examines the public connection and understanding of public communication campaigns. Public communication campaigns are widespread, but the audience dimension of the campaign category itself is still a blind spot in research. Drawing on focus group interviews and a survey among Danish citizens, the article shows that public campaigns are recognized as a mundane communicative category. Moreover, drawing on theories of public connection and governmentality, we show how citizens receive and resist, accept and negotiate public campaigns.&nbsp

    Dépendance à la trajectoire et création d’une trajectoire dans les controverses sur la sphère bioénergétique au Danemark

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    Au Danemark, les controverses sur la bioénergie sont analysées sous l’angle de la transition durable et dans l’optique de soutenir l’utilisation de la bioénergie par des sociétés industrialisées dans la perspective de l’abandon d’un système reposant sur des sources fossiles. Ces analyses s’appuient sur le concept de sphère du développement (Arena of Development, AOD) pour examiner comment les acteurs interagissent et façonnent les controverses, parallèlement à l’exploration des processus de gouvernance en jeu. La bioénergie occupe une place centrale dans la stratégie nationale actuelle du Danemark face au changement climatique, mais certaines controverses opposent plusieurs catégories de parties prenantes à propos des sources de biomasse, des volumes et des conséquences de l’utilisation de la bioénergie pour l’environnement. Ainsi, les producteurs d’énergie convertissent les centrales au charbon à de la biomasse importée, afin que ces installations puissent continuer de jouer un rôle dans la transition vers des énergies renouvelables ; de leur côté, des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) affirment que cette pratique ne permettra pas une réduction des émissions. Les agriculteurs considèrent que le lisier permet de produire du biogaz et que cette utilisation atténue l’impact du changement climatique ainsi que les nuisances dues au lisier ; à l’inverse, les ONG craignent que le biogaz issu du lisier ne serve d’argument en faveur d’une expansion de l’élevage. Une société de biotechnologie développe des enzymes pour transformer de la biomasse qui servira à produire des biocarburants de deuxième génération, et son projet a recueilli un certain soutien ; en revanche, aux yeux d’autres acteurs, il ne s’agit que d’un écoblanchiment (green-washing) du système de transports actuel. Ces controverses naissent de points de vue divergents sur l’affectation durable des terres et sur les stratégies propices à l’équité dans le monde. La discussion montre comment les mécanismes de dépendance à la trajectoire et de création d’une trajectoire influencent la manière dont la bioénergie est utilisée aujourd’hui et pourrait l’être demain. Elle met au jour les processus de gouvernance liés aux controverses (décisions étatiques, création d’un marché et réseaux).Danish bioenergy controversies are analysed from a sustainable transition perspective and as a case on industrialized societies’ use of bioenergy as part of the transition away from an energy system built on fossil energy. The analyses are based on the concept of Arena of Development for analyses of how actors are interacting and shaping controversies, combined with analyses of the involved governance processes. Bioenergy has a central role in the current national Danish climate strategy, but there are controversies involving several types of stakeholders over biomass sources and amounts and the environmental impacts of using bioenergy: Energy companies convert coal fired power plants into imported biomass to sustain the role of these power plants in the transition towards renewable energy, while some NGOs claim that this practice will not reduce emissions. Farmers see slurry as a source for biogas and a measure to reduce climate impact and nuisances from slurry, while NGOs fear slurry-based biogas is used as argument for increased animal husbandry. A biotech company develops enzymes for processing of biomass for second generation biofuels, which has obtained some support, while others see this as merely “green-washing” of the present transportation system. The controversies originate in different views on sustainable land use and on strategies for global equity. The discussion identifies how mechanisms of path dependency and path creation are influencing the way bioenergy is used and proposed to be used in the future. Governance processes in relation to the controversies are identified (governmental command, market creation and networking)

    Dépendance à la trajectoire et création d’une trajectoire dans les controverses sur la sphère bioénergétique au Danemark

