864 research outputs found

    Differential annotation of tRNA genes with anticodon CAT in bacterial genomes

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    We have developed three strategies to discriminate among the three types of tRNA genes with anticodon CAT (tRNA(Ile), elongator tRNA(Met) and initiator tRNA(fMet)) in bacterial genomes. With these strategies, we have classified the tRNA genes from 234 bacterial and several organellar genomes. These sequences, in an aligned or unaligned format, may be used for the identification and annotation of tRNA (CAT) genes in other genomes. The first strategy is based on the position of the problem sequences in a phenogram (a tree-like network), the second on the minimum average number of differences against the tRNA sequences of the three types and the third on the search for the highest score value against the profiles of the three types of tRNA genes. The species with the maximum number of tRNA(fMet) and tRNA(Met) was Photobacterium profundum, whereas the genome of one Escherichia coli strain presented the maximum number of tRNA(Ile) (CAT) genes. This last tRNA gene and tilS, encoding an RNA-modifying enzyme, are not essential in bacteria. The acquisition of a tRNA(Ile) (TAT) gene by Mycoplasma mobile has led to the loss of both the tRNA(Ile) (CAT) and the tilS genes. The new tRNA has appropriated the function of decoding AUA codons

    Calculus of reirradiation in in-field metastatic recurrences of spinal cord

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    The present study aims to inventory and analyse the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in the Serra de Mariola Natural Park. In respect to traditional uses, 93 species reported by local informants were therapeutic, 27 food, 4 natural dyes and 13 handcrafts. We developed a methodology that allowed the location of individuals or vegetation communities with a specific popular use. We prepared a geographic information system (GIS) that included gender, family, scientific nomenclature and common names in Spanish and Catalan for each species. We also made a classification of 39 medicinal uses from ATC (Anatomical, Therapeutic, Chemical classification system). Labiatae (n=19), Compositae (n=9) and Leguminosae (n=6) were the families most represented among the plants used to different purposes in humans. Species with the most elevated cultural importance index (CI) values were Thymus vulgaris (CI=1.431), Rosmarinus officinalis (CI=1.415), Eryngium campestre (CI=1.325), Verbascum sinuatum (CI=1.106) and Sideritis angustifolia (CI=1.041). Thus, the collected plants with more therapeutic uses were: Lippia triphylla (12), Thymus vulgaris and Allium roseum (9) and Erygium campestre (8). The most repeated ATC uses were: G04 (urological use), D03 (treatment of wounds and ulcers) and R02 (throat diseases). These results were in a geographic map where each point represented an individual of any species. A database was created with the corresponding therapeutic uses. This application is useful for the identification of individuals and the selection of species for specific medicinal properties. In the end, knowledge of these useful plants may be interesting to revive the local economy and in some cases promote their cultivation

    Abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola (Alicante-Valencia)

