42 research outputs found

    The Role of Women in a Family Economy. A Bibliometric Analysis in Contexts of Poverty

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    The concept of family economy in the context of extreme poverty is of interest when it comes to analyzing the strategies displayed to prevent or reduce the effects of this situation of exclusion. Gender roles in the nucleus of the family institution will indicate the distribution of these tasks, so that we can understand, in the case of the role of women, the specific weight of their actions in this scenario. For this work, an investigation of our object of study was carried out for the period 1968–2019. A bibliometric analysis of 2182 articles was carried out in which the final versions of articles, books, and book chapters whose subject matter was related to the categories of family economy and poverty were included. The most productive journal was the Journal of Development Economics, while World Economies was the most cited. The authors with the most articles were Ravaillon, Sadoulet, and Lanjouw. The most productive institution was the World Bank. The country with the most publications and citations was the United States. Future research should focus on analyzing the role of women within the family economy in the context of poverty. Thus, a line of research is proposed that also includes the proposals from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which means an urgent call for action by all countries

    Meaningful learning in the development of digital skills. Trend analysis

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    En la generación de los nacidos en un entorno digital, los dispositivos se entienden como algo natural en la manera de obtener información instantánea. El sistema educativo se ha adaptado y ha desarrollado nuevos modelos pedagógicos, para aunar la docencia con las características intrínsecas de los estudiantes digitales. En este escenario, el aprendizaje significativo provee al sistema educativo de un modelo activo que permite que al estudiante asociar la información nueva con la que ya posee, reajustando y reconstruyendo ambas en el proceso. En este contexto, las nuevas tecnologías actúan como herramientas mediadoras del aprendizaje, favoreciendo las prácticas pedagógicas en las relaciones entre docente y estudiantes. La aplicación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación fomentan la adquisición de habilidades, destrezas y conocimientos para su posterior aplicación profesional y social. Así, el objetivo del estudio fue identificar las publicaciones científicas relacionadas con el aprendizaje significativo y las tecnologías aplicadas en la educación superior durante el período 2000 a 2019. Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico de la literatura científica. Se identificaron 1.161 documentos sobre esta temática. Los resultados del análisis revelaron que la productividad científica se ha incrementado desde el año 2010, verificando el profundo interés por los nuevos recursos tecnológicos aplicados a la enseñanza. Las principales tendencias de investigación incluyen el impacto en los procesos cognitivos, motivaciones y del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.In the generation of those born in a digital environment, devices are understood as something natural in the way of obtaining instant information. The educational system has adapted and developed new pedagogical models, to combine teaching with the intrinsic characteristics of digital students. In this scenario, meaningful learning provides the educational system with an active model that allows the student to associate the new information with the one they already have, readjusting and rebuilding both in the process. In this context, new technologies act as mediating tools for learning, favoring pedagogical practices in teacher-student relationships. The application of Information and Communication Technologies promote the acquisition of abilities, skills and knowledge for its subsequent professional and social application. Thus, the objective of the study was to identify the scientific publications related to significant learning and the technologies applied in higher education during the period 2000 to 2019. A bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature was carried out. For this, 1,161 documents on this topic were identified. The results of the analysis revealed that scientific productivity has increased since 2010, verifying the deep interest in new technological resources applied to teaching. The main research trends include the impact on students' cognitive processes, motivations, and academic performance.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    As cooperativas de crédito espanholas e a luta contra a exclusão financeira

