1,012 research outputs found

    Fatal Myocarditis in Course of Plasmodium falciparum Infection: Case Report and Review of Cardiac Complications in Malaria

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    We describe a fatal case of imported malaria where the sole finding revealed at the postmortem evaluation was an acute lymphocytic myocarditis with myocardiolysis. This case recalls the potential importance of myocardial injury in the prognosis of malaria and prompts a reevaluation of current perspectives on the pathogenesis of severe falciparum infection. In the light of this, we have reviewed the cases of cardiac complications in malaria published to date

    "From womb to tomb; we're bound to others": Microbiome in forensic science

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    Microbiome is a new field of interest in clinical medicine with high potential in forensic medicine. It could be used in several applications, such as post-mortem interval (PMI) estimation, personal identification, differential diagnosis of cause of death and toxicology. Regarding PMI, during the decomposition of a corpse, the passage of time involves changing in microbial population both outside and inside the corpse but also in surrounding soil (cadaver decomposition island). These variations could be hypothetically used as PMI indicators (microbial clock), even thanks to the development of machine learning approach. Another potential use of skin and saliva microbiome is personal identification thanks to its inter-individual variability and tendency to remain unvarying over time. It may also be helpful to link a person to a specific object that has been touched (microbial fingerprint). Furthermore, we could infer some information about health state of human subjects, comparing post-mortem and ante-mortem microbiome, but this field of research is quite new and needs further studies. Moreover, we have to consider the influence of microbiome metabolism in post-mortem toxicological evaluation; microbes could alter substances concentrations - for example of ethanol, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and nitrobenzodiazepines - due to enzymatic degradation and individual microbial metabolism. Finally, integration of microbiome and human being's transcriptomic analysis may be helpful to depict their complex interactions even after death

    Hypnosis-induced modulation of corticospinal excitability during motor imagery

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    Hypnosis can be considered an altered state of consciousness in which individuals produce movements under suggestion without apparent voluntary control. Despite its application in contexts implying motor control, evidence for the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying hypnosis is scarce. Inter-individual differences in hypnotic susceptibility suggest that sensorimotor strategies may manifest in a hypnotic state. We tested by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation applied over the primary motor cortex whether motor system activation during a motor imagery task differs in the awake and in the hypnotic state. To capture individual differences, 30 healthy volunteers were classified as high or low hypnotizable (Highs and Lows) according to ad-hoc validated scales measuring hypnotic susceptibility and personality questionnaires. Corticospinal activation during motor imagery in the hypnotic state was greater in the Highs than the Lows. Intrinsic motivation in task performance and level of persuasion modulated corticospinal activation in the Highs. Corticospinal system activation under hypnosis may have practical implications that merit research in areas where hypnosis can be applied to improve motor performance, such as loss of motor abilities and sports

    PPARs in Human Neuroepithelial Tumors: PPAR Ligands as Anticancer Therapies for the Most Common Human Neuroepithelial Tumors

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    Neuroepithelial tumors represent a heterogeneous class of human tumors including benignant and malignant tumors. The incidence of central nervous system neoplasms ranges from 3.8 to 5.1 cases per 100,000 in the population. Among malignant neuroepithelial tumors, with regard to PPAR ligands, the most extensively studied were tumors of astrocytic origin and neuroblastoma. PPARs are expressed in developing and adult neuroepithelial cells, even if with different localization and relative abundance. The majority of malignant neuroepithelial tumors have poor prognosis and do not respond to conventional therapeutic protocols, therefore, new therapeutic approaches are needed. Natural and synthetic PPAR ligands may represent a starting point for the formulation of new therapeutic approaches to be used as coadjuvants to the standard therapeutic protocols. This review will focus on the major studies dealing with PPAR expression in gliomas and neuroblastoma and the therapeutic implications of using PPAR agonists for the treatment of these neoplasms

    Effect on DNA relaxation of the single Thr718Ala mutation in human topoisomerase I: a functional and molecular dynamics study

