29 research outputs found

    Zhivaia Starina in 2015

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    “Глиняные птички”: апокрифический мотив в фольклорных легендах

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    The article describes the adaptation of the apocryphal Gospels motif—the revival of clay birds by Jesus—in the folk traditions of Eastern and Western Slavs. The texts of folk legends demonstrate not only the active inclusion of apocryphal motifs in oral narratives, but they also incorporate the motifs’ biblical contexts and they emphasize themes that are close to everyday life and that reflect local history. The folklore texts analyzed here are from different regions of the Slavic world (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland); they allow us to conclude that the oral tradition has retained, with great stability, these fragments from medieval sources up to the present day. Moreover, it is interesting to note the different interpretations of the same motif in monuments of Christian and Jewish literature (apocryphal Gospels and the pamphlet Toledot Yeshu).The fairly large group of folk legends with apocryphal motifs, occurring in different Slavic traditions from the 19th to the 21st centuries, thus testifies not only to the continued relevance of the biblical plots for oral culture, but also to the importance of the Apocrypha for the broadcasting and preservation of biblical stories in the folk tradition.В статье рассматривается один из случаев адаптации мотива апокрифических евангелий (оживление глиняных птичек Иисусом) в фольклорной традиции восточных и западных славян. Тексты народных легенд демонстрируют не только активное включение апокрифических мотивов в устные нарративы, но и специфику восприятия библейского контекста, максимально приближенного к повседневности и местной истории

    Funcionamento de causativas emotivas em complexos semânticos categoriais

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    The linguistics of emotions currently occupies an important position in research. Emotions, permeating all human activities, are reflected at all levels of the language. This determines the vast interest of linguists to them. The authors of the article consider the class of emotive causatives and its functional semantic features. This class is a subclass of causatives, the semantics of which is associated with the impact in order to evoke certain emotions. The functional features of these units lie in the fact that they are the result of intercategorical interaction. The language unit forms categorical semantic complexes while interacting in speech with elements of the environment and other categories within the framework of a categorical situation. The authors of the article analyze emotive-causative categorical semantic complex. Expression is the product of emotion, and emotions arise under the influence of means of expressiveness. Thus, using the example of emotive causatives, we observe intercategorical interaction of different-level elements of the language system in speech.La lingüística de las emociones ocupa actualmente un lugar importante en la investigación. Las emociones, que impregnan todas las actividades humanas, se reflejan en todos los niveles del idioma. Esto determina el gran interés de los lingüistas por ellos. Los autores del artículo consideran la clase de causativas emotivas y sus características semánticas funcionales. Esta clase es una subclase de causativos, cuya semántica se asocia con el impacto para evocar ciertas emociones. Las características funcionales de estas unidades radican en el hecho de que son el resultado de la interacción intercategórica. La unidad de lenguaje forma complejos semánticos categóricos mientras interactúa en el habla con elementos del entorno y otras categorías dentro del marco de una situación categórica. Los autores del artículo analizan el complejo semántico categórico emotivo-causativo. La expresión es producto de la emoción y las emociones surgen bajo la influencia de los medios de expresividad. Por lo tanto, utilizando el ejemplo de los causativos emotivos, observamos la interacción intercategórica de elementos de diferentes niveles del sistema del lenguaje en el habla.A lingüística das emoções ocupa atualmente uma posição importante na pesquisa. As emoções, que permeiam todas as atividades humanas, são refletidas em todos os níveis da linguagem. Isso determina o vasto interesse dos linguistas por eles. Os autores do artigo consideram a classe dos causativos emotivos e suas características semânticas funcionais. Esta classe é uma subclasse de causativos, cuja semântica está associada ao impacto para evocar certas emoções. As características funcionais dessas unidades residem no fato de serem o resultado de uma interação intercategoria. A unidade de linguagem forma complexos semânticos categóricos ao interagir na fala com elementos do ambiente e outras categorias dentro da estrutura de uma situação categórica. Os autores do artigo analisam o complexo semântico categórico emotivo-causativo. A expressão é o produto da emoção, e as emoções surgem sob a influência de meios de expressividade. Assim, usando o exemplo dos causativos emotivos, observamos a interação intercategorica de elementos de diferentes níveis do sistema de linguagem na fala

    Natural Afforestation on Abandoned Agricultural Lands during Post-Soviet Period: A Comparative Landsat Data Analysis of Bordering Regions in Russia and Belarus

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    Remote monitoring of natural afforestation processes on abandoned agricultural lands is crucial for assessments and predictions of forest cover dynamics, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services. In this work, we built on the general approach of combining satellite and field data for forest mapping and developed a simple and robust method for afforestation dynamics assessment. This method is based on Landsat imagery and index-based thresholding and specifically targets suitability for limited field data. We demonstrated method’s details and performance by conducting a case study for two bordering districts of Rudnya (Smolensk region, Russia) and Liozno (Vitebsk region, Belarus). This study area was selected because of the striking differences in the development of the agrarian sectors of these countries during the post-Soviet period (1991-present day). We used Landsat data to generate a consistent time series of five-year cloud-free multispectral composite images for the 1985–2020 period via the Google Earth Engine. Three spectral indices, each specifically designed for either forest, water or bare soil identification, were used for forest cover and arable land mapping. Threshold values for indices classification were both determined and verified based on field data and additional samples obtained by visual interpretation of very high-resolution satellite imagery. The developed approach was applied over the full Landsat time series to quantify 35-year afforestation dynamics over the study area. About 32% of initial arable lands and grasslands in the Russian district were afforested by the end of considered period, while the agricultural lands in Belarus’ district decreased only by around 5%. Obtained results are in the good agreement with the previous studies dedicated to the agricultural lands abandonment in the Eastern Europe region. The proposed method could be further developed into a general universally applicable technique for forest cover mapping in different growing conditions at local and regional spatial levels

