1,398 research outputs found

    La consommation entre les hypothèses de revenu permanent, de cycle vital et la contrainte de liquidité

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    На пути к альтернативному пониманию сообществ в практике

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    Despite the valuable contribution of recent debates on the role of communities in the process of intra organizational coordination, especially those related to communities of practice, several questions remain settled and relegated to an outer edge. Particularly, we will be discussing weather communities can clear up the mechanism of selection of emergent rules and practices within an individualistic paradigm: can the individual be matched with communities and hence repositioned in the issue of intra organizational coordination? We also pose the possibility of conceiving firms as a corps of interconnected communities of struggle through which we aim at enhancing a thermodynamic vision of interactions that take place within and between distinct communities. Our discussion will be firstly built on Nietzsche's critiques of Identity with regard to the development of affirmation of rationality and difference, and secondly on Bourdieu's explorations of the roles and impact of struggles on the process of social distinction within groups interacting at both cognitive and practical branches. The background of the paper is above all an apology of sociocognitive distance. Our main findings pertain to the necessity of getting rid of a rosy conceptualization of social communities by emphasizing the role of their history and social traditions in their organizational performance where they cannot be efficient or effective unless they remain heterogeneous and enhance their members distinctiveness.A pesar de la valiosa contribución de los recientes debates sobre el papel de las comunidades en el proceso de coordinación intraorganizacional, especialmente las relacionadas con las comunidades de práctica, varias preguntas permanecen resueltas y relegadas a un borde externo. Particularmente, discutiremos que las comunidades climáticas pueden aclarar el mecanismo de selección de reglas y prácticas emergentes dentro de un paradigma individualista: ¿puede el individuo ser emparejado con las comunidades y, por lo tanto, reposicionarse en el tema de la coordinación intraorganizacional? También planteamos la posibilidad de concebir a las empresas como un cuerpo de comunidades de lucha interconectadas a través de las cuales aspiramos a mejorar una visión termodinámica de las interacciones que tienen lugar dentro y entre comunidades distintas. Nuestra discusión se basará en primer lugar en las críticas de Identidad de Nietzsche con respecto al desarrollo de la afirmación de la racionalidad y la diferencia, y en segundo lugar en las exploraciones de Bourdieu de los roles y el impacto de las luchas en el proceso de distinción social dentro de los grupos que interactúan en las ramas cognitivas y prácticas. El antecedente del trabajo es sobre todo una disculpa de distancia sociocognitiva. Nuestros principales hallazgos se refieren a la necesidad de deshacerse de una conceptualización optimista de las comunidades sociales al enfatizar el papel de su historia y tradiciones sociales en su desempeño organizacional donde no pueden ser eficientes o efectivos a menos que sigan siendo heterogéneos y mejoren el carácter distintivo de sus miembros.Несмотря на ценный вклад недавних дебатов о роли сообществ в процессе внутриорганизационной координации, особенно связанных с практическими сообществами, некоторые вопросы остаются нерешенными и отодвигаются на задний план. В частности, мы будем обсуждать, могут ли метеорологические сообщества прояснить механизм выбора возникающих правил и практик в рамках индивидуалистической парадигмы: можно ли сопоставить индивида с сообществами и, следовательно, изменить положение в вопросе внутриорганизационной координации? Мы также представляем возможность представить фирмы как корпус взаимосвязанных сообществ борьбы, посредством которых мы стремимся улучшить термодинамическое видение взаимодействий, которые происходят внутри и между различными сообществами. Наша дискуссия будет, во-первых, построена на критических оценках Ницше идентичности в отношении развития утверждения рациональности и различий, а во-вторых, на исследованиях Бурдье роли и влияния борьбы на процесс социального различия в группах, взаимодействующих как в когнитивной, так и в практической областях. , Основа статьи - это прежде всего извинение за социокогнитивную дистанцию. Наши основные выводы касаются необходимости избавления от радужной концептуализации социальных сообществ путем акцентирования роли их истории и социальных традиций в их организационной деятельности, где они не могут быть эффективными или действенными, если они не остаются разнородными и не повышают индивидуальность своих членов

    Knowledge Management Practices and Transformational Leadership Traits: Predicting Process Innovation in FMCG Industry

