404 research outputs found

    Ineffectiveness of Pad\'e resummation techniques in post-Newtonian approximations

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    We test the resummation techniques used in developing Pad\'e and Effective One Body (EOB) waveforms for gravitational wave detection. Convergence tests show that Pad\'e approximants of the gravitational wave energy flux do not accelerate the convergence of the standard Taylor approximants even in the test mass limit, and there is no reason why Pad\'e transformations should help in estimating parameters better in data analysis. Moreover, adding a pole to the flux seems unnecessary in the construction of these Pad\'e-approximated flux formulas. Pad\'e approximants may be useful in suggesting the form of fitting formulas. We compare a 15-orbit numerical waveform of the Caltech-Cornell group to the suggested Pad\'e waveforms of Damour et al. in the equal mass, nonspinning quasi-circular case. The comparison suggests that the Pad\'e waveforms do not agree better with the numerical waveform than the standard Taylor based waveforms. Based on this result, we design a simple EOB model by modifiying the ET EOB model of Buonanno et al., using the Taylor series of the flux with an unknown parameter at the fourth post-Newtonian order that we fit for. This simple EOB model generates a waveform having a phase difference of only 0.002 radians with the numerical waveform, much smaller than 0.04 radians the phase uncertainty in the numerical data itself. An EOB Hamiltonian can make use of a Pad\'e transformation in its construction, but this is the only place Pad\'e transformations seem useful.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. added some reference

    Bounding biomass in the Fisher equation

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    The FKPP equation with a variable growth rate and advection by an incompressible velocity field is considered as a model for plankton dispersed by ocean currents. If the average growth rate is negative then the model has a survival-extinction transition; the location of this transition in the parameter space is constrained using variational arguments and delimited by simulations. The statistical steady state reached when the system is in the survival region of parameter space is characterized by integral constraints and upper and lower bounds on the biomass and productivity that follow from variational arguments and direct inequalities. In the limit of zero-decorrelation time the velocity field is shown to act as Fickian diffusion with an eddy diffusivity much larger than the molecular diffusivity and this allows a one-dimensional model to predict the biomass, productivity and extinction transitions. All results are illustrated with a simple growth and stirring model.Comment: 32 Pages, 13 Figure

    The Epoch of Giant Planet Migration Planet Search Program. I. Near-Infrared Radial Velocity Jitter of Young Sun-like Stars

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    We present early results from the Epoch of Giant Planet Migration program, a precise RV survey of over one hundred intermediate-age (\sim20-200 Myr) G and K dwarfs with the Habitable-Zone Planet Finder spectrograph (HPF) at McDonald Observatory's Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). The goals of this program are to determine the timescale and dominant physical mechanism of giant planet migration interior to the water ice line of Sun-like stars. Here, we summarize results from the first 14 months of this program, with a focus on our custom RV pipeline for HPF, a measurement of the intrinsic near-infrared RV activity of young Solar analogs, and modeling the underlying population-level distribution of stellar jitter. We demonstrate on-sky stability at the sub-2 m s1^{-1} level for the K2 standard HD 3765 using a least-squares matching method to extract precise RVs. Based on a subsample of 29 stars with at least three RV measurements from our program, we find a median RMS level of 34 m s1^{-1}. This is nearly a factor of 2 lower than the median RMS level in the optical of 60 m s1^{-1} for a comparison sample with similar ages and spectral types as our targets. The observed near-infrared jitter measurements for this subsample are well reproduced with a log-normal parent distribution with μ=4.15\mu=4.15 and σ=1.02\sigma=1.02. Finally, by compiling RMS values from previous planet search programs, we show that near-infrared jitter for G and K dwarfs generally decays with age in a similar fashion to optical wavelengths, albeit with a shallower slope and lower overall values for ages \lesssim1 Gyr

    De Novo Design of a Single Chain Diphenylporphyrin Metalloprotein

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    We describe the computational design of a single-chain four-helix bundle that noncovalently self-assembles with fully synthetic non-natural porphyrin cofactors. With this strategy, both the electronic structure of the cofactor as well as its protein environment may be varied to explore and modulate the functional and photophysical properties of the assembly. Solution characterization (NMR, UV-vis) of the protein showed that it bound with high specificity to the desired cofactors, suggesting that a uniquely structured protein and well-defined site had indeed been created. This provides a genetically expressed single-chain protein scaffold that will allow highly facile, flexible, and asymmetric variations to enable selective incorporation of different cofactors, surface-immobilization, and introduction of spectroscopic probes

    Diagnostic and clinical experience of patients with pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration

