170 research outputs found

    Cyclization reaction of amines with dialkyl carbonates to yield 1,3-oxazinan-2-ones

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    A number of six-membered cyclic carbamates (oxazinanones) were synthesized from the reaction of a primary amine or hydrazine with a dicarbonate derivative of 1,3-diols in a one-pot reaction, in good yield, short time span, and in the absence of a solvent. The reaction proceeds in two steps: an intermolecular reaction to give a linear intermediate and an intramolecular cyclization to yield the cyclic carbamate. This is the first example of a carbonate reacting selectively and sequentially, firstly at the carbonyl center to form a linear carbamate and then as a leaving group to yield a cyclic carbamate. © 2011 IUPAC

    Cyclization reaction of amines with dialkyl carbonates to yield 1,3-oxazinan-2-ones

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    A number of six-membered cyclic carbamates (oxazinanones) were synthesized from the reaction of a primary amine or hydrazine with a dicarbonate derivative of 1,3-diols in a one-pot reaction, in good yield, short time span, and in the absence of a solvent. The reaction proceeds in two steps: an intermolecular reaction to give a linear intermediate and an intramolecular cyclization to yield the cyclic carbamate. This is the first example of a carbonate reacting selectively and sequentially, firstly at the carbonyl center to form a linear carbamate and then as a leaving group to yield a cyclic carbamate

    Economic analysis of remote monitoring in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators or cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators in the Trento area, Italy

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    Introduction: Remote monitoring (RM) technologies have the potential to improve patient care by increasing compliance, providing early indications of heart failure (HF), and potentially allowing for therapy optimization to prevent HF admissions. The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the clinical and economic consequences of RM vs. standard monitoring (SM) through in-office cardiology visits, in patients carrying a cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED). Methods: Clinical and resource consumption data were extracted from the Electrophysiology Registry of the Trento Cardiology Unit, which has been systemically collecting patient information from January 2011 to February 2022. From a clinical standpoint, survival analysis was conducted, and incidence of cardiovascular (CV) related hospitalizations was measured. From an economic standpoint, direct costs of RM and SM were collected to compare the cost per treated patient over a 2-year time horizon. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to reduce the effect of confounding biases and the unbalance of patient characteristics at baseline. Results: In the enrollment period, N = 402 CIED patients met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis (N = 189 patients followed through SM; N = 213 patients followed through RM). After PSM, comparison was limited to N = 191 patients in each arm. After 2-years follow-up since CIED implantation, mortality rate for any cause was 1.6% in the RM group and 19.9% in the SM group (log-rank test, p < 0.0001). Also, a lower proportion of patients in the RM group (25.1%) were hospitalized for CV-related reasons, compared to the SM group (51.3%; p < 0.0001, two-sample test for proportions). Overall, the implementation of the RM program in the Trento territory was cost-saving in both payer and hospital perspectives. The investment required to fund RM (a fee for service in the payer perspective, and staffing costs for hospitals), was more than offset by the lower rate of hospitalizations for CV-related disease. RM adoption generated savings of −€4,771 and −€6,752 per patient in 2 years, in the payer and hospital perspective, respectively. Conclusion: RM of patients carrying CIED improves short-term (2-years) morbidity and mortality risks, compared to SM and reduces direct management costs for both hospitals and healthcare services

    Estrogen related receptor alpha in castration-resistant prostate cancer cells promotes tumor progression in bone

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    Bone metastases are one of the main complications of prostate cancer and they are incurable. We investigated whether and how estrogen receptor-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is involved in bone tumor progression associated with advanced prostate cancer. By meta-analysis, we first found that ERRα expression is correlated with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), the hallmark of progressive disease. We then analyzed tumor cell progression and the associated signaling pathways in gain-of-function/loss-of-function CRPC models in vivo and in vitro. Increased levels of ERRα in tumor cells led to rapid tumor progression, with both bone destruction and formation, and direct impacts on osteoclasts and osteoblasts. VEGF-A, WNT5A and TGFβ1 were upregulated by ERRα in tumor cells and all of these factors also significantly and positively correlated with ERRα expression in CRPC patient specimens. Finally, high levels of ERRα in tumor cells stimulated the pro-metastatic factor periostin expression in the stroma, suggesting that ERRα regulates the tumor stromal cell microenvironment to enhance tumor progression. Taken together, our data demonstrate that ERRα is a regulator of CRPC cell progression in bone. Therefore, inhibiting ERRα may constitute a new therapeutic strategy for prostate cancer skeletal-related events

