88 research outputs found

    Applicazione delle chiavi età lunghezza allo stock assessment per l'identificazione di linee gestionali idonee alla tutela di alcuni raidi mediterranei

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    Elasmobranchs, due to their K-selected life strategy, represent a taxonomic group particularly susceptible to fishing mortality (Cahmi et al., 1998). Although the increasing number of studies that shows a global collapse of their populations (Dulvy & Reynolds, 2002; Baum et al., 2003; Cortés, et al., 2002, 2006; Dulvy et al., 2010), our knowledge about this organisms life-cycle seems surprisingly still scarce (Frisk et al., 2010; Cortés et al., 2012). Among elasmobranchs the Rajidae family is generally identified as one of the most vulnerable and impacted (Dulvy & Reynolds, 2002). Given the wide-ranging decline in terms of abundance, diversity and distribution observed, the skates stocks appear even in more critical condition in the Mediterranean sea (Walker et al., 2005). For this reason the need for management plans seems clear. However this kind of measures necessitate a precise evaluation of the population‟s condition, through a stock assessment process. Nevertheless such analysis require a huge amount of data regarding some peculiar aspects of the studied species life-cycle, and among these, especially growth parameters. This necessity often represented a problem for stock assessment studies. Indeed the estimation of age and growth for elasmobranchs is considered generally more challenging than in teleosts (Campana, 2014). Therefore the first step of this work was represented by the estimation of age and growth, through annuli counts in the vertebral centra of the three selected skates species: Raja brachyura, Raja polystigma, Dipturus oxyrinchus. Four different models were applied on length at age data: the common von Bertalanffy growth function, the Exponential, and finally the Gompertz and the Logistic functions. According to the Akaike‟s Information Criterion, the classical von Bertalanffy growth function, showed the best fitting to the observed data for R. brachyura (L∞= 1113.4 mm, k= 0.10 e t0 = -1.19). On the other hand the growth of the other two species resulted better described by the S-shaped functions, respectively the Gompertz model for D. oxyrinchus (L∞= 1275.5 mm, k= 0.14 and 2 Inflection Point = 3.97), and the Logistic model for R. polystigma (L∞= 691.49 mm, k= 0.26 and Inflection Point = 4.03). The obtained growth parameter were employed in several analysis for stock assessment. Those analysis revealed a general high exploitation level for Sardinian skates populations. Indeed both species R. brachyura and R. polystigma seemed to be in an overfishing condition. These results, in addition with what already reported for other two raids, R. asterias and R . clavata, in the GFCM workshop on the stock assessment of selected species of elasmobranchs (GFCM:SAC14/ 2012/Inf.16) confirmed the critical situation of these organisms in the Mediterranean sea. D. oxyrinchus, instead, showed a healthy stock state not subjected to overexploitation. This result was also confirmed by the biomass and abundance trends, which proved to be stable for the entire time period investigated by MEDITS, in agreement with what reported by Follesa et al. (2013) in Sardinia and Relini et al. (2010) for the Italian coasts. In conclusion, this work represents a first step towards a better understanding of the growth and the life cycle of the Rajidae family in the Mediterranean Sea, these knowledge were then applied to the stock assessment of these organisms in order to provide several advices for a conscious and correct management of their fragile populations

    Age validation of the European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus Linnaeus, 1758) in the Central-Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (West Mediterranean Sea)

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    The validation of growth of the European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus Linnaeus, 1758) presents several gaps in the Mediterranean Sea, despite its growth has been widely studied using different methods. The uncertainty in estimating the European Anchovy age by otolith interpretation is linked to (i) the identification of the first growth ring; (ii) the presence of false increments; (iii) discrepancies in the applied age scheme (e.g. theoretical birthdate); and (iv) the progressive compactness of the last annuli in older specimens. The present study was conducted on specimens caught in Central-southern Tyrrhenian Sea between 2012 and 2016. The analyses of the otolith edge type and the marginal increment analysis allowed to describe the annuli deposition pattern, with the opaque ring deposited from June to September, and the translucent ring from October to May. The growth pattern inferred from the European Anchovy otoliths was either corroborated or indirectly validated by the agreement between the length–frequency results and the otolith age estimation. No significant differences were found between the von Bertalanffy growth curves calculated by otolith interpretation (back-calculation and direct otolith reading) and the LFDA. These outcomes resulted highly relevant for species, such as small pelagic fish, for which the direct validation methods (e.g. mark-recapture, captivity, radiochemical) are particularly difficult to implement