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    Abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park (Alicante-Valencia) The Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) is a species of great value in Spanish Mediterranean ecosystems for several reasons, such as its interest to hunters, its contribution to soil fertility and plant diversity, and its role as prey. However, factors such as fragmentation, degradation and loss of habitat and diseases, predation and high pressure hunting are having a detrimental effect on the conservation of the species. It is therefore of interest to determine the abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare in areas of the peninsula where there are insufficient data to establish guidelines for conservation and sustainable management of hare populations in the peninsula. Our goal was to assess the abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare in the most widely used areas of a mountainous Mediterranean landscape in the Iberian peninsular (Mariola Mountain Park, located between the provinces of Alicante and Valencia). Data obtained from studies conducted in transects from 2008 to 2010 showed that intra-annual abundance was highest in spring (KIA half of 0.26 hares/km) and lowest in winter (average 0.075 KIA hares/km). As to their preferences in relation to land use, abundance was highest in the matrix of dry groves (KIA half of 0.33 hares/km) and irrigated groves (average 0.2 KIA hares/km). The matrix of natural vegetation and agricultural abandonment had low numbers of hares, with values of 0.083 and 0.033 hares/km, respectively.La liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) es una especie de gran valor en los ecosistemas mediterráneos españoles por varios motivos: por su interés cinegético, por servir de alimento a numerosos predadores, por mejorar la fertilidad del suelo e incrementar la diversidad vegetal, etc. Sin embargo, factores como la fragmentación, la degradación y la pérdida de hábitats, así como las enfermedades, la predación y la excesiva presión cinegética que afectan a la especie, están influyendo de manera negativa en su conservación. Por esta razón resulta interesante conocer la abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica en diferentes zonas de la península de las que no se tienen suficientes datos, para que el análisis de su conjunto proporcione pautas que permitan realizar una gestión adecuada para mantener e incrementar las poblaciones de liebres en la península. Nuestro objetivo es conocer la abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica en los principales usos del paisaje de una zona de montaña del Mediterráneo peninsular, el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola, situado entre las provincias de Alicante y Valencia, durante diferentes periodos de su ciclo biológico anual. Los datos obtenidos en los transectos realizados entre 2008 y 2010 muestran que las mayores abundancias anuales tienen lugar en primavera (IKA medio de 0,26 liebres/km) y disminuyen en invierno (IKA medio de 0,075 liebres/km). En cuanto a sus preferencias relacionadas con los diferentes usos del suelo, las mayores abundancias se obtienen en la matriz de cultivos de secano (IKA medio de 0,33 liebres/km) y en la de cultivos de regadío (IKA medio de 0,2 liebres/km). Las matrices de vegetación natural y abandono agrícola presentan bajo número de liebres, con valores de 0,083 y 0,033 liebres/km respectivamente.Abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) al Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola (Alacant-València) La llebre ibèrica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) és una espècie de gran valor als ecosistemes mediterranis espanyols per diversos motius: per l’interès cinegètic, perquè serveix d’aliment a nombrosos predadors, perquè millora la fertilitat del sòl i incrementa la diversitat vegetal, etc. Tanmateix, factors com ara la fragmentació, la degradació i la pèrdua d’hàbitats, com també les malalties, la predació i la pressió cinegètica excessiva que afecten l’espècie estan influint de manera negativa en la seva conservació. És per això que resulta interessant conèixer l’abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica en diferents zones de la Península de les quals no es tenen prou dades a fi que l’anàlisi del conjunt proporcioni pautes que permetin una gestió adequada per mantenir i incrementar les poblacions de llebres a la Península. El nostre objectiu és conèixer l’abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica en els principals usos del paisatge d’una zona de muntanya del Mediterrani peninsular, el Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola, situat entre les províncies d’Alacant i València, durant diferents períodes del seu cicle biològic anual. Les dades obtingudes als transsectes fets entre 2008 i 2010 mostren que les abundàncies anuals més grans tenen lloc a la primavera (IKA mitjà de 0,26 llebres/km) i disminueixen a l’hivern (IKA mitjà de 0,075 llebres/km). Pel que fa a les preferències relacionades amb els diferents usos del sòl, les abundàncies més grans s’obtenen a la matriu de conreus de secà (IKA mitjà de 0,33 llebres/km) i a la de cultius de regadiu (IKA mitjà de 0,2 llebres/km). Les matrius de vegetació natural i abandonament agrícola presentes un nombre de llebres baix, amb valors de 0,083 i 0,033 llebres/km, respectivament

    El agua en el contexto de la transición ecológica. Entrevista a Pedro Arrojo Agudo

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    La necesidad de una transición ecológica global parece evidente a tenor de las advertencias de las últimas décadas; ¿en qué términos considera usted que pueden ser partícipes los Gobiernos de las medidas requeridas para hacer posible esta transición en clave ecológica, y cómo pueden los actores sociales impulsar y presionar en ese mismo sentido? La financiarización de la economía, bajo la lógica neoliberal, ha venido pilotando en el mundo lo que se ha caracterizado como “economías de casino”, generando no solo la crisis del 2008, sino en buena medida también la actual crisis que la pandemia ha disparado y agudizado. Por otro lado, hoy resulta evidente que ese modelo económico ha sido incapaz de afrontar siquiera la primera fase de la crisis sanitaria, y casi nadie discute que no nos permitirá superar la segunda fase de reactivación de la economía. A duras penas los poderes financieros empiezan a reconocer que la reactivación económica no debe devolvernos a donde estábamos, sino que debe afrontar problemas estructurales que ya estaban planteados antes de la pandemia..

