3,343 research outputs found

    Korelasi Motivasi dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 34 Pontianak Kota

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    The Correlation of Learning Motivation and Mathematics Learning Output in Class V of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 34 Pontianak Kota.This research is intended to describe the correlational degree of learning motivation with mathematics learning output in class V of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 34 Pontianak Kota. The using method in this study is descriptive method of correlational study. Based on the statistic calculation of mean scores from the students learning motivation about 3,92 or 78,47% and the students learning output about 76,04 the researcher finds the rxy score about 0,554 and r table (in 5% standard significance and dk = 64) about 0,242 which means that rxy score (0,544) >r table (0,242) so that Ha is valid. This calculation shows that there is a correlation between learning motivation and mathematics learning output in class V of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 34 Pontianak Kota

    Potensi Biji Labu Kuning sebagai Agen Fitoestrogen pada Wanita Post Menstrual

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    Osteoporosis and hypercholesterolemia are prevalent condition in menopausal women. The common therapy to prevent the estrogen degrading condition is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). However, HRT possessed various risks. Curcubita pepo L. seed (pumpkin seed) contains lignan secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol which exhibit estrogenic effect. The aim of this study is to determine the estrogenic effect of Ethanolic Extract of Pumpkin Seeds (EEPS) through in silico and in vivo study. In silico study were conducted by molecular docking of lignan which is secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol with Estrogen Receptor (ERα and Erβ). In vivo study conducted by using ovariectomized Sprague dawley female rats as a model of postmenopausal women. Blood lipid profile, bone density, and uterine weight were assayed after thirty days. Molecular docking score of secoisolariciresinol and lariciresinol were similar to estradiol. In vivo study found that EEPS increase bone density and uterine weight percentage while also improve the blood profile. In conclusion, these result showed that EEPS is potential to be developed as an osteoporosis and hypercholesterolemia prevention agent

    Radiation hard polyimide-coated FBG optical sensors for relative humidity monitoring in the CMS experiment at CERN

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    This work investigates the performance and the radiation hardness capability of optical thermo-hygrometers based on Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) for humidity monitoring in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS), one of the four experiments running at CERN in Geneva. A thorough campaign of characterization was performed on 80 specially produced Polyimide-coated RH FBG sensors and 80 commercial temperature FBG sensors. Sensitivity, repeatability and accuracy were studied on the whole batch, putting in evidence the limits of the sensors, but also showing that they can be used in very dry conditions. In order to extract the humidity measurements from the sensor readings, commercial temperature FBG sensors were characterized in the range of interest. Irradiation campaigns with ionizing radiation (gamma-rays from a Co-60 source) at incremental absorbed doses (up to 210 kGy for the T sensors and up to 90 kGy for the RH sensors) were performed on sample of T and RH-Sensors. The results show that the sensitivity of the sensors is unchanged up to the level attained of the absorbed dose, while the natural wavelength peak of each sensor exhibits a radiation-induced shift (signal offset). The saturation properties of this shift are discussed

    Frustration induced Raman scattering in CuGeO_3

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    We present experimental data for the Raman intensity in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3 and theoretical calculations from a one-dimensional frustrated spin model. The theory is based on (a) exact diagonalization and (b) a recently developed solitonic mean field theory. We find good agreement between the 1D-theory in the homogeneous phase and evidence for a novel dimerization of the Raman operator in the spin-Peierls state. Finally we present evidence for a coupling between the interchain exchange, the spin-Peierls order parameter and the magnetic excitations along the chains.Comment: Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Comm, in Pres

    Further studies on the physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos

