10 research outputs found

    International trade competitiveness of andalusian agrifood activities 2006-2014

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    En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, mirar al exterior se convierte en una salida para una economía que encuentra su mercado interior mermado por la crisis económica. Andalucía no ha sido una excepción y ha puesto su mirada en los mercados exteriores ante el colapso del interior durante el periodo de crisis. Dado que el sector agroalimentario andaluz es uno de los más destacados de su economía, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el comportamiento de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas en relación con la UE-28 para el periodo 2006-2014. Para ello hemos tratado de descubrir el comportamiento de los sectores exportadores agroalimentarios intra y extra-UE (capítulos arancelarios 1 al 24), en función de su especialización exportadora y de su carácter competitivo o dinámico según la técnica shift–share; comprobando su relación con la cuota de mercado. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos aplicado la técnica del análisis de los desplazamientos o análisis shift–share, y hallado la especialización y las cuotas de mercado. Sabiendo que toda agregación disminuye el conocimiento y el detalle, hemos desagregado cuatro capítulos arancelarios hasta los cuatro dígitos, lo que nos ha permitido un conocimiento más detallado de cada uno de dichos sectores, comprobando, que, al desagregar, nos encontramos con subsectores cuyo comportamiento individual puede presentar diferencias más o menos importantes respecto al sector agregado. En definitiva, un análisis de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas como el realizado nos permite mejorar el conocimiento del sector y, en consecuencia, poder detectar las fortalezas y debilidades del mismo.In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis.Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agrifood export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share. To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares. Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector. In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses

    The export competitiveness of social economy enterprises. The case of southern Spain

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    This work was performed in order to quantify the export competitiveness of internationalised Social Economy enterprises. To achieve this objective, we have quantified the strengths and weaknesses of the sector and first applied Rasch’s logistic model to measure the latent variable called export competitiveness. This is defined by the following items: size, cooperation, number of target markets, competitive advantages, years abroad and percentage of sales abroad. The article presents empirical evidence of 121 Andalusian Social Economy enterprises. The results show the export competitiveness of social enterprises reflected in a standard type of organisation with identified strengths: number of destination markets and competitive advantage

    Competitividad comercial exterior de las actividades agroalimentarias andaluzas 2006-2014

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    In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis.Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agri-food export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share.To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares.Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector.In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses.En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, mirar al exterior se convierte en una salida para una economía que encuentra su mercado interior mermado por la crisis económica. Andalucía no ha sido una excepción y ha puesto su mirada en los mercados exteriores ante el colapso del interior durante el periodo de crisis.Dado que el sector agroalimentario andaluz es uno de los más destacados de su economía, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el comportamiento de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas en relación con la UE-28 para el periodo 2006-2014. Para ello hemos tratado de descubrir el comportamiento de los sectores exportadores agroalimentarios intra y extra-UE (capítulos arancelarios 1 al 24), en función de su especialización exportadora y de su carácter competitivo o dinámico según la técnica shift–share; comprobando su relación con la cuota de mercado.Para alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos aplicado la técnica del análisis de los desplazamientos o análisis shift–share, y  hallado la especialización y las cuotas de mercado.Sabiendo que toda agregación disminuye el conocimiento y el detalle, hemos desagregado cuatro capítulos arancelarios hasta los cuatro dígitos, lo que nos ha permitido un conocimiento más detallado de cada uno de dichos sectores, comprobando, que, al desagregar, nos encontramos con subsectores cuyo comportamiento individual puede presentar diferencias más o menos importantes respecto al sector agregado.En definitiva, un análisis de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas como el realizado nos permite mejorar el conocimiento del sector y, en consecuencia, poder detectar las fortalezas y debilidades del mismo. Abstract In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis. Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agri-food export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share. To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares. Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector. In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses

    La competitividad internacional de la economía andaluza y sus sectores exportadores

