83 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK   Trend pertambahan penduduk saat ini dan perkembangan kegiatan usaha di suatu kota pada gilirannya akan menuntut kebutuhan ruang dan permintaan penyediaan sarana maupun prasarana kota, ini merupakan konsekuensi logis dari bertambahnya jumlah penduduk yang diikuti dengan peningkatan jumlah  kendaraan baik roda dua mapun roda empat, sehingga diperlukan adanya penambahan serta pelebaran ruas jalan.  Sementara itu dalam dimensi yang lebih luas, jaringan jalan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan wilayah baik dalamm skala nasional, skala regional, maupun  skala lokal kabupaten/kota sesuai dengan fungsi dari jaringan jalan tersebut. Karena dengan terbangunnya jaringan jalan maka ini akan lebih cepat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang signifikan dalam satu daerah maupun antar daerah lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis pengaruh pembangunan jalan pada tata tapak kawasan pemukiman nelayan koridor jalan Boulevard Dua Kelurahan Sindulang Satu, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa pembangunan jalan Boulevard Dua ini memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap tata tapak kawasan pemukiman nelayan di Kelurahan Sindulang Satu khususnya pada koridor jalan Boulevard Dua.   Kata Kunci : Terminal Penumpang, Bandar Udara dan Akustik Arsitektur. &nbsp

    Parametric study of a Hill-type hyperelastic skeletal muscle model

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    Hill's one-dimensional three-element model has often been used for formulating a three dimensional skeletal muscle constitutive model, which generally involves several material parameters. However, only few of these parameters have physical meanings and can be experimentally determined. In this paper, a parametric study of a Hill-type hyperelastic skeletal muscle model is performed. First, the Hill-type hyperelastic skeletal muscle model is formulated, containing 13 material parameters. The values or value ranges of these parameters are discussed. The muscle model is then used to predict the behaviour of New Zealand white rabbit hind leg muscle tibialis anterior and a sensitivity study of several parameters is performed. Results show that some parameters in the muscle model can be experimentally determined, some parameters have their own value ranges and the muscle model can predict the experimental data by tuning the parameters within their value ranges. The results from the sensitivity study can help understand how some parameters influence the total muscle stress

    Physically-based forehead animation including wrinkles

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    Physically-based animation techniques enable more realistic and accurate animation to be created. We present a fully physically-based approach for efficiently producing realistic-looking animations of facial movement, including animation of expressive wrinkles. This involves simulation of detailed voxel-based models using a graphics processing unit-based total Lagrangian explicit dynamic finite element solver with an anatomical muscle contraction model, and advanced boundary conditions that can model the sliding of soft tissue over the skull. The flexibility of our approach enables detailed animations of gross and fine-scale soft-tissue movement to be easily produced with different muscle structures and material parameters, for example, to animate different aged skins. Although we focus on the forehead, our approach can be used to animate any multi-layered soft body

    Detailing patient specific modelling to aid clinical decision-making

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    The anatomy of the craniofacial skeleton has been described through the aid of dissection identifying hard and soft tissue structures. Although the macro and microscopic investigation of internal facial tissues have provided invaluable information on constitution of the tissues it is important to inspect and model facial tissues in the living individual. Detailing the form and function of facial tissues will be invaluable in clinical diagnoses and planned corrective surgical interventions such as management of facial palsies and craniofacial disharmony/anomalies. Recent advances in lower-cost, non-invasive imaging and computing power (surface scanning, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT) and Magnetic Resonance (MRI)) has enabled the ability to capture and process surface and internal structures to a high resolution. The three-dimensional surface facial capture has enabled characterization of facial features all of which will influence subtleties in facial movement and surgical planning. This chapter will describe the factors that influence facial morphology in terms of gender and age differences, facial movement—surface and underlying structures, modeling based on average structures, orientation of facial muscle fibers, biomechanics of movement—proof of principle and surgical intervention

