45 research outputs found

    Study of lipid profile and parieto-temporal lipid peroxidation in AlCl3 mediated neurotoxicity. modulatory effect of fenugreek seeds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Peroxidation of lipid (LPO) membrane and cholesterol metabolism have been involved in the physiopathology of many diseases of aging brain. Therefore, this prospective animal study was carried firstly to find out the correlation between LPO in posterior brain and plasmatic cholesterol along with lipoprotein levels after chronic intoxication by aluminium chloride (AlCl<sub>3</sub>). Chronic aluminum-induced neurotoxicity has been in fact related to enhanced brain lipid peroxidation together with hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, despite its controversial etiological role in neurodegenerative diseases. Secondly an evaluation of the effectiveness of fenugreek seeds in alleviating the engendered toxicity through these biochemical parameters was made.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Oral administration of AlCl<sub>3 </sub>to rats during 5 months (500 mg/kg bw i.g for one month then 1600 ppm via the drinking water) enhanced the levels of LPO in posterior brain, liver and plasma together with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities, total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and LDL-C (Low Density Lipoproteins) levels. All these parameters were decreased following fenugreek seeds supplementation either as fenugreek seed powder (FSP) or fenugreek seed extract (FSE). A notable significant correlation was observed between LPO<sub>brain </sub>and LDL-C on one hand and LDH<sub>liver </sub>on the other hand. This latter was found to correlate positively with TC, TG and LDL-C. Furthermore, high significant correlations were observed between LDH<sub>brain </sub>and TC, TG, LDL-C, LPO<sub>brain </sub>as well as LDH<sub>liver</sub>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Aluminium-induced LPO in brain could arise from alteration of lipid metabolism particularly altered lipoprotein metabolism rather than a direct effect of cholesterol oxidation. Fenugreek seeds could play an anti-peroxidative role in brain which may be attributed in part to its modulatory effect on plasmatic lipid metabolism.</p

    Etude sur le diabÚte aigu cétosique inaugural dans un hÎpital du Centre-Est Tunisien

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    La cĂ©tose est une complication aiguĂ« du diabĂšte qui consiste en une accumulation de corps cĂ©toniques sanguins. MalgrĂ© la haute prĂ©valence du diabĂšte cĂ©tosique dĂ©crite, il existe trĂšs peu d’informations concernant l’épidĂ©miologie de cette complication inaugurale du diabĂšte en Tunisie. L’objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et clinico-biologiques des cĂ©toses inaugurales dans un hĂŽpital du Centre-Est tunisien. Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, transversale et exhaustive, Ă  propos de patients admis pour une cĂ©tose inaugurale sur une pĂ©riode allant de janvier 2010 Ă  aoĂ»t 2016. La population d’étude a Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©e en 2 groupes selon la prĂ©sence ou pas d’une auto-immunitĂ© anti pancrĂ©atique: groupe DAI (diabĂšte de type 1 auto-immun) regroupe tous les patients avec une auto-immunitĂ©, et le groupe DNAI (diabĂšte cĂ©tosique non auto-immuns) sans auto-immunitĂ©. Il s’agit de 391 patients, de sex ratio 266 hommes/125 femmes, d’ñge moyen de 34±14,33 ans. La prĂ©dominance masculine Ă©tait nette: 68% dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. L’ñge de la cĂ©tose Ă©tait significativement plus prĂ©coce dans le groupe DAI. Un facteur prĂ©cipitant la cĂ©tose Ă©tait retrouvĂ© chez 77,7% de la population globale d’étude, significativement plus frĂ©quent dans le groupe DAI que dans le groupe DNAI. Le facteur le plus retrouvĂ© Ă©tait les infections virales. Les Anticorps anti thyroĂŻdiens Ă©taient significativement importants dans le groupe DAI. La cĂ©tose est un facteur de dĂ©compensation inaugurale frĂ©quent du diabĂšte en Tunisie. La population la plus importante a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crite chez l’adulte jeune masculin, avec l’absence d’une auto-immunitĂ©, et un profil clinique du diabĂšte de type 2