    Bedbugs (Cimicidae infestation): the worldwide renaissance of an old partner of human kind

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    Bedbugs have been known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies about this insect are recent and limited. Cimex lectularius, the common bedbug, was a well-known parasite in human dwellings until the end of the Second World War. Nowadays, bedbugs are considered uncommon in the industrialized world. Anecdotal reports suggest that bedbugs are getting more common in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. In Brazil, there are few reports about bedbug infestations in the literature. The aim of this article was to alert physicians, especially in Brazil, about this ectoparasitosis, including aspects of the bedbug biology, their parasitism in human host, treatment and prophylaxis.748

    Bedbugs (Cimicidae infestation): the worldwide renaissance of an old partner of human kind

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    Bedbugs have been known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies about this insect are recent and limited. Cimex lectularius, the common bedbug, was a well-known parasite in human dwellings until the end of the Second World War. Nowadays, bedbugs are considered uncommon in the industrialized world. Anecdotal reports suggest that bedbugs are getting more common in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. In Brazil, there are few reports about bedbug infestations in the literature. The aim of this article was to alert physicians, especially in Brazil, about this ectoparasitosis, including aspects of the bedbug biology, their parasitism in human host, treatment and prophylaxis

    Microplastics in sediments of artificially recharged lagoons: case study in a Biosphere Reserve

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    We studied the occurrence of microplastics in sediments of artificially and non-artificially recharged lagoons from the network of endorheic wetlands called “La Mancha Húmeda”, declared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. The particles sampled in this study covered the 25 μm–5 mm range. Films were the dominant microplastic typology in non-artificially recharged lagoons, while fibres and fragments were more abundant in those receiving wastewater. The concentration of microplastics in sediments reached up to 24.4 ± 5.2 microplastics/g, while plastic litter counts yielded <1 particle/g in non-wastewater receiving lagoons. Eleven types of plastic were identified using Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (micro-FTIR), the most abundant being the polyolefins polyethylene and polypropylene, and polyester and acrylic fibres. The statistical analysis of FTIR spectra confirmed the similarity between samples taken from recharged lagoons and wastewater treatment plant effluents. Overall, our results showed that endorheic lagoons are very sensitive to the accumulation of persistent pollutants, which include microplastics. The recharge of lagoons with wastewater effluents to maintain water levels, even if correctly treated according to current standards, is not a sustainable practice. Due to the closed character of endorheic basins, the continuous input of wastewater led to the accumulation of microplastics in sediments of wastewater receiving lagoons up to 40 times over non-recharged lagoon

    Comparison of binder influence and rigidity on knitting fabrics treated with PCMs by padding and coating

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    [EN] Nowadays the majority of textile industries are not able to characterize or to study the process of adhering the microcapsule to the fibre's surface. There are various industrial processes to apply PCM's microcapsules, but determining optimal amounts of products, temperature, conditions and other process variables are an important challenge for the textile sector in order to achieve the highest depositions and retention of this type of microcapsules. This work is focused on determining and quantifying presence PCMs microcapsules when applied onto fabrics by two systems padding and coating and determining which method is the most effective. Also, the influence of the concentration of resin used in the formulation on the flexural rigidity of the fabric has been studied.Dirlik-Uysal, ÇD.; Bou-Belda, E.; Bonet-Aracil, M.; Belino, N.; Díaz-García, P.; I. Montava (2017). Comparison of binder influence and rigidity on knitting fabrics treated with PCMs by padding and coating. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. 254:1-5. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/254/12/122003S1525