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    En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, el sector exterior tiene cada vez más importancia para las economías, y la andaluza no es una excepción. Esta investigación se plantea como objetivo general conocer el comportamiento de las exportaciones andaluzas entre 2006 y 2013 según las bases en las que se asienta su evolución en el territorio y en relación a sus empresas. Para lograr este objetivo, se probó el comportamiento de las exportaciones de mercancías (capítulos arancelarios) andaluzas en términos absolutos y relativos respecto a la UE-28. A continuación, se trata de descubrir el comportamiento competitivo y/o dinámico de los sectores exportadores (capítulos arancelarios) aplicando la técnica shift-share, relacionando los resultados con la cuota de mercado, así como el grado de especialización exportadora de cada sector respecto a la UE-28. Por otro lado, se comprobó el papel desempeñado por las empresas en dicho proceso exportador. Las principales averiguaciones indican que durante el periodo analizado las exportaciones andaluzas crecieron en términos absolutos y relativos. Este incremento fue posible gracias al proceso de internacionalización del sector empresarial andaluz que incluye un aumento importante del número de empresas exportadoras y de mercados. Y como última conclusión, este crecimiento se debe, sobre todo, al comportamiento de once sectores exportadores que fueron, a la vez de ser dinámicos y competitivos, sectores en los que Andalucía está especializadaIn globalization, the foreign sector is increasingly important for economies, and the Andalusian economy is not an exception. The objective of this research was to know the behavior of Andalusian exports between 2006 and 2013, based on their evolution in the territory, and in relation to their companies and their competitive strategies. In order to achieve this objective, the behavior of exports of Andalusian goods (tariff chapters) in absolute and relative terms for the EU28, and to a lesser extent Spain. Then, it was tried to define the behavior of the export sectors (tariff chapters) according to a competitive or dynamic behavior based on the shift-share technique, verifying its relation with the market share as well as the degree of export specialization of each sector with respect to the European. On the other hand, the role played by the companies in this export process is verified. The main findings indicate that during the analyzed period Andalusian exports grew in absolute and relative terms. This increase was made possible by the process of internationalization of the Andalusian business sector, which includes a significant increase in the number of exporting companies and markets. And lastly, this growth is due, above all, to the behavior of eleven export sectors that were, at the same time of being dynamic and competitive, sectors in which Andalusia is specialize

    Intraoperative PaO2 is not related to the development of surgical site infections after major cardiac surgery

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: The perioperative use of high inspired oxygen fraction (FIO2) for preventing surgical site infections (SSIs) has demonstrated a reduction in their incidence in some types of surgery however there exist some discrepancies in this respect. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between PaO2 values and SSIs in cardiac patients. Methods: We designed a prospective study in which 1,024 patients undergoing cardiac surgery were analyzed. Results: SSIs were observed in 5.3% of patients. There was not significant difference in mortality at 30 days between patients with and without SSIs. In the uni and multivariate analysis no differences in function of the inspired oxygen fraction administrated were observed. Conclusions: We observed that the PaO2 in adult cardiac surgery patients was not related to SSI rate

    Los propósitos emprendedores de las personas estudiantes del grado en fisioterapia: caso del municipio de Osuna (Sevilla, España)

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    Diferentes investigaciones empíricas han evidenciado que el emprendimiento es clave para el crecimiento económico pues mejora de la competitividad y es fuente de nuevos yacimientos de empleo en los municipios. Esta investigación se propuso conocer las intenciones emprendedoras (IE) de las personas potenciales emprendedoras de un territorio determinado como es la localidad de Osuna (Andalucía, España), que cuenta con una población de 17.622 personas (2018) y presenta una tasa de paro del 19,02% (abril 2019), por lo que es una zona ávida de nuevas oportunidades de empleo, las cuales pueden venir desde las actuaciones del desarrollo local. La muestra respondió a las personas estudiantes universitarias de profesiones que se desarrollan principalmente por cuenta propia, así pues, se encuestó al alumnado del Grado en Fisioterapia del Centro Universitario de Osuna (centro adscrito a la Universidad de Sevilla). Se abarcó los cuatro cursos de la titulación (desde primero a cuarto) de un curso académico, planteando un cuestionario que se acogió a una Escala Likert de 1 a 5 (de menor a mayor). Como resultado se identificó las actitudes personales ante el emprendimiento (AE), el control del comportamiento percibido (CCP), la intención emprendedora (IE), las capacidades emprendedoras (CE), y las competencias transversales (CT). Además, hay que destacar la elevada norma social (NS) y evaluación social (ES) del entorno de las personas estudiantes sobre el emprendimiento (4,15). Los hallazgos ofrecen un camino para desarrollar programas de apoyo a la iniciativa empresarial territorial con el objetivo de potenciar la cultura emprendedora de Osuna, pues con ellos se podrá reducir la elevada tasa de desempleo, la despoblación de la zona y diferenciar la actividad productiva.Different empirical investigations have shown that entrepreneurship is key to economic growth because it improves competitiveness and is a source of new sources of employment in the municipalities. This research set out to find out the entrepreneurial intentions (IE) of potential entrepreneurs in a given territory such as the town of Osuna (Andalusia, Spain), which has a population of 17,622 people (2018) and has an unemployment rate of 19.02% (April 2019), making it an area eager for new employment opportunities, which can come from local development actions. The sample responded to university students of professions that are developed mainly on their own, so the students of the Degree in Physiotherapy of the University Center of Osuna (center attached to the University of Seville) were surveyed. The four courses of the degree (from first to fourth) of an academic year were covered, proposing a questionnaire that took a Likert Scale of 1 to 5 (from lowest to highest). As a result, personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship (AE), control of perceived behaviour (CCP), entrepreneurial intention (IE), entrepreneurial capacities (CE), and transversal competences (TC) were identified. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the high social norm (NS) and social evaluation (ES) of the environment of the students on entrepreneurship (4,15). The findings offer a way to develop programs to support territorial entrepreneurship with the aim of strengthening the entrepreneurial culture of Osuna, as they can reduce the high rate of unemployment, depopulation of the area and differentiate the productive activity

