1,248 research outputs found

    Redundancy in parliamentary political discourse

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    This paper is aimed at analysing the use of redundancy in Oral Questions in the Andalusian Parliament. The corpus is made up of 12 oral questions raised by the two main political parties at the Committee for Equality and Social Welfare. Six questions were raised by men and six by women. The study focuses on the identification of the most relevant functions of redundancy, as well as on the analysis of gender differences and differences between the two main political parties. Some of the devices studied in this paper are: anaphora, epistrophe, anadiplosis, epanalepsis, amplification, scesis onomaton, polysyndeton, hyperonymy, holonymy, synonymy, oppositenes

    Advertising and marketing in the Opera of 21st century: creation of audiovisual brand

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    Desde hace una década, la ópera lidera un proceso de actualización social y de atracción de públicos internacionales gracias a la comunicación digital. Para ello, los teatros incorporan una estructura comercial del espectáculo en todas las fases de su creación y replantean las tradicionales relaciones establecidas con las disciplinas de la Publicidad y del Márquetin. En este artículo se analizan las estrategias comerciales, propias de estas disciplinas, que en la actualidad está liderando la ópera para alcanzar su objetivo. Mediante la aplicación de una metodología combinada, centrada en el análisis de contenido, el seguimiento hemerográfico y las entrevistas, se han identificado las principales tipologías de la publicidad audiovisual implementadas por la ópera, con el fin de determinar los formatos de mayor índice de éxito en la segunda mitad del siglo XXI (spots, tráilers, videoclips, branded content, lipdubs o flashmobs). La investigación se ha completado con el estudio de los principales cambios que algunas técnicas del márquetin off line y digital, como el patrocinio, el márquetin viral o las redes sociales, han producido en la imagen social del star system operístico. Un enfoque panorámico de la promoción audiovisual que se hace este arte, puede ayudarle a orientar estrategias futuras más especializadas.For a decade, the art of opera has been leading a process of social updating and attracting international audiences thanks to its digital communication. Today, the theaters incorporate a commercial structure in all the processing phases of the spectacle, and rethink the traditional relations established with disciplines as Advertising and Marketing. This article analyzes the commercial strategies, typical of these disciplines, which is currently leading the opera to reach its goal. Through the application of a combined methodology, focused on content analysis, newspaper monitoring and interviews, the main typologies of audiovisual advertising implemented by opera have been identified, in order to determine the formats with the highest success rate in the second half of the 21st century (spots, trailers, video clips, branded content, lipdubs or flashmobs). The research has been completed by studying the major changes that some off-line and digital marketing techniques (such as sponsorship, viral marketing or social media), have produced in the social image of its Star System. A panoramic approach to the audiovisual promotion of this art, can help guide future and more specialized strategies

    On the use of CLIL at inclusive education

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    Decades ago, the European Council started talking about the exclusion danger that people who are not competent in a foreign language could suffer. This danger could be even worse if real integration of all of the population in bilingual centers is no effective. The aim of this paper is to elaborate a methodological proposal for the use of CLIL methodology attending to inclusive education in Castilla y León. Not only in acquiring a foreign language, also as a tool for learning in a second language (L2).Grado en Educación Primari

    Retos comunicativos y educativos de las artes en los nuevos medios: el caso de la ópera

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    In the XXI century, art industries aim to reach younger and wider audiences. Driven by this aspiration and immersed in the new digital era, opera has decided to base its strategy to approach larger audiences on audiovisual communication and education. This article discusses how these two lines of action are taking shape and questions if in its relationships with the media, either in its communicative or educational schemes, opera sufficiently knows how to take profit from all the abilities of the young to connect with them and modulate their culture. Our study concludes that in order to achieve the objectives it has set for itself, opera should refocus its strategy, step up and face a real mediatic audiovisualisation of its actions, rather than trying to exploit through more channels media’s capacity to broadcast on live. In short, this is nowadays opera’s real communicative and educational challenge.En el siglo XXI, el deseo de las industrias artísticas es llegar a públicos más amplios y jóvenes. Movida por ese deseo e inmersa en la nueva era digital, la ópera ha decidido apoyar su estrategia de acercamiento a nuevas audiencias en la comunicación audiovisual y la educación. Este artículo analiza cómo está concretando esas dos líneas de actuación y se cuestiona si, al relacionarse con los medios, ya sea en su estrategia comunicativa, ya sea en su estrategia educativa, la ópera aprovecha toda la capacidad que estos tienen para conectar con los jóvenes y modular su cultura. Nuestro estudio concluye que, para alcanzar los objetivos que se ha marcado, la ópera debe reorientar su estrategia, dar un paso adelante y afrontar una auténtica audiovisualización mediática de sus acciones, en lugar de seguir centrándose en explotar por más canales la capacidad que los medios tienen de transportar el espectáculo en vivo. Ese es ahora su auténtico reto comunicativo y educativo

