73 research outputs found

    Organization of food in a preschool educational institution

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    The aim of the study to develop recommendations for optimizing and diversifying nutrition, as well as reducing the incidence of the gastrointestinal tract in preschool childrenЦель исследования – разработать рекомендации по оптимизации и разнообразию питания, а также по снижению заболеваемости желудочно-кишечного тракта у детей дошкольного возраста

    Comparative analysis of the vaccination rate of preschool children

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the level of vaccination of preschool children.Цель исследования – провести сравнительный анализ уровня привитости детей дошкольного возраста

    Effects of аntimicrobials on <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> biofilm formation

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most problematic pathogens in medical institutions, which may be due to the ability of this microorganism to exist in a biofilm, which increases its resistance to antimicrobials, as well as its prevalence and survival ability in the external environment. This work aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains in planktonic and biofilm forms. We studied 20 strains of P. aeruginosa collected during 2018–2021 by specialists from the Laboratory of Microbiome and Microecology of the Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems. The identification of strains was carried out using test systems for differentiating gram-negative non-fermenting bacteria (NEFERMtest 24 Erba Lachema s.r.o., Czech Republic), and confirmed by mass spectrometric analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Antimicrobial activity was assessed by the degree of inhibition of cell growth in planktonic and biofilm forms (on a flat-bottomed 96-well plastic immunological plate). All clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa were biofilm formers, 47.6 % of the isolates were weak biofilm formers, and 52.4 % of the isolates were moderate biofilm formers. Planktonic cells and the forming biofilm of the tested P. aeruginosa strains were carbapenems-resistant. Biofilm formation was suppressed in more than 90 % of cases by the agents of the cephalosporin and aminoglycoside groups. Antimicrobial susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains in the formed biofilm was significantly lower (p &lt; 0.05). Carbapenems and cephalosporins did not affect the mature biofilms of the tested P. aeruginosa strains in more than 60 % of cases. Only non-beta-lactam antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and amikacin) suppressed the growth of planktonic cells and destroyed the mature biofilm. The revealed differences in the effect of the tested antimicrobials on the P. aeruginosa strains biofilms correlate with resistance to a number of antibiotics. To prevent biofilm formation in the hospital strains of P. aeruginosa, the use of ceftazidime may be recommended, and antimicrobials such as ciprofloxacin and amikacin may be used to affect mature biofilms of P. aeruginosa

    Comparison of the risks of recurrent bleeding from class FI peptic ulcers after topical epinefrine topicle

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of current data on the likelihood of relapses after the use of local injections of epinephrine for endoscopic hemorrhage control classes FI according to J.A. Forrest in the upper gastrointestinal tract. An additional goal of this study is to develop a method for extracting relevant information from open literary sources to fill the database of the AI Forrest decision support system.Цель исследования – провести систематический обзор и мета-анализ современных данных о вероятности рецидивов после применения местных инъекций эпинефрина для эндоскопической остановки кровотечения классов FI по J.А. Forrest в верхних отделах желудочно-кишечного тракта. Дополнительной целью данного исследования является отработка метода извлечения из открытых литературных источников актуальной информации для наполнения базы данных системы поддержки принятия решения «AI Forrest» врачом-эндоскопистом

    The Magnitude and Mechanism of Charge Enhancement of CH∙∙O H-bonds

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    Quantum calculations find that neutral methylamines and thioethers form complexes, with N-methylacetamide (NMA) as proton acceptor, with binding energies of 2–5 kcal/mol. This interaction is magnified by a factor of 4–9, bringing the binding energy up to as much as 20 kcal/mol, when a CH3+ group is added to the proton donor. Complexes prefer trifurcated arrangements, wherein three separate methyl groups donate a proton to the O acceptor. Binding energies lessen when the systems are immersed in solvents of increasing polarity, but the ionic complexes retain their favored status even in water. The binding energy is reduced when the methyl groups are replaced by longer alkyl chains. The proton acceptor prefers to associate with those CH groups that are as close as possible to the S/N center of the formal positive charge. A single linear CH··O hydrogen bond (H-bond) is less favorable than is trifurcation with three separate methyl groups. A trifurcated arrangement with three H atoms of the same methyl group is even less favorable. Various means of analysis, including NBO, SAPT, NMR, and electron density shifts, all identify the +CH··O interaction as a true H-bond

    Metal Hydrides Form Halogen Bonds: Measurement of Energetics of Binding

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    The formation of halogen bonds from iodopentafluorobenzene and 1-iodoperfluorohexane to a series of bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)metal hydrides (Cp2TaH3, 1; Cp2MH2, M = Mo, 2, M = W, 3; Cp2ReH, 4; Cp2Ta(H)CO, 5; Cp = η5-cyclopentadienyl) is demonstrated by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Interaction enthalpies and entropies for complex 1 with C6F5I and C6F13I are reported (ΔH° = −10.9 ± 0.4 and −11.8 ± 0.3 kJ/mol; ΔS° = −38 ± 2 and −34 ± 2 J/(mol·K), respectively) and found to be stronger than those for 1 with the hydrogen-bond donor indole (ΔH° = −7.3 ± 0.1 kJ/mol, ΔS° = −24 ± 1 J/(mol·K)). For the more reactive complexes 2–5, measurements are limited to determination of their low-temperature (212 K) association constants with C6F5I as 2.9 ± 0.2, 2.5 ± 0.1, <1.5, and 12.5 ± 0.3 M–1, respectively

    The role of neutral Rh(PONOP)H, free NMe2H, boronium and ammonium salts in the dehydrocoupling of dimethylamine-borane using the cationic pincer [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)]+ catalyst

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    The σ-amine-borane pincer complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe3)][BArF4] [2, PONOP = κ3-NC5H3-2,6-(OPtBu2)2] is prepared by addition of H3B·NMe3 to the dihydrogen precursor [Rh(PONOP)(η2-H2)][BArF4], 1. In a similar way the related H3B·NMe2H complex [Rh(PONOP)(η1-H3B·NMe2H)][BArF4], 3, can be made in situ, but this undergoes dehydrocoupling to reform 1 and give the aminoborane dimer [H2BNMe2]2. NMR studies on this system reveal an intermediate neutral hydride forms, Rh(PONOP)H, 4, that has been prepared independently. 1 is a competent catalyst (2 mol%, ∼30 min) for the dehydrocoupling of H3B·Me2H. Kinetic, mechanistic and computational studies point to the role of NMe2H in both forming the neutral hydride, via deprotonation of a σ-amine-borane complex and formation of aminoborane, and closing the catalytic cycle by reprotonation of the hydride by the thus-formed dimethyl ammonium [NMe2H2]+. Competitive processes involving the generation of boronium [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ are also discussed, but shown to be higher in energy. Off-cycle adducts between [NMe2H2]+ or [H2B(NMe2H)2]+ and amine-boranes are also discussed that act to modify the kinetics of dehydrocoupling

    The Basic Methodical Approaches to the Organization of Trainings of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams from Irkutsk Antiplague Institute

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    The basic methodical approaches to the organization of trainings of the specialized anti-epidemic teams in the most approximate conditions to real extraordinary event are described. These trainings purpose the support of operative readiness of the mobile formations of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing to work in an emergency epidemiological are