37 research outputs found
Environmental Education and Protected Areas: the watersheds and the participating management of socio-environmental and educating landscapes
[Resumo] A sociedade atual enfrenta uma grande crise ambiental global e grande parte dela se deve aos con flitos nos diferentes usos da terra. Neste sentido, a educação ambiental, vem se transformando em uma importante ferramenta para processos de educação crítica e transformadora, que consideram a emancipação, a identidade, o pertencer e a solidariedade como instrumentos para fomentar mudanças necessárias. O estudo realizado na Bacia Tietê-Jacaré faz parte de uma pesquisa socioambiental que procura investigar sobre o papel das áreas protegidas na busca de soluções a partir das transformações sociais desses espaços. O objetivo foi fomentar a gestão participativa dessa paisagem a partir da construção coletiva de um material didático de educação ambiental e os processos formativos para sua multiplicação. A desconstrução e reconstrução dos significados desses territórios hídricos, a partir da percepção e interpretação da paisagem foram fundamentais para o encontro dos diferentes interesses e entendimento de suas multifuncionalidades. Entre os principais resultados, pôde-se observar que a educação ambiental e a paisagem ajudaram a formar atores socioambientais para que os mesmos pudessem participar de uma gestão compartilhada e educadora da bacia hidrográfica e suas áreas protegidas a partir de uma maior percepção desses territórios como paisagens socioambientais e educadoras[Abstract] Nowadays society faces a great global environmental crisis due to the conflicts about the different uses of land. Thus environmental education has become an important tool for critical and transforming educational processes which considers the emancipation, the identity, the belonging and the solidarity as instruments to promote the necessary changes. The study done on the Tietê-Jacaré basin is part of a socio-environmental research which investigates the role of protected areas in searching of solutions through social changes in these areas. The goal was to promote the participating management of this landscape through the collective building up of a didatic material about environmental education and the forming processes for its multiplication. The disconstruction and recons truction of these hydric areas meanings, considering the landscape perception and interpretation, was fundamental to the meeting of different interests and the understanding of their multifunctional aspects. Among the main results, we can observe that the environmental education and the landscape helped the forming of social-environmental partners who could collaborate with the participating and educational management of the watershed and its protected areas through a greater perception of these territories as social-environmental and educating landscape
Aproximación cualitativa a la incorporación del “paisaje” en la nueva Ley Orgánica de Educación de Enseñanzas No Universitarias (LOMLOE)
En este artículo se lleva a cabo un análisis, desde una perspectiva educativa, de la incorporación del paisaje en la nueva legislación de las enseñanzas básicas en España. Para ello se ha realizado una lectura cualitativa e interpretativa de las nuevas propuestas curriculares en educación primaria y secundaria tanto de la nueva Ley de Orgánica de Educación (2020) como de los desarrollos curriculares de las comunidades autónomas de Madrid y Aragón. De forma complementaria se analiza también el tratamiento que se da al tema paisajístico en una serie de libros de textos de las editoriales más ampliamente utilizadas por los profesores. Los resultados obtenidos, aunque con matices, apuntan en la dirección de que las aproximaciones educativas al paisaje han evolucionado muy poco en la última década y apenas recogen las ricas visiones y contribuciones que Fernando González Bernáldez realizó en sus publicaciones. Visiones en las que la educación debería hacer una mayor apuesta por incorporar las dimensiones “escondidas” o criptosistémicas del paisaje, su aproximación dinámica espaciotemporal y una integración socioecológica más interdisciplinar
Analysis of portuguese environmental interpretation centres
[Resumo] Os Centros de Interpretação Ambiental (CIAm) são estruturas de apoio aos visitantes que tendo diferentes origens, objectivos e formas de funcionamento, usam estratégias de interpretação do património para interligarem os visitantes como os recursos naturais locais. Entre fortes críticas e rasgados elogios, cobertos por diferentes denominações e formatos, e apresentado boas e más práticas, importa conhecer a realidade dos Ciam portugueses para que possam ser melhorados e desenvolvidas estratégias de articulação. Apresentam-se os resultados de uma análise geral dos Cia realizada em Portugal entre 2012 e 2014 com o objectivo de se entender a sua vocação no apoio a actividades turísticas com forte componente de educação ambiental e na valorização e protecção do património natural. O presente trabalho mostra que estes centros desempenham um papel relevante na valorização de áreas naturais, embora tendo ainda um reduzido planeamento e organização, quer ao nível de cada centro, quer entre os diferentes centros que poderiam funcionar em rede e desenvolver acções mais assertivas. Dos aspectos a melhorar salienta-se a atracção de visitantes e o uso de técnicas de interpretação. Há também diferenças regionais que importa considerar para que estas estruturas possam no futuro evoluir e aumentar significativamente o seu contributo para um turismo mais sustentável.[Abstract] Environmental interpretation centres are supporting structures for visitors with different genesis, objectives and practices but all using heritage interpretation strategies to connect visitors to local natural resources. Among criticisms and strong praises, working under different names and formats, with good and weak examples, it is important to state the Portuguese context in order to improve their outcomes and increase their integration. Results of an overall analysis of environmental interpretation centres in Portugal are presented aimed to understand their adequacy to support tourism activities with an important environmental education component and also to protect natural heritage. This study confirms that environmental interpretation centres have already an important role in enhancing the value of natural areas, however they have a low planning and organizing effort both on individual and network levels developing more assertive actions. From these issues we expect to improve the capability to attract visitors and the interpretation strategies use.There are also some regional differences that must be taken into account for a future evolution of these centres to improve their contribution towards a more sustainable touris
Equilibrios sobre el hielo : una breve (pero completa) revisión del conocimiento sobre el impacto humano en la Antártida
