169 research outputs found
How to find a unicorn: a novel model-free, unsupervised anomaly detection method for time series
Recognition of anomalous events is a challenging but critical task in many
scientific and industrial fields, especially when the properties of anomalies
are unknown. In this paper, we present a new anomaly concept called "unicorn"
or unique event and present a new, model-independent, unsupervised detection
algorithm to detect unicorns. The Temporal Outlier Factor (TOF) is introduced
to measure the uniqueness of events in continuous data sets from dynamic
systems. The concept of unique events differs significantly from traditional
outliers in many aspects: while repetitive outliers are no longer unique
events, a unique event is not necessarily outlier in either pointwise or
collective sense; it does not necessarily fall out from the distribution of
normal activity. The performance of our algorithm was examined in recognizing
unique events on different types of simulated data sets with anomalies and it
was compared with the standard Local Outlier Factor (LOF). TOF had superior
performance compared to LOF even in recognizing traditional outliers and it
also recognized unique events that LOF did not. Benefits of the unicorn concept
and the new detection method were illustrated by example data sets from very
different scientific fields. Our algorithm successfully recognized unique
events in those cases where they were already known such as the gravitational
waves of a black hole merger on LIGO detector data and the signs of respiratory
failure on ECG data series. Furthermore, unique events were found on the LIBOR
data set of the last 30 years
First detection of circovirus-like sequences in amphibians and novel putative circoviruses in fishes
The negative samples of a collection, established originally for seeking new adeno- and herpesviruses in lower vertebrates, were screened for the pres-ence of circoviruses by a consensus nested PCR targeting the gene coding for the replication-associated protein. Six fish samples representing five species, namely asp (Aspius aspius), roach (Rutilus rutilus), common bream (Abramis brama), round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis), as well as three frog samples were found positive for circoviral DNA. Sequence analysis of the amplicons indicated the presence of three novel putative circo-like viruses and a circovirus in Hungarian fishes and one novel circovirus in a common toad (Bufo bufo), and another one in a dead and an alive specimen of green tree frog (Litoria caerulea), respectively. In phylogeny reconstruction, the putative bream circovirus clustered together with circoviruses discovered in other cyprinid fishes recently. Three other piscine circoviral sequences appeared closest to sequences derived from different environmental samples. Surprisingly, the nucleotide sequence derived from two fish samples (a bream and a monkey goby) proved to be from porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2), almost identical to a sequence detected in Sweden previously. This is the first report on the detection of PCV2 in fish and circoviral DNA in amphibian hosts
Haste makes waste but condition matters: Molt rate-feather quality trade-off in a sedentary songbird
Full genome sequence of a novel circo-like virus detected in an adult European eel Anguilla anguilla showing signs of cauliflower disease.
An adult European eel Anguilla anguilla, showing typical signs of the so-called cauliflower disease, was subjected to pathological and molecular virological examinations. Samples taken from internal organs and the polypoid proliferative tissue from the mouth were examined by PCR for the detection of several viruses. Positive results were obtained with a nested PCR targeting the rep gene of circoviruses. Analysis of the partial rep sequence indicated the presence of a putative novel circovirus, but attempts to isolate it remained unsuccessful. The missing part of the genome was acquired by an inverse nested PCR with 2 specific primer pairs, designed from the newly determined rep sequence, followed by genome walking. The circular full genome was found to consist of 1378 nt (GenBank accession no. KC469701). Two oppositely oriented open reading frames (ORFs) were present, of which one was unambiguously identified as a circoviral rep gene. However, the predicted product of the other ORF, though it is a clear positional counterpart of the cap genes, showed no obvious homology to any known circoviral capsid proteins. A stem-loop-like element in the intergenic region between the 5' ends of the ORFs was also found. Phylogenetic calculations indicated that the novel virus belongs to the genus Circovirus in the family Circoviridae. The relative amount of the viral DNA in the organ samples was estimated by quantitative real-time PCR. The results suggested that the examined fish was caught in an active viremic state, although the role of this circovirus in the etiology of the cauliflower diseases could not be ascertained
A biztonság és védelem, mint a turisztikai célterület kezelésének része egy ghánai turisztikai térségben
Tourists’ safety and security have now become essential condition for the travel and tourism industry in the world. Ghana as a peaceful tourist destination in the sub-Saharan Africa relies and rakes in huge foreign exchange from tourism promotion. The tourism hub in the Central Region of Ghana was chosen as the case study area: Cape Coast destination area. The purpose of the study was to examine tourists’ perception of safety and ascertain if tourists would recommend the destination to other potential tourists. Purposive sampling technique and questionnaires were used. Most of the respondents rated their overall perception of tourists’ safety at the destination as safe. However, it was observed that safety installations in these facilities were either not working or non-existent and there was no supervision, evaluation or repairs of these installations. It is recommended that a team of tourism experts should be formed as a supervisory body to help monitoring the tourists’ safety and security in tourist facilities and destinations in the region.A turisták biztonsága és biztonságérzete alapvető