75 research outputs found

    Uma arquitectura para a composição dinâmica de serviços dependentes do contexto

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    A difusão das ligações sem fios nos locais de trabalho, de lazer e mesmo em casa, juntamente com a proliferação dos dispositivos móveis abrem novos cenários para o fornecimento de serviços aos utilizadores. Além dos serviços tradicionais de Internet devem por isso, ser disponibilizados novos serviços que de uma forma transparente se adeqúem e se adaptem ao contexto do utilizador. Os utilizadores teriam ainda mais flexibilidade e escolha se, para além do fornecimento de destes serviços, lhes fosse dada a possibilidade de eles próprios comporem novos serviços com base em serviços já existentes. Este artigo discute os componentes essenciais de um sistema context-aware que permite a composição dinâmica de serviços sensíveis ao contexto e propõe uma arquitectura possível para implementação desses serviços

    Paranoid operative system methodology for anonymous & secure web browsing, doctoral project

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    Recently the world knew by the media, that its leading nations follow closely their citizens, disregarding any moral and technological threshold, that internal and external security agencies in the USA and Europe closely follow telephone conversations, e-mail, web traffic of their counterparts, using powerful monitoring and surveillance programs. In other corners of the globe nations in turmoil or wrapped in the cloak of censorship persecute and deny uncontrolled web access without harmful repercussions to their citizens. This work is a research-in-progress project and consists in showing the research done so far to develop a methodology. This consists in the construction of an operative system with an academic scientific source that permits a secure and anonymous use of the web. For such methodology, first is required to comprehend and get acquaintance with the technologies that controls usage of web consumers, solutions that enable and grant some anonymity and security in web traffic

    A service-oriented middleware for composing context aware mobile services

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    Recent advances in wireless networks and mobile devices have brought about new scenes for the provision of services to end-users. Besides traditional services, new ones may be provided that transparently adjust and adapt to the user context. The user would have more choice and flexibility if, besides using the services, he could also compose his own services in an ad-hoc way. This paper presents iCas, an architecture to create context-aware services on the fly and discusses its main components. Also an application scenario is briefly described

    Collaboration in 3D virtual worlds: designing a protocol for case study research

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    Three-dimensional virtual worlds (3DVW) have been growing fast in number of users, and are used for the most diverse purposes. In collaboration, 3DVW are used with good results due to features such as immersion, interaction capabilities, use of avatar embodiment, and physical space. In the particular cases of avatar embodiment and physical space, these features support nonverbal communication, but its impact on collaboration is not well known. In this work we present the initial steps for creation of a protocol for case study research, aiming to assert itself as a tool to collect data on how nonverbal communication influences collaboration in 3DVW. We define the propositions and units of analysis, and a pilot case to validate them

    Fostering computational thinking skills : a didactic proposal for elementary school grades

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    There is a growing presence of technology in the daily lives of elementary school students, with a recent exponential rise due to the constraints of remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to understand how the education system can contribute to helping students develop the required skills for technological careers, without neglecting its obligation to create conditions that allow them to acquire transversal skills and to enable them to exercise full citizenship. The integration of Educational Robotics and block programming activities in collaborative learning environments promotes the development of computational thinking and other ICT skills, as well as critical thinking, social skills, and problem solving. This paper presents a theoretical proposal of a didactic sequence for the introduction to educational robotics and programming with Scratch Jr. It is composed of three learning scenarios, designed for elementary school teaching. Its main goal is to create conditions that favour the development of computational thinking in a collaborative learning environment. With increasing complexity and degree of difficulty, all the tasks root from a common problem: How can we create an algorithm that programs the robot/sprite to reach a predetermined position?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Challenges of Crowdsourcing as a Mechanism for Academic Study

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    Researchers in a variety of fields are increasingly adopting crowdsourcing as a reliable instrument for performing tasks that are either complex for humans and computer algorithms. As a result, new forms of collective intelligence have emerged from the study of massive crowd-machine interactions in scientific work settings as a field for which there is no known theory or model able to explain how it really works. Such type of crowd work uses an open participation model that keeps the scientific activity (including datasets, methods, guidelines, and analysis results) widely available and mostly independent from institutions, which distinguishes crowd science from other crowd-assisted types of participation. In this paper, we build on the practical challenges of crowd-AI supported research and propose a conceptual framework for addressing the socio-technical aspects of crowd science from a CSCW viewpoint. Our study reinforces a manifested lack of systematic and empirical research of the symbiotic relation of AI with human computation and crowd computing in scientific endeavors

    Online Gym : um ginásio virtual 3D integrando a kinect : análise comparativa de bibliotecas de suporte

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    Workshop realizado na Universidade de Coimbra de 9-11 de julho de 2014A sincronização online de ginástica potencia novas possibilidades para melhorar o bem-estar físico e social das pessoas com restrições de deslocação. A nossa proposta passa pela criação de uma plataforma 3D - Online Gym - que permita que os utilizadores interajam e participem em sessões online de ginástica em grupo através do Microsoft Kinect. No presente artigo, com vista à concretização desta proposta, analisamos três alternativas tecnológicas para a implementação de serviços de deteção de movimentos que possam ser integrados em plataformas gráficas multiutilizador. Nos resultados, expõem-se as características de cada uma e o impacte respetivo para sua utilização na concretização desta proposta ou outras iniciativas similares

    SAGA reloaded: towards a generic platform for developing cooperative applications

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    Groupware specification and development has always been a complex task, requiring special attention to issues such as notification of cooperative actions and ensuring consistency of shared data. Some years ago SAGA was developed as a framework to build groupware applications based on a set of core web services that provide the most common cooperative functionalities. Despite its potential, the last few years brought some technological developments that placed new challenges. This paper presents a new generation of the SAGA platform that adds to the original framework features that emerged recently, namely the regulation of social interaction, incorporation of new communication technologies, connectors to several external services and interaction environments, and the addition of contextual information

    Composition of context aware mobile services using a semantic context model

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    Context-awareness has been regarded as an important feature for mobile services. However, only a few services are sensible to context and the features that are context-aware are still limited. Composition of Web services has received much interest in business-to-business or enterprise application, but not so much interest in business-to- consumer applications. This paper presents iCas, a novel architecture that enables the creation of context-aware services on the fly, and discusses its main components. We compare our approach with similar systems and point out the main differences and advantages. To explore context-awareness to support service composition, iCas uses SeCoM, a semantic model to represent context. The main parts of this model are explained as well the advantages of using a semantic model to represent context. We also describe the use of our approach in an university campus to provide pedagogical features and assist the socio-pedagogical interaction of various types of users

    A bot spooler architecture to integrate virtual worlds with e-learning management systems for corporate training

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    Joining efforts of academic and corporate teams, we developed an integration architecture - MULTIS - that enables corporate e-learning managers to use a Learning Management System (LMS) for management of educational activities in virtual worlds. This architecture was then implemented for the Formare LMS. In this paper we present this architecture and concretizations of its implementation for the Second Life Grid/OpenSimulator virtual world platforms. Current systems are focused on activities managed by individual trainers, rather than groups of trainers and large numbers of trainees: they focus on providing the LMS with information about educational activities taking place in a virtual world and/or being able to access within the virtual world some of the information stored in the LMS, and disregard the streamlining of activity setup and data collection in multi-trainer contexts, among other administrative issues. This architecture aims to overcome the limitations of existing systems for organizational management of corporate e-learning activities.Portugal Telecom Inovação (atualmente, Altice Labs