1,299 research outputs found

    De la poesia de Marc Granell

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    La oración continua según Clemente de Alejandría

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    On the decorrelation filtering of RL05 GRACE data for global applications

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    In autumn 2012, the new release 05 (RL05) of monthly geopotencial spherical harmonics Stokes coefficients (SC) from GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mission was published. This release reduces the noise in high degree and order SC, but they still need to be filtered. One of the most common filtering processing is the combination of decorrelation and Gaussian filters. Both of them are parameters dependent and must be tuned by the users. Previous studies have analyzed the parameters choice for the RL05 GRACE data for oceanic applications, and for RL04 data for global application. This study updates the latter for RL05 data extending the statistics analysis. The choice of the parameters of the decorrelation filter has been optimized to: (1) balance the noise reduction and the geophysical signal attenuation produced by the filtering process; (2) minimize the differences between GRACE and model-based data; (3) maximize the ratio of variability between continents and oceans. The Gaussian filter has been optimized following the latter criteria. Besides, an anisotropic filter, the fan filter, has been analyzed as an alternative to the Gauss filter, producing better statistics.This work has been partly supported by two Spanish Projects from CGL2010-12153-E and AYA2010-22039-C02-01; and two from Generalitat Valenciana, GV/2013/144 and ACOMP-2013-068

    Implementación de metodologías de evaluación continua: aplicación en la asignatura de Cálculo Numérico

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    La creación del nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, con los consiguientes cambios en la estructura y contenidos de las titulaciones universitarias, ofrece una gran oportunidad para revisar las metodologías de aprendizaje, estando las metodologías de evaluación continua en una creciente expansión. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar el efecto que tiene en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes diferentes metodologías de evaluación continua. Para ello, varios tipos de evaluación periódica (entrega de trabajos grupales y/o individuales, exámenes parciales, etc.) han sido puestos en práctica en la asignatura de Cálculo Numérico del último curso de la Licenciatura de Matemáticas y actual Grado de Matemáticas, a lo largo de un total de 14 años académicos en la Universidad de Alicante. En esta comunicación presentaremos las diferentes estrategias de desarrollo de los contenidos de la asignatura así como la forma de evaluación de los mismos. Además, se hará un análisis descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos con las distintas metodologías empleadas y se recogerán propuestas de mejora de cara al próximo curso

    Calculus of reirradiation in in-field metastatic recurrences of spinal cord

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    Mycetoma caused by Trichosporon asteroids-report of the first case

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    Mycetoma is a neglected disease that affects mainly the skin, but can progress to deep tissues and structures such as muscles and bones. Mycetoma can be caused by some bacterial (actinomycetoma) or fungal species (eumycetoma); furthermore, eumycetoma is estimated to account for 40% of all cases of mycetomas. Regardless of etiology, human infections occur after accidental implantation of etiological agents through the skin. In the present work, an immunocompetent patient without systemic comorbidity is reported to have exhibited a progressive increase of the left foot with multiple fistulas in the dorsum in the last 15 years, which emerged as a purulent secretion in the presence of yellowish grains. The patient reported that during a trip she suffered injuries in the affected foot. Histopathological study showed the presence of fungal grains, and the culture of skin fragments allowed the identification of fungal colonies exhibiting a dry, cream-coloured cerebriform morphology with a radiated peripheral edge. The micromorphology examination of the isolate demonstrated the presence of hyphae that swell and become multiseptate, budding cells, and lateral conidia were absent. MALD-TOF MS analysis led to the identification of Trichosporon asteroides as etiologic. Different treatment regimens were performed with no success, moderate improvement was observed with voriconazole, and treatment is still ongoing. This is the first case report to incriminate T. asteroides as an etiological agent of eumycetoma

    La pedagogía de la humildad en "Camino"

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    H2 production by cellulose photoreforming with TiO2-Cu photocatalysts bearing different Cu species

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    TiO2-Cu photocatalysts (1 wt.% Cu) containing different copper species have been prepared and used for the generation of hydrogen by photoreforming of cellulose (the major component of biomass) in water at room temperature, using UV light. A positive effect of copper has been clearly observed, and the analysis of the role of the Cu species present shows that a mixture of Cu(I) and Cu(II) favours the process. Among the TiO2-Cu photocatalysts, the one prepared by a simple impregnation method and not heat-treated, which shows small and well dispersed copper species particles, gives the highest hydrogen production.This work was supported by the national and regional Spanish governments (RTI2018-095291-B-100, PID2021-123079OB-I00 and CIPROM/2021/070) and the University of Alicante (VIGROB-136)

    Perspectives for implementing fisheries certification in developing countries

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    This paper discusses the future of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), a market-based certification program, in developing countries and exposes the challenges and opportunities for fish producers. The MSC needs to attract the interest of more fishing enterprises from these regions to increase its global presence. Because most fisheries in developing countries cannot meet the MSC standards, or afford the certification process costs, it is suggested that there is a need for developing different levels within the MSC system and additional third-party assessing organizations. MSC certification may mean adoption of improvements in fisheries management and approving fishing regimes in developing countries. However, post-certification benefits may decrease as more fisheries become certified

    The transformation of the lyrical subject in the poetry of Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas and her contribution to a female literary genealogy

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    La comparación entre el sujeto lírico masculino que adopta Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas en su primer libro, Un món rebel (1964) y el sujeto lírico femenino de su segundo libro Conjugació en primera persona (1969) y posteriores, nos permite analizar la evolución de su poesía desde sus inicios para observar cómo la transformación del sujeto opera un cambio en el lenguaje y en la perspectiva al situar en el centro la experiencia vital de una mujer de la posguerra que disiente del modelo de mujer franquista y que, desde los presupuestos de la poesía social, da testimonio de la contradicción que para ella implica su dedicación a la escritura con respecto del papel que socialmente se le asigna en el ámbito privado del hogar. La imbricación en su segundo libro del deseo de la escritura, con el deseo erótico y la presencia del cuerpo, convierten su poesía en una aportación relevante para una genealogía literaria femenina.Based on a comparison between the male lyrical subject adopted by Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas in her first book, Un món rebel (1964), and the female lyrical subject in her second book Conjugació en primera persona (1969) and subsequent books, we analyse the evolution of her poetry from its beginnings in order to observe how the transformation of the subject brings about a change in language and perspective by placing the life experience of a post-war woman at the centre of her work, we analyse the evolution of her poetry from its beginnings in order to observe how the transformation of the subject brings about a change in language and perspective by placing at the centre the life experience of a post-war woman who dissents from the Francoism model of woman and who, from the premises of social poetry, bears witness to the contradiction that her dedication to writing implies for her with respect to the role socially assigned to her in the private sphere of the home. The interweaving in her second book of the desire to write, with erotic desire and the presence of the body, make her poetry an outstanding contribution to a female literary genealogy