    Marine macro-litter mass outweighs biomass in trawl catches along abyssal seafloors of Sardinia channel (Italy)

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    : This study provides new insights onto spatial and temporal trends of seafloor macro-litter in the abyssal seafloor of Sardinian channel, in central western Mediterranean (Italy). Trawl surveys were conducted at depths between 884 and 1528 m, thus focusing on one of the least investigated marine environments. None of the considered sites was litter free, with plastics being numerically dominant (57% of items), followed by metal (11%) and glass (16%). Recorded densities and weight ranged between 49.9 and 499 items km-2 and 1.4 and 1052 kg km-2. In the most contaminated sites, the weight of the litter collected in nets represented up to nine times the biomass of benthic megafauna, and, overall, in 60% of hauls macro-litter mass outweighed the biomass collected. Moreover, we report that megafauna was observed to be more abundant in sites where macro-litter presence was more severe. More studies are needed to elucidate the nature of this correlation, with biota being more abundant in hotspots of accumulation of seafloor macro-litter

    Bio-Ecological Features Update on Eleven Rare Cartilaginous Fish in the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea as a Contribution for Their Conservation

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    Cartilaginous fish are commonly recognized as key species in marine ecosystems for their fundamental ecological role as top predators. Nevertheless, effective management plans for cartilagi- nous fish are still missing, due to the lack of knowledge on their abundance, distribution or even life-history. In this regard, this paper aims at providing new information on the life-history traits, such as age, maturity, reproductive period, in addition to diet characteristics of eleven rare cartilagi- nous fish inhabiting the Central-Western Mediterranean Sea belonging to the orders Chimaeriformes (Chimaera monstrosa), Hexanchiformes (Heptranchias perlo and Hexanchus griseus), Myliobatiformes (Aetomylaeus bovinus and Myliobatis aquila), Rajiformes (Dipturus nidarosiensis and Leucoraja circu- laris), Squaliformes (Centrophorus uyato, Dalatias licha and Oxynotus centrina) and Torpediniformes (Tetronarce nobiliana), useful for their assessment and for future management actions. Particularly, the present paper provides for the first time the age estimation of D. nidarosienis and L. circularis which were both found capable of becoming older than ten years. In addition, the present study updates the sizes of first maturity of C. uyato and D. licha, which appeared to be capable of reproducing earlier than what was previously hypothesized, representing very valuable information for a better understanding of these rare species populations status and, eventually, their conservation. On the basis of the stomach content analysis, it was possible to identify five different predator groups

    New insights on the systematics of echinoids belonging to the family Spatangidae Gray 1825 using a combined approach based on morphology, morphometry, and genetics.

