1,156 research outputs found

    Wind loads analysis at the anchorages of the Talavera de la Reina cable stayed bridge

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    This paper describes wind tunnel tests performed on wind tunnel models of the Talavera de la Reina cable stayed bridge. The work describes the aeroelastic model construction and it is focused on the evaluation and analysis of the mean and peak wind loads at the tower foundation and the cable anchorages since these data can be very useful by the bridge manufacturer as a support for the bridge design. The work is part of a complete wind tunnel study carried out to analyze the aeroelastic stability of the bridge

    Pharmacokinetics and mammary elimination of imidocarb in sheep and goats.

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    The pharmacokinetics and mammary excretion of imidocarb dipropionate, a therapeutic/prophylactic agent against a variety of tick-borne hemoparasitic diseases in domestic animals, have been investigated in sheep and goats. A commercial formulation of imidocarb di-propionate was injected i.m. at a single dose of 3 mg/kg of body weight in 7 mature lactating ewes and 8 lactating does in good health. Blood samples were collected for 48 h after administration and milk samples were collected every 12 h for 10 d. A weak cation-exchange solid-phase procedure was used to remove imidocarb from plasma. A hexane/isoamyl alcohol liquid-liquid procedure was adopted to extract the drug from the milk of sheep. The same method was used for goat milk after exposing the matrices to enzymatic digestion. The extracted samples were analyzed by HPLC. The i.m. disposition kinetics of imidocarb in the 2 species showed significant differences in the rate of elimination (0.0075 +/- 0.002 and 0.025 +/- 0.004 L/h in sheep and goats, respectively), being faster in ewes than in does. Nevertheless, a smaller area under the concentration-time curve (12.21 +/- 0.76 and 9.49 +/- 0.54 microg/mL per h in sheep and goats, respectively), a larger volume of distribution (4.18 +/- 0.44 and 7.68 +/- 0.57 L/kg in sheep and goats, respectively), and a longer mean residence time (9.07 +/- 0.77 and 14.75 +/- 2.20 h in sheep and goats, respectively) were found in goats, suggesting a more rapid and effective drug storage in tissues during the first 48 h after the injection. The concentrations of imidocarb in milk of both species were higher than in plasma. However, a fast passage through the blood-milk barrier and a high storage of imidocarb were observed in the milk of ewes, whereas the drug concentrations were not as high nor was the extent of drug penetration from blood to milk as great in the milk of goats (AUC(milk 0-48)/AUC(plasma 0-48) = 2.5 +/- 0.45 and 1.26 +/- 0.27 in sheep and goat, respectively). Despite the differences in pharmacokinetic behavior, and considering the sensitivity of pathogens to imidocarb, the same dosage regimen can be used for clinical efficacy against Babesia spp. infection in both species. In contrast, the differences in depletion of imidocarb residue in milk and the large variability in mammary drug elimination found in goats suggests that great care should be taken in defining the withdrawal time in small ruminant dairy species

    Minimal inhibitory and Mutant prevention concentrations of enrofloxacin for Pasteurella multocida from rabbits affected by pasteurellosis

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    Pasteurella multocida is the agent of one of the most significant diseases in rabbits and it is associated with a heterogeneous clinical picture. Drugs belonging to the fluoroquinolones class are useful to control pasteurellosis. Among them, enrofloxacin is one of the most used molecules in rabbit industry and it is the only one fluoroquinolone registered for this species in Italy. Enrofloxacin adopted dosages are currently based on Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Nevertheless, MIC is not effective against possible pathogen sub-populations with lower susceptibility that may be selectively amplified, leading to possible problems of antibiotic resistance. Mutant Prevention Concentration (MPC) could represent an approach to minimize the risk of resistance selection in pathogens. The aim of this work was to test the sensitivity to enrofloxacin of P. multocida strains isolated from rabbits affected by pasteurellosis to evaluate if MPC-based dosages can represent a valid option. The study was performed on ten strains of P. multocida isolated from rabbits from two industrial farms of Puglia, South Italy. The sensitivity to enrofloxacin has been evaluated by MIC tests by microdilution method and MPC tests performed according to Marcusson et al. (2005) with minor modifications. The results of MIC and MPC tests have revealed that MPC dosages are on average 8,4 times higher than MIC dosages. This data highlight that, although MPC-based dosages are useful to prevent the selection of potential mutant, they could be higher than MIC-based ones, leading to possible issues related to their application in field, for example the potential risk of possible toxicity for animals and residues in meat