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    The aim of this study is to show the importance of Spain’s credit cooperative sector, while also offering a brief view of how families’ savings patterns have evolved. The second section describes the origins of the sector in Spain, emphasizing the relationship between these entities and the primary sector, which is the main source of finance. Later, by describing the features of the credit cooperative sector, as well as offering a profile of its members and its advantages over other forms of banking, some causes are presented for the transformation of these cooperatives, a change they have undergone without losing their focus on members. Accordingly, the third section of this study presents the benefits that credit cooperatives can offer when it comes to financial exclusion, especially when they have become the only social bank in Spain due to the planned demutualization of the savings bank sector.El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en presentar la importancia del sector de cooperativas de crédito en España, al tiempo que se ofrece una breve visión de la evolución de las pautas de ahorro financiero de las familias. En concreto, el segundo apartado describe los orígenes del sector en España, haciendo énfasis en la relación que existe entre estas entidades y el sector primario, al que financia de manera preferente. Posteriormente, tras describir las características del sector de cooperativas de crédito, el perfil de sus socios y las ventajas sobre otras formas bancarias, se exponen algunas causas que están provocando su transformación, sin perder de vista su orientación hacia el socio. Es por ello que, en la tercera sección de este trabajo se plantean las bondades que las cooperativas de crédito pueden ofrecer a la hora de limitar la exclusión financiera, máxime cuando se han convertido en el único exponente de la banca social en España, tras la desmutualización planificada del sector de cajas de ahorros.O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em apresentar a importância do setor de cooperativas de crédito na Espanha, ao mesmo tempo em que se oferece uma breve visão da evolução das pautas de poupança financeira das famílias. Em concreto, a segunda seção descreve as origens do setor na Espanha e enfatiza a relação existente entre essas entidades e o setor primário, ao qual financia de maneira preferente. Em seguida, após descrever as características do setor de cooperativas de crédito, o perfil dos seus sócios e as vantagens sobre outras formas bancárias, expõem-se algumas causas que estão provocando sua transformação, sem perder de vista sua orientação ao sócio. Na terceira seção deste texto, apresentam-se os benefícios que as cooperativas de crédito podem oferecer na hora de limitar a exclusão financeira, principalmente quando se converteram no único expoente da banca social na Espanha, depois da des- mutualização planejada do setor de caixas de poupança

    Application architecture to efficiently manage formal and informal m-learning. A case study to motivate computer engineering students

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    Recent research is focusing on methods that enable effective consumption of digital content. Students are continually exposed to streams of digital content. An information system for learning was designed. Such a tool intends to connect learning in formal channels with the ability to learn in informal channels. The proposed methodology built upon the application was tested through a quasi-experimental research, implementing and evaluating its influence on how engineering students learnt in an advanced engineering course where concepts are complex. The sample is of fifty-eight students enrolled in Computer Engineering at Universidad de Almería. Their knowledge was evaluated using a specifically designed exam. Results suggest that the effectiveness of the methodology used and the learning tool itself were both robust and fulfilled the hypothesis. The contrast tests Snedecor F for ANOVA two tail and two-sample Tstudent test suggested the effectiveness of the learning tool proposed

    Heterogeneity of the environmental regulation of industrial wastewater: European wineries

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    The European legislation of the pollution of industrial wastewater shows a high degree of heterogeneity. This fact implies that there is a market failure with relevant consequences. Within the European Union, each Member State performs a specific transposition of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60. The member states introduce different sanitation fees to correct water pollution. In this paper, the case of the European wine industry is analyzed. It studies the sanitation fees of the five major wine producing countries: France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Portugal. Results show significant differences among the wastewater fees and the study reveals how such heterogeneity leads to relevant market distortions. The research concludes that more homogeneous environmental regulation would promote more sustainable wine production processes with more efficient water management and purification systems, as well as the introduction of cutting edge technologies

    Biodegradable Raffia as a Sustainable and Cost-Effective Alternative to Improve the Management of Agricultural Waste Biomass

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    The transition from intensive conventional agriculture to sustainable agriculture has become a global priority. This is due to the need for environmentally friendly agriculture to ensure sufficient food for a rapidly growing population. The bioeconomy is essential to progress in the field of sustainable agriculture. It contributes to the conservation of biological resources through circular and comprehensive management. The bioeconomy prioritizes the reduction and reuse of materials and products. The focus of this study is the use of biodegradable/compostable raffia in protected horticultural crops in the Province of Almería (Spain). The analysis and evaluations, based on an extensive literature review and information given by stakeholders, determined that biodegradable raffia use significantly improves the management of residual biomass in Almería. However, biodegradable raffia is only used in a small percentage of crops even though it is a sustainable alternative and profitable for farmers. The economic analysis incorporates the higher cost of recycling non-biodegradable raffia

