122 research outputs found

    Fighting to fight : female amateur boxers’ experiences of (in)equality in the UK

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    In the UK context women have been participating in boxing, traditionally considered as a masculine arena, for centuries. Over time, there have been advancements in the inclusion of women in the sport. Nevertheless, boxing remains a hypermasculine, male-dominated sport. Moreover, boxing does not offer the conditions necessary for women to fully participate and to do so with parity of esteem. Consequently, women are largely discriminated against on the grounds of gender.Aiming to investigate the challenges boxing faces in working towards becoming an egalitarian sport, I conducted feminist qualitative research focused on the participation of women in amateur boxing in the UK context. In order to collect data, I used ethnographic methods consisting of participant observation and semi-structured in- depth interviews. The participant observation took place in a boxing academy in the North of England between September 2017 and April 2018. Most of the thirty-two interviewees were members of the boxing community in which participant observation was conducted; however, I also interviewed ex-boxers, staff of sports bodies, coaches, coach educators, and boxers across the country.The findings suggest that equality has yet to be achieved in boxing. The thesis identifies obstacles that hinder equality within the sport. Among them are the construction of boxing as a masculine and male-dominated sport, the discrimination women experience within the sport and the prevalence of androcentric, neoliberal, and postfeminist narratives celebrating individualism, neglecting inequality, and equating the presence of women to equality. Thus, it concludes that the presence of female pugilists has largely been accommodated within existing gendered power structures, rather than, as yet at least, provoking a more radical paradigmatic shift. If boxing aims to be a sport for all, inequalities must be tackled, otherwise equality is a chimera

    Costos de producción y rentabilidad de la caña de azúcar para fruta (Saccharum officinarum) en una región del Estado de México

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    Se utiliza la metodología de costos privados, para determinar la rentabilidad del sistema de producción de caña de azúcar para fruta en la región productora del municipio de Temascaltepec, Estado de México

    Carmen y Ana

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    “Carmen and Ana” is a documentary short that, in a film essay format, tells the story of two sisters. Through family archive images, manipulated by the filmmaker, the documentary enters in a dreamlike and imaginative world. Seeking to represent and reflect on a forgotten past. The archive images and the filmmaker’s voiceover, invite the audience to meditate on the complexity of human relations and, above all, on sisterly love.“Carmen y Ana” es un cortometraje documental que, a manera de ensayo fílmico, narra la historia de dos hermanas. A través de imágenes de archivo familiar manipuladas por la realizadora, el documental se sumerge en un mundo onírico e imaginativo; buscando representar y reflexionar acerca de un pasado olvidado. Las imágenes de archivo y la voz en off de la realizadora invitan a meditar acerca de las complejas relaciones humanas y sobre todo, acerca del amor de hermanas

    Relación entre el patrón de crecimiento vertical y el diámetro de la vía aérea faríngea en pacientes del Centro Radiológico Oral RX, Arequipa 2020

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    Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre el patrón de crecimiento vertical y el diámetro de la vía aérea faríngea en pacientes del Centro Radiológico Oral Rx Arequipa 2020. Corresponde a un estudio de tipo observacional, retrospectivo, transversal, analítico y documental. Está conformado por una muestra de 327 cefalometrías digitales analizadas con el programa Radiocef Studio de personas mayores a 9 años. Para este estudio se determinó el patrón de crecimiento vertical mediante el ángulo SN-GoGn, para así dividir a los sujetos en hipodivergentes, normodivergentes e hiperdivergentes. Para el estudio de las vías aéreas se evaluó el diámetro faríngeo superior e inferior de McNamara, la distancia lineal ENP-ad2 y el espacio orofaríngeo f1-f2. Según sus respectivas medidas cada diámetro se clasificó en disminuido, normal y aumentado. El análisis de datos se hizo empleando la estadística inferencial por medio del coeficiente de Pearson para confirmar la relación entre las variables. Se concluye que no hay relación entre el patrón de crecimiento vertical y el diámetro faríngeo superior en pacientes del Centro Radiológico Oral Rx en el año 2020. Por otro lado, la relación entre el patrón de crecimiento vertical con el diámetro faríngeo inferior de los pacientes del Centro Radiológico Oral Rx en el año 2020, la distancia lineal ENP-ad2, y la distancia f1-f2 es significativa

    Rediseño administrativo y organizacional para la Comercializadora 4x4 en la ciudad de Villavicencio - por Yessica Alejandra Benitez Barrera.

