11,499 research outputs found

    Gravitational energy as dark energy: Concordance of cosmological tests

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    We provide preliminary quantitative evidence that a new solution to averaging the observed inhomogeneous structure of matter in the universe [gr-qc/0702082, arxiv:0709.0732], may lead to an observationally viable cosmology without exotic dark energy. We find parameters which simultaneously satisfy three independent tests: the match to the angular scale of the sound horizon detected in the cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectrum; the effective comoving baryon acoustic oscillation scale detected in galaxy clustering statistics; and type Ia supernova luminosity distances. Independently of the supernova data, concordance is obtained for a value of the Hubble constant which agrees with the measurement of the Hubble Key team of Sandage et al [astro-ph/0603647]. Best-fit parameters include a global average Hubble constant H_0 = 61.7 (+1.2/-1.1) km/s/Mpc, a present epoch void volume fraction of f_{v0} = 0.76 (+0.12/-0.09), and an age of the universe of 14.7 (+0.7/-0.5) billion years as measured by observers in galaxies. The mass ratio of non-baryonic dark matter to baryonic matter is 3.1 (+2.5/-2.4), computed with a baryon-to-photon ratio that concords with primordial lithium abundances.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2 improved statistics, references added, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Elephant’s Toothpaste Used as a Qualitative Demonstration of Rate versus Temperature

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    The popular elephant’s toothpaste demonstration can be used to demonstrate the effect of temperature on reaction rate qualitatively. Our version is designed for simplicity of execution and to require little class time. Two runs of the reaction are performed at easily achieved temperatures (ice and ambient), the latter being approximately three times as fast. The reaction behind the demonstration, the iodide-catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (along with some complicating side-reactions), is discussed in some detail

    Magnetization reversal and spin dynamics exchange in biased F/AF bilayers probed with complex permeability spectra

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    The spin dynamics of the ferromagnetic pinned layer of ferro-antiferromagnetic coupled NiFe/MnNi bilayers is investigated in a broad frequency range (30 MHz-6 GHz). A phenomenological model based on the Landau-Lifshitz equation for the complex permeability of the F/AF bilayer is proposed. The experimental results are compared to theoretical predictions. We show that the resonance frequencies, measured during the magnetization, are likewise hysteretic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    NASA Hydrogen Peroxide Propellant Hazards Technical Manual

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    The Fire, Explosion, Compatibility and Safety Hazards of Hydrogen Peroxide NASA technical manual was developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility. NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2004-213151 covers topics concerning high concentration hydrogen peroxide including fire and explosion hazards, material and fluid reactivity, materials selection information, personnel and environmental hazards, physical and chemical properties, analytical spectroscopy, specifications, analytical methods, and material compatibility data. A summary of hydrogen peroxide-related accidents, incidents, dose calls, mishaps and lessons learned is included. The manual draws from art extensive literature base and includes recent applicable regulatory compliance documentation. The manual may be obtained by United States government agencies from NASA Johnson Space Center and used as a reference source for hazards and safe handling of hydrogen peroxide

    ISO 15859 Propellant and Fluid Specifications: A Review and Comparison with Military and NASA Specifications

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    This work presents an overview of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15859 International Standard for Space Systems Fluid Characteristics, Sampling and Test Methods Parts 1 through 13 issued in June 2004. These standards establish requirements for fluid characteristics, sampling, and test methods for 13 fluids of concern to the propellant community and propellant characterization laboratories: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, nitrogen tetroxide, monomethylhydrazine, hydrazine, kerosene, argon, water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and breathing air. A comparison of the fluid characteristics, sampling, and test methods required by the ISO standards to the current military and NASA specifications, which are in use at NASA facilities and elsewhere, is presented. Many ISO standards composition limits and other content agree with those found in the applicable parts of NASA SE-S-0073, NASA SSP 30573, military performance standards and details, and Compressed Gas Association (CGA) commodity specifications. The status of a current project managed at NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) to rewrite these documents is discussed

    A Cost-based Optimizer for Gradient Descent Optimization

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    As the use of machine learning (ML) permeates into diverse application domains, there is an urgent need to support a declarative framework for ML. Ideally, a user will specify an ML task in a high-level and easy-to-use language and the framework will invoke the appropriate algorithms and system configurations to execute it. An important observation towards designing such a framework is that many ML tasks can be expressed as mathematical optimization problems, which take a specific form. Furthermore, these optimization problems can be efficiently solved using variations of the gradient descent (GD) algorithm. Thus, to decouple a user specification of an ML task from its execution, a key component is a GD optimizer. We propose a cost-based GD optimizer that selects the best GD plan for a given ML task. To build our optimizer, we introduce a set of abstract operators for expressing GD algorithms and propose a novel approach to estimate the number of iterations a GD algorithm requires to converge. Extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets show that our optimizer not only chooses the best GD plan but also allows for optimizations that achieve orders of magnitude performance speed-up.Comment: Accepted at SIGMOD 201

    Identifying prognostic structural features in tissue sections of colon cancer patients using point pattern analysis

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    Diagnosis and prognosis of cancer is informed by the architecture inherent in cancer patient tissue sections. This architecture is typically identified by pathologists, yet advances in computational image analysis facilitate quantitative assessment of this structure. In this article we develop a spatial point process approach in order to describe patterns in cell distribution within tissue samples taken from colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. In particular, our approach is centered on the Palm intensity function. This leads to taking an approximate-likelihood technique in fitting point processes models. We consider two Neyman-Scott point processes and a void process, fitting these point process models to the CRC patient data. We find that the parameter estimates of these models may be used to quantify the spatial arrangement of cells. Importantly, we observe characteristic differences in the spatial arrangement of cells between patients who died from CRC and those alive at follow-up