497 research outputs found

    Sistema informático de procesamiento de planillas para la empresa agroindustrial Laredo S.A.A.

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    La Investigación, tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un sistema informático de procesamiento de planillas para la empresa "Agroindustrial Laredo S.A.A.". El tipo de investigación del proyecto es Descriptivo no experimental con corte transversal, para el desarrollo del sistema se utilizó la metodología RUP, la cual es una metodología cuyo fin es entregar un producto donde se estructuran todos los procesos y se mide la eficiencia de la empresa; esta metodología utiliza el lenguaje unificado de modelado UML, la cual verifica la calidad del software. Se logró como resultado el procesamiento de la planilla, así como el cálculo de utilidades y el control del personal de la empresa, lo cual permitió contar con toda la información en tiempo real, esto permitió reducir el tiempo y esfuerzo del personal en el registro de los datos de los empleados.Tesi

    Evidence for oxidative stress in the developing cerebellum of the rat after chronic mild carbon monoxide exposure (0.0025% in air)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that chronic very mild prenatal carbon monoxide (CO) exposure (25 parts per million) subverts the normal development of the rat cerebellar cortex. Studies at this chronic low CO exposure over the earliest periods of mammalian development have not been performed to date. Pregnant rats were exposed chronically to CO from gestational day E5 to E20. In the postnatal period, rat pups were grouped as follows: Group A: prenatal exposure to CO only; group B: prenatal exposure to CO then exposed to CO from postnatal day 5 (P5) to P20; group C: postnatal exposure only, from P5 to P20, and group D, controls (air without CO). At P20, immunocytochemical analyses of oxidative stress markers, and structural and functional proteins were assessed in the cerebellar cortex of the four groups. Quantitative real time PCR assays were performed for inducible (iNOS), neuronal (nNOS), and endothelial (eNOS) nitric oxide synthases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1), SOD2, and hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) immunoreactivity increased in cells of the cerebellar cortex of CO-exposed pups. INOS and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity also increased in blood vessels and Purkinje cells (PCs) of pups from group-A, B and C. By contrast, nNOS immunoreactivity decreased in PCs from group-B. Endothelial NOS immunoreactivity showed no changes in any CO-exposed group. The mRNA levels for iNOS were significantly up-regulated in the cerebellum of rats from group B; however, mRNA levels for nNOS and eNOS remained relatively unchanged in groups A, B and C. Ferritin-H immunoreactivity increased in group-B. Immunocytochemistry for neurofilaments (structural protein), synapsin-1 (functional protein), and glutamic acid decarboxylase (the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA), were decreased in groups A and B. Immunoreactivity for two calcium binding proteins, parvalbumin and calbindin, remained unchanged. The immunoreactivity of the astrocytic marker GFAP increased after prenatal exposure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that exogenously supplied CO during the prenatal period promotes oxidative stress as indicated by the up-regulation of SOD-1, SOD-2, HO-1, Ferritin-H, and iNOS with increased nitrotyrosine in the rat cerebella suggesting that deleterious and protective mechanisms were activated. These changes correlate with reductions of proteins important to cerebellar function: pre-synaptic terminals proteins (synapsin-1), proteins for the maintenance of neuronal size, shape and axonal quality (neurofilaments) and protein involved in GABAergic neurotransmission (GAD). Increased GFAP immunoreactivity after prenatal CO-exposure suggests a glial mediated response to the constant presence of CO. There were differential responses to prenatal vs. postnatal CO exposure: Prenatal exposure seems to be more damaging; a feature exemplified by the persistence of markers indicating oxidative stress in pups at P20, following prenatal only CO-exposure. The continuation of this cellular environment up to day 20 after CO exposure suggests the condition is chronic. Postnatal exposure without prenatal exposure shows the least impact, whereas prenatal followed by postnatal exposure exhibits the most pronounced outcome among the groups.</p

    Oxidative Stress in the Blood Labyrinthine Barrier in the Macula Utricle of Meniere’s Disease Patients

