106 research outputs found

    Variability of Winter Wheat Quality Features in Northern Trans-Urals

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    The studies were carried out in laboratory conditions on the basis of the Agrotechnological Institute of Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University. The studies include 5 varieties of winter wheat grown in 2009-2011 in three agroclimatic zones of Tyumen Region: sub-regional (Nizhnetavdinsky state crop testing site), northern forest steppe (Yalutorovsky state crop testing site), southern forest steppe (Berduzhsky state crop testing site). Bashkirskaya variety – 10 (45 g) demonstrated the highest potential in the formation of a 1000 grain weight. The same variety has the highest range of variability (11.7 g) and the variability coefficient (10.9%) indicates average variability. Other varieties showed minor variability of characteristic (V = 8.7-9.9%). Winter wheat varieties varied in terms of average hardness, at the same time the level of values of all varieties (66-77%) corresponded to the standards of high classes according to GOST. Novosibirskayaaya 32 (61-93%) and Bashkirskaya 10 (60-86%) varieties were the most stable in forming the required value of characteristic. The average gluten content in a grain of winter wheat varieties was corresponded to the standards of the third class according to GOST. Novosibirskaya 32 variety (V = 8.5%) had minor variability of the characteristic, while other varieties demonstrated the average variability. A significant proportion of the effect of the “variety” factor on the variability of such features as a 1000 grain weight (56.5%), grain-unit (50.5%) and hardness (45.1%) was established. The amount of gluten depended more on the growing environment (35.5%) and interaction of factors (39.3%). The quality of gluten was much influenced by the growing environment (52.2%)

    Image of Muslim women represented by means of modern English

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    The aim of the study is to show the image of Muslim women and to identify their position at the language leve

    Non-language factors and language evolution

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    This paper is devoted to the description of the functioning and development of the language system seen in correlation with the influence of non-language factor

    Epithelial cell–derived secreted and transmembrane 1a signals to activated neutrophils during pneumococcal pneumonia

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    Airway epithelial cell responses are critical to the outcome of lung infection. In this study, we aimed to identify unique contributions of epithelial cells during lung infection. To differentiate genes induced selectively in epithelial cells during pneumonia, we compared genome-wide expression profiles from three sorted cell populations: epithelial cells from uninfected mouse lungs, epithelial cells from mouse lungs with pneumococcal pneumonia, and nonepithelial cells from those same infected lungs. Of 1,166 transcripts that were more abundant in epithelial cells from infected lungs compared with nonepithelial cells from the same lungs or from epithelial cells of uninfected lungs, 32 genes were identified as highly expressed secreted products. Especially strong signals included two related secreted and transmembrane (Sectm) 1 genes, Sectm1a and Sectm1b. Refinement of sorting strategies suggested that both Sectm1 products were induced predominantly in conducting airway epithelial cells. Sectm1 was induced during the early stages of pneumococcal pneumonia, and mutation of NF-kB RelA in epithelial cells did not diminish its expression. Instead, type I IFN signaling was necessary and sufficient for Sectm1 induction in lung epithelial cells, mediated by signal transducer and activator of transcription 1. For target cells, Sectm1a bound to myeloid cells preferentially, in particular Ly6GbrightCD11bbright neutrophils in the infected lung. In contrast, Sectm1a did not bind to neutrophils from uninfected lungs. Sectm1a increased expression of the neutrophil-attracting chemokine CXCL2 by neutrophils from the infected lung. We propose that Sectm1a is an epithelial product that sustains a positive feedback loop amplifying neutrophilic inflammation during pneumococcal pneumonia

    Converting the sociotechnical convergence hazards into the risks of digitalisation