    Natural Afforestation on Abandoned Agricultural Lands during Post-Soviet Period: A Comparative Landsat Data Analysis of Bordering Regions in Russia and Belarus

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    Remote monitoring of natural afforestation processes on abandoned agricultural lands is crucial for assessments and predictions of forest cover dynamics, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services. In this work, we built on the general approach of combining satellite and field data for forest mapping and developed a simple and robust method for afforestation dynamics assessment. This method is based on Landsat imagery and index-based thresholding and specifically targets suitability for limited field data. We demonstrated method’s details and performance by conducting a case study for two bordering districts of Rudnya (Smolensk region, Russia) and Liozno (Vitebsk region, Belarus). This study area was selected because of the striking differences in the development of the agrarian sectors of these countries during the post-Soviet period (1991-present day). We used Landsat data to generate a consistent time series of five-year cloud-free multispectral composite images for the 1985–2020 period via the Google Earth Engine. Three spectral indices, each specifically designed for either forest, water or bare soil identification, were used for forest cover and arable land mapping. Threshold values for indices classification were both determined and verified based on field data and additional samples obtained by visual interpretation of very high-resolution satellite imagery. The developed approach was applied over the full Landsat time series to quantify 35-year afforestation dynamics over the study area. About 32% of initial arable lands and grasslands in the Russian district were afforested by the end of considered period, while the agricultural lands in Belarus’ district decreased only by around 5%. Obtained results are in the good agreement with the previous studies dedicated to the agricultural lands abandonment in the Eastern Europe region. The proposed method could be further developed into a general universally applicable technique for forest cover mapping in different growing conditions at local and regional spatial levels

    Strategy of Disruptive Innovation in Emerging Regional Markets: Factors of Success and Failure

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    Disruptive innovation opens up new technological cycle and a new cycle of business innovation, because it is not intended to support the existing and established core technology, with strong well-established company in this market, and it aims to completely change the technology radically to undermine the market. Each of the above concepts of innovation in their own way successfully draws attention to is actually the same phenomenon-change of technological cycles or economic cycles, the depth of the changes in the economic system. Therefore, they can be considered as homogeneous, interchangeable concepts. This article is devoted to analysis of formation and development of “disruptive” innovation. We analyzed the factors of success and failure “disruptive” strategies. On the basis of experience in the development of disruptive strategies based on demand creation, a comparison of innovative models being implemented in various industry markets. Keywords: disruptive innovations, developing countries, demand, production cycle, technology, disruptive strategy, innovative product JEL Classifications: O30, Q55, O18, R1

    Длительное применение препарата бонвива для лечения постменопаузального остеопороза: новые данные

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    Osteoporosis is a disease of great social importance. Its treatment is a complicated problem and it is associated with low compliance and a risk for adverse reactions. Ibandronate belongs to a group of bisphosphonates. The performed trials have proven the efficacy of its two formulations (a tablet once monthly and intravenous injection once every 3 months) in reducing the risk of bone fractures. At present there are data of trials of long-term therapy with this drug, which demonstrate its positive effect on bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers. The agent has been also shown to be highly safe when used long.Остеопороз является заболеванием, имеющим большое социальное значение. Его лечение представляет собой сложную задачу и сопряжено с проблемой низкой приверженности пациентов приему препаратов и риском побочных эффектов. Ибандронат относится к группе бисфосфонатов. Проведенные исследования доказали эффективность двух его лекарственных форм (1 таблетка 1 раз в месяц и внутривенная инъекция 1 раз в 3 мес) в отношении снижения риска переломов костей. В настоящее время получены данные исследований длительной терапии этим препаратом, которые демонстрируют его благоприятное влияние на минеральную плотность костной ткани и маркеры костного метаболизма. Кроме того, показана высокая безопасность препарата при длительном использовании

    “The Birds of Clay”: An Apocryphal Motif in Folklore Legends

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    The article describes the adaptation of the apocryphal Gospels motif—the revival of clay birds by Jesus—in the folk traditions of Eastern and Western Slavs. The texts of folk legends demonstrate not only the active inclusion of apocryphal motifs in oral narratives, but they also incorporate the motifs’ biblical contexts and they emphasize themes that are close to everyday life and that reflect local history. The folklore texts analyzed here are from different regions of the Slavic world (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland); they allow us to conclude that the oral tradition has retained, with great stability, these fragments from medieval sources up to the present day. Moreover, it is interesting to note the different interpretations of the same motif in monuments of Christian and Jewish literature (apocryphal Gospels and the pamphlet Toledot Yeshu). The fairly large group of folk legends with apocryphal motifs, occurring in different Slavic traditions from the 19th to the 21st centuries, thus testifies not only to the continued relevance of the biblical plots for oral culture, but also to the importance of the Apocrypha for the broadcasting and preservation of biblical stories in the folk tradition