    Hemocyte defense mechanisms in Mytilus edulis : interactions with Vibrio Splendidus sp. and MXR phenotype modulation by environmental contaminants

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    Mytilus edulis est un mollusque bivalve de grand intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique et Ă©cotoxicologique. Cette espĂšce sentinelle est connue pour sa rĂ©sistance aux contaminants chimiques et biologiques. NĂ©anmoins, depuis quelques annĂ©es la moule bleue est touchĂ©e par des mortalitĂ©s dans les Ă©levages des Pertuis Charentais ayant pour dĂ©nominateur commun la prĂ©sence de bactĂ©ries virulentes de type Vibrio. Le premier axe de cette thĂšse dĂ©crit les interactions des isolats de V. Splendidus avec la moule bleue au niveau cellulaire et physiologique. Les infections expĂ©rimentales ont permis la sĂ©lection de deux isolats bactĂ©riens affiliĂ©s Ă  V. splendidus/V. hemicentroti : une souche virulente codĂ©e 10/068 1T1 et une souche inoffensive codĂ©e 12/056 M24T1. Ces deux bactĂ©ries ont Ă©tĂ© marquĂ©es Ă  la GFP et validĂ©es en tant que modĂšles authentiques d’exposition Ă  travers leurs caractĂ©ristiques de croissance et de virulence. Par ailleurs, V. hemicentroti 10/068 1T1 est capable d’altĂ©rer diffĂ©rentes fonctions hĂ©mocytaires incluant la motilitĂ©, l’adhĂ©sion, l’internalisation, la production de ROS, la maturation du phagosome et la viabilitĂ© contrairement Ă  la bactĂ©rie non virulente. Les produits extracellulaires bactĂ©riens semblent ĂȘtre toxiques et inhibent certaines rĂ©ponses cellulaires (internalisation et production de ROS). Enfin, nous avons reproduis avec succĂšs l’infection des animaux par le pathogĂšne via un modĂšle expĂ©rimental de cohabitation. Le suivi de l’infection montre que V. hemicentroti 10/068 1T1 a pour cible principale les branchies. Le deuxiĂšme axe explore le fonctionnement du systĂšme MXR (MultiXenobiotic Resistance) chez la moule bleue. La sĂ©quence codante complĂšte d’un nouveau transporteur ABCG2 a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie et la protĂ©ine rĂ©sultante a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e. La caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire montre la prĂ©sence du transcrit dans les hĂ©mocytes ainsi que dans les branchies et son homologie avec les autres protĂ©ines appartenant Ă  diverses espĂšces. L’utilisation des sondes fluorescentes bodipy prazosin et pheophorbide A, combinĂ©es avec des bloqueurs spĂ©cifiques, dĂ©montre l’activitĂ© d’efflux de ce transporteur et son hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© dans les tissus et cellules. Par ailleurs, il est Ă©galement dĂ©montrĂ© que l’expression des trois transporteurs ABC (abcb, abcc, abcg2) identifiĂ©s chez la moule bleue est modulĂ©e par les contaminants chimiques. Les animaux exposĂ©s au BaP au laboratoire ou prĂ©levĂ©s sur un terrain contaminĂ© montrent une surexpression des transcrits abc dans les branchies et une sous expression dans les hĂ©mocytes. La saisonnalitĂ©, sur le terrain, a Ă©galement un effet sur les niveaux des transcrits et interfĂšre avec les rĂ©ponses liĂ©es aux contaminants. Seul le transporteur abcb exprimĂ© dans les branchies n’est pas affectĂ© par des variations saisonniĂšres et montre une surexpression dans le site contaminĂ© tout au long de l’annĂ©e. En conclusion, nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de la moule bleue face un pathogĂšne. L'impact immunotoxique des xĂ©nobiotiques et le rĂŽle que peuvent jouer les transporteurs ABC dans le fonctionnement du systĂšme immunitaire des moules reste Ă  explorer.Mytilus edulis is a bivalve mollusc representing an economic and ecotoxicological interest. This sentinel species is known for its resistance to chemical and biological contaminants. However, for few years, abnormal mortality events have been reported for farmed blue mussels in France where different Vibrio strains were isolated. The first section of this thesis describes cellular and physiological interactions of V. Splendidus isolates with the blue mussel. Experimental infections allowed the selection of two isolates affiliated to V. splendidus/V. hemicentroti type strains: a virulent 10/068 1T1 and an innocuous 12/056 M24T1. These two strains were GFP-tagged and validated for their growth characteristics and virulence as genuine models for exposure. V. splendidus 10/068 1T1 is capable to alter different functions of hemocytes including motility, adhesion, internalization, ROS production, phagosome maturation and viability, unlike the avirulent strain. Furthermore, bacterial extracellular products appeared toxic and inhibit cellular responses (internalization and ROS production). Finally, we successfully reproduced experimental infection by water tank cohabitation assays with septic animals. Infection monitoring shows the targeting of gills by bacteria. The second section explores the MXR (MultiXenobiotic Resistance) system functioning in the blue mussel. For the first time, a complete ABCG2 amino acid sequence was established. Molecular characterization shows the presence of the abcg2 transcript in hemocytes and gills and its homology with other proteins from various species. The combination of the fluorescent probes bodipy prazosin and pheophorbide A with specific blockers demonstrate the transporter efflux activity and its heterogeneity in tissues and cells. Moreover, the expression of three ABC transporters (abcb, abcc, abcg2) identified in the blue mussel has been shown to be modulated by chemical contaminants. Mussels exposed to BaP in the laboratory or collected from contaminated mussel beds in the field show upregulated abc transcripts in gills whereas these mRNA undergone a downregulation in hemocytes. Season had also an effect on mRNA levels and interacted with site effects. Only the abcb gene displayed a more abundant mRNA level in gills dissected from animals collected in the more polluted area all over the diachronic study. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the vulnerability of the blue mussel towards a pathogen. The immunotoxic impact of environmental xenobiotics and the precise role of ABC efflux pumps in the immune system of the mussel has yet to be explored

    MĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense hĂ©mocytaires chez Mytilus edulis‎ : interactions avec Vibrio Splendidus sp. et modulation du phĂ©notype MXR par les contaminants environnementaux

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    Mytilus edulis is a bivalve mollusc representing an economic and ecotoxicological interest. This sentinel species is known for its resistance to chemical and biological contaminants. However, for few years, abnormal mortality events have been reported for farmed blue mussels in France where different Vibrio strains were isolated. The first section of this thesis describes cellular and physiological interactions of V. Splendidus isolates with the blue mussel. Experimental infections allowed the selection of two isolates affiliated to V. splendidus/V. hemicentroti type strains: a virulent 10/068 1T1 and an innocuous 12/056 M24T1. These two strains were GFP-tagged and validated for their growth characteristics and virulence as genuine models for exposure. V. splendidus 10/068 1T1 is capable to alter different functions of hemocytes including motility, adhesion, internalization, ROS production, phagosome maturation and viability, unlike the avirulent strain. Furthermore, bacterial extracellular products appeared toxic and inhibit cellular responses (internalization and ROS production). Finally, we successfully reproduced experimental infection by water tank cohabitation assays with septic animals. Infection monitoring shows the targeting of gills by bacteria. The second section explores the MXR (MultiXenobiotic Resistance) system functioning in the blue mussel. For the first time, a complete ABCG2 amino acid sequence was established. Molecular characterization shows the presence of the abcg2 transcript in hemocytes and gills and its homology with other proteins from various species. The combination of the fluorescent probes bodipy prazosin and pheophorbide A with specific blockers demonstrate the transporter efflux activity and its heterogeneity in tissues and cells. Moreover, the expression of three ABC transporters (abcb, abcc, abcg2) identified in the blue mussel has been shown to be modulated by chemical contaminants. Mussels exposed to BaP in the laboratory or collected from contaminated mussel beds in the field show upregulated abc transcripts in gills whereas these mRNA undergone a downregulation in hemocytes. Season had also an effect on mRNA levels and interacted with site effects. Only the abcb gene displayed a more abundant mRNA level in gills dissected from animals collected in the more polluted area all over the diachronic study. In conclusion, our results demonstrate the vulnerability of the blue mussel towards a pathogen. The immunotoxic impact of environmental xenobiotics and the precise role of ABC efflux pumps in the immune system of the mussel has yet to be explored.Mytilus edulis est un mollusque bivalve de grand intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©conomique et Ă©cotoxicologique. Cette espĂšce sentinelle est connue pour sa rĂ©sistance aux contaminants chimiques et biologiques. NĂ©anmoins, depuis