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    The creation of digital network platforms is accompanied by an ambiguous process of sociotechnical convergence, during which certain hazards arise as factors that destabilize the functioning of a digital platform, and risks as an expectation of the occurrence of these events.   The purpose of the study is to assess the level of conversion of the sociotechnical convergence hazards into the corresponding risks.   The research methodology is based on the ecosystem approach and the concept of platform research, supplemented by the authors with the ideas of sociotechnical convergence.   To study the conversion of the sociotechnical convergence hazards into the risks of digitalization, the method of empirical verification based on a representative sociological survey was applied. Theresult of the taxonomic division was the classification of hazards in such subject areas as (hazard of failure); digital surveillance (hazard of excessive digital surveillance); digital morality (hazard of decision-making by artificial intelligence); digital identification (hazard of identification error); digital privacy (hazard of unauthorized use of personal data); digital communication (hazard of virtualization of social contacts); digital accessibility (hazard of digital inequality); digital clusters (hazard of social network segmentation); digital competence (hazard of digital outsider). The authors come to the conclusion that not all hazards are converted into risks in the same way. Strongly expressed explicit risks are observed as a result of converting the hazard of unauthorized use of personal data. Medium-expressed explicit risks appear in case of hazard of failure of digital platforms, hazard of decision-making by artificial intelligence, hazard of identification error, hazard of digital inequality. Weakly expressed explicit risks are typical for the conversion of the hazard of excessive digital surveillance and the hazard of virtualization of social contacts. The hazard of social network segmentation and the hazard of digital outsider are converted into implicit risks

    Clinical case: glycine encephalopathy

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    The aim of the study – description of a clinical case of a child diagnosed with glycine encephalopathy.Цель исследования – описать клинический случай ребенка с диагнозом глициновая энцефалопатия


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    Objective. To reveal the clinical and epidemiological features of еnterovirus meningitis (EVM) in 140 children of Krasnoyarsk in the period of seasonal rise of morbidity in 2017.Materials and methods. For the etiological interpretation of the enterovirus infection (EVI), a molecular biological and virological study of the cerebrospinal fluid, two samples of feces, a swab from the oropharynx, the contents of the vesicles was carried out. Statistical processing of data was carried out using the PASW Statistics 17.0 program.Results. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an annual increase in the incidence of EVI is registered, exceeding the average for the country. Serous meningitis is traditionally the main clinical form of EVI. Among the observed patients with EVM, the main group consisted of preschool children (32.9%) and school age (30%), mainly organized in children's groups (84.3%), and the summer-autumn seasonality of the disease remains. Meningitis was observed in 82.8% of patients, meningitis combined with exanthema — in 10%, with herpangina — in 2.1%, with myalgia  — in isolated cases . Mediastinal forms of the disease predominated (96.4% — 135 people), severe forms of the EVM were diagnosed only in 3.6% (5 patients). The clinical picture is traditionally represented by three leading syndromes: intoxication, cerebral and meningeal. The implementation of the epidemic process in 2017 was mainly represented by enteroviruses Coxackie B, B1, B2, B4. Despite the relatively favorable course of the EVM, residual events were in 10% of patients (14 people) at the time of discharge.Цель: выявить клинико-эпидемиологические особенности  энтеровирусных менингитов (ЭВМ) у 140 детей  г. Красноярска в период сезонного подъема заболеваемости 2017 года.Материалы и методы. Для этиологической расшифровки ЭВМ проводилось молекулярно-биологическое и вирусологическое исследование ликвора, двух проб фекалий, мазка из ротоглотки, содержимого  везикул. Статистическую обработку данных проводили с помощью программы PASW Statistics 17.0.Результаты. В Красноярском крае ежегодно регистрируется подъем заболеваемости ЭВИ, превышающий средние показатели по стране. Серозный  менингит традиционно является основной клинической формой ЭВИ. Среди наблюдаемых больных с ЭВМ основную группу составили дети дошкольного (32,9%) и школьного возраста (30%), преимущественно организованные в детские коллективы (84,3%). По-прежнему сохраняется летне-осенняя сезонность заболевания. Менингит в «чистой» форме наблюдался у 82,8% пациентов, в 10% — менингит сочетался  с экзантемой, у 2,1 % — с герпангиной, в единичных случаях с миалгией. Преобладали среднетяжелые формы заболевания (96,4% — 135 чел.), тяжелые формы ЭВМ диагностированы только у 3,6% (5 чел.) больных. Клиническая картина традиционно представлена тремя ведущими синдромами: интоксикационным, общемозговым и менингеальным. Реализация эпидемического процесса в 2017  году в основном была представлена энтеровирусами Коксаки В, В1, В2, В4. Несмотря на сравнительно благоприятное течение ЭВМ, у 10% (14 чел.) пациентов к моменту выписки имели место остаточные явления