    The role of iatrogenic disease of cattle in admission to veterinary hospital

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    Iatrogenic diseases are due to negligence or malpractice (Pezza et al.,2008). In human medicine, these conditions are widely described (Weingart et al., 2000), mostly for insurance issues related to hospitalization, while in veterinary medicine are reported only occasional case reports. 4155 clinical records related to cattle admitted to the Clinic for Ruminants and Swine of the University of Milan between 2005 and 2017 were analyzed. Clinical cases that required admission because of an iatrogenic related disease were selected for this study. For case selection, 3 experienced veterinarians examined the clinical records, cross-compared the selection and pick 114 cases (2,7%). The iatrogenic diseases were primarily caused by farmers (93%) than veterinary practitioner (7%). Iatrogenic diseases were caused mostly by erroneous administration of drugs (47,4%), excessive traction at birth (17,5%), improper milk or colostrum administration, frequently performed by oroesophageal tubing (16,7%) or by forced administration using a nipple bottle (12,3%). As verified by our study, farmers often performs medical, nursing and zootechnical procedures without adequate competences and sometimes choose medical treatment for sick animals without professional consultation of veterinarians.The veterinarian rule is fundamental in farmer education. Clinicians, especially in some professional branches as neonatology, should be more responsible of their assignments, avoiding delegation of specific procedures to unskilled staff. The importance of communication in improving management and health in dairy farms has been recently demonstrated (Jansen and Lam, 2012; Jansen et al., 2010). Effective communication has a key role in dairy herd health and communication strategies are required to support diseases control programs (Lievaart et al., 2008). More attention to iatrogenic issue may have a positive impact on animal and public health. Moreover, a decrease of unnecessary and injurious drug administration may result in a reduction of treatment costs and in prevention of antibiotic resistance

    Incidence and cost of perioperative red blood cell transfusion for elective spine fusion in a high-volume center for spine surgery

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    Background: Spine fusion is a surgical procedure characterized by a significant perioperative bleeding, which often requires red blood cell (RBC) transfusion. Methods: The incidence and the cost of RBC transfusion were evaluated in all patients undergoing elective surgery for spine fusion in our Institution, a high-volume center for spine surgery, over a period of 3 years. The analysis specifically addressed the RBC transfusion need in all the different spine fusion procedures (atlanto-axial, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, revisions) with the different surgical approaches (anterior, posterior). Results: During the 3 years of observation, a total of 1.882 elective spine fusions were performed. More than half of the procedures (n = 964) were posterior lumbar fusions. Overall, 5% of the patients (n = 103) required RBC transfusion. The cervical fusions were the procedures with the lowest percentage of RBC need (0-5%), while the dorsal and the lumbar ones, with the anterior approach, represented the procedures with the highest rate of transfusion (29% and 25% respectively). More than 60 % of the RBC units were employed in the instance of posterior lumbar fusion, while a variable 1-10% of the units was used in each of the other procedures. The overall transfusion cost was of 46.000 euros, with a distribution of costs that paralleled the amount of units transfused for each procedure. Conclusions: Several surgical and patient factors may contribute to the perioperative blood loss. An accurate patient blood management, may efficiently decrease transfusion requirements and ultimately healthcare costs

    Focused lung ultrasonography of calves (FLUC): valutazione di un protocollo rapido per la diagnosi ultrasonografica della broncopolmonite enzootica