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    Au Danemark, les controverses sur la bioénergie sont analysées sous l’angle de la transition durable et dans l’optique de soutenir l’utilisation de la bioénergie par des sociétés industrialisées dans la perspective de l’abandon d’un système reposant sur des sources fossiles. Ces analyses s’appuient sur le concept de sphère du développement (Arena of Development, AOD) pour examiner comment les acteurs interagissent et façonnent les controverses, parallèlement à l’exploration des processus de gouvernance en jeu. La bioénergie occupe une place centrale dans la stratégie nationale actuelle du Danemark face au changement climatique, mais certaines controverses opposent plusieurs catégories de parties prenantes à propos des sources de biomasse, des volumes et des conséquences de l’utilisation de la bioénergie pour l’environnement. Ainsi, les producteurs d’énergie convertissent les centrales au charbon à de la biomasse importée, afin que ces installations puissent continuer de jouer un rôle dans la transition vers des énergies renouvelables ; de leur côté, des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) affirment que cette pratique ne permettra pas une réduction des émissions. Les agriculteurs considèrent que le lisier permet de produire du biogaz et que cette utilisation atténue l’impact du changement climatique ainsi que les nuisances dues au lisier ; à l’inverse, les ONG craignent que le biogaz issu du lisier ne serve d’argument en faveur d’une expansion de l’élevage. Une société de biotechnologie développe des enzymes pour transformer de la biomasse qui servira à produire des biocarburants de deuxième génération, et son projet a recueilli un certain soutien ; en revanche, aux yeux d’autres acteurs, il ne s’agit que d’un écoblanchiment (green-washing) du système de transports actuel. Ces controverses naissent de points de vue divergents sur l’affectation durable des terres et sur les stratégies propices à l’équité dans le monde. La discussion montre comment les mécanismes de dépendance à la trajectoire et de création d’une trajectoire influencent la manière dont la bioénergie est utilisée aujourd’hui et pourrait l’être demain. Elle met au jour les processus de gouvernance liés aux controverses (décisions étatiques, création d’un marché et réseaux).Danish bioenergy controversies are analysed from a sustainable transition perspective and as a case on industrialized societies’ use of bioenergy as part of the transition away from an energy system built on fossil energy. The analyses are based on the concept of Arena of Development for analyses of how actors are interacting and shaping controversies, combined with analyses of the involved governance processes. Bioenergy has a central role in the current national Danish climate strategy, but there are controversies involving several types of stakeholders over biomass sources and amounts and the environmental impacts of using bioenergy: Energy companies convert coal fired power plants into imported biomass to sustain the role of these power plants in the transition towards renewable energy, while some NGOs claim that this practice will not reduce emissions. Farmers see slurry as a source for biogas and a measure to reduce climate impact and nuisances from slurry, while NGOs fear slurry-based biogas is used as argument for increased animal husbandry. A biotech company develops enzymes for processing of biomass for second generation biofuels, which has obtained some support, while others see this as merely “green-washing” of the present transportation system. The controversies originate in different views on sustainable land use and on strategies for global equity. The discussion identifies how mechanisms of path dependency and path creation are influencing the way bioenergy is used and proposed to be used in the future. Governance processes in relation to the controversies are identified (governmental command, market creation and networking)

    Movt váidudandivššu guvllolaš gealbobálvalus leamaš ávkin Davvi-Norggas

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    Source at https://omsorg.portfolio.no/.Mer enn 20 år tilbake, hadde vi en ung mann med alvorlig kreftsykdom og spredning til høyre lår. Han hadde forsøkt mange behandlinger med kun kortvarig effekt. Sykdommen ga han en rekke plager som smerter, gang- vansker og store ulcerasjoner som var en ekstra utfordring pleiemessig. Pasienten var gift, han var småbarnsfar og egentlig fra et annet sted i landet, men bodde nå på finnmarkskysten, 4 timers kjøring til nærmeste sykehus. På spørsmål om hvor han skulle være isluttfasen av sitt liv, var det ingen tvil om at han skulle hjem til sine. Der var hjemmetjenesten forberedt på å ta imot han. Fastlege hadde de ikke for tiden, men legevikarer som kom og dro. Da vi noen år senere hadde undervisning i regi av «Lindring i nord» (LIN) i en av nabokommunene, måtte jeg høre med en av sykepleierne fra hans kommune hvordan slutten ble. Hun fortalte at det faktisk hadde gått rimelig greit, alt tatt i betraktning. Han fikk være hjemme og alle stilte opp. Det ble så bra det kunne bli. (Anonymisert) Denne historien viser at god palliasjon i mindre distriktskommuner langt fra sykehus er mulig, men det krever kompetanse, engasjement, samarbeid og kunnskap om hvor man kan få hjelp ved behov