    Lo que los gestos dicen y las palabras callan: una entrevista con Clinton

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    Este artículo se centra en el estudio de las entrevistas televisadas, un campo sobre el que existe una amplia literatura (Bull y Elliot 1998; Carter y Mccarthy 2002; Clayman 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993; Greatbatch 1986, 1988, 1992; Harris 1986, 1991; y Heritage y Greatbatch 1991). Nuestro objetivo consiste en analizar el uso de los mecanismos verbales y no verbales como estrategias comunicativas en las entrevistas políticas, y más concretamente en una entrevista televisada con el ex-Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Bill Clinton. Pretendemos descubrir cómo los politicos intentan sacar ventaja de los mecanismos verbales y no verbales en las entrevistas televisadas.This paper focuses on the study of televised interviews, a field of which there is a vast amount of literature (Bull and Elliot 1998; Carter and Mccarthy 2002; Clayman 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993; Greatbatch 1986, 1988, 1992; Harris 1986, 1991; and Heritage and Greatbatch 1991). Our objective is to analyse the use of verbal and nonverbal elements as communicative strategies in political interviews and more specifically in a televised interview with the ex-President of the United States, Bill Clinton. We will attempt to discover the way in which politicians try to take advantage of verbal and nonverbal signals in televised interviews

    On the microstructure, growth pattern and original porosity of belemnite rostra: insights from calcitic Jurassic belemnites

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    [EN] Calcitic belemnite rostra are usually employed to perform paleoenvironmental studies based on geochemical data. However, several questions, such as their original porosity and microstructure, remain open, despite they are essential to make accurate interpretations based on geochemical analyses. This paper revisits and enlightens some of these questions. Petrographic data demonstrate that calcite crystals of the rostrum solidum of belemnites grow from spherulites that successively develop along the apical line, resulting in a “regular spherulithic prismatic” microstructure. Radially arranged calcite crystals emerge and diverge from the spherulites: towards the apex, crystals grow until a new spherulite is formed; towards the external walls of the rostrum, the crystals become progressively bigger and prismatic. Adjacent crystals slightly vary in their c-axis orientation, resulting in undulose extinction. Concentric growth layering develops at different scales and is superimposed and traversed by a radial pattern, which results in the micro-fibrous texture that is observed in the calcite crystals in the rostra. Petrographic data demonstrate that single calcite crystals in the rostra have a composite nature, which strongly suggests that the belemnite rostra were originally porous. Single crystals consistently comprise two distinct zones or sectors in optical continuity: 1) the inner zone is fluorescent, has relatively low optical relief under transmitted light (TL) microscopy, a dark-grey color under backscatter electron microscopy (BSEM), a commonly triangular shape, a “patchy” appearance and relatively high Mg and Na contents; 2) the outer sector is non-fluorescent, has relatively high optical relief under TL, a light-grey color under BSEM and low Mg and Na contents. The inner and fluorescent sectors are interpreted to have formed first as a product of biologically controlled mineralization during belemnite skeletal growth and the non-fluorescent outer sectors as overgrowths of the former, filling the intra- and inter-crystalline porosity. This question has important implications for making paleoenvironmental and/or paleoclimatic interpretations based on geochemical analyses of belemnite rostra. Finally, the petrographic features of composite calcite crystals in the rostra also suggest the non-classical crystallization of belemnite rostra, as previously suggested by other authors.[ES] Los análisis geoquímicos obtenidos en rostros de los belemnites se utilizan habitualmente para llevar a cabo estudios paleoambientales. Sin embargo, hay cuestiones esenciales, como la porosidad y la microestructura original de los belemnites, que están todavía en discusión y que hay que tener en cuenta si se quieren realizar interpretaciones geoquímicas adecuadas. Los datos petrográficos obtenidos en este trabajo demuestran que los cristales de calcita del rostrum solidum de los belemnites crecen a partir de esferulitos que sucesivamente se desarrollan a lo largo de la línea apical, dando lugar a una microestructura “esferulítica prismática regular”. Los cristales de calcita surgen y divergen radialmente desde los esferulitos: hacia el apex, hasta que se forma un nuevo esferulito y hacia los bordes externos del rostro donde los cristales se van haciendo progresivamente mayores y prismáticos. La ligera variación de la orientación del eje-c de los cristales adyacentes explica la extinción ondulante. Al patrón radial, que da lugar a la textura micro-fibrosa de southlos cristales de calcita del rostro, se le superpone un bandeado de crecimiento concéntrico. Los datos petrográficos también indican que los rostros de los belemnites eran originalmente porosos como lo demuestra la naturaleza compuesta de los cristales de calcita que están formados sistemáticamente por dos zonas distintas que están en continuidad óptica: 1) la zona interna es fluorescente, tiene relieve óptico bajo, en microscopia de luz transmitida (TL), color gris oscuro en microscopia electrónica con electrones retrodispersados (BSEM), morfología triangular y contenidos en Mg y Na relativamente altos; 2) la zona exterior no es fluorescente, tiene relieve óptico alto (TL), color gris claro (BSEM), y contenidos en Mg y Na relativamente bajos. La zona fluorescente interior se formó primero, durante el crecimiento de los belemnites y la zona no fluorescente precipitó como un cemento rellenando la porosidad intra- e intercristalina. Las características petrográficas de los cristales de calcita también sugieren que la cristalización no clásica del esqueleto de los belemnites, como han sugerido algunos autores previamente.This research was carried out with the financial support of the projects CGL2011-22709, CGL2014-52670-P and RYC- 2009-04316 (Ramón y Cajal Program, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and by the “Sedimentary Basin Analysis” and “Paleoclimatology and Global Change” research groups of the Complutense University of Madrid.Peer reviewe

