893 research outputs found

    Методы измерения фазового сдвига с промежуточным преобразованием напряжение-частота

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    В статті розглянуті методи вимірювання фазового зсуву з проміжним перетворенням напруга-частота. Проаналізовано переваги й недоліки методів. Проведено оцінку похибки, обумовленої неточністю формування часових інтервалів.In article methods of measurement of phase shift with preliminary transformation a voltage-frequency are considered. Their merits and demerits are analyzed. The estimation of the error caused by discrepancy of formation of time intervals is made

    Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) – A challenging manifestation of atherosclerosis

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    The diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is not always evident as symptoms and signs may show great variation. As all grades of PAD are linked to both an increased risk for cardiovascular complications and adverse limb events, awareness of the condition and knowledge about diagnostic measures, prevention and treatment is crucial. This article presents in a condensed form information on PAD and its management

    Synchronous oceanic spreading and continental rifting in West Antarctica

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    Magnetic anomalies associated with new ocean crust formation in the Adare Basin off north-western Ross Sea (43 – 26 Ma) can be traced directly into the Northern Basin that underlies the adjacent morphological continental shelf, implying a continuity in the emplacement of oceanic crust. Steep gravity gradients along the margins of the Northern Basin, particularly in the east, suggest that little extension and thinning of continental crust occurred before it ruptured and the new oceanic crust formed, unlike most other continental rifts and the Victoria Land Basin further south. A pre-existing weak crust and localisation of strain by strike slip faulting are proposed as the factors allowing the rapid rupture of continental crust

    Study of Asphaltene Structure Precipitated from Oil Sands

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    In the paper microscopic structure and physicochemical characteristics of asphaltenes were investigated. Asphaltene was precipitated from natural bitumen of oil sand of Munaily-Mola deposit using organic solvent of petroleum ether. According to results of our work, we found that the largest yield of asphaltens was reached by using the petroleum ether in 40-fold amount in relation to the initial hitch of bitumen. Chemical composition of precipitated asphaltenes aggregates were studied on FT-Infra red spectrometer Spectrum-65 at 450-4000 cm-1. At the Infrared spectrum, that the broad absorption band of asphaltenes at 3000-3600 cm-1 are characterizing the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic chains in the samples of asphaltens. Elemental composition of the samples of asphaltenes on the installation of x-ray fluorescent spectrometer "Focus-M2". Also found the presence of two crystalline phases. One - quartz content is less than one percent. Another phase is also present in very small quantities and is represented by a single line of diffraction d = 4.158 Å. The microstructures and microanalysis of asphaltenes were investigated with an scanning electron microscopy (Quanta 3D 200i) at an accelerated voltage of 20 kV and a pressure of 0.003 Pa at National Nanotechnological Laboratory of Open Type of Kazakh National University. Microscopic images showed that the asphaltenes have a medium-ordered structure, the main component of the surface is represented by amorphous carbon

    A contribution of star-forming clumps and accreting satellites to the mass assembly of z ∼ 2 galaxies

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    We investigate the contribution of clumps and satellites to the galaxy mass assembly. We analysed spatially resolved HubbleSpace Telescope observations (imaging and slitless spectroscopy) of 53 star-forming galaxies at z ∼ 1–3. We created continuum and emission line maps and pinpointed residual ‘blobs’ detected after subtracting the galaxy disc. Those were separated into compact (unresolved) and extended (resolved) components. Extended components have sizes ∼2 kpc and comparable stellar mass and age as the galaxy discs, whereas the compact components are 1.5 dex less massive and 0.4 dex younger than the discs. Furthermore, the extended blobs are typically found at larger distances from the galaxy barycentre than the compact ones. Prompted by these observations and by the comparison with simulations, we suggest that compact blobs are in situ formed clumps, whereas the extended ones are accreting satellites. Clumps and satellites enclose, respectively, ∼20 per cent and ≲80 per cent of the galaxy stellar mass, ∼30 per cent and ∼20 per cent of its star formation rate. Considering the compact blobs, we statistically estimated that massive clumps (M⋆ ≳ 109 M⊙) have lifetimes of ∼650 Myr, and the less massive ones (108 < M⋆ < 109 M⊙) of ∼145 Myr. This supports simulations predicting long-lived clumps (lifetime ≳ 100 Myr). Finally, ≲30 per cent (13 per cent) of our sample galaxies are undergoing single (multiple) merger(s), they have a projected separation ≲10 kpc, and the typical mass ratio of our satellites is 1:5 (but ranges between 1:10 and 1:1), in agreement with literature results for close pair galaxies