La Antártida es una de las zonas de nuestro planeta menos alteradas. Aún así, está sometida a una serie de impactos provocados por la presencia del hombre que son revisados brevemente en este artículo. Para cada tipo de alteración se citan los casos de estudio más representativos, las principales medidas de minimización y/o mitigación adoptadas, así como las contribuciones específicas realizadas recientemente por científicos de España, en caso de existir. Tras presentar la base de conocimiento existente en la actualidad respecto a los impactos humanos antárticos, el texto se cierra con una serie de recomendaciones dirigidas a mejorar el seguimiento de los mismos. Estas directrices deberán guiar los programas de investigación implementados en los próximos años para rentabilizar al máximo los recursos empleados y reforzar la protección de este emblemático lugar.Antarctica is one of the less disturbed areas of our planet. Even so, it is subject to several impacts caused by human presence which are briefly reviewed in this article. For each kind of alteration most representative case studies, main minimization and/or mitigation adopted measures, and specific contributions made recently by scientists from Spain, if any, are cited. The text ends with a series of recommendations to improve the monitoring of Antarctic human impacts. After presenting the state of knowledge of Antarctic human impacts, this text includes several recommendations lead to improve their monitoring. These guidelines should aim the future research to maximize the resources and to strengthen the protection of this emblematic place
Social Instruments and the Preservation of Species
[Resumo] A integración dos instrumentos sociais na xestión ambiental é un capítulo aínda
pendiente. Neste artigo descríbense algúns dos problemas e as posibles solucións nun
camiño de aprendizaxe mutuo entre educación e xestión[Abstract] The integration of social instruments in environmental management is still a pending
issue. This article aims to describe some of the problems and possible solutions in a
path of mutual learning between education and management
A holistic index-based framework to assess urban resilience: Application to the Madrid Region, Spain
Resilience is considered to be a component of sustainability and is addressed in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all United Nations Member States. Resilience in this context is mainly oriented to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. However, a holistic approach, considering urban systems as a whole and resilience to all kind of disturbances, is needed for a better understanding of the complexity of urban resilience. To advance in this direction we have proposed an Urban Resilience Index and applied it to 81 cities in the Madrid Region, Spain. The index comprises 42 indicators that measure six resilience characteristics: diversity, self-sufficiency and autonomy, polycentric governance, social cohesion, learning and innovation, and social-ecological justice, in five urban dimensions: socio-cultural, economic, ecological, physical and technological, and governance system. Our results showed that the ecological dimension in the Madrid Region is largely determined by the geomorphological characteristics and the associated ecosystems, but municipalities compensate it with resilience strategies focused on social and physical aspects. The most resilient municipalities are also in general the most sustainable, but not always. We propose to use the Urban Resilience Index in combination with the Sustainable Development Goals Index to develop resilient strategies towards sustainabilityProgram H2019/HUM-5744 CM-INCLUSIVA-C
Unraveling the relationships between ecosystems and human wellbeing in Spain
National ecosystem assessments provide evidence on the status and trends of biodiversity, ecosystem conditions, and the delivery of ecosystem services to society. I this study, we analyze the complex relationships established between ecosystems and human systems in Spain through the combination of Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework and structural equation models. Firstly, to operationalize the framework, we selected 53 national scale indicators that provide accurate, long-term information on each of the components. Secondly, structural equation models were performed to understand the relationships among the components of the framework. Trend indicators have shown an overall progressive biodiversity loss, trade-offs between provisioning and cultural services associated with urban areas vs. regulating and cultural services associated with rural areas, a decoupling effect between material and non-material dimensions of human wellbeing, a rapid growing trend of conservation responses in recent years and a constant growing linear trend of direct or indirect drivers of change. Results also show that all the components analyzed in the model are strongly related. On one hand, the model shows that biodiversity erosion negatively affect the supply of regulating services, while it is positively related with the increase of provisioning service delivery. On the other hand, the most important relationship found in the model is the effect of pressures on biodiversity loss, indicating that response options for conserving nature cannot counteract the effect of the drivers of change. These results suggest that there is an insufficient institutional response to address the underlying causes (indirect drivers of change) of biodiversity loos in Spain. We conclude that more structural changes are required in the Spanish institutional framework to reach 2020 biodiversity conservation international targetsThis work was conducted within the framework of the project Millennium Ecosystem assessment of Spain funded by the Biodiversity Foundation
(http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es/) of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip
Educación para la sostenibilidad en España : reflexiones y propuestas
Bibliografía p. 45-5
Guía para un turismo sostenible : retos y criterios para la evaluación del sector turístico ante la Agenda 2030
El presente documento es una iniciativa de la Red Española para el Desarrollo Sostenible (REDS) y el Instituto de Turismo Responsable (RTI)Bibliografía p.63-65Resumen: El presente informe es una aproximación al impacto del turismo en la consecución de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), a través del análisis de antecedentes históricos y de los diferentes actores implicados en el desarrollo turístico sostenible de un territorio. Asimismo, incluye una propuesta metodológica para aplicar la Agenda 2030 al turismo de forma efectiva y eficaz, teniendo en cuenta los sistemas de valoración del cumplimiento de las metas definidas por la Agenda 2030 y las posibles relaciones entre el sector turismo y los OD