409 research outputs found

    Impact of Bidentate Pyridyl-Mesoionic Carbene Ligands: Structural, (Spectro)Electrochemical, Photophysical, and Theoretical Investigations on Ruthenium(II) Complexes

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    We present here new synthetic strategies for the isolation of a series of Ru(II) complexes with pyridyl-mesoionic carbene ligands (MIC) of the 1,2,3-triazole-5-ylidene type, in which the bpy ligands (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine) of the archetypical [Ru(bpy)3]2+ have been successively replaced by one, two, or three pyridyl-MIC ligands. Three new complexes have been isolated and investigated via NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The incorporation of one MIC unit shifts the potential of the metal-centered oxidation about 160 mV to more cathodic potential in cyclic voltammetry, demonstrating the extraordinary σ-donor ability of the pyridyl-MIC ligand, while the π-acceptor capacities are dominated by the bpy ligand, as indicated by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroelectrochemistry (EPR-SEC). The replacement of all bpy ligands by the pyridyl-MIC ligand results in an anoidic shift of the ligand-centered reduction by 390 mV compared to the well-established [Ru(bpy)3]2+ complex. In addition, UV/vis/NIR-SEC in combination with theoretical calculations provided detailed insights into the electronic structures of the respective redox states, taking into account the total number of pyridyl-MIC ligands incorporated in the Ru(II) complexes. The luminescence quantum yield and lifetimes were determined by time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. An estimation of the excited state redox potentials conclusively showed that the pyridyl-MIC ligand can tune the photoredox activity of the isolated complexes to stronger photoreductants. These observations can provide new strategies for the design of photocatalysts and photosensitizers based on MICs

    Genetic variation in Pneumocystis carinii isolates from different geographic regions: implications for transmission.

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    To study transmission patterns of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) in persons with AIDS, we evaluated P. carinii isolates from patients in five U.S. cities for variation at two independent genetic loci, the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA and dihydropteroate synthase. Fourteen unique multilocus genotypes were observed in 191 isolates that were examined at both loci. Mixed infections, accounting for 17.8% of cases, were associated with primary PCP. Genotype frequency distribution patterns varied by patients' place of diagnosis but not by place of birth. Genetic variation at the two loci suggests three probable characteristics of transmission: that most cases of PCP do not result from infections acquired early in life, that infections are actively acquired from a relatively common source (humans or the environment), and that humans, while not necessarily involved in direct infection of other humans, are nevertheless important in the transmission cycle of P. carinii f. sp. hominis

    PIP5KIβ Selectively Modulates Apical Endocytosis in Polarized Renal Epithelial Cells

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    Localized synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] at clathrin coated pits (CCPs) is crucial for the recruitment of adaptors and other components of the internalization machinery, as well as for regulating actin dynamics during endocytosis. PtdIns(4,5)P2 is synthesized from phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate by any of three phosphatidylinositol 5-kinase type I (PIP5KI) isoforms (α, β or γ). PIP5KIβ localizes almost exclusively to the apical surface in polarized mouse cortical collecting duct cells, whereas the other isoforms have a less polarized membrane distribution. We therefore investigated the role of PIP5KI isoforms in endocytosis at the apical and basolateral domains. Endocytosis at the apical surface is known to occur more slowly than at the basolateral surface. Apical endocytosis was selectively stimulated by overexpression of PIP5KIβ whereas the other isoforms had no effect on either apical or basolateral internalization. We found no difference in the affinity for PtdIns(4,5)P2-containing liposomes of the PtdIns(4,5)P2 binding domains of epsin and Dab2, consistent with a generic effect of elevated PtdIns(4,5)P2 on apical endocytosis. Additionally, using apical total internal reflection fluorescence imaging and electron microscopy we found that cells overexpressing PIP5KIβ have fewer apical CCPs but more internalized coated structures than control cells, consistent with enhanced maturation of apical CCPs. Together, our results suggest that synthesis of PtdIns(4,5)P2 mediated by PIP5KIβ is rate limiting for apical but not basolateral endocytosis in polarized kidney cells. PtdIns(4,5)P2 may be required to overcome specific structural constraints that limit the efficiency of apical endocytosis. © 2013 Szalinski et al

    The mineralocorticoid receptor: insights into its molecular and (patho)physiological biology

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    The last decade has witnessed tremendous progress in the understanding of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), its molecular mechanism of action, and its implications for physiology and pathophysiology. After the initial cloning of MR, and identification of its gene structure and promoters, it now appears as a major actor in protein-protein interaction networks. The role of transcriptional coregulators and the determinants of mineralocorticoid selectivity have been elucidated. Targeted oncogenesis and transgenic mouse models have identified unexpected sites of MR expression and novel roles for MR in non-epithelial tissues. These experimental approaches have contributed to the generation of new cell lines for the characterization of aldosterone signaling pathways, and have also facilitated a better understanding of MR physiology in the heart, vasculature, brain and adipose tissues. This review describes the structure, molecular mechanism of action and transcriptional regulation mediated by MR, emphasizing the most recent developments at the cellular and molecular level. Finally, through insights obtained from mouse models and human disease, its role in physiology and pathophysiology will be reviewed. Future investigations of MR biology should lead to new therapeutic strategies, modulating cell-specific actions in the management of cardiovascular disease, neuroprotection, mineralocorticoid resistance, and metabolic disorders