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    The functional and dynamical properties of the human topoisomerase I Thr718Ala mutant have been compared to that of the wild-type enzyme using functional assays and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. At physiological ionic strength, the cleavage and religation rates, evaluated on oligonucleotides containing the preferred topoisomerase I DNA sequence, are almost identical for the wild-type and the mutated enzymes, as is the cleavage/religation equilibrium. On the other hand, the Thr718Ala mutant shows a decreased efficiency in a DNA plasmid relaxation assay. The MD simulation, carried out on the enzyme complexed with its preferred DNA substrate, indicates that the mutant has a different dynamic behavior compared to the wild-type enzyme. Interestingly, no changes are observed in the proximity of the mutation site, whilst a different flexibility is detected in regions contacting the DNA scissile strand, such as the linker and the V-shaped α helices. Taken together, the functional and simulation results indicate a direct communication between the mutation site and regions located relatively far away, such as the linker domain, that with their altered flexibility confer a reduced DNA relaxation efficiency. These results provide evidence that the comprehension of the topoisomerase I dynamical properties are an important element in the understanding of its complex catalytic cycle

    Large Differences in Aging Phenotype between Strains of the Short-Lived Annual Fish Nothobranchius furzeri

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    BACKGROUND: A laboratory inbred strain of the annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri shows exceptionally short life expectancy and accelerated expression of age markers. In this study, we analyze new wild-derived lines of this short-lived species. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We characterized captive survival and age-related traits in F1 and F2 offspring of wild-caught N. furzeri. Wild-derived N. furzeri lines showed expression of lipofuscin and neurodegeneration at age 21 weeks. Median lifespan in the laboratory varied from to 20 to 23 weeks and maximum lifespan from 25 to 32 weeks. These data demonstrate that rapid age-dependent decline and short lifespan are natural characteristics of this species. The N. furzeri distribution range overlaps with gradients in altitude and aridity. Fish from more arid habitats are expected to experience a shorter survival window in the wild. We tested whether captive lines stemming from semi-arid and sub-humid habitats differ in longevity and expression of age-related traits. We detected a clear difference in age-dependent cognitive decline and a slight difference in lifespan (16% for median, 15% for maximum lifespan) between these lines. Finally, we observed shorter lifespan and accelerated expression of age-related markers in the inbred laboratory strain compared to these wild-derived lines. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Owing to large differences in aging phenotypes in different lines, N. furzeri could represent a model system for studying the genetic control of life-history traits in natural populations

    La obesidad y los factores psicológicos y psicosociales asociados /

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    Las modificaciones sociales han traído consigo mutaciones en la forma de vida, lo que ha permitido en las nuevas sociedades la introducción de nuevas construcciones mentales sobre ciertos comportamientos, como es el caso de la conducta alimentaria, esta ha sufrido de un notable proceso de metamorfosis que Córdoba, Barriguete, Rivera, Lee y Mancha(2010), coinciden en pensar que esto ha generado como efecto un gran problema de salud, al cual se le denomina obesidad, esta es una enfermedad, caracterizada por el exceso de peso y tejido adiposo, que posee la habilidad de prolongarse en el tiempo y causar un gran número de efectos adversos y que debido a su complejidad merece un tratamiento especial, además de lo anteriormente mencionado la identificación del aumento de la obesidad, ha permitido que sea centro de atención e interés científico, y en respuesta a ese interés en el presente trabajo se abordara la obesidad desde una perspectiva social y psicológica, a través de una revisión literaria o descripción del estado del arte en la que se incluirá la definición y causas de esta, su complejidad, en cuanto a la capacidad para generar otro tipo de problemáticas de salud, prevalencia y finalmente se incluirá un esquema donde se describirán los factores psicológicos y psicosociales relacionados a la obesidad y la fuente literaria de la que fueron obtenidos, con el propósito de guiar al lector en la identificación de los factores relacionados a esta y a su mayor entendimiento.Incluye bibliografí


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    La presente investigación se realizó con el fin de identificar la relación entre las habilidades artísticas y el desarrollo o fortalecimiento de las habilidades sociales. La investigación fue cualitativa con un diseño descriptivo, aplicada en la población perteneciente a la escuela de formación Cultivarte, donde se pueden encontrar programas de música, teatro, danza y artes plásticas. Entre los resultados más representativos se puede resaltar el entendimiento del arte como un lenguaje simbólico que ayuda a facilitar los procesos comunicativos en los participantes, así mismo se identificaron diferentes conceptos de bienestar expresados a lo largo del documento, que dan cuenta de la evolución de habilidades sociales e inteligencia emocional mediante el uso del arte. Se concluyó que las actividades artistícas hacen parte del estilo de vida de los participantes e influencian sus ocupaciones y roles diarios