134 research outputs found

    Cathartic agent nephropathy based on sodium phosphate in kidney patients transplanted. Report of case

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    Sodium phosphate nephropathy consists of damage to the kidneys caused by the use of laxatives containing sodium phosphate.  Depending on the time of use of these drugs used for colonic preparation this disease can be acute or chronic. The acute condition can be cured with a suitable treatment, but the chronic condition can cause irreversible kidney damage.This case is about a patient who receives our services in the unit in Fundación Cardio Infantil in Bogotá, Colombia, with an acute kidney injurywith renal transplant being monitored. Sodium phosphate was used to be prepared the kidney for a colonoscopy

    An Update in the Use of Antibodies to Treat Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    Glioblastoma is a deadly brain disease and modest improvement in survival has been made. At initial diagnosis, treatment consists of maximum safe surgical resection, followed by temozolomide and chemoirradiation or adjuvant temozolomide alone. However, these treatments do not improve the prognosis and survival of patients. New treatment strategies are being sought according to the biology of tumors. The epidermal growth factor receptor has been considered as the hallmark in glioma tumors; thereby, some antibodies have been designed to bind to this receptor and block the downstream signaling pathways. Also, it is known that vascularization plays an important role in supplying new vessels to the tumor; therefore, new therapy has been guided to inhibit angiogenic growth factors in order to limit tumor growth. An innovative strategy in the treatment of glial tumors is the use of toxins produced by bacteria, which may be coupled to specific carrier-ligands and used for tumoral targeting. These carrier-ligands provide tumor-selective properties by the recognition of a cell-surface receptor on the tumor cells and promote their binding of the toxin-carrier complex prior to entry into the cell. Here, we reviewed some strategies to improve the management and treatment of glioblastoma and focused on the use of antibodies

    Factors that determine advertising evasion in social networks

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    The present work is framed within the study of advertising evasion online and particularly in social networks. Social networks are a growing phenomenon, where users spend most of their time online and where companies are moving part of their advertising investment, as they are considered an ideal place for commercial campaigns. In order to deepen in the variables that precede advertising evasion in social networks, a relationship model was developed based on the theoretical framework of advertising evasion on the Internet, which was contrasted at an empirical level through a panel of users. For this purpose, a structural equation model was designed, which highlighted the relationships between the main antecedent variables of evasion, such as perceived control, advertising intrusion, and psychological reaction

    Estudios sobre la transmisión por "moscas blancas" (homoptera: aleyrodidae) de virus asociados con el "cuero de sapo" en yuca (manihot esculenta crantz)

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    Estudios realizados en la zona endémica al "cuero de sapo" (Quilcacé, Cauca), encaminados a determinar la presencia de vectores de la enfermedad mostraron la existencia de dos virus asociados con "moscas blancas". El primero denominado "agente mosaico" fue transmitido por Bemisia tuberculata, el segundo asintomático, por Aleurotrachelus socialis. El 3.3% de la población de B. tuberculata utilizada transmitió el "agente mosaico" al clón M Col 2063 (Secundina) y no a M Col 113: el 2.4 % de A. socialis transmitió el asintomático al clón Secundina y el 4.7% a M Col 113. El "agente mosaico", no fue identificado, pero si se demostró que el asintomático presente era CsXV; este sería el primer registro de un potexvirus transmitido por "moscas blancas". El papel de los dos virus en la etiología del “cuero de sapo” continúa en estudio.Whiteflies collected from a frogskin infested field in Quilcacé (Cauca) were caged individually on M Col 2063 (Secundina) and M Col 113 plants. It was possible to identify the species (Aleurotrachelus socialis, Trialeurodes variabilis and Bemisia tuberculata) from pupae present on over 50% of the plants. A. socialis was found most f frequently and B. tuberculata the least com mom of the species. A. socialis was associated with the transmission of both CsXV and a serologically related strain, identified on the basis of symptoms produced on Nicotiana bentamiana, B. tuberculata was associated with the transmission of a mosaic agent to Secundina. The identify of the mosaic agent is unknown

    CTR prediction for optimizing the negotiation of internet advertising campaigns

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    Web advertising campaigns have the particularity that allow to measure the performance of campaigns based on different metrics, among which are the cost per thousand impressions (CPM-Cost Per mille), cost per click (CPC) and the click-to-print ratio (CTR-Click Through Ratio). For this reason, each ad has a specific objective based on these indicators which aim to distribute the purchase of advertising space on the Internet in the best possible way in order to have a better return on investment based on these metrics. The costs incurred in the development of its services is significant and the objectives of the campaigns are not always achieved because it assumes the variability of Internet user behavior. This project consists of proposing a regression model based on the historical data of the companies providing the programmatic purchasing service, in order to optimize negotiations on performance metrics in advertising campaigns with advertisers