    Industrial Processes Management for a Sustainable Society: Global Research Analysis

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    Few decades ago, the development of the industrial sector was disconnected from society’s protection. Negative effects awareness emerges from the current industrial processes through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), considering the causal implications to build up a more sustainable society. The aim of this study is to analyze the state of the art in industrial processes management to obtain positive and sustainable effects on society. Thus, a bibliometric analysis of 1911 articles was set up during the 1988–2019 period, bringing up the authors’ productivity indicators in the scientific field, that is, journals, authors, research institutions, and countries. We have identified environmental management; the impact assessments of industrial processes on the environment and its relation with a more sustainable society; as well as the study of the sustainable management of water resources as the related axes in the study of environmental protection with political, economic, and educational approaches. The growing trend of world scientific publications let us observe the relevance of industrial processes management in the implementation of efficient models to achieve sustainable societies. This research contributes to the academic, scientific, and social debate on decision-making both in public and private institutions, and in multidisciplinary groups

    Implications for Sustainability of the Joint Application of Bioeconomy and Circular Economy: A Worldwide Trend Study

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    The joint application of bioeconomy (BE) and circular economy (CE) promotes the sustainable use of natural resources, since by applying a systemic approach, it improves the efficiency of these resources and reduces the impact on the environment. Both strategies, which belong to the area of green economy, provide a global and integrated approach towards environmental sustainability, as regards the extraction of biological materials, the protection of biodiversity and even the primary function of food production in agriculture. The objective was to analyze the implications for sustainability of BE and CE joint application. A systematic and bibliometric review has been applied to a sample of 1961 articles, selected from the period 2004–May 2021. A quantitative and qualitative advance is observed in this field of study. The expansion of scientific production is due to its multidisciplinary nature, since it implies technical, environmental and economic knowledge. The main contribution of this study is to understand the state of research on the implications for sustainability that BE and CE have when combined, in relation to their evolution, the scientific collaboration between the main driving agents, and the identification of the main lines of research developed

    La base social de las cooperativas de crédito. La importancia de la responsabilidad social corporativa

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    En los últimos años, el sector de cooperativas de crédito está realizando un considerable esfuerzo de adaptación hacia un ámbito más urbano y más terciarizado. Aunque mantienen su cuota de mercado en el ámbito rural, se afanan en crecer en municipios altamente poblados, a los que ofrecen un competitivo y amplio abanico de productos bancarios. Desde sus orígenes estas entidades han presentado evidencias de comportamientos socialmente responsables, fomentando la economía social, el desarrollo local y su orientación hacia los socios. Sin embargo, a medida que estas entidades crecen, la menor participación de los socios, la mercantilización de su actividad bancaria y la baja actividad cooperativizada están poniendo en riesgo la efectiva implantación de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Así pues, a partir de los datos de la UNACC, INE y Banco de España (1995-2008), se analiza estadística y gráficamente la evolución del número de socios sobre clientes y sobre operaciones de inversión crediticia, así como de la rentabilidad financiera. Todo ello, con la finalidad de valorar la importancia del papel del socio, su relevancia financiera y su influencia en la gestión de la cooperativa de crédito.ABSTRACTDuring the last few years, the cooperatives savings banks sector is experiencing an important adaptation effort towards a more urban and tertiary environment. Although these cooperatives still retain their market shares in the rural areas, they are putting a strong emphasis in developing and growing within urban areas densely populated, offering a wide spectrum of interesting and competitive banking products. From their beginnings, such entities have shown responsible trends in their social interactions; therefore the social economy as well as the local development and their orientation to the shareholders were backed and encouraged. But this effective establishment of the corporative social responsibility is threatened as these entities develop due to a lesser extent participation of their shareholders, a diversification and of their banking activities and also due to a minor cooperative activity. Thus, taking seriously into account the data published by UNACC, INE and Banco de España (1995-2008) an statistical and also a graphical indepth analysis is conducted to study the evolution and trends regarding the shareholders over customers and on investment credit operations ratios as well as the financial profitability. The intention of the cited study is to underline the role of the shareholder, its financial relevance and its influence on how the cooperative savings bank is managed