128 research outputs found

    Study on the predictions of gene function and protein structure using multi-SVM and hybrid EDA

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3199号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新549

    Propriétés diélectriques des composites à matrice PVDF comportant des renforts hybrides nano/micro-échelles (nanotubes de carbone et BaTiO₃)

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    The dispersibility of carbon nanotube (CNT) in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is always a big challenge for the high dielectric property. Barium titanate (BT)-CNT hybrids with the special structure are proved to be effective for improving the dispersion of CNT in the polymer matrix and reduce the percolation threshold of the composite. This thesis aims to achieve high dielectric performance of composites via designing fillers with the favorable structure as well as comprehensively study the interaction between CNT and semi-crystalline polymer matrix.In chapter 1, we provide a general introduction about dielectric material's background knowledge. Meanwhile the development including recent breakthroughs and their applications for the dielectric field are also provided in this chapter.In chapter 2, we prepare two hybrids with different structures. The first hybrids are prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. It is with the structure of BT as a core and CNTs growing outsides (H-CNT-BT). The second hybrids are prepared by hydrothermal reaction where BT particles coats outside CNT (H-BT-CNT). Meanwhile, we fabricate hybrids reinforced PVDF matrix composites by solution casting plus extrusion-injection way. Additionally, methods for characterization involving morphology, thermal and dielectric properties as well as crystallization are also introduced in this chapter.In chapter 3, the dielectric behaviors of H-CNT-BT/PVDF are studied concretely. A dramatic increment on dielectric permittivity is observed after the thermal treatment. This change may result from the reformation of CNT's conductive network and the behavior of PVDF's re-crystallization. By modeling work and experimental characterization, the shrinkage of the neighboring CNT's distance in PVDF's amorphous layers and the induced β polymorph at the CNT-PVDF interface may cause the significant increment in dielectric permittivity after the thermal treatment.In chapter 4, the CNT's dispersibility in PVDF matrix composites is studied by designing different structures. Firstly, a comparison between calculated and experimental percolation threshold of H-CNT-BT/PVDF is conducted for studying the morphology parameters of H-CNT-BT. Afterwards, two comparisons are conducted: one is between H-CNT-BT/PVDF and CNT/PVDF. The processing factors for the CNT's dispersibility are discussed via measuring the different layer's AC conductivity. The other is among three hybrids reinforced PVDF composites. The hybrids structure's effect the CNT's dispersibility is discussed via comparing the dielectric property of the composites with the same volume fraction of CNT and BT but different structures.In chapter 5, a general conclusion is formed according to the works and the perspective is provided for the improvement of the future work.La dispersion des nanotubes de carbone (NTC) dans le polyfluorure de vinylidène (PVDF) est un grand défi pour avoir de meilleures propriétés diélectriques. Les hybrides, titanate de baryum (BT)-NTC, ayant une structure particulière sont révélés être efficaces pour l'amélioration de la dispersion de NTC dans la matrice de polymère et la réduction du seuil de percolation du matériau composite. Cette thèse vise à atteindre une haute performance diélectrique du composite via la conception de charges ayant une structure favorable ainsi que l'étude exhaustive de l'interaction entre les NTC et la matrice de polymère semi-cristallin.Dans le chapitre 1, un bref revu de l'état de l'art sur le contexte général des matériaux diélectrique est introduite ainsi les progrès récents dans ce domaine sont présentés pour mieux comprendre les composites et leurs application.Dans le chapitre 2, nous préparons deux types d'hybrides avec deux structures différentes. Les premiers hybrides sont préparés par un dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD). Les BT forment le noyau de ces hybrides et les NTC croient dessus (H-NTC-BT). Les deuxième hybrides sont préparées par réaction hydrothermale où NTC sont revêtus par les BT (H-BT-NTC). Par la suite, nous préparons des composites avec une matrice de PVDF renforcés par les deux types d'hybrides déjà synthétisés cela en coulant la solution puis par extrusion-injection. En outre, les méthodes de caractérisation de la morphologie, des propriétés thermiques, diélectriques et la cristallisation sont également introduites dans ce chapitre.Dans le chapitre 3, les comportements diélectriques de H-NTC-BT/PVDF sont étudiés en détails. Une augmentation dramatique de la permittivité diélectrique est observée après le traitement thermique. Ce changement peut être dû à la réorganisation du réseau conducteur de NTC et la recristallisation de PVDF. Par la modélisation et la caractérisation expérimentale, Nous déduisons que cette augmentation significative de la permittivité diélectrique après le traitement thermique est dû au rétrécissement de la distance de NTC dans des couches amorphes voisine de PVDF d'un côte et au polymorphe β à l'interface NTC-PVDF d'un autre.Dans le chapitre 4, la dispersion des NTC dans la matrice du composite PVDF est étudiée par la conception de différentes structures. Tout d'abord, une comparaison du seuil de percolation de H-NTC-BT/PVDF calculé et celui déterminé expérimentalement est menée pour mieux comprendre la morphologie de H-NTC-BT. Ensuite, deux comparaisons sont menées:- La première compare les facteurs de transformation de la dispersion des NTC dans les composites H-NTC-BT/PVDF et NTC/PVDF cela en mesurant de la conductivité AC dans les différentes couches de ces composites.- La deuxième compare trois types de composites de PVDF renforcés par des hybrides ayant la même fraction volumique de NTC et BT mais des structures différentes. L'effet de ces différentes structures de ces hybrides est étudié en comparant leurs propriétés diélectriques.Pour finir une conclusion générale est présentée dans le chapitre 5 ainsi les perspectives prévues pour les travaux futurs

