369 research outputs found

    自然環境下における生体鉱物化作用 : 温泉水およびバイオマットに生息する微生物が鉱物形成に及ぼす影響について

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    Фітнес-технології в системі оздоровчої фізичної культури студентів медичних закладів вищої освіти

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    The article deals with the actual issue of fitness technologies that are used to improve the efficiency of physical education of student youth. The phenomenon of fitness as a necessary component of the process of forming the general and professional personality culture of a modern specialist is revealed. It is established that the most important tasks of modern vocational education in Ukraine are restructuring leisure with the use of modern fitness and health-saving fitness technologies in the educational process. The use of modern fitness technologies as a highly effective means of forming the proper biological potential of personal health and the adaptive capacity of the younger generation has been proved by improving the physical training, as well as nurturing the student's active position in achieving a harmonious development of the individualKey words: fitness, student youth, personality, health, physical education, educational process.У статті розглянуто актуальне питання фітнес-технологій, які застосовуються для підвищення ефективності фізичного виховання студентської молоді. Розкрито явище фітнесу як необхідного компоненту процесу формування загальної та професійної культури особистості сучасного фахівця. Встановлено, що найважливішими завданнями сучасної професійної освіти на Україні є реструктуризація дозвілля з використанням сучасних засобів фітнесу та здоров’язберігаючих фітнес-технологій в освітньому процесі. Доведено використання сучасних фітнес-технологій як високоефективного засобу формування належного біологічного потенціалу особистого здоров’я та адаптаційних можливостей підростаючого покоління завдяки покращенню фізичної підготовки, а також виховання активної позиції студента у досягненні гармонійного розвитку особистості.Ключові слова: фітнес, студентська молодь, особистість, здоров’я, фізична культура, освітній процес.

    Properties of Isolated Lignin From Model Wastewater

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    Model wastewater, imitating the hydrothermal treatment of birch wood in the basins of veneer production, was obtained under laboratory conditions. Birch lignin (BLIG) was isolated from the model wastewater by precipitation with concentarted sulphuric acid. The increase in reduced viscosity with decreasing concentration of BLIG in the water solutions indicated its polyelectrolyte behaviour. The presence of both ionized functional groups and hydrophobic aromatic fragments in the BLIG molecules favoured its surface active properties. With decreasing pH and increasing concentration, the surface activity of BLIG at the air-water and oil-water interfaces increased, indicating the enhanced hydrophobicity of lignin fragments due to the protonization of its acidic groups. The pronounced surface activity of BLIG was in accordance with the very low value of its critical micelle concentration. The dependence of the emulsion stability on the ionic strength may testify the predominant structural mechanical mechanism of the stabilization of the rapeseed oil-in-water emulsion, containing BLIG as a stabilizer. The revealed surface properties of the isolated lignin allow predicting its application for lowering surface tension in different disperse systems to prevent the coalescence and agglomeration phenomena

    Fe-Si biominerals in the Vilyuchinskie hot springs, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

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    The micromorphological structure of microbial mats (biomats) from the hot springs of the Vilyuchinskaya hydrothermal system, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, were investigated. The Vilyuchinskie hot springs had a discharge temperature of 55–56°C and Na-Ca-HCO3-type waters rich in silicic and boric acids. Water and biomats had high concentrations of Fe, Mn, Sr, and As. Enumeration of total bacterial abundance (TBA) demonstrated a low density of bacterial populations. However, the fractions of metabolically active bacteria and respiring iron-oxidizing bacteria in the hot-spring water were high, comprising 68 and 21% of TBA, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX) showed that unicellular rod-shaped bacteria about 5-μm long predominated in the brown biomats. The mineral capsules of these bacteria contained large amounts of Fe and Si. Extracellular and intracellular particles were observed by transmission electron microscopy. Fe-oxidizing bacteria were isolated from the biomats on agar plates with selective medium. Therefore, it can be concluded that microorganisms inhabiting the biomats of the Vilyuchinskie hot springs are essential for the deposition of Fe-minerals at neutral pH. [Int Microbiol 2004; 7(3):193–198

    Nutritional status of school-age children from 7 to 11 years

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    The aim of the study - evaluation of the menu compiled for 5 days for students aged 7 to 11 years.Цель исследования – оценка меню, составленного на 5 дней, для учащихся в возрасте от 7 до 11 лет

    О местном применении антибактериальныхпрепаратов в терапии акне

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    The review summarizes and systematizes data accumulated in the world research literature, which are related to the role of P. acnes in the pathogenesis of acne, its microbiology and antibacterial resistance; it also examines antibacterial drugs for the external therapy of acne and recommendations for their use.В обзоре обобщены и систематизированы накопленные в мировой научной литературе сведения, касающиеся роли P. acnes в патогенезе угрей, его микробиологии и антибактериальной резистентности, рассмотрены антибактериальные средства для наружной терапии угрей и рекомендации по их применению