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    We discuss an experiment to investigate neutrino physics at the LHC, with emphasis on tau flavour. As described in our previous paper Beni et al (2019 J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 46 115008), the detector can be installed in the decommissioned TI18 tunnel, ≈ 480 m downstream the ATLAS cavern, after the first bending dipoles of the LHC arc. The detector intercepts the intense neutrino flux, generated by the LHC beams colliding in IP1, at large pseudorapidity η, where neutrino energies can exceed a TeV. This paper focuses on exploring the neutrino pseudorapity versus energy phase space available in TI18 in order to optimize the detector location and acceptance for neutrinos originating at the pp interaction point, in contrast to neutrinos from pion and kaon decays. The studies are based on the comparison of simulated pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV: PYTHIA events of heavy quark (c and b) production, compared to DPMJET minimum bias events (including charm) with produced particles traced through realistic LHC optics with FLUKA. Our studies favour a configuration where the detector is positioned off the beam axis, slightly above the ideal prolongation of the LHC beam from the straight section, covering 7.4 < η < 9.2. In this configuration, the flux at high energies (0.5-1.5 TeV and beyond) is found to be dominated by neutrinos originating directly from IP1, mostly from charm decays, of which ∼50% are electron neutrinos and ∼5% are tau neutrinos. The contribution of pion and kaon decays to the muon neutrino flux is found small at those high energies. With 150 f b-1 of delivered LHC luminosity in Run 3 the experiment can record a few thousand very high energy neutrino charged current (CC) interactions and over 50 tau neutrino CC events. These events provide useful information in view of a high statistics experiment at HL-LHC. The electron and muon neutrino samples can extend the knowledge of the charm PDF to a new region of x, which is dominated by theory uncertainties. The tau neutrino sample can provide first experience on reconstruction of tau neutrino events in a very boosted regime

    A novel application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in MPGD

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    We present a novel application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in the construction and characterisation of Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD), with particular attention to the realisation of the largest triple (Gas electron Multiplier) GEM chambers so far operated, the GE1/1 chambers of the CMS experiment at LHC. The GE1/1 CMS project consists of 144 GEM chambers of about 0.5 m2 active area each, employing three GEM foils per chamber, to be installed in the forward region of the CMS endcap during the long shutdown of LHC in 2108-2019. The large active area of each GE1/1 chamber consists of GEM foils that are mechanically stretched in order to secure their flatness and the consequent uniform performance of the GE1/1 chamber across its whole active surface. So far FBGs have been used in high energy physics mainly as high precision positioning and re-positioning sensors and as low cost, easy to mount, low space consuming temperature sensors. FBGs are also commonly used for very precise strain measurements in material studies. In this work we present a novel use of FBGs as flatness and mechanical tensioning sensors applied to the wide GEM foils of the GE1/1 chambers. A network of FBG sensors have been used to determine the optimal mechanical tension applied and to characterise the mechanical tension that should be applied to the foils. We discuss the results of the test done on a full-sized GE1/1 final prototype, the studies done to fully characterise the GEM material, how this information was used to define a standard assembly procedure and possible future developments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, presented by Luigi Benussi at MPGD 2015 (Trieste, Italy). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1512.0848

    Overview of large area triple-GEM detectors for the CMS forward muon upgrade

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    In order to cope with the harsh environment expected from the high luminosity LHC, the CMS forward muon system requires an upgrade. The two main challenges expected in this environment are an increase in the trigger rate and increased background radiation leading to a potential degradation of the particle ID performance. Additionally, upgrades to other subdetectors of CMS allow for extended coverage for particle tracking, and adding muon system coverage to this region will further enhance the performance of CMS

    Development and performance of Triple-GEM detectors for the upgrade of the muon system of the CMS experiment

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    The CMS Collaboration is evaluating GEM detectors for the upgrade of the muon system. This contribution will focus on the R&D performed on chambers design features and will discuss the performance of the upgraded detector

    Operational experience with the GEM detector assembly lines for the CMS forward muon upgrade

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    The CMS Collaboration has been developing large-area triple-gas electron multiplier (GEM) detectors to be installed in the muon Endcap regions of the CMS experiment in 2019 to maintain forward muon trigger and tracking performance at the High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC); 10 preproduction detectors were built at CERN to commission the first assembly line and the quality controls (QCs). These were installed in the CMS detector in early 2017 and participated in the 2017 LHC run. The collaboration has prepared several additional assembly and QC lines for distributed mass production of 160 GEM detectors at various sites worldwide. In 2017, these additional production sites have optimized construction techniques and QC procedures and validated them against common specifications by constructing additional preproduction detectors. Using the specific experience from one production site as an example, we discuss how the QCs make use of independent hardware and trained personnel to ensure fast and reliable production. Preliminary results on the construction status of CMS GEM detectors are presented with details of the assembly sites involvement
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