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    BACKGROUND: Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder with brain iron accumulation (NBIA). OBJECTIVES: To assess PKAN diagnostic pathway, history, and burden across the spectrum of PKAN severity from patient and/or caregiver perspectives. METHODS: Caregivers of patients (n = 37) and patients themselves (n = 2) were interviewed in a validation study of the PKAN-Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale. The current study used quartiles of the PKAN-ADL total score to divide patients by severity of impairment (Lowest, Second Lowest, Third Lowest, Highest). Diagnostic and treatment history, healthcare utilization, disease burden, and caregiver experience were compared between groups. RESULTS: The analyses included data from 39 patients. Mean age at PKAN symptom onset (P = 0.0007), initial MRI (P = 0.0150), and genetic testing (P = 0.0016) generally decreased across the PKAN severity spectrum. The mean duration of illness did not differ among PKAN severity groups (range, 9.7-15.2 years; P = 0.3029). First MRI led to diagnosis in 56.4% of patients (range, 30.0-90.0%). A mean (SD) of 13.0 (13.1) medical and 55.2 (78.5) therapy visits (eg, physical, speech) occurred in the past year. More patients in the higher PKAN severity groups experienced multiple current functional losses and/or earlier onset of problems (P-values \u3c 0.0500). Over half (56.8%) of caregivers experienced a change in employment because of caregiving. The percentage of patients requiring full-time caregiving increased across the PKAN severity spectrum (range, 11.1-100%; P = 0.0021). CONCLUSIONS: PKAN diagnosis was often delayed, most probably due to low awareness. Considerable burden of functional impairment and high healthcare utilization were found across the PKAN severity spectrum

    Structural parameters for globular clusters in NGC 5128. III. ACS surface-brightness profiles and model fits

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    We present internal surface-brightness profiles, based on HST/ACS imaging in the F606W bandpass, for 131 globular cluster (GC) candidates with luminosities 10^4 - 3 x 10^6 solar, in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128. Several structural models are fit to the profile of each cluster and combined with mass-to-light ratios from population-synthesis models, to derive a catalogue of fundamental structural and dynamical parameters parallel in form to the catalogues recently produced by McLaughlin & van der Marel and Barmby et al. for GCs and massive young star clusters in Local Group galaxies. As part of this, we provide corrected and extended parameter estimates for another 18 clusters in NGC 5128, which we observed previously. We show that, like GCs in the Milky Way and some of its satellites, the majority of globulars in NGC 5128 are well fit by isotropic Wilson models, which have intrinsically more distended envelope structures than the standard King lowered isothermal spheres. We use our models to predict internal velocity dispersions for every cluster in our sample. These predictions agree well in general with the observed dispersions in a small number of clusters for which spectroscopic data are available. In a subsequent paper, we use these results to investigate scaling relations for GCs in NGC 5128.Comment: MNRAS, in press. 28 pages. Full data tables available at http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~dem/clusters.htm

    The Globular Cluster/Central Black Hole Connection in Galaxies

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    We explore the relation between the total globular cluster population in a galaxy (N_GC) and the the mass of its central black hole (M_BH). Using a sample of 33 galaxies, twice as large as the original sample discussed by Burkert & Tremaine (2010), we find that N_GC for elliptical and spiral galaxies increases in almost precisely direct proportion to M_BH. The S0-type galaxies by contrast do not follow a clear trend, showing large scatter in M_BH at a given N_GC. After accounting for observational measurement uncertainty, we find that the mean relation defined by the E and S galaxies must also have an intrinsic or "cosmic" scatter of +-0.2 in either logN_GC or logM_BH. The residuals from this correlation show no trend with globular cluster specific frequency. We suggest that these two types of galaxy subsystems (central black hole and globular cluster system) may be closely correlated because they both originated at high redshift during the main epoch of hierarchical merging, and both require extremely high-density conditions for formation. Lastly, we note that roughly 10% of the galaxies in our sample (one E, one S, and two S0) deviate strongly from the main trend, all in the sense that their M_BH is at least 10x smaller than would be predicted by the mean relation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Using α-Helical Coiled-Coils to Design Nanostructured Metalloporphyrin Arrays

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    We have developed a computational design strategy based on the alpha-helical coiled-coil to generate modular peptide motifs capable of assembling into metalloporphyrin arrays of varying lengths. The current study highlights the extension of a two-metalloporphyrin array to a four-metalloporphyrin array through the incorporation of a coiled-coil repeat unit. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate that the initial design evolves rapidly to a stable structure with a small rmsd compared to the original model. Biophysical characterization reveals elongated proteins of the desired length, correct cofactor stoichiometry, and cofactor specificity. The successful extension of the two-porphyrin array demonstrates how this methodology serves as a foundation to create linear assemblies of organized electrically and optically responsive cofactors

    Control of intestinal stem cell function and proliferation by mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism.

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    Most differentiated cells convert glucose to pyruvate in the cytosol through glycolysis, followed by pyruvate oxidation in the mitochondria. These processes are linked by the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (MPC), which is required for efficient mitochondrial pyruvate uptake. In contrast, proliferative cells, including many cancer and stem cells, perform glycolysis robustly but limit fractional mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation. We sought to understand the role this transition from glycolysis to pyruvate oxidation plays in stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Loss of the MPC in Lgr5-EGFP-positive stem cells, or treatment of intestinal organoids with an MPC inhibitor, increases proliferation and expands the stem cell compartment. Similarly, genetic deletion of the MPC in Drosophila intestinal stem cells also increases proliferation, whereas MPC overexpression suppresses stem cell proliferation. These data demonstrate that limiting mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism is necessary and sufficient to maintain the proliferation of intestinal stem cells