449 research outputs found

    Métastase oculaire révélant un carcinome canalaire du sein

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    Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 56 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques notables, ayant consulté aux urgences pour une baisse de l'acuité visuelle de l'œil droit, installée depuis 2 semaines. A l'examen ophtalmologique, on trouve une acuité visuelle réduite au mouvement de doigts, avec au fond d'œil un décollement de rétine séreux associé à une masse sous rétinienne comblant une majeure partie de la cavité vitréenne (A). Une échographie oculaire en mode B a été réalisée et a mis en évidence une masse choroïdienne isoéchogène (B) vascularisée prenant le doppler (C) sans excavation, mesurant 18 mm de grand axe associée un décollement séreux de la rétine, fortement évocatrice d'une métastase oculaire. Un bilan général a été réalisé et notamment une mammographie qui a révélé l'existence d'un nodule du sein droit stade 4 selon la classification BI RADS. Une Tomodensitométrie thoraco abdomino pelvienne, et cérébrale dans le cadre du bilan d'extension a montré la présence de nombreuses métastases cérébrale, osseuse et hépatique. Le diagnostic de cancer du sein métastatique a donc été posé, et la patiente a été référé en Oncologie pour prise en charge spécialisée. Les métastases oculaires sont les tumeurs intraoculaires les plus fréquentes. Les carcinomes mammaires représentent la principale cause des métastases choroïdiennes, justifiant un bilan exhaustif lors de la mise en évidence de ces tumeurs intra oculaires

    Tyrosine phosphorylation controls brassinosteroid receptor activation by triggering membrane release of its kinase inhibitor

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    Receptor tyrosine kinases control many critical processes in metazoans, but these enzymes appear to be absent in plants. Recently, two Arabidopsis receptor kinases-BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1) and BRI1-ASSOCIATED KINASE1 (BAK1), the receptor and coreceptor for brassinosteroids-were shown to autophosphorylate on tyrosines. However, the cellular roles for tyrosine phosphorylation in plants remain poorly understood. Here, we report that the BRI1 KINASE INHIBITOR 1 (BKI1) is tyrosine phosphorylated in response to brassinosteroid perception. Phosphorylation occurs within a reiterated [KR][KR] membrane targeting motif, releasing BKI1 into the cytosol and enabling formation of an active signaling complex. Our work reveals that tyrosine phosphorylation is a conserved mechanism controlling protein localization in all higher organisms

    Arabidopsis RIN4 Negatively Regulates Disease Resistance Mediated by RPS2 and RPM1 Downstream or Independent of the NDR1 Signal Modulator and Is Not Required for the Virulence Functions of Bacterial Type III Effectors AvrRpt2 or AvrRpm1

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    Bacterial pathogens deliver type III effector proteins into the plant cell during infection. On susceptible (r) hosts, type III effectors can contribute to virulence. Some trigger the action of specific disease resistance (R) gene products. The activation of R proteins can occur indirectly via modification of a host target. Thus, at least some type III effectors are recognized at site(s) where they may act as virulence factors. These data indicate that a type III effector's host target might be required for both initiation of R function in resistant plants and pathogen virulence in susceptible plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, RPM1-interacting protein 4 (RIN4) associates with both the Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola 1 (RPM1) and Resistance to P. syringae 2 (RPS2) disease resistance proteins. RIN4 is posttranslationally modified after delivery of the P. syringae type III effectors AvrRpm1, AvrB, or AvrRpt2 to plant cells. Thus, RIN4 may be a target for virulence functions of these type III effectors. We demonstrate that RIN4 is not the only host target for AvrRpm1 and AvrRpt2 in susceptible plants because its elimination does not diminish their virulence functions. In fact, RIN4 negatively regulates AvrRpt2 virulence function. RIN4 also negatively regulates inappropriate activation of both RPM1 and RPS2. Inappropriate activation of RPS2 is nonspecific disease resistance 1 (NDR1) independent, in contrast with the established requirement for NDR1 during AvrRpt2-dependent RPS2 activation. Thus, RIN4 acts either cooperatively, downstream, or independently of NDR1 to negatively regulate RPS2 in the absence of pathogen. We propose that many P. syringae type III effectors have more than one target in the host cell. We suggest that a limited set of these targets, perhaps only one, are associated with R proteins. Thus, whereas any pathogen virulence factor may have multiple targets, the perturbation of only one is necessary and sufficient for R activation

    Flg22-Triggered Immunity Negatively Regulates Key BR Biosynthetic Genes

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    In plants, activation of growth and activation of immunity are opposing processes that define a trade-off. In the past few years, the growth-promoting hormones brassinosteroids (BR) have emerged as negative regulators of pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI), promoting growth at the expense of defense. The crosstalk between BR and PTI signaling was described as negative and unidirectional, since activation of PTI does not affect several analyzed steps in the BR signaling pathway. In this work, we describe that activation of PTI by the bacterial PAMP flg22 results in the reduced expression of BR biosynthetic genes. This effect does not require BR perception or signaling, and occurs within 15 min of flg22 treatment. Since the described PTI-induced repression of gene expression may result in a reduction in BR biosynthesis, the crosstalk between PTI and BR could actually be negative and bidirectional, a possibility that should be taken into account when considering the interaction between these two pathways