    Competitividad comercial exterior de las actividades agroalimentarias andaluzas 2006-2014

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    In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis.Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agri-food export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share.To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares.Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector.In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses.En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, mirar al exterior se convierte en una salida para una economía que encuentra su mercado interior mermado por la crisis económica. Andalucía no ha sido una excepción y ha puesto su mirada en los mercados exteriores ante el colapso del interior durante el periodo de crisis.Dado que el sector agroalimentario andaluz es uno de los más destacados de su economía, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el comportamiento de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas en relación con la UE-28 para el periodo 2006-2014. Para ello hemos tratado de descubrir el comportamiento de los sectores exportadores agroalimentarios intra y extra-UE (capítulos arancelarios 1 al 24), en función de su especialización exportadora y de su carácter competitivo o dinámico según la técnica shift–share; comprobando su relación con la cuota de mercado.Para alcanzar dicho objetivo hemos aplicado la técnica del análisis de los desplazamientos o análisis shift–share, y  hallado la especialización y las cuotas de mercado.Sabiendo que toda agregación disminuye el conocimiento y el detalle, hemos desagregado cuatro capítulos arancelarios hasta los cuatro dígitos, lo que nos ha permitido un conocimiento más detallado de cada uno de dichos sectores, comprobando, que, al desagregar, nos encontramos con subsectores cuyo comportamiento individual puede presentar diferencias más o menos importantes respecto al sector agregado.En definitiva, un análisis de las exportaciones agroalimentarias andaluzas como el realizado nos permite mejorar el conocimiento del sector y, en consecuencia, poder detectar las fortalezas y debilidades del mismo.AbstractIn an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis.Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agri-food export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share.To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares.Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector.In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses


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    In an increasingly globalized world, looking out becomes a way out for an economy that its domestic market has been eroded by the economic crisis. Andalusia hasn’t been an exception and set its sights on foreign markets due to the collapse of its interior one during the crisis. Since the Andalusian agro-food sector is one of the highlights of its economy, this article's aim is "To know the behavior of Andalusian agro-food exports in relation to the EU-28 for 2006-2014 period". To do that we've tried to find out the behavior of EU and non-EU agri-food export sectors (tariff chapters 1 to 24), depending on their export specialization and its competitive and dynamic character using the “shift–share” technique; checking their relationship with the market share. To achieve that goal we applied the analysis of displacement technique or shift–share analysis, and found the expertise and market shares. Knowing that any aggregation reduces the knowledge and the detail, we have unbundled four tariff chapters to four digits, which has allowed us a detailed knowledge of each of those sectors, verifying that, by breaking down, there are subsectors whose Individual behavior may have differences, more or less significant, in the aggregate sector. In short, an analysis of the Andalusian agro-food exports like the one done allows us to improve the knowledge about the sector and thus to be able to detect that the strengths and weaknesses