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    The blood labyrinthine barrier (BLB) is critical in the maintenance of inner ear ionic and fluid homeostasis. Recent studies using imaging and histopathology demonstrate loss of integrity of the BLB in the affected inner ear of Meniere’s disease (MD) patients. We hypothesized that oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of BLB degeneration, and to date there are no studies of oxidative stress proteins in the human BLB. We investigated the ultrastructural and immunohistochemical changes of the BLB in the vestibular endorgan, the macula utricle, from patients with MD (n = 10), acoustic neuroma (AN) (n = 6) and normative autopsy specimens (n = 3) with no inner ear disease. Each subject had a well-documented clinical history and audiovestibular testing. Utricular maculae were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy and double labeling immunofluorescence. Vascular endothelial cells (VECs) were identified using isolectin B4 (IB4) and glucose-transporter-1 (GLUT-1). Pericytes were identified using alpha smooth muscle actin (αSMA) and phalloidin. IB4 staining of VECS was consistently seen in both AN and normative. In contrast, IB4 was nearly undetectable in all MD specimens, consistent with the significant VEC damage confirmed on transmission electron microscopy. GLUT-1 was present in MD, AN, and normative. αSMA and phalloidin were expressed consistently in the BLB pericytes in normative, AN specimen, and Meniere’s specimens. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and nitrotyrosine were used as markers of oxidative stress. The VECs of the BLB in Meniere’s had significantly higher levels of expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine compared with normative and AN specimen. eNOS-IF staining showed similar patterns in normative and Meniere’s specimens. Microarray-based gene expression profiling confirmed upregulation of iNOS mRNA from the macula utricle of Meniere’s patients compared with AN. Nitrotyrosine, a marker recognized as a hallmark of inflammation, especially when seen in association with an upregulation of iNOS, was detected in the epithelial and stromal cells in addition to VECs in MD. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural degenerative changes of the VEC suggest that these cells are the primary targets of oxidative stress, and pericyte pathology including degeneration and migration, likely also plays a role in the loss of integrity of the BLB and triggering of inflammatory pathways in MD. These studies advance our scientific understanding of oxidative stress in the human inner ear BLB and otopathology

    Análisis de corrosión de válvulas de admisión y escape de un motor Diesel

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    En este proyecto se realizó el diagnostico de corrosión que se presentó en un conjunto de válvulas de admisión y escape de un motor diesel, Para llevar a cabo el análisis, se realizó una inspección visual del objeto de estudio, con apoyo de técnicas de caracterización como la microscopía óptica y medición de dureza. Los análisis de las muestras tomadas ayudaron a recopilar evidencias para aclarar el panorama general de la raíz de la falla. Despúes de estudiar la información recolectada, se concluye que la válvula falló por corrosión en forma de picaduras ocasionadas por el entorno al cual estaba expuesto. Esta clase de estudios ayuda a definir parámetros de diseño para evitar fallas en máquinas y estructuras, así como crear un historial de fallas con causas definidas que servirán como apoyo a futuros proyectos.In this project, the diagnosis of corrosion found in a valve of a diesel engine was made. To do this, a visual inspection of the object of study was carried out, with the support of characterization techniques such as optical microscopy and hardness measurement. . The analyzes of the samples also help to gather evidence to clarify the general picture of the root of the fault. After studying the information collected, it is concluded that the valve communicates corrosion in the form of bites caused by the environment to which it was already. This type of studies helps to define the design parameters to avoid faults in machines and structures, as well as a history of failures with the defined causes that will serve as support for future projects

    Variable batched DGEMM

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    Many scientific applications are in need to solve a high number of small-size independent problems. These individual problems do not provide enough parallelism and then, these must be computed as a batch. Today, vendors such as Intel and NVIDIA are developing their own suite of batch routines. Although most of the works focus on computing batches of fixed size, in real applications we can not assume a uniform size for all set of problems. We explore and analyze different strategies based on parallel for, task and taskloop OpenMP pragmas. Although these strategies are straightforward from a programmer's point of view, they have a different impact on performance. We also analyze a new prototype provided by Intel (MKL), which deals with batch operations (cblas dgemm batch). We propose a new approach called grouping. It basically groups a set of problems until filling a limit in terms of memory occupancy or number of operations. In this way, groups composed by different number of problems are distributed on cores, achieving a more balanced distribution in terms of computational cost. This strategy is able to be up to 6× faster than the Intel (MKL) batch routineThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720270 (HBP SGA1), from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project Computacion de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovacio, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programacio i Entorns d’Execucio Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    En teste artículo se abordan temas relevantes al proceso de evaluación en la formación de profesionales y, además, se plantea la posibilidad de generar resultados más confiables y precisos mediante la aplicación de test adaptativos. Entre tanto, la propuesta del proyecto es aplicar herramientas informáticas para la evaluación, hecho por el cual se determinó, como campo de experimentación, la ingeniería de software.Por su parte, como herramienta informática se decidió el empleo de test adaptativos basados en redes bayesianas, un modelamiento probabilístico que permite tomar decisiones a medida del avance de la prueba. Sin embargo, en el proyecto también se plantea la posibilidad - además de procesar el envío y la recepción de respuestas a través del test adaptativo - de realizar un monitoreo de las acciones del aplicante del test haciendo uso de las propiedades de comunicación de los procedimientos remotos, específicamente de RMI