    The receptor kinase FER is a RALF-regulated scaffold controlling plant immune signaling

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    In plants, perception of invading pathogens involves cell-surface immune receptor kinases. Here, we report that the Arabidopsis SITE-1 PROTEASE (S1P) cleaves endogenous RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR (RALF) propeptides to inhibit plant immunity. This inhibition is mediated by the malectin-like receptor kinase FERONIA (FER), which otherwise facilitates the ligand-induced complex formation of the immune receptor kinases EF-TU RECEPTOR (EFR) and FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 (FLS2) with their co-receptor BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1) to initiate immune signaling. We show that FER acts as a RALF-regulated scaffold modulating receptor kinase complex assembly. A similar scaffolding mechanism may underlie RALF function in other signalling pathways

    Tryptophan metabolism and bacterial commensals prevent fungal dysbiosis in Arabidopsis roots

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    In nature, roots of healthy plants are colonized by multikingdom microbial communities that include bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes. A key question is how plants control the assembly of these diverse microbes in roots to maintain host–microbe homeostasis and health. Using microbiota reconstitution experiments with a set of immunocompromised Arabidopsis thaliana mutants and a multikingdom synthetic microbial community (SynCom) representative of the natural A. thaliana root microbiota, we observed that microbiota-mediated plant growth promotion was abolished in most of the tested immunocompromised mutants. Notably, more than 40% of between-genotype variation in these microbiota-induced growth differences was explained by fungal but not bacterial or oomycete load in roots. Extensive fungal overgrowth in roots and altered plant growth was evident at both vegetative and reproductive stages for a mutant impaired in the production of tryptophan-derived, specialized metabolites (cyp79b2/b3). Microbiota manipulation experiments with single- and multikingdom microbial SynComs further demonstrated that 1) the presence of fungi in the multikingdom SynCom was the direct cause of the dysbiotic phenotype in the cyp79b2/b3 mutant and 2) bacterial commensals and host tryptophan metabolism are both necessary to control fungal load, thereby promoting A. thaliana growth and survival. Our results indicate that protective activities of bacterial root commensals are as critical as the host tryptophan metabolic pathway in preventing fungal dysbiosis in the A. thaliana root endosphere

    Structural, dielectric and electrocaloric properties of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1-xSnx)O3 ceramics elaborated by sol-gel method

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    Ferroelectric ceramics (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1-xSnx)O3 (x=0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) were prepared by a sol-gel method. Structural investigation revealed the co-existence of tetragonal (P4mm) and orthorhombic (Pmm2) symmetries at room temperature for the undoped ceramic, while only a tetragonal structure (P4mm) was observed for the doped ceramics. Dielectric measurements indicate a dielectric relaxation process at high temperatures which is essentially related to the hopping of oxygen vacancies. Furthermore, a down shifting of the Curie temperature (TC) with increasing Sn4+ doping rate has been revealed. The temperature profiles of the Raman spectra unveiled the existence of polar nanoregions (PNRs) above the Curie temperature in all ceramics. The ferroelectric properties were found to be related to the microstructure. Electrocaloric effect was investigated in this system that revealed an electrocaloric responsivity of 0.225 10-6 K m/V for the composition with x = 0.04 Sn doping, where other remarkable physical properties were also observed

    Anévrysme ventriculaire gauche et communication interventriculaire compliquant un infarctus du myocarde

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    L'association d'une communication interventriculaire post infarctus du myocarde et d'un anévrysme du  ventricule gauche chez un même patient est extrêmement rare et survient habituellement durant la première semaine qui suit un infarctus du myocarde. Nous rapportons le cas insolite d'un patient âgé de 63 ans, admis pour choc cardiogénique en rapport avec une communication inter ventriculaire apicale et un anévrysme  ventriculaire gauche causés par un infarctus du myocarde antérieur. La correction chirurgicale a consisté en une fermeture du défect septal par un patch en dacron via une ventriculotomie gauche associée à une  anévrysectomie et un mono pontage coronaire. Cette observation illustre d'une part la rareté de l'association communication inter ventriculaire-anévrysme ventriculaire gauche post infarctus du myocarde, et d'autre part l'efficacité du traitement chirurgical qui reste la seule option salvatrice pour cette pathologie. Key words: Infarctus du myocarde, anévrysme ventriculaire gauche, communication inter ventriculair

    The growth–defense pivot: crisis management in plants mediated by LRR-RK surface receptors

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    Plants must adapt to their environment and require mechanisms for sensing their surroundings and responding appropriately. An expanded family of greater than 200 leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) transduces fluctuating and often contradictory signals from the environment into changes in nuclear gene expression. Two LRR-RKs, BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1), a steroid receptor, and FLAGELLIN-SENSITIVE 2 (FLS2), an innate immune receptor that recognizes bacterial flagellin, act cooperatively to partition necessary growth-defense tradeoffs. BRI1 and FLS2 share common signaling components and slightly different activation mechanisms. BRI1 and FLS2 are paradigms for understanding signaling mechanisms of LRR-containing receptors in plants
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