    Эффективность комбинированной противовирусной терапии у детей с хроническим гепатитом С

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    The paper presents the results of the research on effectiveness of combined antiviral therapy conducted with pegylated interferon alpha 2b of prolonged action (Peginterferon alpha 2b at a dose of 60 mcg/m2 per week) and Rebetol (Ribavirin at a dose of 15 mg/kg per day) in 26 children with chronic viral hepatitis C aged from 3 to 17, who underwent regular medical check-ups in City Clinical Hospital № 20 named after I.S. Berzon in Krasnoyarsk. Evaluation of effectiveness of combined antiviral therapy revealed that patients with genotype 1 had an immediate virologic response in 78,5% of cases, 83,3% of patients with genotype 2, 3 had a stable virologic response.В работе представлены результаты исследования по изучению эффективности комбинированной противовирусной терапии с использованием пегилированного интерферона альфа2b bпролонгированного действия (Пегинтерферон-альфа2b из расчета 60 мкг/м2 в нед.) и Ребетола (рибавирина из расчета 15 мг/кг в день) у 26 детей с хроническим вирусным гепатитом С в возрасте 3–17 лет, состоящих на учете в диспансерном кабинете Клинической городской больницы № 20 им. И.С. Берзона г. Красноярска. При оценке эффективности комбинированной противовирусной терапии выявлено, что у пациентов с генотипом 1 непосредственный вирусологический ответ имел место в 78,5% случаев, устойчивый вирусологический ответ достигнут у 83,3% больных с генотипом 2, 3

    A Loss of Function Screen of Identified Genome-Wide Association Study Loci Reveals New Genes Controlling Hematopoiesis

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    The formation of mature cells by blood stem cells is very well understood at the cellular level and we know many of the key transcription factors that control fate decisions. However, many upstream signalling and downstream effector processes are only partially understood. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have been particularly useful in providing new directions to dissect these pathways. A GWAS meta-analysis identified 68 genetic loci controlling platelet size and number. Only a quarter of those genes, however, are known regulators of hematopoiesis. To determine function of the remaining genes we performed a medium-throughput genetic screen in zebrafish using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) to knock down protein expression, followed by histological analysis of selected genes using a wide panel of different hematopoietic markers. The information generated by the initial knockdown was used to profile phenotypes and to position candidate genes hierarchically in hematopoiesis. Further analysis of brd3a revealed its essential role in differentiation but not maintenance and survival of thrombocytes. Using the from-GWAS-to-function strategy we have not only identified a series of genes that represent novel regulators of thrombopoiesis and hematopoiesis, but this work also represents, to our knowledge, the first example of a functional genetic screening strategy that is a critical step toward obtaining biologically relevant functional data from GWA study for blood cell traits

    Клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика гепатита А у детей в период подъема заболеваемости

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    Objective. Study of clinical and epidemiological characteristicsof hepatitis A in children.Materials and methods. The paper presents the epidemiological situation of this issue in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the results of clinical observations of 104 children with hepatitis A in age from 1 to 14 years.Results. It was found that at the present time is marked deterioration of the epidemiological situation of hepatitis A with involvement in the epidemiological process of young children. In this severe hepatitis A, often occurring with the phenomena of cholestasis, significantly more frequent among children aged 7–14 years. Despite the apparent beneficial for the infection at discharge on the part of school-age children has been a recovery with residual effects that require continued monitoring and corrective therapy appointment.Цель. Изучение клинико-эпидемиологической характеристики гепатита А (ГА) у детей.Материалы и методы. Представлена эпидемиологическая ситуация по данной проблеме в Красноярском крае, а также результаты клинического наблюдения за 104 детьми с ГА в возрасте от 1 до 14 лет.Результаты. Установлено, что в настоящее время отмечено ухудшение эпидемиологической ситуации по ГА с вовлечением в эпидемиологический процесс детей раннего возраста. При этом тяжелые формы ГА, зачастую протекающие с явлениями холестаза, достоверно чаще встречаются у детей 7–14 лет. Несмотря на кажущееся благоприятное течение данной инфекции, при выписке у части детей школьного возраста имело место выздоровление с остаточными явлениями, что требовало продолжения наблюдения и назначения корригирующей терапии