60 research outputs found

    Interpretation and justification: the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice

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    Seven Theses on Spanish Justice to understand the Prosecution of Judge Garzón

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    Judges may not decide cases as they wish, they are subject to the law they are entrusted to apply, a law made by the legislator (a feature of heteronomy). But in doing so, they do not take any instruction from any other power or instance (this contributes to their independence or autonomy). Sometimes, they apply the law of the land taking into account the norms and principles of other, international, supranational, even transnational systems. In such cases of conform interpretation, again, they perform a delicate balance between autonomy (domestic legal order and domestic culture of legal interpretation) and heteronomy (external legal order and culture of interpretation). There are common shared aspects of Justice in the Member States of the EU, but, this contribution explores some, perhaps the most salient, features of Spanish Justice in this wider European context. They are not exclusive to Spain, but they way they combine and interact, and their intensity is quite uniquely Spanish. These are seven theses about Justice in Spain, which combine in unique ways as can be seen in the infamous Garzón case, discussed in detail

    Ciudadanos, pueblos y estados en la UE.

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    H.L.A. Hart

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    Se presenta aquí un pequeño libro de H.L.A. Hart titulado "Law, Liberty and Morality", que aunque no es su trabajo más conocido representa muy bien las teorías e interpretaciones de este pensador.Hemen aurkezten dugun testua Hart-en liburuxka bat da, "Law, Liberty and Morality". Ez da bere idazlan ezagutuena, baina pentsalari honen teoria eta ikusmoldea ederki islatzen dituen lana da

    Demos as Grundnorm. Self-determination, Right to Decide and Democratic Constitution

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    Esta contribución glosa el texto de Josep Maria Vilajosana, Democracia y derecho a decidir, entablando un diálogo crítico con el mismo y proponiendo reflexiones en torno al derecho a decidir y la autodeterminación en los conflictos territoriales de soberanía –como los existentes en Cataluña y en Euskadi respecto de España– hacia una concepción pluralista de demoi. Propone recuperar el derecho a la autodeterminación, la afirmación propia de una comunidad política a quien le viene sistemáticamente negada la libertad de definir su status por vérsele negada y vetada, ab initio y ad eternum, su condición de pueblo (demos). La justificación profunda de la autodeterminación reside precisamente en la democracia –derecho a decidir– y en la relación entre soberanía popular, derecho y democracia.This contribution engages a conversation with Josep Maria Vilajosana’s reference text on democracy and the right to decide, and makes some theoretical proposals favoring the right to self-determination in the peaceful solution of territorial sovereignty conflicts, such as can be found in Spain regrading Catalonia and the Basque Country. It advocates a constitutional pluralist concept of demoicracy and recovers the centrality of self-determination of peoples as the self-assertion of a political community that has been systematically denied the freedom to decide on its own status and its self-definition as a people, a demos. The deep justification of self-determination lies in democracy and the right to decide and in the close links between popular sovereignty, democracy and law (justice)

    Lawrence Friedman-en XX. mendeko Zuzenbide amerikarra

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    Se presenta el epílogo del libro «Historia del Derecho Americano» escrito por Friedman. En esta parte Friedman da un repaso rápido al derecho del siglo XX en Estados Unidos.Hemen aurkezten dugun testua Friedmanen «Zuzenbide Amerikarraren Historia» liburuaren epilogoa da. Atal honetan XX. mendeko Zuzenbide estatubatuarrari errepaso azkar bat ematen dio Friedmanek

    Трилемма: кризис, демократия и федерализм в Европе / пер. с исп. А. Коротковой, В. Нефедовой, Н. Фефиловой, Е. Яковчик

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    Вот уже несколько месяцев политические и конституционные вопросы, связанные с Шотландией и Каталонией, формируют европейскую повестку дня. Речь идет о двух процессах, основанных на стремлении к самоопределению и спорном «праве принимать решения». Хотя автор не задавался целью рассмотреть эти вопросы с технической точки зрения, некоторые юридические и политические документы, касающиеся процессов в Шотландии и Каталонии, требуют анализа. Эта статья, написанная для нового выпуска журнала Sortuz, разделена на две части: в первой предлагается анализ основополагающего для Европейского союза понятия «демократия» и его изменений в зависимости от обстоятельств, а также кризисов, с которыми сталкивается ЕС; во второй части это понятие рассматривается с несколько иной точки зрения, и основное внимание уделено понятиям суверенитета и федерализма. В своей последней книге «Парадокс глоба-лизации», опубликованной в 2011 г., Дэни Родрик представил «политическую трилемму мировой экономики»: при сосуществовании национального государства, демократии и гиперглобализации оказывается невозможным совместить (1) пользу от глобализации, выражающуюся в открытости и эконо-мической интеграции, (2) демократический уклад и (3) национальное государство как носителя суверенитета и локуса политики. С учетом такой «трилеммы» необходимо пересмотреть все уровни управления — от местного до глобального — на которых принимаются политические решения в условиях постдемократии и регулирования, а также масштабы рынка и экономики. Концепция национального государства, осмысленного в рамках подходов, изучающих вышеуказанные уровни, а также масштабы управления и рынка, получает новое политическое прочтение как в требованиях сувере нитета Каталонии и Шотландии, так и в дискурсе тех, кто выступает против таких инициатив