    ERRα promotes breast cancer cell dissemination to bone by increasing RANK expression in primary breast tumors

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    Bone is the most common metastatic site for breast cancer. Estrogen-related-receptor alpha (ERRα) has been implicated in cancer cell invasiveness. Here, we established that ERRα promotes spontaneous metastatic dissemination of breast cancer cells from primary mammary tumors to the skeleton. We carried out cohort studies, pharmacological inhibition, gain-of-function analyses in vivo and cellular and molecular studies in vitro to identify new biomarkers in breast cancer metastases. Meta-analysis of human primary breast tumors revealed that high ERRα expression levels were associated with bone but not lung metastases. ERRα expression was also detected in circulating tumor cells from metastatic breast cancer patients. ERRα overexpression in murine 4T1 breast cancer cells promoted spontaneous bone micro-metastases formation when tumor cells were inoculated orthotopically, whereas lung metastases occurred irrespective of ERRα expression level. In vivo, Rank was identified as a target for ERRα. That was confirmed in vitro in Rankl stimulated tumor cell invasion, in mTOR/pS6K phosphorylation, by transactivation assay, ChIP and bioinformatics analyses. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of ERRα reduced primary tumor growth, bone micro-metastases formation and Rank expression in vitro and in vivo. Transcriptomic studies and meta-analysis confirmed a positive association between metastases and ERRα/RANK in breast cancer patients and also revealed a positive correlation between ERRα and BRCA1mut carriers. Taken together, our results reveal a novel ERRα/RANK axis by which ERRα in primary breast cancer promotes early dissemination of cancer cells to bone. These findings suggest that ERRα may be a useful therapeutic target to prevent bone metastases

    Prevention of congenital malformations and other adverse pregnancy outcomes with 4.0 mg of folic acid : community-based randomized clinical trial in Italy and the Netherlands

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    Background: In 2010 a Cochrane review confirmed that folic acid (FA) supplementation prevents the first- and second-time occurrence of neural tube defects (NTDs). At present some evidence from observational studies supports the hypothesis that FA supplementation can reduce the risk of all congenital malformations (CMs) or the risk of a specific and selected group of them, namely cardiac defects and oral clefts. Furthermore, the effects on the prevention of prematurity, foetal growth retardation and pre-eclampsia are unclear.Although the most common recommendation is to take 0.4 mg/day, the problem of the most appropriate dose of FA is still open.The aim of this project is to assess the effect a higher dose of peri-conceptional FA supplementation on reducing the occurrence of all CMs. Other aims include the promotion of pre-conceptional counselling, comparing rates of selected CMs, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, small for gestational age, abruptio placentae.Methods/Design: This project is a joint effort by research groups in Italy and the Netherlands. Women of childbearing age, who intend to become pregnant within 12 months are eligible for the studies. Women are randomly assigned to receive 4 mg of FA (treatment in study) or 0.4 mg of FA (referent treatment) daily. Information on pregnancy outcomes are derived from women-and-physician information.We foresee to analyze the data considering all the adverse outcomes of pregnancy taken together in a global end point (e.g.: CMs, miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, small for gestational age). A total of about 1,000 pregnancies need to be evaluated to detect an absolute reduction of the frequency of 8%. Since the sample size needed for studying outcomes separately is large, this project also promotes an international prospective meta-analysis.Discussion: The rationale of these randomized clinical trials (RCTs) is the hypothesis that a higher intake of FA is related to a higher risk reduction of NTDs, other CMs and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. Our hope is that these trials will act as catalysers, and lead to other large RCTs studying the effects of this supplementation on CMs and other infant and maternal outcomes.Trial registration: Italian trial: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01244347.Dutch trial: Dutch Trial Register ID: NTR3161

    Prevenzione & Ricerca: l\u2019esperienza dello \u201cStudio Acido Folico\u201d in Italia.