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    Organizations in the current competitive and challenging situation considered organizational process innovation to sustain themselves with competitive advantage and provisioning of high value products to consumers. The current study investigates the role of transformational leadership traits and knowledge management practices on predicting the process innovation in FMCG companies. Data has been collected from the 10 FMCG companies located in major two cities i.e. Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan. Sample of 200 top line managers have been selected by convenience sampling method and adapted itemized questionnaire has been presented to the top management after a brief session of face to face interviews. Response of 170 top line employees has been registered and statistical testing has been done on SPSS 22. Results indicated that the transformational leadership traits has significantly positive impact on process innovation which effectively expedites the production efficiency of manufacturing units. The knowledge management practices such as acquisition, transfer and application has strong and positively significant association with process innovation. The knowledge management practices positively mediates with transformational leadership traits and resultantly lays foundation for continuous process improvement to survive in market. This conceptual model practically helps the production and manufacturing companies to nurture positive change management attitudes, decreasing production time, expanding products range, development of skills needed to advocate and adopt change, employee involvement, commitment and benefits of large scale economy. This study is limited to FMCGs in major cities and can be expanded to services industry and test the conceptual model

    Exploiting Addresses Correlation to Maximize Lifetime of IPv6 Cluster-based WSNs

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    International audienceImproving the network lifetime is an important design criterion for wireless sensor networks. To achieve this goal, we propose in this paper a novel approach which applies source-coding on addresses in heterogeneous IPv6 Cluster-based wireless sensor network. We formulate the problem of maximiz- ing the network lifetime when Slepian-wolf coding is applied on addresses in network composed of line-powered and battery- powered sensors. This problem optimizes the placement of line- powered sensors to enable the battery-powered ones to exploit the addresses correlation and reduce the size of their emitted packets and thus improve the network lifetime. The numerical results show that a significant network lifetime improvement can be achieved (about 25% in typical scenario)

    Stratégie de Placement des Puits Mobiles dans les Réseaux de Capteurs sans Fil pour Bâtiments

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    National audienceLe besoin des réseaux de capteurs sans fil croit très rapidement dans un large éventail d'applications industrielles. Parmi celles-ci se trouve l'observation, le suivi des données physiques et l'automatisation des bâtiments. Dans ces réseaux, un grand nombre de capteurs transmettent via multi sauts les données collectées vers le puits le plus proche. Les capteurs qui sont proches des puits épuisent leurs réserves d'énergie beaucoup plus rapidement que les capteurs distants car ils ont une charge de trafic très importante. Ceci est dû au fait qu'ils transmettent leurs propres données ainsi que les données des capteurs éloignés provoquant ainsi prématurément la fin de la durée de vie du réseau. Le déplacement périodique des puits permet de résoudre ce problème en distribuant la charge du trafic entre les capteurs et améliorer ainsi la durée de vie du réseau. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme qui détermine le positionnement de plusieurs puits mobiles dans un réseau large échelle afin d'augmenter la durée de vie du réseau. Son principe se base sur le déplacement régulier des puits vers les capteurs distants qui ont le plus grand nombre de sauts à faire pour atteindre le puits le plus proche. Nous avons évalué les performances de notre solution par des simulations et comparé avec d'autres stratégies. Les résultats montrent que notre solution améliore considérablement la durée de vie du réseau et équilibre notablement la consommation d'énergie entre les nœuds. Ces résultats sont très utiles pour le déploiement réel de réseaux de capteurs sans fil au sein des bâtiments

    Multiple Mobile Sinks Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks for Buildings

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    Best Paper AwardInternational audienceReal deployment of wireless sensor networks inside build- ings is a very challenging. In fact, in such networks, a large number of small sensor devices suffer from limited energy supply. These sensors have to observe and monitor their in-door environment, and then to report the data collected to a nearest information collector, referred to as the sink node. Sensor nodes which are far away from the sink relay their data via multiple hops to reach the sink. This way of communication makes the sensors near the sink deplete their energy much faster than distant nodes because they carry heavier traffic. So what is known as a hole appears around the sink and prevents distant nodes to send their data. Consequently the network lifetime ends prematurely. One efficient solution for this problem is to relocate sinks. In this work, we aim to find the best way to relocate sinks by determining their optimal locations and the duration of their sojourn time. So, we propose an Integer Linear Programming for multiple mobile sinks which directly maximizes the network lifetime instead of minimizing the energy consumption or maximizing the residual energy, which is what was done in previous solutions. Simulations results show that with our solution, the network lifetime is extended and the energy depletion is more balanced among the nodes. We also show that relocating mobile sinks inside a whole network is more efficient than relocating mobile sinks inside different clusters and we can achieve almost 52 % network lifetime improvement in our experiments

    Sinks Mobility Strategy in IPv6-based WSNs for Network Lifetime Improvement

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the sinks mobility in IPv6- based wireless sensors networks and specially in the new IETF proposed protocol RPL (Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks). We also show that even the mobility of sinks is not an explicit design criteria, the use of mobile sinks improves the network lifetime. In this work, we propose a new distributed and weighted moving strategy for sinks in RPL. We compared our proposed mobility approach with different others strategies. The results show that our proposed mobility approach notably balances the network load which leads to a significant network lifetime gain in large scale network