161 research outputs found

    La cuestión Malvinas en clave universitaria

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    El seguimiento de la cuestión Malvinas es una tradición en la Facultad de Ciencia Política y RRII de la UNR (Fcpolit). A 100 años de los inicios de los estudios internacionales en Rosario, nuestra Casa de Estudios, como heredera de esa vasta trayectoria, cuenta con un acervo de producción académica de referencia en relación al reclamo de soberanía que Argentina sostienesobre las Islas del Atlántico Sur y sus espacios marítimos circundantes considerados parte integral e indivisible del territorio, que ha heredado de España tras la emancipación del 25 de mayo de 1810

    El criterio de reparto en la distribución de las transferencias intergubernamentales entre los Municipios y Comunas de la Provincia de Santa Fe en el año 2010.

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    La coparticipación de recursos es una parte fundamental de las relaciones financieras entre la Provincia de Santa Fe y sus Municipios y Comunas. La forma en que estos recursos se distribuyen puede perseguir un criterio devolutivo (cada jurisdicción recibe transferencias en proporción a lo que fue recaudado en la misma) o redistributivo (busca asegurar la uniformidad de condiciones de vida en todo el territorio o, niveles mínimos de ciertos bienes, servicios o ingresos). El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el criterio de reparto de los recursos coparticipados en la Provincia de Santa Fe hacia sus Municipios y Comunas en el año 2010 (último año con información censal). Para ello, se describe el esquema de coparticipación de la Provincia, se aborda la normativa pertinente en cuanto a la conformación de la masa coparticipable y los criterios de distribución, y se determina el criterio predominante del esquema. Luego, se analiza la distribución interjurisdiccional de transferencias intergubernamentales entre los MyC de la Provincia en relación con el aporte de cada jurisdicción al agregado provincial y en relación a variables socioeconómicas, en base a gráficos de dispersión y análisis de correlación entre las variables seleccionadas a fin de identificar la relación y el grado de asociación entre ellas. Finalmente, se concluye respecto de si el sistema de transferencias intergubernamentales para el período estudiado apuntala el objetivo de redistribución regional de la masa de recursos alineado a la Constitución Nacional y los postulados de la Constitución Provincial.Fil: Benedetto, Sabrina Milagros. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística. Rosario; Argentina

    Optimisation of electrochemical sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers: from OFAT to machine learning

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    : Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) rely on synthetic engineered materials able to selectively bind and intimately recognise a target molecule through its size and functionalities. The way in which MIPs interact with their targets, and the magnitude of this interaction, is closely linked to the chemical properties derived during the polymerisation stages, which tailor them to their specific target. Hence, MIPs are in-deep studied in terms of their sensitivity and cross-reactivity, further being used for monitoring purposes of analytes in complex analytical samples. As MIPs are involved in sensor development within different approaches, a systematic optimisation and rational data-driven sensing is fundamental to obtaining a best-performant MIP sensor. In addition, the closer integration of MIPs in sensor development requires that the inner properties of the materials in terms of sensitivity and selectivity are maintained in the presence of competitive molecules, which focus is currently opened. Identifying computational models capable of predicting and reporting the best-performant configuration of electrochemical sensors based on MIPs is of immense importance. The application of chemometrics using design of experiments (DoE) is nowadays increasingly adopted during optimisation problems, which largely reduce the number of experimental trials. These approaches, together with the emergent machine learning (ML) tool in sensor data processing, represent the future trend in design and management of point-of-care configurations based on MIP sensing. This review provides an overview on the recent application of chemometrics tools in optimisation problems during development and analytical assessment of electrochemical sensors based on MIP receptors. A comprehensive discussion is first presented to cover the recent advancements on response surface methodologies (RSM) in optimisation studies of MIPs design. Therefore, the recent advent of machine learning in sensor data processing will be focused on MIPs development and analytical detection in sensors


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    BACKGROUND: Hemorrhagic transformation (HT), a complication of ischemic stroke (IS), might influence patient's prognosis. Our aim is to evaluate, in a hospital-based series of patients not treated with thrombolysis, the relationship between HT and mortality. METHODS: We compared mortality of individuals with spontaneous HT with that of individuals without. Medical records of patients diagnosed with anterior IS were retrospectively reviewed. Outcome measures were 30- and 90-day survival after IS onset. Kaplan-Meier estimates were used to construct survival curves. Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate hazard ratio (HR) for the main outcome measure (death). HT was stratified in hemorrhagic infarction and parenchymal hematoma (PH). We also evaluated the relationship between HT and the main mortality risk factors (gender, age, premorbid status, severity of stroke, and radiological features). RESULTS: Thirty days from stroke onset, 8.1% (19 of 233) of patients died. At multivariate analysis, PH (HR: 7.7, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.1, 27.8) and low level of consciousness at admission (HR: 5.0, 95% CI: 1.3, 18.6) were significantly associated with death. At 3-month follow-up, mortality rate was 12.1% (28 of 232). At multivariate analysis, large infarct size (HR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.2, 6.0) and HT (HR: 2.3, 95% CI: 1.0, 5.4) were independent risk factors for mortality. Parenchymal hematoma was, however, the strongest predictor of late mortality (HR: 7.9, 95% CI: 2.9, 21.4). CONCLUSIONS: Neurological status and infarct size play a significant role, respectively, in early and late mortality after IS. Parenchymal hematoma independently predicts both early and late mortality

    Editorial : Qualitative research in business marketing management

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    By investigating the development, extent, and nature of qualitative research published in Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) over a recent decade, 2008–2017, we seek to offer an insightful review of its geographical coverage, range in thematic focus, theoretical purposes, research designs, and the transparency of the research methods adopted. In turn, we can consider how authors have made their methodological choices and implemented them in these studies. Finally, we provide an impact assessment, based on the number of citations and downloads.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/indmarman2022-03-04hj2021Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS

    First report of Stephanostomum cesticillus (Molin, 1858) Looss, 1899 in Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Tyrrhenian Sea (Southern Italy)

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    The genus Stephanostomum consists of digenean trematodes found in many marine teleosts. In this study, Stephanostomum cesticillus (Molin, 1858) Looss, 1899 metacercariae were identified in European hake (Merluccius merluccius, Linnaeus, 1758) caught in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The metacercariae were found encapsulated in the muscle, close to the spine and gills. Out of 131 specimens, 111 (P = 84.7%, mI = 25.1 mA = 21.3) were infected by digenean trematode metacercariae. Morphological and histological evaluations were carried out. The members of this genus are characterised by a double crown of spines close to the oral sucker. For identification of the parasite, molecular analysis was performed via 28S and 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes. Partial rDNA sequences of Stephanostomum highly matched to S. cesticillus for the percentage of similar identity from the nucleotide database of BLAST. The present survey reports the presence of S. cesticillus metacercariae in M. merluccius for the first time. Our results improve current knowledge on hake parasites to better understand the distribution of S. cesticillus in M. merluccius caught in the Mediterranean Sea and shed light on the life cycle of the parasite adding other possible hosts