2,531 research outputs found


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    A common objective in image analysis is dimensionality reduction. The most common often used data-exploratory technique with this objective is principal component analysis. We propose a new method based on the projection of the images as matrices after a Procrustes rotation and show that it leads to a better reconstruction of images.

    European Wireless 2019; 25th European Wireless Conference. Aarhus, Denmark

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    This paper describes a new design of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes when using composite extension fields. Our ultimate goal is to provide codes that remain Maximum Distance Separable (MDS), but that can be processed at higher speeds in the encoder and decoder. This is possible by using coefficients in the generator matrix that belong to smaller (and faster) finite fields of the composite extension and limiting the use of the larger (and slower) finite fields to a minimum. We provide formulae and an algorithm to generate such constructions starting from a Vandermonde RS generator matrix and show that even the simplest constructions, e.g., using only processing in two finite fields, can speed up processing by as much as two-fold compared to a Vandermonde RS and Cauchy RS while using the same decoding algorithm, and more than two-fold compared to other RS Cauchy and FFT-based RS

    A la memòria de Lluís Alcanyís

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    En el V cementiri de la seua eixida d'aquest mó

    Dimensionality reduction with image data

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    A common objective in image analysis is dimensionality reduction. The most common often used data-exploratory technique with this objective is principal component analysis. We propose a new method based on the projection of the images as matrices after a Procrustes rotation and show that it leads to a better reconstruction of images

    Future trends in translation memory

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    Aquest article revisa alguns dels avenços més recents en el camp de la tecnologia de memòries de traducció, i com una aproximació des de la lingüística de corpus es podria aplicar per tal d'ampliar-los i fer-los més atractius. L'article també explora com la natura de la indústria de la traducció pot afectar que les noves tecnologies siguin, o no, adoptades de manera generalitzada.Este artículo repasa algunos de los avances más recientes en el campo de la tecnología de memorias de traducción, y analiza cómo se podría aplicar un enfoque desde la lingüística de corpus para ampliarlos y hacerlos más atractivos. El artículo también explora cómo la naturaleza de la industria de la traducción puede afectar a que las nuevas tecnologías sean, o no, adoptadas de forma generalizada.This article looks at some of the latest advances in translation memory technology and how a corpus-linguistic approach could be applied to further extend them in order to make them more appealing. It also explores how the nature of the translation industry can affect whether new technologies are widely adopted or not

    La iglesia barroca del Monasterio de San Agustín de Valencia

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    El texto ofrece una reconstrucción del aspecto que ofrecía la iglesia del Monasterio de San Agustín de Valencia, remodelada en estilo barroco y una de las más importantes de la ciudad, en vísperas de su saqueo y destrucción en 1812, durante la ocupación de la ciudad por las tropas napoleónicas. Utilizando, noticias documentales y gráficas se aportan nuevos datos e imágenes de obras de arte de gran importancia de Juan Bta. Pérez Castiel, Ignacio Vergara, José Vergara, Juan de Juanes, Vicente Guirri y otros.The text presents a description of the church of the Monastery of San Agustín in Valencia, Spain. The building was redesigned in a Baroque style and is one of the most important churches in the city. It was plundered and destroyed in 1812 during the occupation of the city by Napoleon’s troops. Through the search of bibliographical references and documentary and graphical news of the period, new data and images of important works of art by Juan Bta. Pérez Castiel, Ignacio Vergara, José Vergara, Juan de Juanes, Vicente Guirri, among others, are provided