quelques annĂ©es la moule bleue est touchĂ©e par des mortalitĂ©s dans les Ă©levages des Pertuis Charentais ayant pour dĂ©nominateur commun la prĂ©sence de bactĂ©ries virulentes de type Vibrio. Le premier axe de cette thĂšse dĂ©crit les interactions des isolats de V. Splendidus avec la moule bleue au niveau cellulaire et physiologique. Les infections expĂ©rimentales ont permis la sĂ©lection de deux isolats bactĂ©riens affiliĂ©s Ă  V. splendidus/V. hemicentroti : une souche virulente codĂ©e 10/068 1T1 et une souche inoffensive codĂ©e 12/056 M24T1. Ces deux bactĂ©ries ont Ă©tĂ© marquĂ©es Ă  la GFP et validĂ©es en tant que modĂšles authentiques d’exposition Ă  travers leurs caractĂ©ristiques de croissance et de virulence. Par ailleurs, V. hemicentroti 10/068 1T1 est capable d’altĂ©rer diffĂ©rentes fonctions hĂ©mocytaires incluant la motilitĂ©, l’adhĂ©sion, l’internalisation, la production de ROS, la maturation du phagosome et la viabilitĂ© contrairement Ă  la bactĂ©rie non virulente. Les produits extracellulaires bactĂ©riens semblent ĂȘtre toxiques et inhibent certaines rĂ©ponses cellulaires (internalisation et production de ROS). Enfin, nous avons reproduis avec succĂšs l’infection des animaux par le pathogĂšne via un modĂšle expĂ©rimental de cohabitation. Le suivi de l’infection montre que V. hemicentroti 10/068 1T1 a pour cible principale les branchies. Le deuxiĂšme axe explore le fonctionnement du systĂšme MXR (MultiXenobiotic Resistance) chez la moule bleue. La sĂ©quence codante complĂšte d’un nouveau transporteur ABCG2 a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie et la protĂ©ine rĂ©sultante a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e. La caractĂ©risation molĂ©culaire montre la prĂ©sence du transcrit dans les hĂ©mocytes ainsi que dans les branchies et son homologie avec les autres protĂ©ines appartenant Ă  diverses espĂšces. L’utilisation des sondes fluorescentes bodipy prazosin et pheophorbide A, combinĂ©es avec des bloqueurs spĂ©cifiques, dĂ©montre l’activitĂ© d’efflux de ce transporteur et son hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© dans les tissus et cellules. Par ailleurs, il est Ă©galement dĂ©montrĂ© que l’expression des trois transporteurs ABC (abcb, abcc, abcg2) identifiĂ©s chez la moule bleue est modulĂ©e par les contaminants chimiques. Les animaux exposĂ©s au BaP au laboratoire ou prĂ©levĂ©s sur un terrain contaminĂ© montrent une surexpression des transcrits abc dans les branchies et une sous expression dans les hĂ©mocytes. La saisonnalitĂ©, sur le terrain, a Ă©galement un effet sur les niveaux des transcrits et interfĂšre avec les rĂ©ponses liĂ©es aux contaminants. Seul le transporteur abcb exprimĂ© dans les branchies n’est pas affectĂ© par des variations saisonniĂšres et montre une surexpression dans le site contaminĂ© tout au long de l’annĂ©e. En conclusion, nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© de la moule bleue face un pathogĂšne. L'impact immunotoxique des xĂ©nobiotiques et le rĂŽle que peuvent jouer les transporteurs ABC dans le fonctionnement du systĂšme immunitaire des moules reste Ă  explorer