    Influence of drought on tree rings and tracheid features of Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris in a mesic Mediterranean forest

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    We investigated the influence of climate on the ring width and xylem anatomy of two co-occurring pines (Pinus nigra Arn. and P. sylvestris L.) in the mountains of east-central Spain in order to test their utility for dendroclimatic reconstructions. We developed chronologies of ring width, mean lumen diameter and mean cell-wall thickness (in the earlywood, latewood, and the total annual ring) and the number of cells between 1960 and 2006. Drought, expressed as the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI), was the main climatic driver of tree radial growth, although trees were also sensitive to temperature (negative effect in previous autumn and current summer) and precipitation (with a general positive effect). P. sylvestris response was stronger to climate of the current year, whereas the effect of previous-year climate was more important for P. nigra. Warm and dry summers reduced ring width, tracheid lumen, and wall thickness in both species, whereas warm winter-spring temperatures had the opposite effect, primarily for P. sylvestris. Previous-year or early-season conditions mainly affected earlywood features, whereas latewood was more responsive to summer climate. Overall, climate appeared to be a stronger limiting factor for P. sylvestris. During periods of drought, cell-wall thickness was reduced while lumen width increased in the latewood of P. sylvestris. This could compromise its hydraulic safety against drought-induced cavitation as our site was close to the southern and dry edge of the species distribution area. Our results suggest that anatomical variables record different and stronger climate information than ring width variables, especially in P. sylvestris. Reconstruction models for SPEI at the 3-month scale were developed for July–August and September– October using principal components regression. The best models included anatomical and width variables of both pine species suggesting that tracheid chronologies can be useful for drought reconstructions especially at mesic sites or with species that encode a mixed drought and temperature-precipitation signal

    Gesture and Speech in Topic Organization in English as L1 and L2

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    The goal of this paper is to study the speech - gesture relation in topic organization in English as L1 and as L2. Twenty subjects (ten Spanish, ten American) aged 19 - 21 participated in this experiment. They were asked to watch a 7 - minute - long anim ated cartoon and then they were asked to narrate what they had seen to a partner. We analyzed the following features, both in English as L1 and in English as L2: (1) average of gestures per informant; (2) percentage of gestures with new and old topics; (3) rate of pictograms with gestured new and old topics; and (4) rate of gestured new and old topics with action and state verbs. Then, we compared the Spanish speakers’ behaviour in English as L2 with their behaviour in L1, in order to discern whether they u se the same gestures and topic organisation in both languages or they don’t. The results showed important verbal and non - verbal differences in topic organization in English as L1 and as L2