    Explosive type of moderate-resistance training induces functional, cardiovascular, and molecular adaptations in the elderly

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    Current recommendations aimed at reducing neuromuscular and functional loss in aged muscle have identified muscle power as a key target for intervention trials, although little is known about the biological and cardiovascular systemic response in the elderly. This study investigated the effects of 12 weeks of low-frequency, moderate-intensity, explosive-type resistance training (EMRT) on muscle strength and powerin oldcommunity-dwellingpeople(70–75years), monitoring functional performance linked to daily liv- ing activities (ADL) and cardiovascular response, as well as biomarkers of muscle damage, cardiovascular risk, and cellular stress response. The present study provides the first evidence that EMRT was highly effective in achieving a significant enhancement in muscular strength and power as well as in functional performance without causing any detrimental modification in cardiovascular, inflammatory, and damage parameters. Moreover, trained elderly subjects showed an adaptive response at both systemic and cellular levels by modulation of antioxidant and stress-induced markers such as myeloperoxidase (MPO), heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and 27 (Hsp27), and thioredoxin reductase 1 (TrxR1)

    Transcriptional regulation of the sodium channel gene (SCN5A) by GATA4 in human heart

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    Aberrant expression of the sodium channel gene (SCN5A) has been proposed to disrupt cardiac action potential and cause human cardiac arrhythmias, but the mechanisms of SCN5A gene regulation and dysregulation still remain largely unexplored. To gain insight into the transcriptional regulatory networks of SCN5A, we surveyed the promoter and first intronic regions of the SCN5A gene, predicting the presence of several binding sites for GATA transcription factors (TFs). Consistent with this prediction, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and sequential ChIP (Re-ChIP) assays show co-occupancy of cardiac GATA TFs GATA4 and GATA5 on promoter and intron 1 SCN5A regions in freshfrozen human left ventricle samples. Gene reporter experiments show GATA4 and GATA5 synergism in the activation of the SCN5A promoter, and its dependence on predicted GATA binding sites. GATA4 and GATA6 mRNAs are robustly expressed in fresh-frozen human left ventricle samples as measured by highly sensitive droplet digital PCR (ddPCR). GATA5 mRNA is marginally but still clearly detected in the same samples. Importantly, GATA4 mRNA levels are strongly and positively correlated with SCN5A transcript levels in the human heart. Together, our findings uncover a novel mechanism of GATA TFs in the regulation of the SCN5A gene in human heart tissue. Our studies suggest that GATA5 but especially GATA4 are main contributors to SCN5A gene expression, thus providing a new paradigm of SCN5A expression regulation that may shed new light into the understanding of cardiac disease

    Evolución del inventario arbóreo del Zoo de Barcelona y su función en la atracción de avifauna : naturalización de Ardea cinerea, Myiopsitta monachus, Pica pica y Sylvia Atricapilla