    Mantle cell lymphomas with concomitant MYC and CCND1 breakpoints are recurrently TdT positive and frequently show high-grade pathological and genetic features

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    Chromosomal breakpoints involving the MYC gene locus, frequently referred to as MYC rearrangements (MYC - R+), are a diagnostic hallmark of Burkitt lymphoma and recurrent in many other subtypes of B-cell lymphomas including follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and other high-grade B-cell lymphomas and are associated with an aggressive clinical course. In remarkable contrast, in MCL, only few MYC - R+ cases have yet been described. In the current study, we have retrospectively analysed 16 samples (MYC - R+, n = 15, MYC - R-, n = 1) from 13 patients and describe their morphological, immunophenotypic and (molecular) genetic features and clonal evolution patterns. Thirteen out of fifteen MYC - R+ samples showed a non-classical cytology including pleomorphic (centroblastic, immunoblastic), anaplastic or blastoid. MYC translocation partners were IG-loci in 4/11 and non-IG loci in 7/11 analysed cases. The involved IG-loci included IGH in 3 cases and IGL in one case. PAX5 was the non-IG partner in 2/7 patients. The MYC - R+ MCL reported herein frequently displayed characteristics associated with an aggressive clinical course including high genomic-complexity (6/7 samples), frequent deletions involving the CDKN2A locus (7/10 samples), high Ki-67 proliferation index (12/13 samples) and frequent P53 expression (13/13 samples). Of note, in 4/14 samples, SOX11 was not or only focally expressed and 3/13 samples showed focal or diffuse TdT-positivity presenting a diagnostic challenge as these features could point to a differential diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and/or lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia

    Androgen Receptor Function Links Human Sexual Dimorphism to DNA Methylation

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    Sex differences are well known to be determinants of development, health and disease. Epigenetic mechanisms are also known to differ between men and women through X-inactivation in females. We hypothesized that epigenetic sex differences may also result from sex hormone functions, in particular from long-lasting androgen programming. We aimed at investigating whether inactivation of the androgen receptor, the key regulator of normal male sex development, is associated with differences of the patterns of DNA methylation marks in genital tissues. To this end, we performed large scale array-based analysis of gene methylation profiles on genomic DNA from labioscrotal skin fibroblasts of 8 males and 26 individuals with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) due to inactivating androgen receptor gene mutations. By this approach we identified differential methylation of 167 CpG loci representing 162 unique human genes. These were significantly enriched for androgen target genes and low CpG content promoter genes. Additional 75 genes showed a significant increase of heterogeneity of methylation in AIS compared to a high homogeneity in normal male controls. Our data show that normal and aber

    Conversations about the elections on Twitter: Towards a structural understanding of Twitter’s relation with the political and the media field

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    This study uses network analysis to examine Twitter’s level of autonomy from external influences, being the political and the media field. The conceptual framework builds upon Bourdieu’s field theory, appropriated on social media as mediated social spaces. The study investigates conversation patterns on Twitter between political, media and citizen agents during election times in Belgium. Through the comparison of conversational practices with the positions users hold as political, media or citizen agents, we understand how the former is related to the latter. The analysis of conversation patterns (based on replies and mentions) shows a decentralized and loosely knit network, in which primarily citizen agents are present. Nonetheless, the prominence of citizens in the debate, mentions or replies to political and media agents are significantly higher, placing them more centrally in the network. In addition, politicians and media actors are closely connected within the network, and reciprocal communication of these established agents is significantly lower compared to citizen agents. We understand different aspects of autonomy related to the presence, positions and practices of the agents on Twitter and their relative positions as politicians, media or citizens. To conclude, we discuss the promises of Bourdieu’s relational sociology and the limitations of our study. The approach proposed here is an attempt to integrate existing work and evolve towards a systematic understanding of the interrelations between political, media and citizen agents in a networked media environment

    The HLA ligandome of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas reveals shared tumour-exclusive peptides for semi-personalised vaccination

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    Background The immune peptidome of OPSCC has not previously been studied. Cancer-antigen specific vaccination may improve clinical outcome and efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors such as PD1/PD-L1 antibodies. Methods Mapping of the OPSCC HLA ligandome was performed by mass spectrometry (MS) based analysis of naturally presented HLA ligands isolated from tumour tissue samples (n = 40) using immunoaffinity purification. The cohort included 22 HPV-positive (primarily HPV-16) and 18 HPV-negative samples. A benign reference dataset comprised of the HLA ligandomes of benign haematological and tissue datasets was used to identify tumour-associated antigens. Results MS analysis led to the identification of naturally HLA-presented peptides in OPSCC tumour tissue. In total, 22,769 peptides from 9485 source proteins were detected on HLA class I. For HLA class II, 15,203 peptides from 4634 source proteins were discovered. By comparative profiling against the benign HLA ligandomic datasets, 29 OPSCC-associated HLA class I ligands covering 11 different HLA allotypes and nine HLA class II ligands were selected to create a peptide warehouse. Conclusion Tumour-associated peptides are HLA-presented on the cell surfaces of OPSCCs. The established warehouse of OPSCC-associated peptides can be used for downstream immunogenicity testing and peptide-based immunotherapy in (semi)personalised strategies
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