    Manejo multidisciplinar y tratamiento del cáncer de colon y recto

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    El Fast Track o ERAS es el conjunto de medidas perioperatorias y técnicas quirúrgico-anestésicas basadas en la evidencia que tienen como objetivo acelerar la recuperación de los pacientes intervenidos por cáncer colorrectal, sin incrementar la morbilidad de los cuidados perioperatorios tradicionales y minimizando los costes sanitarios. Sus pilares fundamentales son: evitar el ayuno preoperatorio, no realizar preparación intestinal, restringir la fluidoterapia, realizar un abordaje laparoscópico, retirar la sonda nasogástrica al final de la cirugía, no emplear drenajes, promover una movilización y deambulación precoz, así como una pronta tolerancia oral. Se han evaluado tanto los resultados clínicos como oncológicos obtenidos en una Unidad de Cirugía Colorrectal; concluyéndose que existe una clara mejoría tanto en la cirugía como en el postoperatorio, respecto a los protocolos tradicionales. Del mismo modo, la dedicación exclusiva de una patóloga a patología de cáncer colorrectal, ha supuesto una mejoría en la estadificación, y por tanto en el tratamiento de estos pacientes.Grado en Medicin

    Schumpeter meets Goldilocks: the scarring effects of firm destruction

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    La crisis económica vinculada a la pandemia de COVID-19 supuso una perturbación sin precedentes para las empresas a nivel global, si bien se vio parcialmente mitigada por las medidas de apoyo desplegadas por las autoridades. Sin embargo, estas medidas están ahora llegando a su fin en medio de un entorno macroeconómico altamente incierto, como resultado de la guerra en Ucrania y del aumento de los precios de la energía. En este contexto, las consecuencias macroeconómicas de un incremento significativo de las tasas de destrucción de empresas suponen una fuente de preocupación que no debe minusvalorarse. Este trabajo documenta una relación en forma de U invertida entre la destrucción de empresas y el crecimiento de la productividad total de los factores (PTF): a niveles bajos de destrucción, la salida de empresas está asociada a aumentos de la productividad relacionados con el fenómeno de la destrucción creativa; sin embargo, a niveles elevados de destrucción, esta asociación se vuelve negativa y aumentos en las tasas de salida redundan en pérdidas de productividad. Asimismo, este trabajo considera un modelo de dinámica empresarial que incorpora una externalidad de la destrucción de empresas que genera la relación no lineal estimada en los datos. En particular, esta externalidad captura los efectos de amplificación asociados a una destrucción de empresas muy elevada que podría forzar la salida del mercado de empresas viables. Por ejemplo, debido a disrupciones en la cadena de suministros o a una contracción generalizada y muy acusada de la oferta de crédito ante un aumento muy significativo de las tasas de impago. Utilizando este modelo, se plantean dos escenarios distintos, dependiendo de la severidad de la perturbación sobre las tasas de destrucción de empresas en España. Si la perturbación acarrea una destrucción de empresas similar a la observada durante la crisis financiera global, el efecto sobre la productividad es positivo y la recuperación económica es más rápida que en ausencia de dicha perturbación. Sin embargo, si la perturbación acarrea una destrucción de empresas hasta cuatro veces superior a la observada durante la crisis anterior, el impacto sobre el crecimiento de la productividad es negativo, porque muchas empresas viables se verían obligadas a salir del mercado debido a la externalidad, lo que haría que la recuperación fuese más lenta.The COVID-19 shock impacted firms severely all over the world. Governments were swift to implement policy measures to aid these firms, but these are coming to an end in the midst of a highly uncertain macroeconomic environment as a result of the war in Ukraine and the surge in energy prices. In this context, policymakers are worried about the potential increase in firm destruction after support policies are lifted, and what its macroeconomic consequences could be. Using data for Spain, we uncover an inverted U-shaped relationship between firm destruction and total factor productivity (TFP) growth: at low levels of firm exit, Schumpeterian cleansing effects dominate and the effect of firm destruction on TFP is positive, but when exit rates are very high, this effect turns negative. In order to rationalize this finding, we build on Asturias et al. (2017) and develop a model of firm dynamics with exit spillovers calibrated to match the non-linearity found in the data. This reduced-form spillover captures amplification effects from very high destruction rates that might force viable firms to exit, for example, due to disruptions in the production network and a generalised contraction in credit supply. Armed with the calibrated model, we perform counterfactual scenarios depending on the severity of the shock to firm exit. We find that when the shock is mild and firm destruction rates upon impact are similar to those observed during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), TFP growth increases, and the recovery is faster. However, when the shock is severe and firm exit is well above that of the GFC, TFP growth decreases, since high efficiency firms are forced out of the market, which makes the recovery much slower. Overall, our results point to the importance of keeping exit rates low to avoid long term scarring effects