    Vibrational and rotational quenching of CO by collisions with H, He, and H2

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    Collisional quenching of molecular species is an important process in a variety of astrophysical environments including interstellar clouds, photodissociation regions, and cool stellar/planetary atmospheres. In this work, quantum mechanical scattering calculations are presented for the rotational and vibrational relaxation of rotationally-excited CO due to collisions with H, He and H2 for collision energies between 10(exp -6) and approx.15000/cm. The calculations were performed using the close-coupling approach and the l-labeled form of the coupled-states approximation. Cross sections and rate coefficients for the quenching of the v=0-2, j=0-6 levels of CO are presented and comparisons with previous calculations and measurements, where available, are provided

    Rotational quenching of CO due to H2_2 collisions

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    Rate coefficients for state-to-state rotational transitions in CO induced by both para- and ortho-H2_2 collisions are presented. The results were obtained using the close-coupling method and the coupled-states approximation, with the CO-H2_2 interaction potential of Jankowski & Szalewicz (2005). Rate coefficients are presented for temperatures between 1 and 3000 K, and for CO(v=0,jv=0,j) quenching from j=140j=1-40 to all lower jj^\prime levels. Comparisons with previous calculations using an earlier potential show some discrepancies, especially at low temperatures and for rotational transitions involving large Δj|\Delta j|. The differences in the well depths of the van der Waals interactions in the two potential surfaces lead to different resonance structures in the energy dependence of the cross sections which influence the low temperature rate coefficients. Applications to far infrared observations of astrophysical environments are briefly discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Fabric-GC: A Blockchain-based Gantt Chart System for Cross-organizational Project Management

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    Large-scale production is always associated with more and more development and interaction among peers, and many fields achieve higher economic benefits through project cooperation. However, project managers in the traditional centralized approach cannot rearrange their activities to cross-organizational project management. Thanks to its characteristics, the Blockchain can represent a valid solution to the problems mentioned above. In this article, we propose Fabric-GC, a Blockchain-based Gantt chart system. Fabric-GC enables to realize secure and effective cross-organizational cooperation for project management, providing access control to multiple parties for project visualization. Compared with other solutions, the proposed system is versatile, as it can be applied to project management in different fields and achieve effective and agile scheduling. Experimental results show that Fabric-GC achieves stable performance in large-scale request and processing distributed environments, where the data synchronization speed of the consortium chain reached four times faster than a public chain, achieving faster data consistency

    Inelastic, Exchange, and Reactive Processes in Rovibrationally Excited Collisions of HD With H

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    The HD molecule is an important coolant in early universe chemistry models and a tracer of H2 in star-forming regions. Rate coefficients for collisional excitation and de-excitation of HD rotational and vibrational levels form important ingredients in astrophysical models. While collisions with He, H2, and H are the most important, available data for H + HD collisions are largely limited to temperatures less than 1000 K for the vibrational ground state, low-lying rotational levels of the v = 1 HD vibrational level, or computed without reactive contributions. Here, through explicit quantum scattering calculations, we report extensive data for rovibrational transitions in HD induced by H atoms for a range of rotational levels in v = 1 and some v = 0 levels for temperatures up to 1000 K. The significance of the computed results for astrophysical modeling is discussed