    Ultima Ratio and the Judicial Application of Law

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    The nature of Ultima Ratio as a principle, its relationship to other principles in the criminal law is the first subject of this paper. After discarding approaches that deny any role to the ultima ratio principle like the criminal law of the enemy, the major readings of the justification of the ius puniendi &ndash; deontological and utilitarian &ndash; are related to the idea of a restrained resort to criminalisation and penal sanction. The role of the main protagonists in relation to punishment is next considered: transgressor, community and victim. The issues of impunity and overpunity are also considered in this part. The second part of the paper analyses the possible effects of ultima ratio, a general politico-moral principle mainly addressed to the legislator, on the application of the law by the judges. It is then turned into something closer to a general legal principle. The impact of ultima ratio on the different sub-decisions of the judicial application of the criminal law is spelt out in the decisions on qualification, evidence (inferences), interpretation and consequences in sentencing. Next, the role of ultima ratio on decisions in appeal and in cassation is analysed. The third part and conclusion deals with the main ideologies of ultima ratio and the wider issue of its role in securing a guarantee oriented criminal law in Europe. En este art&iacute;culo se aborda, en primer lugar, el car&aacute;cter de ultima ratio como principio, su relaci&oacute;n con otros principios en el derecho penal. Despu&eacute;s de descartar los enfoques que rechazan cualquier papel del principio de ultima ratio como el derecho penal del enemigo, las lecturas principales de la justificaci&oacute;n del ius puniendi, deontol&oacute;gico y utilitarista, est&aacute;n relacionadas con la idea de un recurso restringido a la criminalizaci&oacute;n y sanci&oacute;n penal. A continuaci&oacute;n, se analiza el papel de los protagonistas principales relacionados con el castigo: transgresor, comunidad y v&iacute;ctima. En esta parte tambi&eacute;n se tienen en cuenta las cuestiones de impunidad y castigo excesivo. La segunda parte del trabajo analiza los posibles efectos sobre la aplicaci&oacute;n de la ley por los jueces del principio ultima ratio, un principio pol&iacute;tico-moral general, principalmente dirigido principalmente al legislador. El impacto del ultima ratio en las diferentes sub-decisiones de la aplicaci&oacute;n judicial del derecho penal se detalla a partir de las decisiones sobre la calificaci&oacute;n, evidencia (inferencias), interpretaci&oacute;n y consecuencias de las sentencias. A continuaci&oacute;n se analiza el papel del ultima ratio en los veredictos de apelaci&oacute;n y casaci&oacute;n. La tercera parte y conclusi&oacute;n aborda las principales ideolog&iacute;as de ultima ratio y, de forma m&aacute;s amplia, del papel que juega en lograr en Europa un derecho penal orientado al garantimos. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2200875</p

    An Existential Crisis? Freedom, Tolerance, Solidarity, Peace; Or, Why Europe is Valuable

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    This paper addresses Europe’s existential crisis. It does so by suggesting that, notwithstanding the relevance of the institutional design, the essence of the project of European integration is persons and peoples rather than states. It then discusses two speeches of important personalities speaking about Europe’s existential crisis. Next, it deals with the question of diversity since the motto of the failed constitutional treaty was precisely “united in diversity”. But this requires explaining the centrality of the individual in practical reason, and the importance of normative systems. The centrality of the individual, related to the value of freedom, is then placed in the context of plurality and diversity, directly addressing the theme of backlash forces in Europe through a map of such plurality in Europe; the socalled multiculturalism or ethno-religious pluralism. The paper concludes by suggesting a version of cosmopolitanism, hermeneutic pluralism, as the normative position to address the balance between individual freedom and solidarity or between “persons” and “peoples”. Received: 15 January 2018 Accepted: 9 May 2018 Published online: 31 October 201