    Genetic and morphological differentiation between Melica ciliata L. and M. transsilvanica Schur (Poaceae) in Europe reveals the non-presence of M. ciliata in the Polish flora

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    A good knowledge of species delimitation is crucial for the biodiversity protection and the conservation of wild species. We studied the efficiency of AFLP markers and morphological characters to assist species determination for Melica ciliata L. and M. transsilvanica Schur within European range of distribution, including isolated and range-limit populations of "M. ciliata" (i.e. M. cf. ciliata) from the Polish Sudetes, where it is regarded as critically endangered. AFLP markers were found to be more effective then morphological characters (more or less continuous) in distinguishing the both studied species. AMOVA revealed very low genetic diversity within populations and high differentiation among populations of M. ciliata and M. transsilvanica (FST = 0.89 and 0.95, respectively). The species-diagnostic AFLP markers of M. transsilvanica shared with "M. ciliata" from the Sudetes were detected. On the other hand, no species-diagnostic genetic markers of M. ciliata or hybrid-diagnostic markers of M. × thuringiaca were found within "M. ciliata". PCoA and NJ showed an overlapping genetic diversity of "M. ciliata" and M. transsilvanica. Hierar­chical AMOVA supported the absence of a significant genotypic distinction between "M. ciliata" and M. transsilvanica. ANOVA showed that the length ratio of lower to upper glumes was the best morphological character to discriminate between M. ciliata and M. transsilvanica. Combined morphological and genetic data show that M. ciliata is not currently present in Poland as its putative Polish populations represent M. transsilvanica. A significant decrease in genetic varia­bility that could influence viability was not observed the in Sudetian populations of M. transsilvanica. However, the population size changes significantly as a result of plant succession. Correction of the northern limit of the continuous distribution of M. ciliata L. in Central Europe is presented

    Nonthermal concentration of milk by forward osmosis

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    Concentration of milk in the dairy industry is typically achieved by thermal evaporation or reverse osmosis (RO). Heat concentration is energy-intensive and leads to cooked flavor and color changes. RO is affected by fouling, which limits its final achievable concentration. The objective of this work was to evaluate forward osmosis (FO) as an alternative method for concentrating milk, and study the effects of fat content and temperature on the process. Pasteurized skim and whole milk were concentrated at 4, 15, and 25 °C, using a benchtop FO unit. Water flux and concentration were monitored, and the quality of the concentrates evaluated. All runs were conducted in triplicate, and data analyzed by ANOVA. Flux decreased with time under all processing conditions. Higher temperatures led to less pronounced flux drops and faster concentration for both skim and whole milk. For skim milk, 40 °Brix was reached after 7h at 25 °C, 8.5h at 15 °C, and 10h at 4 °C. Whole milk concentration was slower, with 30 °Brix achieved after 7h at 25 °C, 8h at 15 °C, and 9h at 4 °C. The sensory quality of FO concentrated and thermally concentrated milk, diluted to single-strength and HTST milk was evaluated by a panel, who did not find significant differences between concentrated and un-concentrated milks. This data suggests FO is a viable nonthermal alternative for concentrating milk

    Paperboard packages exposed to static loads–finite element modelling and ­experiments

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the mechanical behaviour of paperboard packages subjected to static compressive loads. The study was divided in three parts and experiments and finite element analysis conducted for each part. First, a panel of paperboard was subjected to edge compressive loading as a means of checking the material model. Second, the package was cut into segments and each segment was subjected to compression in order to determine the contribution of the different parts to the overall behaviour of the package. Third, a whole package loaded in compression was studied. In the finite element simulations, the paperboard was modelled as an orthotropic, linear, elastic–plastic laminate. The study utilized a non-linear finite element analysis, based on the plasticity of the material and large displacements. The results show that the middle segment of the package exhibits a higher stiffness than that of the upper and lower package segments and that of the whole package, which leads to the conclusion that the low initial stiffness of the package is a consequence of the low stiffness of the upper and lower corners, i.e. of the horizontal creases. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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