1,156 research outputs found

    The (restricted) Inomata-McKinley spinor representation and the underlying topology

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    The so called Inomata-McKinley spinors are a particular solution of the non-linear Heisenberg equation. In fact, free linear massive (or mass-less) Dirac fields are well known to be represented as a combination of Inomata-McKinley spinors. More recently, a subclass of Inomata-McKinley spinors were used to describe neutrino physics. In this paper we show that Dirac spinors undergoing this restricted Inomata-McKinley decomposition are necessarily of the first type, according to the Lounesto classification. Moreover, we also show that this type one subclass spinors has not an exotic counterpart. Finally, implications of these results are discussed, regarding the understanding of the spacetime background topology.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in EP

    Monstrous Liminality

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    This book examines the transformation of the figure of the stranger in the literature of the modern age in terms of liminality. As a ‘spectral monster’ that has a paradoxical and liminal relationship to both the sacred and the secular, the figure of the modern stranger has played a role in both adapting and shaping a culturally determined understanding of the self and the other. With the advent of modernity, the stranger, the monster, and the spectre became interconnected. Haunting the edges of reason while also being absorbed into ‘normal’ society, all three, together with the cyborg, manifest the vulnerability of an age that is fearful of the return of the repressed. Yet these figures can also become re-appropriated as positive symbols, able to navigate between the dangerous and chaotic elements that threaten society while serving as precarious and ironic symbols of hope or sustainability. The book shows the explanatory potential of focusing on the resacralizing – in a paradoxical and liminal manner – of traditionally sacred concepts such as ‘messianic’ time and the ‘utopian,’ and the conflicts that emerged as a result of secularized modernity’s denial of its own hybridization. This approach to modern literature shows how the modern stranger, a figure that is both paradoxically immersed and removed from society, deals with the dangers of failing to be re-assimilated into mainstream society and is caught in a fixed or permanent state of liminality, a state that can ultimately lead to boredom, alienation, nihilism, and failure. These ‘monstrous’ aspects of liminality can also be rewarding in that traversing difficult and paradoxical avenues they confront both traditional and contemporary viewpoints, enabling new and fresh perspectives suspended between imagination and reality, past and future, nature and artificial. In many ways, the modern stranger as a figure of literature and the cultural imagination has become more complicated and challenging in the (post)modern contemporary age, both clashing with and encompassing people who go beyond simply the psychological or even spiritual inability to blend in and out of society. However, while the stranger may be altering once again the defining or essentializing the figure could result in the creation of other sets of binaries, and thereby dissolve the purpose and productiveness of both strangeness and liminality. The intention of “Monstrous Liminality” is to trace the liminal sphere located between the secular and sacred that has characterized modernity itself. This space has consequently altered the makeup of the stranger from something external, into a figure far more liminal, which is forced to traverse this uncanny space in an attempt to find new meanings for an age that is struggling to maintain any

    Is The Sky Falling or Expanding? A Promising Turning Point in the Psychology of Creativity

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    Is the psychology of creativity in a state of crisis? In this commentary, I explore this question and argue that the field of creativity studies faces an important turning point, which signifies a promising expansion and maturity of the field. I then discuss, by way of example, how integrative models can serve as an important vehicle for moving the field forward. I close with a brief discussion of how integrative models allow creativity researchers to capitalize on opportunities presented by the expansive growth occurring in the psychology of [email protected] of Connecticut, USA1220621

    Monstrous Liminality

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    This book examines the transformation of the figure of the stranger in the literature of the modern age in terms of liminality. As a ‘spectral monster’ that has a paradoxical and liminal relationship to both the sacred and the secular, the figure of the modern stranger has played a role in both adapting and shaping a culturally determined understanding of the self and the other. With the advent of modernity, the stranger, the monster, and the spectre became interconnected. Haunting the edges of reason while also being absorbed into ‘normal’ society, all three, together with the cyborg, manifest the vulnerability of an age that is fearful of the return of the repressed. Yet these figures can also become re-appropriated as positive symbols, able to navigate between the dangerous and chaotic elements that threaten society while serving as precarious and ironic symbols of hope or sustainability. The book shows the explanatory potential of focusing on the resacralizing – in a paradoxical and liminal manner – of traditionally sacred concepts such as ‘messianic’ time and the ‘utopian,’ and the conflicts that emerged as a result of secularized modernity’s denial of its own hybridization. This approach to modern literature shows how the modern stranger, a figure that is both paradoxically immersed and removed from society, deals with the dangers of failing to be re-assimilated into mainstream society and is caught in a fixed or permanent state of liminality, a state that can ultimately lead to boredom, alienation, nihilism, and failure. These ‘monstrous’ aspects of liminality can also be rewarding in that traversing difficult and paradoxical avenues they confront both traditional and contemporary viewpoints, enabling new and fresh perspectives suspended between imagination and reality, past and future, nature and artificial. In many ways, the modern stranger as a figure of literature and the cultural imagination has become more complicated and challenging in the (post)modern contemporary age, both clashing with and encompassing people who go beyond simply the psychological or even spiritual inability to blend in and out of society. However, while the stranger may be altering once again the defining or essentializing the figure could result in the creation of other sets of binaries, and thereby dissolve the purpose and productiveness of both strangeness and liminality. The intention of “Monstrous Liminality” is to trace the liminal sphere located between the secular and sacred that has characterized modernity itself. This space has consequently altered the makeup of the stranger from something external, into a figure far more liminal, which is forced to traverse this uncanny space in an attempt to find new meanings for an age that is struggling to maintain any