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    El Zoo de Barcelona, dentro del Parc de la Ciutadella, actúa como nódulo de recarga para el conjunto de la ciudad. En el presente estudio se ha actualizado el inventario arbóreo del Zoo de 1999 y la capacidad de este para atraer la avifauna. Se han estudiado las relaciones tróficas y genotópicas que mantienen con estos árboles las siguientes especies: Myiopsitta monachus, Ardea cinerea, Sylvia atricapilla y Pica pica. Además, se ha medido el estado de la biodiversidad dentro de este recinto. Se ha observado que el número de ejemplares arbóreos ha disminuido levemente, siendo el Platanus x hispanica la especie más abundante. Asimismo, el Zoo ofrece recursos tróficos durante todo el año. Por otro lado, se han constatado la existencia de relaciones tróficas y genotópicas para Myiopsita monachus y Sylvia atricapilla. Mientras que para Pica pica y Ardea cinerea únicamente se han encontrado relaciones genotópicas. Para finalizar, se ha determinado que el Zoo presenta una biodiversidad entre moderada y elevada.El Zoo de Barcelona, dins del Parc de la Ciutadella, actua com a nòdul de recarrega per al conjunt de la ciutat. En aquest estudi s'ha actualitzat l'inventari arbori del Zoo de 1999 i la capacitat d'aquest per a atraure l'avifauna. S'han estudiat les relacions tròfiques i genotòpiques que tenen aquests arbres amb les seguents espècies: Myiopsitta monachus, Ardea cinerea, Sylvia atricapilla i Pica pica. A més a més, s'ha mesurat l'estat de la biodiversitat dins d'aquest recinte. S'ha observat que el nombre d'exemplars arboris ha disminuït lleugerament, sent Platanus x hispanica l'espècie més abundant. Tanmateix, el Zoo ofereix recursos tròfics durant tot l'any. Per altra banda, s'han constatat l'existència de relacions tròfiques i genotòpiques per a Myiopsitta monachus i Sylvia atricapilla. Pel que fa a les espècies Pica pica y Ardea cinerea, únicament s'han trobat relacions genotòpiques. Per finalitzar, s'ha determinat que el Zoo presenta una biodiversitat entre moderada i elevada.Barcelona Zoo, in the Parc de la Ciutadella, acts as recharging node for the whole city. In this present study, Barcelona Zoo's 1999 arboreal inventory has been updated and the ability of this zoo to attract birds. The genothopic and trophic relationships with the following species: Myiopsitta monachus, Ardea cinerea, Sylvia atricapilla and Pica pica maintain with these trees have been studied. In addition, we measured the state of biodiversity within these parameters. It has been observed that the number of tree specimens has decreased slightly, Platanus x hispanica being the most abundant species. Also, the zoo provides food resources throughout the year. On the other hand, the existence of trophic and genothopic relationships for the Myiopsita monachus and Sylvia atricapilla has been confirmed. While for Pica pica and Ardea cinerea only genothopic relations were found. Finally it has been evidenced that the Zoo has a moderate to high biodiversity.Le Zoo de Barcelone, dans le Parc de la Ciutadella, agit comme noeud de recharge la ville. Dans la présente étude, 1999 inventaires arboricoles du zoo de Barcelone ont été mis à jour et la capacité de ce zoo pour attirer les oiseaux. Les génotypiques et les relations trophiques que les espèces suivantes: Myiopsitta monachus, Ardea cinerea, Sylvia atricapilla et Pica pica entretiennent avec ces arbres ont été étudiés. En outre, nous y avons mesuré l'état de la biodiversité. Il a été observé que le nombre de spécimens d'arbres a légèrement diminué, Platanus x hispanica étant l'espèce la plus abondante. En outre, le zoo offre des ressources alimentaires tout au long de l'année. D'autre part, l'existence de relations trophiques et génotypiques pour le Myiopsitta monachus et Sylvia atricapilla a été confirmée. Alors que pour Pica pica et Ardea cinerea seules des relations génotypiques ont été trouvées. Enfin, il a été mis en évidence que le Zoo présente un niveau de biodiversité entre modéré et élevé

    Aberrant \u3ci\u3eAZIN2\u3c/i\u3e and Polyamine Metabolism Precipitates Tau Neuropathology

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    Tauopathies display a spectrum of phenotypes from cognitive to affective behavioral impairments; however, mechanisms promoting tau pathology and how tau elicits behavioral impairment remain unclear. We report a unique interaction between polyamine metabolism, behavioral impairment, and tau fate. Polyamines are ubiquitous aliphatic molecules that support neuronal function, axonal integrity, and cognitive processing. Transient increases in polyamine metabolism hallmark the cell’s response to various insults, known as the polyamine stress response (PSR). Dysregulation of gene transcripts associated with polyamine metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) brains were observed, and we found that ornithine decarboxylase antizyme inhibitor 2 (AZIN2) increased to the greatest extent. We showed that sustained AZIN2 overexpression elicited a maladaptive PSR in mice with underlying tauopathy (MAPT P301S; PS19). AZIN2 also increased acetylpolyamines, augmented tau deposition, and promoted cognitive and affective behavioral impairments. Higher-order polyamines displaced microtubule-associated tau to facilitate polymerization but also decreased tau seeding and oligomerization. Conversely, acetylpolyamines promoted tau seeding and oligomers. These data suggest that tauopathies launch an altered enzymatic signature that endorses a feed-forward cycle of disease progression. Taken together, the tau-induced PSR affects behavior and disease continuance, but may also position the polyamine pathway as a potential entry point for plausible targets and treatments of tauopathy, including AD