    Performance of the LHCb vertex locator

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    The Vertex Locator (VELO) is a silicon microstrip detector that surrounds the proton-proton interaction region in the LHCb experiment. The performance of the detector during the first years of its physics operation is reviewed. The system is operated in vacuum, uses a bi-phase CO2 cooling system, and the sensors are moved to 7 mm from the LHC beam for physics data taking. The performance and stability of these characteristic features of the detector are described, and details of the material budget are given. The calibration of the timing and the data processing algorithms that are implemented in FPGAs are described. The system performance is fully characterised. The sensors have a signal to noise ratio of approximately 20 and a best hit resolution of 4 μm is achieved at the optimal track angle. The typical detector occupancy for minimum bias events in standard operating conditions in 2011 is around 0.5%, and the detector has less than 1% of faulty strips. The proximity of the detector to the beam means that the inner regions of the n+-on-n sensors have undergone space-charge sign inversion due to radiation damage. The VELO performance parameters that drive the experiment's physics sensitivity are also given. The track finding efficiency of the VELO is typically above 98% and the modules have been aligned to a precision of 1 μm for translations in the plane transverse to the beam. A primary vertex resolution of 13 μm in the transverse plane and 71 μm along the beam axis is achieved for vertices with 25 tracks. An impact parameter resolution of less than 35 μm is achieved for particles with transverse momentum greater than 1 GeV/c

    Precision luminosity measurements at LHCb

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    Measuring cross-sections at the LHC requires the luminosity to be determined accurately at each centre-of-mass energy √s. In this paper results are reported from the luminosity calibrations carried out at the LHC interaction point 8 with the LHCb detector for √s = 2.76, 7 and 8 TeV (proton-proton collisions) and for √sNN = 5 TeV (proton-lead collisions). Both the "van der Meer scan" and "beam-gas imaging" luminosity calibration methods were employed. It is observed that the beam density profile cannot always be described by a function that is factorizable in the two transverse coordinates. The introduction of a two-dimensional description of the beams improves significantly the consistency of the results. For proton-proton interactions at √s = 8 TeV a relative precision of the luminosity calibration of 1.47% is obtained using van der Meer scans and 1.43% using beam-gas imaging, resulting in a combined precision of 1.12%. Applying the calibration to the full data set determines the luminosity with a precision of 1.16%. This represents the most precise luminosity measurement achieved so far at a bunched-beam hadron collider

    Profiling the molecular destruction rates of temperature and humidity as well as the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation in the convective boundary layer

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    A simultaneous deployment of Doppler, temperature, and water-vapor lidars is able to provide profiles of molecular destruction rates and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation in the convective boundary layer (CBL). Horizontal wind profiles and profiles of vertical wind, temperature, and moisture fluctuations are combined, and transversal temporal autocovariance functions (ACFs) are determined for deriving the dissipation and molecular destruction rates. These are fundamental loss terms in the TKE as well as the potential temperature and mixing ratio variance equations. These ACFs are fitted to their theoretical shapes and coefficients in the inertial subrange. Error bars are estimated by a propagation of noise errors. Sophisticated analyses of the ACFs are performed in order to choose the correct range of lags of the fits for fitting their theoretical shapes in the inertial subrange as well as for minimizing systematic errors due to temporal and spatial averaging and micro- and mesoscale circulations. We demonstrate that we achieve very consistent results of the derived profiles of turbulent variables regardless of whether 1 or 10 s time resolutions are used. We also show that the temporal and spatial length scales of the fluctuations in vertical wind, moisture, and potential temperature are similar with a spatial integral scale of ≈160 m at least in the mixed layer (ML). The profiles of the molecular destruction rates show a maximum in the interfacial layer (IL) and reach values of ϵm≃7×10-4 g2 kg−2 s−1 for mixing ratio and ϵθ≃1.6×10-3 K2 s−1 for potential temperature. In contrast, the maximum of the TKE dissipation is reached in the ML and amounts to ≃10-2 m2 s−3. We also demonstrate that the vertical wind ACF coefficient kw∝w′2‾ and the TKE dissipation ϵ∝w′2‾3/2. For the molecular destruction rates, we show that ϵm∝m′2‾w′2‾1/2 and ϵθ∝θ′2‾w′2‾1/2. These equations can be used for parameterizations of ϵ, ϵm, and ϵθ. All noise error bars are derived by error propagation and are small enough to compare the results with previous observations and large-eddy simulations. The results agree well with previous observations but show more detailed structures in the IL. Consequently, the synergy resulting from this new combination of active remote sensors enables the profiling of turbulent variables such as integral scales, variances, TKE dissipation, and the molecular destruction rates as well as deriving relationships between them. The results can be used for the parameterization of turbulent variables, TKE budget analyses, and the verification of large-eddy simulations.</p