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    Spatangoids are probably the least resolved group within echinoids, with known topological incongruencies between phylogenies derived from molecular (very scarce) and morphological data. The present work, based on the analysis of 270 specimens of Spatangidae (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) trawled in the Sardinian seas (Western Mediterranean), allowed us to verify the constancy of some characters that we consider to be diagnostic at the genus level —such as the path of the subanal fasciole and the relationship between labrum and adjacent ambulacral plates —and to distinguish two distinct forms within the studied material. Based on morphological characters, morphometrics, and molecular analyses (sequencing of two mitochondrial markers: cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (COI) and 16S), most of the individuals were classified as morphotype A and attributed to the species Spatangus purpureus, the most common spatangoid in the Mediterranean Sea, while a few corresponded to a different morphotype (B), genetically close to the species Spatangus raschi. Preliminary morphological analyses seemed to indicate that morphotype B specimens from Sardinia are slightly different from S. raschi and from Spatangus subinermis individuals, the second species of the family known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea. On the basis of morpho-structural observations and molecular analyses, comparing Mediterranean living forms with species from other areas (Central Eastern Atlantic, North Sea and neighboring basins, South African Sea, Philippines and Indonesian Archipelago, New Zealand, and Hawaiian Islands), the clear distinction of S. purpureus from several other species classified as Spatangus was confirmed. Based on the morphological and genetic differences, we propose to maintain the genus Spatangus including in it only the type species S. purpureus among the living species and to establish the new genus Propespatagus nov. gen. to include several other species previously classified as Spatangus. The clear distinction among different genera was also detected in fossil forms of Spatangus, Propespatagus nov. gen., and Sardospatangus (†) from the European Oligo-Miocene sedimentary rocks of Germany; the Miocene of Ukraine, Italy, and Spatangoids are probably the least resolved group within echinoids, with known topological incongruencies between phylogenies derived from molecular (very scarce) and morphological data. The present work, based on the analysis of 270 specimens of Spatangidae (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) trawled in the Sardinian seas (Western Mediterranean), allowed us to verify the constancy of some characters that we consider to be diagnostic at the genus level —such as the path of the subanal fasciole and the relationship between labrum and adjacent ambulacral plates —and to distinguish two distinct forms within the studied material. Based on morphological characters, morphometrics, and molecular analyses (sequencing of two mitochondrial markers: cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (COI) and 16S), most of the individuals were classified as morphotype A and attributed to the species Spatangus purpureus, the most common spatangoid in the Mediterranean Sea, while a few corresponded to a different morphotype (B), genetically close to the species Spatangus raschi. Preliminary morphological analyses seemed to indicate that morphotype B specimens from Sardinia are slightly different from S. raschi and from Spatangus subinermis individuals, the second species of the family known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea. On the basis of morpho-structural observations and molecular analyses, comparing Mediterranean living forms with species from other areas (Central Eastern Atlantic, North Sea and neighboring basins, South African Sea, Philippines and Indonesian Archipelago, New Zealand, and Hawaiian Islands), the clear distinction of S. purpureus from several other species classified as Spatangus was confirmed. Based on the morphological and genetic differences, we propose to maintain the genus Spatangus including in it only the type species S. purpureus among the living species and to establish the new genus Propespatagus nov. gen. to include several other species previously classified as Spatangus. The clear distinction among different genera was also detected in fossil forms of Spatangus, Propespatagus nov. gen., and Sardospatangus (†) from the European Oligo-Miocene sedimentary rocks of Germany; the Miocene of Ukraine, Italy, and Spatangoids are probably the least resolved group within echinoids, with known topological incongruencies between phylogenies derived from molecular (very scarce) and morphological data. The present work, based on the analysis of 270 specimens of Spatangidae (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) trawled in the Sardinian seas (Western Mediterranean), allowed us to verify the constancy of some characters that we consider to be diagnostic at the genus level —such as the path of the subanal fasciole and the relationship between labrum and adjacent ambulacral plates —and to distinguish two distinct forms within the studied material. Based on morphological characters, morphometrics, and molecular analyses (sequencing of two mitochondrial markers: cytochrome c oxidase subunit1 (COI) and 16S), most of the individuals were classified as morphotype A and attributed to the species Spatangus purpureus, the most common spatangoid in the Mediterranean Sea, while a few corresponded to a different morphotype (B), genetically close to the species Spatangus raschi. Preliminary morphological analyses seemed to indicate that morphotype B specimens from Sardinia are slightly different from S. raschi and from Spatangus subinermis individuals, the second species of the family known to occur in the Mediterranean Sea. On the basis of morpho-structural observations and molecular analyses, comparing Mediterranean living forms with species from other areas (Central Eastern Atlantic, North Sea and neighboring basins, South African Sea, Philippines and Indonesian Archipelago, New Zealand, and Hawaiian Islands), the clear distinction of S. purpureus from several other species classified as Spatangus was confirmed. Based on the morphological and genetic differences, we propose to maintain the genus Spatangus including in it only the type species S. purpureus among the living species and to establish the new genus Propespatagus nov. gen. to include several other species previously classified as Spatangus. The clear distinction among different genera was also detected in fossil forms of Spatangus, Propespatagus nov. gen., and Sardospatangus (†) from the European Oligo-Miocene sedimentary rocks of Germany; the Miocene of Ukraine, Italy, and North Africa; the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy; and the Mio-Pliocene of Florida (USA). The new data can help in addressing taxonomic ambiguities within echinoids, as well as in improving species identification, and hence biodiversity assessments in the Mediterranean region