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    This paper presents the results found in the development of the research made to “Comercializadora 4x4”, microenterprise from Villavicencio Meta. Its objective was redesign the administrative and organizational structure of the enterprise such that the processes be strengthened and the company be routed to the broadening of its market. As well proposal as development of the research were performed within administrative theories wich routed the elaboration of a complete diagnostic from the company, the formulation strategic platform and the proposal of a organizational redesign directed to the processes. Investigation involved the participation from enterprise staff and consulting from specialist of the Llanos University.  Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de la investigación realizada a la Comercializadora 4x4, microempresa de la ciudad de Villavicencio. Su objetivo fue rediseñar la estructura administrativa y organizacional de la comercializadora 4x4 de modo que se fortalezcan los procesos y se direccione la empresa hacia la ampliación del mercado actual. Tanto la propuesta como el desarrollo de la investigación se enmarcaron dentro de teorías administrativas que direccionaron la elaboración de un diagnóstico completo de la organización, la formulación de una plataforma estratégica y la propuesta de rediseño organizacional orientada hacia los procesos, los cuales se caracterizaron por la recopilación de información, actualización y mecanismos de mejora. El desarrollo de la investigación involucró la participación del personal de la Comercializadora 4X4 y la asesoría de especialistas de la Universidad de Los Llanos

    Género y autocuidado de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en el Estado de México

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    La diabetes mellitus es un problema epidemiológico nacional poco tratado en los estudios de género. La obesidad, la inadecuada alimentación y el sedentarismo son factores de riesgo de esta patología que se diagnostica con mayor frecuencia a edades más tempranas, impactando en el equilibrio de las familias. Aunque esta enfermedad se presenta en ambos géneros, la prevalencia es más elevada en mujeres. Se realizó un estudio de diseño transversal con una muestra no probabilística de 239 personas de dos comunidades del Estado de México, a quienes previo consentimiento informado se aplicó un cuestionario para analizar el género como factor de riesgo para el autocuidado en diabetes mellitus tipo 2. El estudio da a conocer los factores no clínicos que pueden considerarse como diferenciales de género. La prevención considera aspectos educativos de autocuidado con un abordaje transdisciplinario e incorporando a la familia para el cuidado de la salud, por sus creencias, saberes y prácticas

    The effect of exercise on cardiovascular risk markers in Mexican school-aged children: comparison between two structured group routines

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    Objective. To assess the effects of two groups of exercise routines on cardiovascular disease risk markers. Material and Methods. An intervention study was conducted with 319 Mexican school-aged children in which routines were implemented Monday through Friday for 12 weeks. Routine A was the reference group, with 20 min of less intense activity and routine B was the new group with 40 min of aerobic exercises. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, fat mass percentage (FM%), systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lipids, lipoproteins, glucose and insulin were measured before and after the intervention. Results. Routine A had an effect on diastolic pressure, while routine B had an effect on BMI, FM%, blood pressure and triglycerides. Routine B had a greater effect on blood pressure than routine A. The prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure and hypertriglyceridemia decreased in both groups. Conclusion. Aerobic exercise is an effective health promotion strategy to reduce some cardiovascular disease risk markers

    Photo-induced curing of thymine-based bioinspired polymers. A chemometric analysis

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    The curing process of new materials based on styrene monomers functionalized with thymine and charged ionic groups was studied using UV-vis spectroscopy in combination with chemomet-ric models. The effect of the copolymer molecular weight on the immobilization point was analyzed. The evolution of the curing process of the copolymer (4-vinylbenzyl) thymine (VBT) -vinylbenzyl triethyl ammonium chloride (VBA) involved three species, which absorb in the spectral region analyzed. The contributions of each species to the total signal at each irradiation time were determined, and the ki-netic constant of the crosslinking reaction was esti-mated. The study allowed evaluating the consistency of the chemometric decomposition, obtaining a rea-sonable correlation between the frequency spectra and the time evolution calculated with the algorithm. The chemometric analysis showed to be a powerful tool to provide complementary information on photo-induced immobilization of VBT-VBA films, which is crucial for developing new environmentally benign materials and new energy-saving methods.Fil: Bortolato, Santiago Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Barbarini, Alejandro Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Benitez, R. M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Martino, Debora Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); ArgentinaFil: Estenoz, Diana Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico - CONICET - Salta. Instituto de Investigación para la Industria Química (i); Argentin

    General Approaches for Combining Multiple Rare Variant Associate Tests Provide Improved Power Across a Wider Range of Genetic Architecture

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    In the wake of the widespread availability of genome sequencing data made possible by way of nextgeneration technologies, a flood of gene‐based rare variant tests have been proposed. Most methods claim superior power against particular genetic architectures. However, an important practical issue remains for the applied researcher—namely, which test should be used for a particular association study which may consider multiple genes and/or multiple phenotypes. Recently, tests have been proposed which combine individual tests to minimize power loss while improving the robustness to a wide range of genetic architectures. In our analysis, we propose an expansion of these approaches, by providing a general method that works for combining an arbitrarily large number of any gene‐based rare variant test—a flexibility typically not available in other combined testing methods. We provide a theoretical framework for evaluating our combined test to provide direct insights into the relationship between test‐test correlation, test power and the combined test power relative to individual testing approaches and other combined testing approaches. We demonstrate that our flexible combined testing method can provide improved power and robustness against a wide range of genetic architectures. We further demonstrate the performance of our combined test on simulated genotypes, as well as on a dataset of real genotypes with simulated phenotypes. We support the increased use of flexible combined tests in practice to maximize robustness of rare‐variant testing strategies against a wide‐range of genetic architectures