82 research outputs found
Non Destructive Detection of Decay in Living Trees
It is shown that four point resistivity measurements can be used to detect decay in living trees. A low frequency alternating current is injected into the trunk and the induced voltage is measured between two points along the trunk. With additional measurement of the cross section area, the effective resistivity of the trunk is estimated. A comparison within a group of trees shows that trees in decay have approximately a factor of two lower effective resistivity than sound trees. The method is tested on several different groups of spruce (Picea abies); in total more than 300 trees are examined. The tests show that the method can detect decay caused by Heterobasidion annosum with high accuracy. Finite element modeling and simulations are used to validate the method
Antibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein associated with renal damage and urinary tract infections in adults
Autoantibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein associated with renal damage and urinary tract infections in adults. Forty-seven adults with urinary tract infection (UTI), 9 with recent acute pyelonephritis and 38 with previous renal infection, were investigated for the presence of autoantibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP). All patients except 6 had or had had vesicoureteric reflux (VUR). In patients with recent acute pyelonephritis, only IgA antibodies were significantly elevated. Among the patients with previous UTI, more than 6 months before the time of testing, a graded response was found for IgG and IgM specific antibodies, with the lowest value in those with renal damage and elevated serum creatinine and the highest in those with a normal X-ray. A negative correlation was found between IgG antibodies to THP and elevated serum creatinine (r = -0.76, P < 0.02). No significant correlation was found between VUR itself and antibodies to THP. A low IgG antibody level to THP in patients with a history of previous UTI seems to be a useful indicator of renal scarring. Possible immunologic mechanisms behind the low antibody level and the renal damage are discussed.Auto-anticorps anti-protĂ©ine de Tamm-Horsfall associĂ©s Ă des lĂ©sions rĂ©nales et Ă des infections urinaires chez l'adulte Quarante-sept adultes atteints d'infection urinaire, 9 ayant une pyĂ©lonĂ©phrite aiguĂ« rĂ©cente et 38 une infection rĂ©nale antĂ©rieure ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s pour la prĂ©sence d'auto-anticorps anti-protĂ©ine de Tamm-Horsfall (THP). Tous les malades sauf six avaient ou avaient eu un reflux vĂ©sico-urĂ©tĂ©ral. Chez les malades ayant un antĂ©cĂ©dent rĂ©cent de pyĂ©lonĂ©phrite seul les anti-corps IgA Ă©taient significativement Ă©levĂ©s. Parmi les malades dont l'antĂ©cĂ©dent d'infection urinaire remontait Ă plus de six mois une rĂ©ponse a Ă©tĂ© obtenue pour les anti-corps spĂ©cifiques IgG et IgM, avec la valeur la plus faible chez ceux qui Ă©taient atteints de lĂ©sions rĂ©nales et avaient une crĂ©atininĂ©mie Ă©levĂ©e et la valeur la plus Ă©levĂ©e chez ceux qui Ă©taient indemnes de lĂ©sions radiologiques. Une corrĂ©lation nĂ©gative a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre les anti-corps IgG anti THP et l'augmentation de la crĂ©atininĂ©mie (r = -0,76, P < 0,02). Il n'a pas Ă©tĂ© observĂ© de corrĂ©lation significative entre le reflux par lui-mĂȘme et les anti-corps anti THP. Un taux faible d'anti-corps IgG anti THP chez des malades ayant des antĂ©cĂ©dents d'infection urinaire peut ĂȘtre un indicateur utile de lĂ©sions rĂ©nales. Les mĂ©canismes immunologiques qui peuvent sous tendre le taux faible d'anti-corps et les lĂ©sions rĂ©nales sont discutĂ©s
Corticotroph Aggressive Pituitary Tumors and Carcinomas Frequently Harbor ATRX Mutations
Context: Aggressive pituitary tumors (APTs) are characterized by unusually rapid growth and lack of response to standard treatment. About 1% to 2% develop metastases being classified as pituitary carcinomas (PCs). For unknown reasons, the corticotroph tumors are overrepresented among APTs and PCs. Mutations in the alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked (ATRX) gene, regulating chromatin remodeling and telomere maintenance, have been implicated in the development of several cancer types, including neuroendocrine tumors. Objective: To study ATRX protein expression and mutational status of the ATRX gene in APTs and PCs. Design: We investigated ATRX protein expression by using immunohistochemistry in 30 APTs and 18 PCs, mostly of Pit-1 and T-Pit cell lineage. In tumors lacking ATRX immunolabeling, mutational status of the ATRX gene was explored. Results: Nine of the 48 tumors (19%) demonstrated lack of ATRX immunolabelling with a higher proportion in patients with PCs (5/18; 28%) than in those with APTs (4/30;13%). Lack of ATRX was most common in the corticotroph tumors, 7/22 (32%), versus tumors of the Pit-1 lineage, 2/24 (8%). Loss-of-function ATRX mutations were found in all 9 ATRX immunonegative cases: nonsense mutations (n = 4), frameshift deletions (n = 4), and large deletions affecting 22-28 of the 36 exons (n = 3). More than 1 ATRX gene defect was identified in 2 PCs. Conclusion: ATRX mutations occur in a subset of APTs and are more common in corticotroph tumors. The findings provide a rationale for performing ATRX immunohistochemistry to identify patients at risk of developing aggressive and potentially metastatic pituitary tumors.Peer reviewe
SkadestÄnd vid myndighetsutövning 1
Juridikbok.seCC-BY-NC 4.0</p
SamerÀtt : en översikt
GodkÀnd; 2004; 20070419 (ysko)</p
AllemansrĂ€tten â vad sĂ€ger lagen?
AllemansrĂ€ttens innebörd Ă€r livligt omdebatterad. Det Ă€r knappast förvĂ„nande. Man hĂ€nvisar ofta till sedvanan, men den varierar i skilda landsĂ€ndar och bland olika grupper av mĂ€nniskor. Dessutom skiljer man inte alltid mellan vad som kan anses som gott uppförande och vad rĂ€ttsreglerna pĂ„bjuder. Ett beteende som de flesta mĂ€nniskor anser hĂ€nsynslöst medför lĂ„ngtifrĂ„n alltid juridiska efterrĂ€kningar. De rent juridiska bedömningarna Ă€r inte heller klara. Man fĂ„r leta lĂ€nge efter rĂ€ttsfrĂ„gor med sĂ„ stort allmĂ€nt intresse som Ă€r lika omstridda och outredda. Den hĂ€r skriften tar upp frĂ„gan om vilket upptrĂ€dande som kan leda till rĂ€ttsliga pĂ„följder â alltsĂ„ straff, skadestĂ„nd och Ă„lĂ€gganden av domstol att företa eller lĂ„ta bli vissa Ă„tgĂ€rder. Den Ă€r skriven av en av de tyngsta auktoriteterna pĂ„ omrĂ„det, professorn, f d justitierĂ„det Bertil Bengtsson. Skriften vĂ€nder sig till alla myndigheter, företag, organisationer och enskilda personer som pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt kommer i kontakt med naturturism och friluftsliv
SÀrskilda avtalstyper 1 : gÄva, hyra av lös sak, lÄn, förvaring, entreprenadavtal, avtal om arbete pÄ lös sak, sysslomansavtal...
Juridikbok.seCC-BY-NC 4.0</p
SakrÀttsliga frÄgor i fastighetsrÀtten : inskrivning, besittning, ÀganderÀtt, grannelagsrÀtt, klander m.m.
Juridikbok.seCC-BY-NC 4.0</p
AllemansrÀtt och markÀgarskydd
Juridikbok.seCC-BY-NC 4.0Â </p
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