feltétele lett a világ utazási és idegenforgalmi iparágának. Ghána, mint a Szaharától délre eső békés afrikai turisztikai célpont, az idegenforgalomból származó hatalmas devizabevételre támaszkodik. Az esettanulmányi területként Ghána központi régiójának turisztikai centruma lett kiválasztva, nevezetesen Cape Coast vidéke. A tanulmány célja annak megvizsgálása, hogy a turisták hogyan érzékelik a biztonságot, de célunk volt megbizonyosodni arról is, hogy a turisták más potenciális turistáknak ajánlják-e ezt a turisztikai célterületet. A kutatáshoz célzott mintavételi technika és kérdőívek kerültek felhasználásra. A válaszadók többsége általánosságban biztonságosnak ítélte a célterületet. Megfigyelték azonban, hogy a létesítményekben a biztonsági berendezések vagy nem működtek, vagy nem léteztek, esetleg hiányzott a felügyelete, ellenőrzése vagy javítása ezeknek az eszközöknek. Az eredmények alapján ajánlott egy turisztikai szakértői csoport felállítása felügyeleti szervként, amely segítséget nyújt a turisták biztonságának és biztonságérzetének javításában, figyelemmel kísérve azt a régió turisztikai létesítményeiben és más turisztikai célterületeken
The role of art colonies in local development through the example of Cered Art Colony
The current study's topic is the summary of the roles of art colonies in the local example. The theoretical basis of the study was given by the international scientific literature of art colonies and the role of culture in the life of settlements. The matter of research is relevant as an investigation based on a case study has not been made yet on this topic; moreover, it consists of important results for the professionals. On this basis, it can be determined that which factors affect positively the human and natural environment through an art colony. A further advantage of the study can conclude to the possible development ways of culture in the life of villages. The current research, regarding the future, is an ideal starting point to know the role of art in local (and regional) development. The main results of the case study are the tangible effects of the colony on the (natural and human) environment
Tweaking the Charge Transfer: Bonding Analysis of Bismuth(III) Complexes with a Flexidentate Phosphane Ligand
To account for the charge transfer and covalent character in bonding between P and Bi centers, the electronic structures of [P(C6H4-o-CH2SCH3)3BiCln](3–n)+ (n = 0–3) model species have been investigated computationally. On the basis of this survey a synthetic target compound with a dative P→Bi bond has been selected. Consecutively, the highly reactive bismuth cage [P(C6H4-o-CH2SCH3)3Bi]3+ has been accessed experimentally and characterized. Importantly, our experiments (single-crystal X-ray diffraction and solid-state NMR spectroscopy) and computations (NBO and AIM analysis) reveal that the P···Bi bonding in this trication can be described as a dative bond. Here we have shown that our accordion-like molecular framework allows for tuning of the interaction between P and Bi centers
Általános célú neurális hálózat tesztelése különböző adatbázisokon
Absztrakt: Két rejtett réteget tartalmazó, előrecsatolt, teljes összeköttetésű neurális hálózatot teszteltünk több adatbázison. A teszt célja, hogy az adott rendszer milyen hibaszázalékkal képes az input adatokból a várható értékeket előre jelezni, és alkalmas-e gyakorlati feladatok előrejelzésére. A Python scriptnyelven fejlesztett grafikus felülettel rendelkező rendszer rugalmasan paraméterezhető, mind a hálózat mérete, struktúrája változtatható, tehát adaptálható különböző méretű adatbázisok vizsgálatára.
Abstract: We tested a feedforward, fully connected neural network with two hidden layers on several databases. The purpose of the test is to determine with what percentage of errors the given system is able to predict the expected values from the input data, and whether it is suitable for predicting practical tasks. The system with a graphical interface developed in the Python script language can be flexibly parameterized, and the size and structure of the network can be changed, so it can be adapted to the examination of databases of different sizes
Neurális hálózat finomhangolása egy adott adatbázison
Several versions of neural networks are now available, which are being used in practice in more and more places when we are looking for correlations in larger databases. Among computer applications, many variants of artificial neural networks (NN for short) are used in everyday applications. Examples include customer rating, healthcare, or even data mining. Of course, different neural network types and algorithms are used in image and sound and text processing or machine translation, and others in simple data mining, or correlation search and data analysis. We have tested our system with a graphical interface developed in the python script language on several real and generated databases of different sizes, with success so far. The purpose of this analysis is how to improve the accuracy of the prediction by changing the individual parameters (number of neurons, number of iterations, etc.) and thus how to increase the accuracy of the network when analyzing a given database.Neurális hálózatok több változata érhető már el melyek egyre több helyen kerülnek gyakorlati alkalmazásra, amikor összefüggéseket keresünk nagyobb adatbázisokban. A számítógépes alkalmazások között a mesterséges neurális hálózatok (Neural Network röviden NN) számos válfaja használatos hétköznapi alkalmazásokban. Ilyen például az ügyfélminősítés, egészségügy, vagy éppen az adatbányászat. Természetesen más-más neurális hálózat típus és algoritmusok használatosak a kép és hang és szövegfeldolgozásban vagy gépi fordításban és mások az egyszerű adatbányászatban, vagy összefüggés keresésben és adatelemzésekben. A python scriptnyelven kifejlesztett grafikus felülettel rendelkező rendszerünket, több különböző méretű valós és generált adatbázison teszteltük, eddig sikerrel. Jelen elemzés célja az, hogyan javítható az előrejelzés pontossága az egyes paraméterek változtatásával (neuronszám, iterációszám stb.) ezáltal hogyan növelhető a hálózat pontossága egy adott adatbázis elemzésekor
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