10 research outputs found

    Long-term effects of selective immunolesions of cholinergic neurons of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis on the ascending cholinergic pathways in the rat: A model for Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease is associated with a significant decrease in the cholinergic input to the neocortex. In a rat model of this depletion, we analyzed the subsequent long-term changes in cholinergic fiber density in two well-defined areas of the frontal and parietal cortices: Fr1, the primary motor cortex, and HL, the hindlimb area of the somatosensory (parietal) cortex, two cortical cholinergic fields that receive inputs from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (nBM). A specific cholinergic lesion was induced by the intraparenchymal injection of 192 IgG-saporin into the nBM. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry was applied to identify the loss of cholinergic neurons in the nBM, while acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme histochemistry was used to analyze the decreases in the number of cholinoceptive neurons in the nBM and the cholinergic fiber density in the Fr1 and HL cortical areas in response to the nBM lesion. The immunotoxin differentially affected the number of ChAT- and AChE-positive neurons in the nBM. 192 IgG-saporin induced a massive, irreversible depletion of the ChAT-positive (cholinergic) neurons (to 11.7% of the control level), accompanied by a less dramatic, but similarly persistent loss of the AChE-positive (cholinoceptive) neurons (to 59.2% of the control value) in the nBM within 2 weeks after the lesion. The difference seen in the depletion of ChAT- and AChE-positive neurons is due to the specificity of the immunotoxin to cholinergic neurons. The cholinergic fiber densities in cortical areas Fr1 and HL remained similarly decreased (to 62% and 68% of the control values, respectively) up to 20 weeks. No significant rebound in AChE activity occurred either in the nBM or in the cortices during the period investigated. This study therefore demonstrated that, similarly to the very extensive reduction in the number of ChAT-positive neurons in the nBM, cortical areas Fr1 and HL underwent long-lasting reductions in the number of AChE-positive fibers in response to specific cholinergic lesioning of the nBM

    Endocytosis of AMPA receptors: Role in neurological conditions

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    AMPA receptors are glutamate-gated ion channels, present in a wide range of neuron types and in glial cells. Their main role is to mediate fast excitatory synaptic transmission, and therefore, they are critical for normal brain function. In neurons, AMPA receptors undergo constitutive and activity-dependent trafficking between the synaptic, extrasynaptic and intracellular pools. The kinetics of AMPA receptor trafficking is crucial for the precise functioning of both individual neurons and neural networks involved in information processing and learning. Many of the neurological diseases evoked by neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative malfunctions or traumatic injuries are caused by impaired synaptic function in the central nervous system. For example, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer's disease (AD), tumors, seizures, ischemic strokes, and traumatic brain injury are all characterized by impaired glutamate homeostasis and associated neuronal death, typically caused by excitotoxicity. Given the important role of AMPA receptors in neuronal function, it is not surprising that perturbations in AMPA receptor trafficking are associated with these neurological disorders. In this book chapter, we will first introduce the structure, physiology and synthesis of AMPA receptors, followed by an in-depth description of the molecular mechanisms that control AMPA receptor endocytosis and surface levels under basal conditions or synaptic plasticity. Finally, we will discuss how impairments in AMPA receptor trafficking, particularly endocytosis, contribute to the pathophysiology of various neurological disorders and what efforts are being made to therapeutically target this process. Keywords AMPA receptor trafficking Endocytosis Autism spectrum disorder Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Alzheimer's disease Huntington's disease Parkinson's disease Multiple sclerosis Glioblastoma Traumatic brain injury Ischemic stroke Epileps

    Sleep- and sleep deprivation-related changes of vertex auditory evoked potentials during the estrus cycle in female rats

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    Abstract The estrus cycle in female rodents has been shown to affect a variety of physiological functions. However, little is known about its presumably thorough effect on auditory processing during the sleep–wake cycle and sleep deprivation. Vertex auditory evoked potentials (vAEPs) were evoked by single click tone stimulation and recorded during different stages of the estrus cycle and sleep deprivation performed in metestrus and proestrus in female rats. vAEPs showed a strong sleep-dependency, with the largest amplitudes present during slow wave sleep while the smallest ones during wakefulness. Higher amplitudes and longer latencies were seen in the light phase during all vigilance stages. The largest amplitudes were found during proestrus (light phase) while the shortest latencies were seen during estrus (dark phase) compared to the 2nd day diestrus baseline. High-amplitude responses without latency changes were also seen during metestrus with increased homeostatic sleep drive. More intense and faster processing of auditory information during proestrus and estrus suggesting a more effective perception of relevant environmental cues presumably in preparation for sexual receptivity. A 4-h sleep deprivation resulted in more pronounced sleep recovery in metestrus compared to proestrus without difference in delta power replacement suggesting a better tolerance of sleep deprivation in proestrus. Sleep deprivation decreased neuronal excitability and responsiveness in a similar manner both during metestrus and proestrus, suggesting that the negative consequences of sleep deprivation on auditory processing may have a limited correlation with the estrus cycle stage

    Endurance training-induced cardiac remodeling in a guinea pig athlete's heart model

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    Besides the health benefits of regular exercise, high-level training - above an optimal level -may have adverse effects. In this study, we investigated the effects of long-term vigorous training and its potentially detrimental structural-functional changes in a small animal athlete's heart model. Thirty-eight 4-month-old male guinea pigs were randomised into sedentary and exercised groups. The latter underwent a 15-week-long endurance-training program. To investigate the effects of the intense long-term exercise, in vivo (echocardiography, electrocardiography), ex vivo and in vitro (histopathology, patch-clamp) measurements were performed. Following the training protocol, the exercised animals exhibited structural left ventricular enlargement and significantly higher degree of myocardial fibrosis. Furthermore, resting bradycardia accompanied by elevated heart rate variability occurred, representing increased parasympathetic activity in the exercised hearts. The observed prolonged QTc intervals and increased repolarization variability parameters may raise the risk of electrical instability in exercised animals. Complex arrhythmias did not occur in either group and there were no differences between the groups in ex vivo or in cellular electrophysiological experiments. Accordingly, the high parasympathetic activity may promote impaired repolarization in conscious exercised animals. The detected structural-functional changes share similarities with the human athlete's heart, therefore, this model might be useful for investigations on cardiac remodeling

    Protein kinase D promotes plasticity-induced F-actin stabilization in dendritic spines and regulates memory formation

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    Actin turnover in dendritic spines influences spine development, morphology, and plasticity, with functional consequences on learning and memory formation. In nonneuronal cells, protein kinase D (PKD) has an important role in stabilizing F-actin via multiple molecular pathways. Using in vitro models of neuronal plasticity, such as glycine-induced chemical long-term potentiation (LTP), known to evoke synaptic plasticity, or long-term depolarization block by KCl, leading to homeostatic morphological changes, we show that actin stabilization needed for the enlargement of dendritic spines is dependent on PKD activity. Consequently, impaired PKD functions attenuate activity-dependent changes in hippocampal dendritic spines, including LTP formation, cause morphological alterations in vivo, and have deleterious consequences on spatial memory formation. We thus provide compelling evidence that PKD controls synaptic plasticity and learning by regulating actin stability in dendritic spines