    Management routines influencing piglet survival in loose-housed sow herds

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).Piglet mortality is still a significant welfare and ethical matter in pig production, as well as an economical challenge for the farmer. Most of the mortality occurs early after farrowing, and previous studies have shown that the farm's management routines, especially around farrowing, are important factors to reduce it. When sows are loose-housed at farrowing and in the following lactation period, it puts higher demands on management input from the farmer to keep piglet mortality low. The objective of this study was to assess the importance of different management routines around the time of farrowing, and other farm qualities for piglet survival in loose-housed herds. To study risk factors for herd piglet mortality, a cross-sectional field survey was carried out in Norway in the year 2013, and included 52 commercial herds with hybrid LY sows (Norwegian Landrace x Swedish Yorkshire). The farms were visited once, and the farmers answered a questionnaire about their management practices. The outcome was the average herd pre-weaning mortality in the years of 2012–2013. To include as many management factors as possible into the multivariable linear regression model, we generated a new variable based on 4 management routines: 3 routines at farrowing (presence at 80–100% of the farrowings, drying newborn piglets, and practice split suckling), and one concerning farmer´s contact with the sows. This variable was called “Management type” (M), and were divided into 4 categories with increasing effort; M1 herds without any of the 4 mentioned routines, M2 had contact with sows >2 times per day, M3 performed the 3 routines at farrowing, and M4 combined the high sow contact and the 3 routines. The predicted values of mean herd piglet mortality for M1, M2, M3 and M4 were 20.1%, 17.0%, 16.2% and 13.3% respectively. The farmer's increased management effort was associated with lower piglet mortality (P<0.05). The farmer's effort at critical times together with systematic and important routines, and having frequent contact with the sows, makes a huge difference for piglet survival. The farmers are credited for this work by having lower piglet mortality as a result.acceptedVersio

    Importance of Conserved N-domain Residues Thr 441 , Glu 442 , Lys 515 , Arg 560 , and Leu 562 of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca 2+ -ATPase for MgATP Binding and Subsequent Catalytic Steps: PLASTICITY OF THE NUCLEOTIDE-BINDING SITE

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    Nine single mutations were introduced to amino acid residues Thr441, Glu442, Lys515, Arg560, Cys561, and Leu562 located in the nucleotide-binding domain of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, and the functional consequences were studied in a direct nucleotide binding assay, as well as by steady-state and transient kinetic measurements of the overall and partial reactions of the transport cycle. Some partial reaction steps were also examined in mutants with alterations to Phe487, Arg489, and Lys492. The results implicate all these residues, except Cys561, in high affinity nucleotide binding at the substrate site. Mutations Thr441 --> Ala, Glu442 --> Ala, and Leu562 --> Phe were more detrimental to MgATP binding than to ATP binding, thus pointing to a role for these residues in the binding of Mg2+ or to a difference between the interactions with MgATP and ATP. Subsequent catalytic steps were also selectively affected by the mutations, showing the involvement of the nucleotide-binding domain in these reactions. Mutation of Arg560 inhibited phosphoryl transfer but enhanced the E1PCa2 --> E2P conformational transition, whereas mutations Thr441 --> Ala, Glu442 --> Ala, Lys492 --> Leu, and Lys515 --> Ala inhibited the E1PCa2 --> E2P transition. Hydrolysis of the E2P phosphoenzyme intermediate was enhanced in Glu442 --> Ala, Lys492 --> Leu, Lys515 --> Ala, and Arg560 --> Glu. None of the mutations affected the low affinity activation by nucleotide of the phosphoenzyme-processing steps, indicating that modulatory nucleotide interacts differently from substrate nucleotide. Mutation Glu442 --> Ala greatly enhanced reaction of Lys515 with fluorescein isothiocyanate, indicating that the two residues form a salt link in the native protein
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