231 research outputs found

    Natural history of the ERVWE1 endogenous retroviral locus

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    BACKGROUND: The human HERV-W multicopy family includes a unique proviral locus, termed ERVWE1, whose full-length envelope ORF was preserved through evolution by the action of a selective pressure. The encoded Env protein (Syncytin) is involved in hominoid placental physiology. RESULTS: In order to infer the natural history of this domestication process, a comparative genomic analysis of the human 7q21.2 syntenic regions in eutherians was performed. In primates, this region was progressively colonized by LTR-elements, leading to two different evolutionary pathways in Cercopithecidae and Hominidae, a genetic drift versus a domestication, respectively. CONCLUSION: The preservation in Hominoids of a genomic structure consisting in the juxtaposition of a retrotransposon-derived MaLR LTR and the ERVWE1 provirus suggests a functional link between both elements

    Field studies using fish biomarkers – How many fish are enough?

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    Significant efforts are invested in field studies using fish, and it is important to optimize the number of organisms collected to evaluate the possible impacts of contamination. This paper provides ecotoxicologists with the approximate numbers of fish needed to identify statistically significant differences among samples using physiological indices and biochemical markers of fish health. The numbers of fish to collect are reported for ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (EROD); ethoxycoumarin-o-deethylase (ECOD), serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (sSDH), stress proteins, gonadosomatic index, liver somatic index, condition factor, and biliary metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The number of fish to collect was as few as four for ECOD activity (with a power of 80%), but as high as 106 for CF (with a power of 95%). Achieving statistical significance between sites does not help in the interpretation of the biological significance of a parameter, but well-planned field samplings will maximize the chances of correctly identifying areas of concern

    Indicateurs et ressources vivantes en milieu coralien

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    Les enjeux de l’arrivée de nouvelles compagnies aériennes dans le ciel de la Polynésie-Française

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    The arrival of two new airlines in French Polynesia in 2018 has had a significant impact on the entire Polynesian tourism ecosystem; it has affected both the actors of the sector, and the environment in which they operate. The establishment of French Bee and United Airlines in 2018 has disrupted the Polynesian airline sector by causing a general drop in prices, and by capturing market share from the existing duopoly airlines. These transformations have led to a significant increase in tourist arrivals to the archipelago, thus targeting and bringing travel to a new market. Travelers who had not previously visited Polynesia have begun to visit the destination, carried by the smart cost airline French Bee. The two new airlines target very different markets, and their passengers theoretically contribute to the growth of distinct segments of the Polynesian tourism economy, and in particular of the tourist accommodation industry (luxury VS small family hotels). Before starting this analysis, we hypothesized that the establishment of these companies would reinforce the contrasts within the Polynesian tourism supply, which would weaken it by tarnishing its image as a "luxurious and paradisiacal" destination. However, the arrival of each of these companies has actually been positive for the accommodation industry as a whole, and for all segments of tourism in French Polynesia. They have contributed to a strategy of tourism diversification and spreading of the tourism supply on the territory, which strengthens the destination. Finally, we hypothesized that with the arrival of two new airlines, and in particular a low cost airline, the destination was on the way to a massification of tourism and was suffering the effects of overtourism. It is true that the increase in tourist arrivals has had harmful effects on the quality of life of the inhabitants, the environment, and the intangible Polynesian heritage; however, these are often offset by public measures, making the growth in tourism beneficial to the daily lives of Polynesians. It is probably an exaggeration to speak of "overtourism" or "mass tourism" at this stage, as arrival figures are still relatively low, and public actors are not targeting this kind of market for the destination at all. In addition, the Polynesians who were asked their opinion on tourism and its increase are mostly in favor of it, and do not reject tourism and tourists at all.L'arrivée de deux nouvelles compagnies aériennes en Polynésie-Française en 2018 a eu des conséquences importantes sur l'ensemble de l'écosystème touristique polynésien ; elle a affecté à la fois les acteurs du secteur, et l’environnement dans lequel ils évoluent. L’implantation de French Bee et de United Airlines en 2018 a bouleversé le secteur aérien polynésien en provoquant une baisse générale des prix, et en captant des parts de marché des compagnies en place en situation de duopole. Ces transformations ont entraîné une hausse conséquente des arrivées touristiques sur l’archipel, et ont ainsi permis de cibler et de faire voyager un nouveau marché. Des voyageurs qui ne se rendaient pas en Polynésie auparavant se sont mis à visiter la destination, notamment transportés par la compagnie smart cost French Bee. Les deux nouvelles compagnies ciblent en effet des marchés très différents, et leurs passagers contribuent théoriquement à la croissance de segments distincts de l’économie touristique polynésienne, et notamment de l’industrie de l’hébergement touristique (luxe VS petite hôtellerie familiale). Avant de débuter cette analyse, nous faisions l’hypothèse que l’implantation de ces compagnies allait renforcer les contrastes au sein de l’offre touristique polynésienne, ce qui la fragiliserait car ternirait son image de destination « luxueuse et paradisiaque ». Toutefois, l’arrivée de chacune de ces compagnies a en réalité été positive pour l’hébergement dans son ensemble, et pour tous les segments du tourisme en Polynésie-Française. Elles ont contribué à une stratégie de diversification touristique et d’étalement de l’offre touristique sur le territoire, qui renforce la destination. Enfin, nous faisions l’hypothèse qu’avec l’arrivée de deux nouvelles compagnies, et en particulier d’une compagnie low cost, la destination était sur la voie d’une massification du tourisme et subissait les effets du surtourisme. Certes, l’augmentation des arrivées touristiques a engendré des effets nuisibles sur la qualité de vie des habitants, l’environnement, et le patrimoine immatériel polynésiens ; toutefois ceux-ci sont souvent compensés par des mesures publiques, rendant la croissance touristique bénéfique à la vie quotidienne des polynésiens. Il est sans doute exagéré de parler de « surtourisme » comme de « tourisme de masse » à ce stade, car les chiffres des arrivées sont encore relativement bas, et que les acteurs publics ne ciblent pas du tout ce genre de marchés pour la destination. En outre, les polynésiens qui ont été amenés à donner leur opinion sur le tourisme et son augmentation y sont en grande majorité favorables, ne sont pas du tout dans un rejet du tourisme et des touristes
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