    Incidentes y eventos adversos en usuarios de sonda enteral : alerta a partir de una cohorte

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    Introduction: few studies clearly describe incidents or adverse events that occur during the enteral nutrition process, which hinders the identification of critical points. Objective: to describe breaches of protocol, incidents and adverse events, during the period beginning with indications until the use of enteral feeding tube in an Emergency Department. Method: trained nurses prospectively monitored a cohort of adults in a Brazilian Emergency Department where use of enteral feeding tube was indicated and up to their use. The study sought to identify breaches of protocol, such as verbal orders to insert feeding tubes, or authorization of their use without X-rays to confirm the position of the feeding tubes. Incidents were characterized as events that could have caused harm to patients, while adverse events were those that did actually cause harm. The study was approved by the institution’s Research Ethics Committee. Results: in 150 feeding tube insertions, there were 169 breaches of protocol: verbal orders for feeding tube insertion (n = 59); no X-rays taken (n = 11); and no examination of the X-rays by physicians (n = 12). There were 30 incidents: unintentional removal of the feeding tube (n = 23); and administration of enteral nutrition after breach of preventive barriers. There was one adverse event: aspiration of enteral nutrition. Conclusion: there was a high frequency of breaches of safety protocols; many developed into incidents, and one resulted in an adverse event.Introducción: pocos estudios describen claramente los incidentes o eventos adversos que suceden durante el proceso de nutrición enteral, dificultando la identificación de puntos críticos. Objetivo: describir las rupturas de protocolo, los incidentes y los eventos adversos de la indicación para uso de sondas nasogástricas en un Servicio de Urgencias. Método: enfermeras capacitadas siguieron prospectivamente a una cohorte de adultos de un Servicio de Urgencias brasileño, con indicación de uso de sonda enteral. Se buscó identificar las rupturas de protocolo, descritas como: “orden verbal” para inserción de la sonda o para aprobar su uso; y no realización de radiografía confirmatoria del posicionamiento de la sonda. Los incidentes fueron considerados eventos que podrían haber provocado daños al paciente, mientras que los eventos adversos, como incidentes que efectivamente los provocaron. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la institución. Resultados: en 150 inserciones de sonda hubo 169 rupturas de protocolo: orden verbal para inserción de sonda (n = 59), no realización de radiografía (n = 11) y radiografía no evaluada por médico (n = 12). Ocurrieron 30 incidentes: retiro inadvertido de sonda (n = 23) y administración de dieta en vigencia de ruptura de barreras (n = 7). Hubo un evento adverso grave (aspiración de dieta). Conclusión: hubo elevada frecuencia de ruptura de protocolo de seguridad; muchas evolucionaron a incidentes y uno de ellos resultó evento adverso

    Das Zürcher Theater Spektakel 1980–2015. Der Mikrokosmos auf der Landiwiese

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    Wen es während der letzten zwei Augustwochen auf die Zürcher Landiwiese verschlägt, der betritt eine andere Welt: Riesige Zirkuszelte, kulinarische Düfte aus aller Welt, kleine und große Bühnen, Gaukler_innen und Straßenkünstler_innen und Jahr für Jahr verschiedene Installationen und Bauten empfangen die Besucher_innen des Zürcher Theater Spektakels. »Zürichs fünfte Jahreszeit« (Zürcher Theater Spektakel 1998) ist längst zur sich stets wandelnden und geliebten Tradition geworden. In der Festivalzeit erleben die einen außergewöhnliche Theatermomente, die anderen trinken im Zelt nebenan ihr Feierabendbier. Die Welt rückt für zwei Wochen ganz nahe zusammen – auf eine Wiese am Zürichsee.

    Ultrassonografia à beira do leito para localização da sonda nasoenteral: concordância entre enfermeiro e médico

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância entre enfermeiroe médico na determinação da localizaçãoda sonda enteral por ultrassonografia e descrever as dificuldades encontradas pelo enfermeiro na execução da técnica.Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em 2021, incluindo pacientes críticos após a inserção dasondaenteral, avaliados de modo independente por enfermeiro e médico, utilizando ultrassonografia à beira do leito. A sonda foi considerada adequadamente posicionada quando visualizada em posição infradiafragmática na topografia do estômago.Resultados: Nos 30 pares de avaliações houve concordância quase perfeita (k = 0,93; IC95%: 0,65 – 0,99). Em apenas um caso houve dúvida do enfermeiro sobre o posicionamento. As dificuldades relatadas foram:distensão abdominal (n=2), interposição de gás (n=3) e movimentação do paciente durante o exame (n=2).Conclusão: Um enfermeiro capacitadoobteve resultados semelhantes aos encontrados por um médico na identificação do posicionamento da sondaenteral por meio de ultrassonografia, sugerindo tratar-se de uma técnica reprodutível e segura. Palavras-chave: Intubação gastrointestinal. Ultrassonografia. Enfermagem. Unidades de terapia intensiva. Nutrição enteral