    On the presence of the Endangered white skate Rostroraja alba in Sardinian waters

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    The white skate Rostroraja alba is assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as Endangered globally and is now considered rare in the Mediterranean. This species has never been recorded in Sardinian seas (central western Mediterranean), but an empty eggcase was collected on a sandy bottom off the western Sardinia coasts during the MEDiterranean International Trawl Survey (MEDITS) program in 2019. A morphometric and morphological description of the Sardinian eggcase, after a comparison with measurements from other Mediterranean and Atlantic specimens, showed it to be clearly ascribable to Rostroraja alba

    A Score-Based Approach to 18F-FDG PET Images as a Tool to Describe Metabolic Predictors of Myocardial Doxorubicin Susceptibility

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    Purpose: To verify the capability of 18F-fluorodeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) to identify patients at higher risk of developing doxorubicin (DXR)-induced cardiotoxicity, using a score-based image approach. Methods: 36 patients underwent FDG-PET/CT. These patients had shown full remission after DXR-based chemotherapy for Hodgkin\u2019s disease (DXR dose: 40\u201350 mg/m2 per cycle), and were retrospectively enrolled. Inclusion criteria implied the presence of both pre- and post-chemotherapy clinical evaluation encompassing electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography. Myocardial metabolism at pre-therapy PET was evaluated according to both standardized uptake value (SUV)- and score-based approaches. The capability of the score-based image assessment to predict the occurrence of cardiac toxicity with respect to SUV measurement was then evaluated. Results: In contrast to the SUV-based approach, the five-point scale method does not linearly stratify the risk of the subsequent development of cardiotoxicity. However, converting the five-points scale to a dichotomic evaluation (low vs. high myocardial metabolism), FDG-PET/CT showed high diagnostic accuracy in the prediction of cardiac toxicity (specificity = 100% and sensitivity = 83.3%). In patients showing high myocardial uptake at baseline, in which the score-based method is not able to definitively exclude the occurrence of cardiac toxicity, myocardial SUV mean quantification is able to further stratify the risk between low and intermediate risk classes. Conclusions: the score-based approach to FDG-PET/CT images is a feasible method for predicting DXR-induced cardiotoxicity. This method might improve the inter-reader and inter-scanner variability, thus allowing the evaluation of FDG-PET/CT images in a multicentral setting

    The Use of Reproductive Indicators for Conservation Purposes: The Case Study of Palinurus elephas in Two Fully Protected Areas and Their Surrounding Zones (Central-Western Mediterranean)

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    Simple Summary The European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas is a species with a high commercial value that inhabits the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic waters and is classified by IUCN as vulnerable due to its continuous overfishing. In this study, we analyse the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different fully protected areas, including their surrounding commercial zones, in Sardinia (Italy, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out. Here, data on fecundity, size at maturity, vitellogenin concentration and temporal trends of egg production of P. elephas was provided, and the relevance of this information for fisheries management and conservation planning is discussed. In 1990s, the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas, one of the most commercially important species in the Mediterranean, exhibited a population decline. For this reason, fully protected areas (FPAs) appeared effective in re-establishing natural populations and supporting fishery-management objectives. Here, the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different FPAs (Su Pallosu and Buggerru, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out, and in their surrounding commercial zones, were investigated from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The comparison of fecundity between females collected inside and outside FPAs did not show statistical differences as well as the vitellogenin concentration, which did not vary among eggs of different size classes of females caught inside and outside the FPAs, indicating the same reproductive potential. The study demonstrated a benefit of overexploited populations in terms of enhancement of egg production overtime (15 years for Su Pallosu and 6 years for Buggerru) with a mean egg production 4.25-5.5 times higher at the end of the study than that observed at the beginning of the study. The main driver of eggs production appeared to be size, with larger lobsters more present inside the FPAs than outside. Given these results, the dominant contribution of the two studied FPAs to the regional lobster reproduction is remarkable