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    Introduzione. Finanziato dall\u2019Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA), grazie ai bandi per la ricerca indipendente, \ue8 stato attivato nel nostro Paese lo \u201cStudio acido folico\u201d (www.folictrial.org), sperimentazione clinica che ha l\u2019obiettivo di valutare se la supplementazione periconcezionale con Acido Folico (AF) alla dose di 4 mg al giorno, in confronto alla dose standard di 0,4 mg, riduca maggiormente l\u2019insorgenza delle malformazioni congenite nel loro insieme, oltre alla frequenza di comparsa di aborto spontaneo, ritardo di crescita intrauterina, pre-eclampsia, prematurit\ue0 e gemellarit\ue0. Tra gli obiettivi del progetto vi \ue8 anche la diffusione del Counseling Preconcezionale (CP) nella pratica clinica, rivolto alle donne/coppie in et\ue0 fertile come strumento efficace a sostegno della salute riproduttiva. Metodi. Le donne in et\ue0 fertile che programmano la gravidanza, sono invitate a prendere contatto con i centri che offrono il CP, informano le donne sugli obiettivi dello studio e le arruolano. La sperimentazione clinica, RCT in doppio cieco, prevede che le pazienti eleggibili vengano randomizzate a 0,4 mg o 4 mg di AF e, successivamente al concepimento, siano tenute in follow-up fino all\u2019anno di vita del bambino. Risultati. La conduzione del progetto di ricerca \ue8 strettamente legata alla promozione e alla diffusione del CP. A partire dal 2010 sono state attivate una serie di iniziative con l\u2019obiettivo di sostenere questa buona pratica per la salute riproduttiva ed \ue8 stata sviluppata un\u2019attivit\ue0 in rete con altri progetti nazionali. Ad oggi, quasi 1.000 donne in et\ue0 fertile hanno eseguito il CP e circa 700 di esse sono state randomizzate. Conclusioni. Questa esperienza, condotta in collaborazione con i colleghi olandesi, rappresenta un\u2019occasione unica in campo materno-infantile per diffondere un\u2019attivit\ue0 che cerca di coniugare lo sviluppo di progetti diretti alla popolazione, con l\u2019obiettivo di sostenere buone pratiche ancora oggi troppo trascurate e lo sforzo di dare una risposta a domande di ricerca cruciali per la salute della popolazione. In merito al coinvolgimento della popolazione generale in esperienze di questa natura, si segnala la necessit\ue0 di mettere a punto modelli e percorsi integrati dove comunicazione e informazione diventino parte integrante dell\u2019attivit\ue0 di ricerca

    Acido folico e prevenzione delle malformazioni congenite. Randomized clinical trial in Veneto e metanalisi prospettica internazionale

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    L\u2019associazione tra deficit di folati e difetti congeniti ha evidenziato, negli ultimi vent\u2019anni, quanto l\u2019assunzione di tale vitamina, durante lo sviluppo embrionale, possa prevenire le malformazioni congenite, in particolare i difetti del tubo neurale. Lo \u201cSTUDIO ACIDO FOLICO\u201d si propone di promuovere il \u201ccounseling preconcezionale\u201d, di verificare l\u2019efficacia della supplementazione con acido folico nel ridurre l\u2019occorrenza delle malformazioni congenite e di realizzare una metanalisi prospettica promuovendo studi simili a livello internazionale

    The process of digitalisation in radiology as a lever for organisational change: the case of the Academic Integrated Hospital o f Verona

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    The purpose of this research is to analyse the organisational becoming produced by the implementation of the digitalised system for the Request and Medical Reports of Radiologic Examinations inside the Academic Integrated Hospital of Verona (AOUI) and by the related effects on the actors who interact with it. This system represents a module that will merge into the project of the Electronic Case History, which is currently underdeveloped. The adopted methodology is the qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews. Twelve people have been interviewed among the hospital's representatives, including the directorate (one interview), health management (two interviews), chief of information systems (one interview), radiologists (four interviews), radiology and neurology technicians (two interviews), health physicists (one interview), head nurse of the medicine ward and some nurses. This study highlights positive and negative elements on the organisational level and on the level concerning all people involved in the becoming
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