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    Nella pratica buiatrica vengono comunemente usati gli score clinici che rappresentano un mezzo diagnostico pratico ed immediato per la diagnosi di broncopolmonite enzootica (BRD), nonostante la sensibilit\ue0 e la specificit\ue0 di questi score sia bassa (Calf respiratory score \u2013 CRS: sensibilit\ue0 55%, specificit\ue0 58%; auscultazione toracica: sensibilit\ue0 3-17%). L\u2019ecografia del torace, invece, \ue8 un esame molto accurato che permette di avere un quadro dei danni anatomici al polmone, difficilmente riscontrabili con altri mezzo diagnostici. Bench\ue9 il \u201clung ultrasonographic score system\u201d (LUS), rappresenti il \u201cgold standard\u201d per la valutazione delle alterazioni patologiche del polmone, questa tecnica si dimostra spesso indaginosa soprattutto per i veterinari che hanno poca dimestichezza con l\u2019ecografia toracica. Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 stabilire la validit\ue0 di un protocollo ecografico rapido utilizzabile anche da veterinari senza esperienza in ecografia del torace, limitando la scansione a specifiche regioni dell\u2019area polmonare (lobi craniali) che vengono comunemente colpite in corso di BRD. Vitelli di razza frisona italiana con un\u2019et\ue0 compresa tra 30 giorni e 6 mesi, un punteggio di Calf respiratory score (CRS) maggiore a 5 e l\u2019assenza di patologie concomitanti sono stati selezionati come casi. Come controlli sono stati selezionati vitelli con le medesime caratteristiche ma con un punteggio del CRS inferiore a 5. Ogni vitello \ue8 stato sottoposto a visita clinica, a compilazione del CRS e a LUS. Immediatamente dopo la scansione ecografica, un operatore con scarsa esperienza ha effettuato la sola ecografia del V spazio intercostale di entrambi gli emitoraci (focused lung ultrasonography of calves; FLUC) utilizzando come marker ventrale la giunzione costo-condrale e la deviazione pleurica. Sono state calcolate sensibilit\ue0, specificit\ue0 e valori predittivi negativo e positivo per la presenza del consolidamento polmonare riscontrato tramite FLUC. Nello studio sono stati inclusi 26 vitelli (19 \u201cmalati\u201d e 7 \u201csani\u201d). Tramite esecuzione della FLUC nel gruppo \u201cmalati\u201d \ue8 stato possibile rinvenire consolidamento polmonare a livello del quinto spazio intercostale destro e/o sinistro in 17 animali su 19. I due animali che non presentavano consolidamento avevano numerosi artefatti a coda di cometa a livello del V spazio intercostale. Nel gruppo \u201csani\u201d la FLUC non ha riscontrato la presenza di consolidamento polmonare in nessun animale. Valutando gli animali tramite LUS, tutti gli animali inclusi nel gruppo \u201cmalati\u201d hanno mostrato uno score 65 2, mentre gli animali nel gruppo \u201csani\u201d hanno ottenuto uno score < 2. L\u2019accuratezza della FLUC, confrontata all\u2019ecografia totale dell\u2019area polmonare, \ue8 risultata essere pari all\u201985%. La sensibilit\ue0 \ue8 risultata essere 81% e la specificit\ue0 100%. Il valore predittivo positivo del test \ue8 stato pari al 100%, mentre il valore predittivo negativo 56%. La metodica FLUC si \ue8 rivelata essere una metodica pratica, rapida e facilmente eseguibile da un solo operatore, in grado di dare una buona rappresentazione della situazione polmonare. Pu\uf2 essere quindi considerato un ulteriore strumento per i veterinari di campo per raggiungere una precoce, accurata e corretta diagnosi della broncopolmonite enzootica con riferimenti riguardanti il tipo di lesioni, fondamentale per applicare un protocollo terapeutico efficace e risolutivo
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