    Call me by my name: unravelling the taxonomy of the gulper shark genus Centrophorus in the Mediterranean Sea through an integrated taxonomic approach

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    The current shift of fishery efforts towards the deep sea is raising concern about the vulnerability of deep-water sharks, which are often poorly studied and characterized by problematic taxonomy. For instance, in the Mediterranean Sea the taxonomy of genus Centrophorus has not been clearly unravelled yet. Since proper identification of the species is fundamental for their correct assessment and management, this study aims at clarifying the taxonomy of this genus in the Mediterranean Basin through an integrated taxonomic approach. We analysed a total of 281 gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) collected from various Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian Ocean waters. Molecular data obtained from cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and a portion of a nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA gene region (28S) have highlighted the presence of a unique mitochondrial clade in the Mediterranean Sea. The morphometric results confirmed these findings, supporting the presence of a unique and distinct morphological group comprising all Mediterranean individuals. The data strongly indicate the occurrence of a single Centrophorus species in the Mediterranean, ascribable to C. cf. uyato, and suggest the need for a revision of the systematics of the genus in the area

    Análisis exploratorio de los datos de determinación de edad de Mullus barbatus en el Mediterráneo

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    The uncertainty in age estimation by otolith reading may be at the root of the large variability in red mullet (Mullus barbatus) growth models in the Mediterranean. In the MEDITS survey, red mullet age data are produced following the same sampling protocol and otolith reading methodology. However, ageing is assigned using different interpretation schemes, including variations in theoretical birthdate and number of false rings considered, in addition to differences in the experience level of readers. The present work analysed the influence of these variations and the geographical location of sampling on red mullet ageing using a multivariate approach (principal component analysis). Reader experience was the most important parameter correlated with the variability. The number of rings considered false showed a significant effect on the variability in the first age groups but had less influence on the older ones. The effect of the theoretical birthdate was low in all age groups. Geographical location had a significant influence, with longitude showing greater effects than latitude. In light of these results, workshops, exchanges and the adoption of a common ageing protocol based on age validation studies are considered fundamental tools for improving precision in red mullet ageing.La incertidumbre en la estimación de la edad mediante la lectura de otolitos puede ser la principal causa detrás de la gran variabilidad existente en los modelos de crecimiento del salmonete (Mullus barbatus) en el Mediterráneo. En la campaña MEDITS, los datos de edad del salmonete se generan siguiendo el mismo protocolo de muestreo y metodología de lectura de otolitos, aunque la asignación de la edad se lleva a cabo usando distintos esquemas para la interpretación de las lecturas, incluyendo variaciones en la fecha teórica de nacimiento y en el número de anillos considerados falsos, además de las diferencias existentes en cuanto al nivel de experiencia de los lectores. En este trabajo, la influencia de las variaciones en los esquemas de interpretación, el nivel de experiencia de los lectores, y la localización geográfica de las muestras, sobre la determinación de la edad en el salmonete se analiza mediante una aproximación multivariante (Análisis de Componentes Principales). La experiencia de los lectores fue el parámetro más correlacionado con la variabilidad. El número de anillos considerados falsos mostró un efecto significativo sobre la variabilidad de los primeros grupos de edad, mientras que su influencia sobre los más viejos fue menor. El efecto de la fecha teórica de nacimiento tuvo poca importancia en todos los grupos de edad. La localización geográfica tuvo una influencia significativa, con la longitud mostrando mayores efectos que la latitud. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, los grupos de trabajo e intercambios de otolitos así como la adopción de un protocolo de asignación de edad común basado en estudios de validación de edad, se consideran herramientas fundamentales para mejorar la precisión en la determinación de la edad del salmonete
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