    Vibrio splendidus infection induces dysbiosis in the blue mussel and favors pathobiontic bacteria

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    International audienceStudies on marine epizootics are often based on the identification of a single pathogen. However, the one-pathogen-one-disease paradigm is not always sufficient to explain the disease, especially since the evidences on the role of microbiota in health and disease. Vibrio splendidus strains have been associated with Mytilus edulis mortality in France. To assess the role of mussel microbiota in the infectious process, we performed experiments combining the investigation of total microflora dynamics during a realistic experimental infection by V. splendidus and the monitoring of mussel survival and the dominance of potential opportunistic bacteria after antibiotic treatment. We found that Vibrio exposure affected the structure and predictive function of the mussel microbiota. Dysbiosis was accompanied with the appearance of a pathobiont dominated by Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria phyla. The injection of a homogenate of infected organisms increased Mytilus mortality compared to the direct injection of Vibrio while the antibiotic pretreatment reduced the effect of pathogen exposure and mortalities. The decrease of opportunistic bacteria abundance in antibiotic pretreated animals confirmed their implication in pathogenesis. Our findings suggest that mussel disease results from a collaboration between external pathogens and pathobiont bacteria. Therefore, an insight into microbiota functions is needed to a better understanding of pathosystems

    Infection dynamics of a V. splendidus strain pathogenic to Mytilus edulis : In vivo and in vitro interactions with hemocytes

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    The pathogenic strain V. splendidus 10/068 1T1 has previously been reported for its virulence to the blue mussel and for its capacity to alter immune responses. In this study, we expanded the knowledge on hemocyte-pathogen interactions by using in vitro and in vivo assays. V. splendidus 10/068 1T1 severely inhibited cell adhesion and acidic vacuole formation unlike the innocuous phylogenetically related V. splendidus 12/056 M24T1 which had no effect on these cell functions. Furthermore, the virulent bacteria decreased hemocyte viability (59% of viability after 24 h). Infection dynamics were explored by using a model based on water tank cohabitation with septic mussels infected by GFP-tagged V. splendidus 10/068 1T1. Experimental infections were successfully produced (16.6% and 45% mortalities in 3 days and 6 days). The amount of GFP Vibrio in seawater decreased during the experiment suggesting its horizontal transfer from diseased animals to healthy ones. At the same time periods, bacteria were detected in hemocytes and in various organs and caused necrosis especially in gills. Total hemocyte count and viability were affected. Taken together, our results indicate that the pathogen V. splendidus 10/068 1T1 colonizes its host both by bypassing external defense barriers and impairing hemocyte defense activities

    Multixenobiotic resistance in Mytilus edulis : Molecular and functional characterization of an ABCG2- type transporter in hemocytes and gills

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    International audienceAmong the cellular protection arsenal, ABC transporters play an important role in xenobiotic efflux in marine organisms. Two pumps belonging to B and C subfamily has been identified in Mytilus edulis. In this study, we investigated the presence of the third major subtype ABCG2/BCRP protein in mussel tissues. Transcript was expressed in hemocytes and with higher level in gills. Molecular characterization revealed that mussel ABCG2 transporter shares the sequence and organizational structure with mammalian and molluscan orthologs. Overall identity of the predicted amino acid sequence with corresponding homologs from other organisms was between 49% and 98%. Moreover, protein efflux activity was demonstrated using a combination of fluorescent allocrites and specific inhibitors. The accumulation of bodipy prazosin and pheophorbide A was heterogeneous in gills and hemocytes. Most of the used blockers enhanced probe accumulation at different levels, most significantly for bodipy prazosin. Moreover, Mrp classical blocker MK571 showed a polyspecificity.In conclusion, our data demonstrate that several ABC transporters contribute to MXR phenotype in the blue mussel including ABCG2 that forms an active pump in hemocytes and gills. Efforts are needed to distinguish between the different members and to explore their single function and specificity towards allocrites and chemosensitizers